V ' rt' j-1 ' ' ,4, 1. f t .4 1BE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, M. C. MttPAY, JUNE 14, 196. r J It PACE FOUR Perquimans Weekly Published every. Friday' by tha Perquimans 'Weekly., a partner ship, consisting of ' Joseph . G Campbell and Max K. Campbell,- of Hertford, N. C . - MAX CAMPBELL .Editor A X Carolina 4k IIS AlWCIATIoTjj)) Entered' as second class matter November 15, 1934, at postoffice at Hertford, North Carolina,' un der thft Act of March, 1879. ,T gUBSCRipTION EA'TES: . J) 0n ! Year --I-LM Cards - of thank?, ... obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates.' Advertising' rates furnished by request ' 1 FRIDAY. JUNE 14, 946. A WISE EVALUATION: What things were gain to me, those I coun ted loss for Christ. Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suf fered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win ChrisWPhil. 3:7-8. ; Patience Until The Harvest , "No bread" signs are now being added at times to the collection of noes' which have been greeting the public eye from food counters in the United States. Viewed in the true American spirit, they give cause not for grumbling but for gratitude gratitude because the shortage means that the Country is making a more intensive effort to fulfill its obliga tions to a starving world. Gratitude too, for the multitude of other coun ters filled with fresh fruits and vege tables and hearty edibles to which the housewife can turn. Any tendency to complaints should be stilled by contrasts. For the bread that might have furnished a minor part of a meal on the abundant side of the water may be supplying a whole day's food for a little family abroad. It is far better that there should be some temporarily empty bread' shelves in the United States than needless empty stomachs in Europe. In July, when distribution of the current American wheat crop has begun, the situation will ease so that there should be sufficient bread to go around for domestic consumption, al though the need for conservation will continue for many months. But the June lap in the race with famine must be run with patience and self denial. Every man, woman and sliilt 4on mnlra it n month at merCV by cheerfully observing wheatless days at home and cutting down res taurant waste by ordering unneces sary bread and rolls to be withheld. Christian Science Monitor Honor American Dead The largest American military cemetery in Europe is at Margraten, in The Netherlands, where 18,774 graves of 17,742 Americans who made the supreme sacrifice in the closing months of the war. On Memorial Day, an estimated 40,000 persons, mostly residents of the area, swarmed to the cemetery, where flowers were placed on every grave. Special services were held. The dispatch tells us that each of the graves has been adopted by a citizen of The Netherlands and the sponsor of the plan reports receiving three thousand more requests than there were graves. i The newspaper writer says that the demonstration was believed to be without parallel in a foreign coun try and was accepted generally by , the Netherlander as proof of their devotion to the men who lost their lives in liberating their country. Much the same type of ceremony held at various American mih- cemeteries in England and in France, where Americans who lost their lives in World War I and World War II were paid the homage that our war veterans receive in this country. Federation add the National GrangerThe other organi zations favored att ; interim commis sion; without -authority , to advise the United Nations farm group or simi lar bodies. " ' , . . . We are not familiar with the facts involved in the deliberations of the conference or of the, arguments ad vanced in the discussions, but the need for Something definite to assist no-rirnltiire. the world 'over, appears to be beyond any argument. Certain ly, if the Mi-mere; of the w6rld are tn hav favorable markets and the people of the world are to have lm nmrJ diets, there' must be some " ... u i i i : f way to coordinate me pruuutuuu food and its distribution throughout the world. 