fAGE SIX Many Problems Before Japs Are Defeated (Continued From Page One) interesting description of the Jap anese soldier and his weapons, relat ing that the patience of the Jap sol dier in waitirj to shoot at a full view target was unbelievable. He stated that the Jap is a tough fighting man and that no one Should underesti mate his ability. Incidentally, Sgt. House was in a foxhole, on duty, on Okinawa when he was informed by phone that he was to return to the United States to become a part of a "small task force." Thinking he was being ribbed, the Sergeant said, he replied, "I'm too busy, I can't go back to the States now, then he hung up. Later the message was repeated and the Sergeant said it was almost too good to be true, as the thought fore most in the minds of the men out there is to get back home. Throughout the entire program the glaring fact that a huge job remains to be accomplished before the Jap-1 anese are finally defeated was evident! X- 1L - 1 ..L to me large numuer 01 nrwiujri p(, people attending the session. lo hasten the task of final victory. The meeting was divided into two parts and during the intermission the news group was the Army's guests at a K ration supper. Each person was served one of the meals the Army supplies soldiers for use in battle. . The rations were well boxed doubt few civilians would choose them for a steady diet. The break fast package contained a meat and egg mixture, biscuit, powdered coffee, fruit bar, a stick of chewing gum, three cigarettes and matches. The other boxes, for dinner and supper, differed only in the canned item, some had cheese and bacon and a change of drink. Instead of coffee it might be orangeade or lemonade, and instead of a fruit bar, the box had a chocolate bar or carmels. NEW BOOKS AT THE PERQUIMANS LIBRARY None Shall Know Albrand A. Woolcott Adams Shadows Under Stars Black Red Haired Lady Corbett Connie Mack , Lieb Up Front Mauldin led Leaf Maxwell Fnnrer Ynnr Aire Srpinerehn defeating Japan , Rnr(W nitv Stilwell the forces, both of the military andsjver BuckIes" Wadeleton the home front, must be kept at al)larl Tarn Wilson peak in order to break the logistic por juvenjea bottleneck and to bring about the f;uf t;trea, Rrindze .'Grocery Mouse Clymer i Very Good Neighbors Eberle Melindy's Medal Falkner Little Thunder Burrowes MALARIA 666 CHECKED IN 7 DAYS WITH LIQUID FOR MALARIAL SYMPTOMS TAKI ONLY A, OlSf CTED Leonard Winslow, Coast Guard Re i serve, of Norfolk, was the guest of i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Winslow, Tuesday. M. Fenced In-But Good You can solve your pasture problem, and stop worry ing about your stock breaking out of the field when on use our line of Electric Fence Chargers Wire Insulators Batteries Klips- Your stock will be fenced in erect the supplies. but good when you VK ALSO HAY K IN STOCK A GOOD SUPPLY OF FIELD FENCE AND STAPLES o HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" CHAPANOKE NEWS Mrs. Claude Fields of Hertford spent several days last week. " -with her sister, Mrs. Leroy Nixon and Mr. Nixon. ,:s Mrs. Alberto Hartasanchez and sons. Jim nue and Teco, and Curtis Wilson spent Friday in nortsmouth. Mrs. W. H. Elliott visited friends in Warrenton and Roanoke Rapids on Sunday. Joe McNider, a patient at Albe marle Hospital, is getting along nice ly after an operation. - Miss Susie Mae Wilson of Norfolk was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson, over the w eek-end. Mrs. Irma Dorsey is spending the week at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Olivet Brothers of near Elizabeth City visited her sister, Mrs. Otos Lane, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cary McNider of Newport News spent the week-ehd with his mother, Mrs. Joe McNider. Mrs. Sarah Hurdle and Mattie Hurdle spent Sunday with relatives at Winfall. C. P. Quincy spent Wednesday in Norfolk. Mrs. Till ie Russell visited friends at White Hat on Sunday. TSsrt. J. Wilbert New bold is spending a 30-day leave with his wife, after spending two years in the Philippines. Mrs. Roy Pierce, Mrs. Wallace Bright and Mrs. W. H. Elliott spent Monday afternoon in Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newbold of Portsmouth were the guests on Tues day of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newbold. PINEY WOODS NEWS Mrs. Hattie Jordan of Ryland, Mrs. Elizabteh Hitt 6f Richmond and Mrs. Louis Winslow and Lois Violet visited Mrs-. S. G. Chappell Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trivette of Dud ley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chappell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell Thursday. Mrs. Marvin Simpson reti!Td to Hertford Sunday after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Chappell and Janice and Carrol Chappell visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary A. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell and Thomas Chappell visited Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Martin at Rich Square Wednesday. Walton Chappell of West Chester, Pa., spent Wednesday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chap pell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Monds and Sybil visited Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jordan Sunday evening. Mrs. Harry Chappell is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKennis, at Catawba this week. Mrs. Ruth Chappell spent the week-end with Mrs. Ida White. w LYII)UIE :ttEWS, ' Miss Jean Chappell spent Friday at Nags Head. Mrs. Sallis Davis of Whiteston spent several deys last week as guest of Mr, and Mrs. S. M. Winslow. - ' . Miss Nofa Weston of Norfolk has returned home after spending two weeks as guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chappell and daughter, Carolee, of Wilmington, Del., are spending the week as guests of his father, E. X. Chappell. Mrs. H. P. White, Mrs. E. O. Cope- land and son, Raiford and Miss Jean Chappell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Warren of Elizabeth City Tuesday. Miss Willie Mae Chnppell, Misses Carolyn and Delma Ann Hurdle and Gerald Gregory, are attending the 4-H "Club camp at Jamestown. Va.. this week. Joe Sumner and Oliver White of Hertford visited Mr. and Mi's. S. M. Winslow Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamb of Phila delphia, Pa., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson this week. Miss Mildred Copeland of Wood land spent the week-end as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. C6peland. Pvt. Preston M. Copeland of Camp Lee, Va., and his wife of Newport News were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Copeland. Mrs. Dorothy Hobbs of Jackson was the week-end guest of her par ents, Mr!' and Mrs. W.JL. "White,', ,, The Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Millikan, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White are attend ing the Friend Yearly, Meeting at Guilford College this week. , , Leon. Lane, Willard Copeland and John Ward' are attending F. F. A. Camp at White Lake this week. Mrs. W. H. Young and son, Har mon, Jr., of Portsmouth were week end guests of he parents,, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Copeland. . ; Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Lamb and. son, of Suffolk, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson. Jesse Lane of Center ' Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E, S. White and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chappell and family were visitors in the home of E. L. Chappell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Chappell and children, Billy and Linda, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Winslow Sunday afternoon. WANTED TO HIRE Two clerks one with experience in dry goods and notions. Perma nent positions, if you can qualify. Apply at the office of J. C. Blanchard & Co. INCORPORATED Hertford, N. C. ftuy More1 War; Bonds WHIM . '. J . JiUhiJi).;fL.awJ:: 'irfls lis wMRf llfeJ diisf . -v.-r.i'.".1..' If functional periodic tilaturtonces y. makt you feel nervous, ttrsd, restless a-1 at such time try this great medicine LydU X. Plnkhsm's Vegetable Oom- ' pound to relieve such symptoms. Taken ; regularly it helps build up resistance 1 .' against such distress. Also s grand stomachic tonlo. Follow In be! directions. P.. j.- o 2K - . narrow e VIE To My Friends and Customers of Hertford, Perquimans County and The Surrounding Territory: After being engaged, for the past 28 years, in the millinery business in Hertford, I have sold my business and am now closing out my entire stock of Ladies' Hats. Since it is impossible for me personally, to see each and everyone of my friends and customers, both white and colored, I wirh to t' nct'iod in expressing my appreciation for your patronage during ail those years. I shall always cherish the friendships, cemented through our business relations, and the confidences you showed in my mil linery store. It has been a pleasure to serve you . . . with best wishes Mrs. Jake White HERTFORD, N. C. STATE Hertford, N. C. Today (Friday) Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. (LAI DETTE COLBERT SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "Since You Went Away" ! Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. CHARLES STARRETT "Sagebrush Heroes" 'Batman" No. 10 Sunday Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. JOEL McCREA and GAIL RL'SSELL "THE UNSEEN" Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M, Night 7 and 9 P. M. PAUL MUNI and MERLE OBERON "A SONG TO" REMEMBER" Wednesday Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M. DOUBLE FEATURE CUCUMBERS GROWING INTO MAJOR CROP The growing of cucumbers in this area is becoming a major project, ac cording to gome figures released to day by a representative of one of the companies operating in this county. Jake Mathews reported he closed out his season two weeks ago and handled approximately 48,000 bushels of cu cumbers, grown on 394 acres of land in four surrounding counties. He stated this acreage was an increase of 300 acres -over the previous year's crop. to 9 yOU We want to keep you happy because satisfied owners are our best boosters. We're trying our belt to give the finest service in town because we want your business now and after the war. Some days, our shop is less busy than other days; so, if you'll telephone us, we'll make a definite appointment for serv icing your car. Some fine day after the war "there'll be a new Ford in your fu ture." In the mean time, thanks for be ing patient. is -sr. Winslow-White Motor Company HERTFORD, N. BIRTHDAY DINNER The children of Mrs. C. H: Ward were joint hosts and hostesses to their mother at a surprise birthday dinner at Newbold Beach July 29. When Mrs. Ward reached the beach at twilight the family was assembled around the table loaded with a deli cious dinner centered by a huge cake decorated with lighted candles. The grandchildren were singing "Happy Birthday To You." Mrs. Ward re ceived many beautiful and useful gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ward, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ward, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Proctor and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Corprew, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Elliott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Long, Howard Ward and Nan Ward. First Feature PAT PARRISH JACKIE MORAN Second Feature NANCY KELLY WILLIAM GARGAN "Let's Go Steady" "Song of the Sarong" Thursday and FridayMatinee 3 P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M. BETTY GRABLE and DICK HAYMES "DIAMOND HORSESHOE" CIRCLE NO. 4 MEETS Circle No. 4 of the Baptist Church met Monday night at the church with Mrs. Mark Gregory presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn "Lead On Oh King Eternal." Prayer by Mrs. J. E. Everett. Mrs. Tom Mardre called the toll in the absence of the secretary, Miss Mamie Stallings. The Scripture les son was read by Mrs. Everett, and Mrs. Mardre offered a prayer. A solo "Jesus Will" was then sung by Mrs. Tom Mardre. - , Mrs. Marjorie White, a guest of the Circle, gave a very interesting talk on "The Margaret Fund." The meet ing was dismissed with a nrayer by Miw. Mark Gregory. " Summer Dresses FOR SATURDAY ONLY One-third, off on one rack of Ladies' Summer Dresses. Ev eryone of them is a value. f J f Ladies' Swim Suits Gay Swim Suit at one-third ofT Saturday only. You will love getting into one of these for those swim- sessions. Play Clothes Gay young Play Suits that sub for dresses on hot days. Marked down, to close out prices V 4 for Saturday. . j Ladies' 'Pocketbooks Fine qualityocketbooks re-; BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. W. G. Wright entertained, at a bridge 'party Saturday evening at her home on Front street Those en joying the evening were Mesdamea J. O. Roberson, Herman Winslow, 3 A S, Tick, v. N. Warden," B. Us Kiddick, Annie Robinson, B. G. Kctonce and Miss Kate Blanchard; High -score prise went to Mrs, Darden, low and guest prize was awarded Mrs. Robin son,, A sweet course , was served. . duced. event. XI, . -ft",.-' 60 or more for this, Y 1 ALL LADIES' Ato- CHILDREN'S SLACK . ,smTa GREATLY - REDUCED FOR - SATURDAY. r, 5 ONLY rliJ j j ' V ' Non-Rationed Shoes - Styles you will want for the Crest of the summer and fail. , " 4 f

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