1 . Mildew, Threatens. Melon, Cuke Crops . Discovery of downey mildew, des tructive melon and cucumber disease, in Scotland County has been disclosed by l)v. U. K. Ellis, Experiment sta tion pathologist at State College, who declared that the r disease, appearing 11 days earlier than last year, con stitutes a serious threat to crops in the commercial cucumbercantaloupe areas. If damp weather conditions con tinue to favor the development of downey mildew during the next ao j.. n,. Kilia naid. " severe losses throughout the commercial growing areas will occur, lest worn: cunuuti ed by the college Experiment Station that, the disease can be ef- UllUvnio. . . fectively controlled by the frequent applications ol copper ousts. "First applications oi onwi be made when vines are aooui iv ni ches long, or earlier if the disease is already present in the vicinity, ana repeated at 10-day intervals tnrougn If rain oc- VUt uic 6v"'"0 ml ... . i curt during the 10-day waiting period between applications, dusting snouiu be repeated immediately." The nathnlotrist said that the des tructive mildew, which creates yellow spots on plant leaves and frequently strips vines of foliage, also attacks other cucurbits such as squash, pum pkin and watermelons. The fungus does not overwinter in North Carolina but does survive in Florida. It moves up the east coast during wet springs by means of windborne spores, its progress norm ward from the Gulf coast to New Knirland has been followed by crop observers for the past several years. Mid-May reports from boutn Caro lina had indicated that the disease was due for an early appearance in this state. ... . While in some years the mnaew is ientlv serious to warrant the expense of dusting with copper fun- Bowel Cleaning Power Of Inner Aid Medicine One man recently took INNER- AID three days and said afterward that he never would have beueveo ms body contained so much filthy hub- stance. He says his stomach, intes tines, bowels and whole system were so thoroughly cleansed that his con t tmt hea.Taphea came to an end. sev eral nimDly skin eruptions on his face dried nn overnight, and even -the rheumatic pains in his knee diaap roA At nrespnt he is an alto gether different man, feeling fine in every way. INJMrJK-AlD contains lc . vireni Uorha- thev cleanse howfila. clear B88 from stomach, act on 'sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserame peopie soon feel different all over. So don't go on r.et INNER-AID. Sold by all Drug Stores here in Perquimans fionntv. aav. ricMM- ta-. eirlv antwunnca .. thiai ceased.; lata of - Perquimans County, I bar -I-.taeir recovery, ah persons in- - w. 1 - . " -I - - . , T.i 1 . . year maices counter measures impera tin Tlr Fllio aaM ' - - " v ' 1 The Experiment Station ' now 'u malrinirK teats in -f. commercial crot areas with newer organic fungicides, .m 1 1 Off A yet untested in jtne neio, in an enort to uncover a more efficient control of the disease. .4 , ' Classified aiiil Legels FOR SALE 4,500 BUFF FACED brick. ' See W. F. sAinsley, Here ford, N. C. - junel4Ppd North Carolina, this k'V) notify rUI deb ted to said estate will pleas make VdWUB 'mvuii vwiwa igp..wf'l v- I y"" f j ,7. ... .i. :i , ,i was tary (VANTED-ALL PEOPLE SUFFER ino- from kidnev trouble or back ache to try KIDDO. 97 cents. Money back guarantee. Rober son's Drug Store, aug2pd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of George Wallace Hughes, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this i to notify all ; persons having claims against the estate of said deceasedrto exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 16th day of May, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of May, 1946. JULIA M. HUGHES, Administratrix of George Wallace Hughes. May24,31June7,14,21,28 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of A. N. Winstw, oe ftWt Trade Old Car i For New;. So Trades Old Feet For New A local man says his old car just wouldn't run anymore, and he could not buy a new one. His feet sweat, burned and ached so bad he couldn t walk verv far. hut after several mas sages with PED-EX he now feels as though hehad a new pair of teet, and really enjoys walking for the irst time in years. No more worrying about the odor of his sweaty, burning, aching feet. In fact the entire family from baby up uses PED-EX ointment. PED-EX is made from essential oils designed for foot sufferers. It is greaseless and stainless. It gives quick relief to sunburn, bruises, dia per rash and tired, aching, burning or itching feet. PED-EX is sold by all drug stores here in Perquimans Coun ty in nrofessional size only. adv smsm Don't Nezlect Them! Natura dMignad th Hdneyi to do mrvtous lob. Tbair talk im to Iraap tha Dowlas Mood atraam liaa ol aaanaM ol toils imparl tiea. Tha sot of Urtof lift itMlf oaataatljr produdnt waata mattar thaUdaayi Boat mow Iron tba blood II toad haath ta to aodura. Waaa tba kMaaya (ail to Inaction aa Natwa intandad. tbara la rataaUoa ot waata tba aur eaoaa body-wld dla traaa. Ona aaay aoHar nafaiaf baekaeba, pafalataat baadacba,attaotdiaalMa, gattiag a alfaU, w.IUbi, pafflnaM te tba ayw laal tind. aarroua, all ra aoawtiaMa farther avidaaoa ol kid o7 ot bladder dirturbaaea. tba lacofnlaad aad ajopar troMawat k a dioiatle madidna to balp thy kidnaya nt rid ol txemt potooaoaa body waata. Tjm Dn't PilU. They bava had mora than forty man ol puaue approval, aiw taa w aMBtr ovar. Dona'a. Sold at all dru rtorea. atatn ;nf i aaid deceased, ito . exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N; C. on or before the 6 day of May, 1947 or this notice will be pleaded in 1 T Na. IiiiWi wSiaryl M, Ma aad Hdtfiii Hawdy at ttllffC VAIUI .CcbarH3xlpHafl-J .CoafiAnat-lAshlsOaas SoaaUeSccimTypMWbsBtadk AttraottTc, Dwialtb Cbiisii rtaltk. Send Mon,T Order or dec Jthat msvtog COJX Chngfi4 Katl SALES COHPAHY 534 Pittsburgh Life Bldg. Dept. H4 Pittsburgh 22, Pa. emus 6 Fcv:n nnnmfaunuv iVWUU.'lw iiairo'; "cyu !., ..,,1. World Farm Program Representatives of thirty-one na tions have agreed upon a constitu tion for the International Federation of Aoricultural Procurers' althnno-h it should be noted that three of the four United States farm organiza tions represented at the conference opposed immediate organisation. Tha nurnose f tha omnieatlon ft to create; world pressure to gain for farmers assured prices and markets and for all people an improved nu tritional diet Eventually, they hope tor have national surpluses treated as world assets, saying that the alter natives are high-price , dumping on the world, with price warfare, or k) return to pre-war commodity agree ments that oWere international res trictive cartels. " t(We note that the National Far men Union of America, was the on iv IT. S. farm rrouD to supnort im- rr,t,ie or""'!'"';ion, which was op- COMPLETE CAR SERVICE Your autonvobfle Is an important veti&e these days and it must be looked after and , properly serviced to keep', it running " "t ' ' ; ' 4 .t.T.. V..iA anif v ;. i trim ' VMmnltM i t 'S smoothly and efficiently. Bring us your ,car for comple Iservicp, washing, greasing, tire repairs, and battery charging J' ''y . iliir Sprvir mon kmin hniW.J;';;-,.,; .w lllf.-JS '1 t - J 15 1' it t 't', ' GOODYEAR and V.i. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES TAYLOR THEATRE EDEXTON, NORTH CAROLINA We H)ve the Shows , Today (Thursday) and Friday, June 13-14 Juhe Allyson and Katherine Grayson in 'TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" Saturday, June 15 Charles Starred and Smiley Burnette in "ROARING RANGERS" Sunday, June 16 Gary Cooper and Loretta Young in "ALONG CAME JONES" Monday-Tuesday, June 17-18 Dick Haymes, Maureen O'Hara and Harry James in - "DO YOU LOVE MET" Wednesday, June 19 Double Feature The Bowery Boys in "FAST COMPANY" also John Loder in "A GAME OF DEATH" Coming June 20-21 i "NIGHT IN PARADISE" t ' Thi fidaV Mav. 194B - c, c. .j...xqw; I f d tmir, ' s f A- TJ rWlnatnwi May,iQ,,,8lVJul4::i ATHLETES' BXJOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR . H not pleased35cJbaTat any drug store.- ic-v-a eiiwjcivi iun gicide, 'contains ;V$W;f alcohol. IT PFNRTRATES:ivJ 'Reaches MORE It' i' .4 III a rt,,vIi, : a:...wL iisis, i.JKms TMa waaSarM, MI 1-var liwalawal t t la watk haawaMtatr aaaaHf brinaine ayaip. , : taawlla nHaf whla a faw W aibiutaa. Why canHaaa ta hHm whan nUM M aa iiyr aaf UMin f qaurs toaay an ma , akara aacaadKiaaal aaaraataa of ralkf mt vnr 'tHOny bock. Tok t lirct4 germs to KILL the itch.- " ROBERSON'S J)RUG STORE . .;Hertford,s:N,i;ii NOTICE OeDHJWENT TAX SALE TOWN OF HERTFORD Sale of Town property for delinquent taxes for year IQ45- Date of sale, Monday, July 8, 1946, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door, Hertford, North Carolina. . . W. G. NEWBY CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR, TOWN OF HERTFORD White Delinquent Taxes For 1945 Tax Penalty Bateman; Raymond, Church Street $32.83 $1.31 Belch, Henry, Edenton Road Street 9J5 .37 Lane, Kermit, Edenton Road Street 0.85 .83 Ward, Mrs. R. F., Railroad Avenue 8.25 .33 Lane, J. D., Railroad Avenue I 10.18 .41 Colored Delinquent laxes t or 1945 Costs .95 ,95 .95 .95 .95 Bemhery, Moses, Edenton Road Street $ 4.54 Brothers, Percy, I. Barnes Lot -r 6.05 WViifii'a TafiftA fi UllVIUIUUDl aWa.B " Cofleld, Ollie, Cox Avenue 6.39 Dail, Elverd Estate, Covert Garden 1 1.24 Davenport, George, White's Lane 7.16 Douglas, Louisa Heirs, Grubb Street 4.13 Elliott, Arthur, King Street , 5.78 Evans, Sarah, King Street 1.65 Everette, Mamie. King Street 4-13 Felton, George, King Street ' 1.45 Felton, W. J. Estate, Market Street 30.61 Felton, Elec, King Street 2.68 Felton, William Henry, King Street 6.35 Felton, John H., Market Street 11.11 EV1f. WilmM Vinr Kroot 7.70 w.wia, it ...t.w. j U.11. uv.wuv Ganderson, James and Wife, Covert Garden 6.16 Hasseli, iiaroy u., Market street a.w Hinton, Lee, King Street 7.70 Hoffler, William, King Street 18.23 Holly, Alpine, King Street , 8.25 James, George Jr., Dobb Street 10.59 Judkins, Josephine, Dobb Street 5.78 First Progressive Knights 2.48 Newby, Dewey, King Street 21.12 Overton, A. M., Grubb Street 9.35 Reed, George N., King Street 19.64 Reed, Miles, Dobb Street U-83 Riddick, John, Edenton Road Street 13.15 Shambry, Annie, Covert Garden 3.60 Skinner, John H., Railroad Avenue 4.95 Skinner, Raleigh, Edenton Road Street 2.62 Skinner, William E King Street 6.33 Skinner, Willia, King Street 1 6.61 Sutton, B. J.," Edenton Road and Dobb 15.40 Walker, Mary, Market Street r 3.30 Waters, Harriet Estate, Market $treet ' 4.95 Whit Willi Fate.. Covert. Garden 8.82 .18 .24 .26 .26 .05 .29 .17 .23 .06 .16 .06 1.22 .10 .25 .45 .31 .25 .13 .31 .73 .33 .42 .23 .10 .84 .36 .79 .47 .53 .14 .19 .10 .25 .26 .62 .13 .96 .95 .95 .95 .95 .96 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .96 .95 .96 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .96 .96 .96 It 9 tra 'SfyStJfSftffXffJTfrKitS TjTXTJIWVWWwjaa;,aall 1 u ToUil $35.09 10.47 22.63 9.63 11.64 $ 5.57 7.24 7.81 7.60 2.24 8.39 5.25 6.96 2.66 5.24 2.46 32.78 3.73 7.55 12.61 8.96 7.86 4.38 8.96 19.91 9.53 11.96 6.96 3.53 22.91 10.66 21.38 13.25 14.63 .4.69 6.09 8.67 7.53 7.72 16.97 4.38 6.09 10.12 Wow you can enjoy...i your Mr.. .the amooth, urging power that aviation gasoline five to war planet, for new Sinclair Gasoline k Power Packed with 100-Octane component. Yet, the tame 100-Octane component! ai were used Jo making the world's mct powerful gaa .linc for war, planet are now blended into new Sinclair-Gasoline for your car. That'i why we believe you'll nndiSuKlairGaiolinethernoM ' ' . - . Powe-Packio gatolinc you have ever used. AaV your Sinclair Dealer Jy for a tankful ol tttw Sinclair "H-C or ntm Sinclair Ethyl Gaso line. See for yourself how in quicker-Marting, hlgheroctane, Powm-Packed performance make can fairly fly. , ; . v . J',",'. :"' i i . t ' , JTVy'a ' -T.a .Mta ' -V ' . . , ' 'prhni?n nnn"ri -f?; fihrai: -: v, i"- -: : ' i " ', ; ' 1 " ' L : " i .-S V ' - "oral Cc-"-"-" f : , 1