3 r If ' , ,i , a i j f " 1 X (r , 1 1 ii' I 1 ( i it a t . if I, .'. , WEEKLY tv ,V4 l.ri'JMUV--- Will" I'.U" ,Y 1IETCPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Hertford, Perquimans County, North barolina. Friday, January 31, 19477 V Volume XIV. Number 5. nSi.bU i-'er Year. OUIMANS v .1 V Yeas On Rosds For Dsstroying Property Nineteen Cases Heard By Recorder Judge on Tuesday 7 Perquimans County Recorder's Court had its busiest day in months Tuesday when nineteen cases were disposed of in a day long session. Cletus Saunders, a prisoner of the county awaiting trial at the April term of Superior Court, was given a two-year road sentence on a charge .of destroying property. The charge was brought after Saunders had broken the. cot in his cell and at tempted to break jail last Thursday. In his attempted jail break Saunders attacked Police Officer R. A. White, but was subdued by Mr. White before he could make his get-away. Charges of secret assault and attempting to break jail are pending against Saund ers and these will be heart by Su perior Court. Other cases disposed of included those of Fred L. Sawyer, who paid a fine of $10 and costs on a charge of speeding. James Hopkins was taxed with the costs of court for driving with in sufficient brakes. Joseph Zerrella was fined $10 and costs on a charge of speeding. Frank Luck, Jr., -entered a plea of guilty to a charge of speeding and paid a fine of $10 and court costs. Charlie Williams, Negro, was or dered to pay the costs of court on a charge of failure to dim headlights to oncoming cars. Joseph .'Keller was assessed the court costs on a charge of speeding. Henry Bhim was fined $10 and costs of court for speeding. ' Joyc Wiggins was orddredjo pay ' the ebrirt: fcoeti for speeding. to a charge of speeding and paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. Probable cause was found in the case of Raymond Bateman, charged with assault with intent to kill. A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case charging Lee Stepney and Clarence Hudson, Negroes, with larceny. Sidney Altnue paid a fine of $10 and costs after pleading guilty to a charge of speeding. Russell Winslow, Negro,, was fined $100 and costs of court after being found guilty of using illegally a driv er's license, driving with insufficient brakes and speeding. Herman "Winslow, Negro,-was fined $50 and costs for permitting his op erator's license to be used illegally. Milton Perry, Negro, was taxed with the costs of court on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. .James Green, Negro, was given a 60-day road sentence, suspended upon payment of a fine of $50 and costs, after being found guilty of larceny. ' Adam Clark, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to being drunk and disor derly and paid the costs of court. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES :., An effort ori the part of! certain in terests to scrap the OPA sugar con- A .J".Gpptr, Nem wrtf ordered Mv-i' eriorCouty Rafter Judjrff ,Charts - AXfck , (1 charge -oT assault with intent to kill. AIIHI III r IIIIIII V 4 ' . 1 Harry -Peters, Jr.. pleaded guilty I WllUI II I I I Mllll l . trol formula was (. halted by a U. S. L iV,' Court of Appeals on' Tuesday, when iti, the. Court ruled out an injunction that y would half OPA from limiting indus- trial .users of sugar to amounts set svl !. up under the war-time formula. Fur- ther hearings on tKe proposals have ..been, se f or .February Vtifc 'v,,;; J,-.- , , ' Republican leaders ' in Congress fl-lWWr hii. week that promises for ducrtipnV tn'.;taxer'nd ; slicing of. : ov- ernment budget would be kept ,How '1 :.j";,ever thel tax cut might no be as great ; nss the twenty per cent; originally ' promised. Congress has moved Wow J'; ly , in the work of adopting the bud . ' get as well as on legislation regard ing labor. It is reported by .many ; Washington observers that this care- . f ul handling of . fiscal f ad domestic f problems will continue on the part of i both Democratic and Republican Con V grcssional leaders; s, ; V A A bill was introduced In the State e this week calling ;f or revise t of the drunken driving penalty, r tlie new bill a' person convict cf drivir-! drunk would be liable a fine of not less than $200 and i !' 'ense would be revoked for two i. For second ' offense the bill ' " i for a penalty of 80 days to I i in J-'l r-i fine of $200 to i ' s wo'-!i Is revok- Box Supper Held By . 4-H Boys And Girls The 4-H County Council sponsored a box supper at the High School Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Ap proximately sixty 4-H boys and girls from the sixth through the ninth grades attended. All schools in the county were represented. Following the supper a recreation period was conducted by Miss Hazel Shaw, assistant home demonstration agent, Miss Frances M.aness, Per quimans County home demonstration agent, and I. C. Yagel, assistant farm agent. Proceeds from the supper go to the county 4-H Club treasury. Boxes were auctioned by F. T. Mathews. ' For 86 Farmers During 1946 the Albemarle Soil Conservation District helped 86 far mers prepare conservation plans. These plans were made on a total of 8,959 acres of farm land. Conser vation farmers improved or rebuilt drainage systems on approximately 1200 acres and seeded i7 acres of temporary and permanent pasture. The District held two demonstrations to show ditch construction with dyna mite. One field tour was made to a Soil Conservation District in Vir ginia to observe ditching with con struction machinery. Many other conservmion practices were established by farmers in Per quimans County who worked with the District. This District is composed of Chow an, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck Counties. A. T. Lane of. Perquynans County is Chairman of the Board of Supprvisors of the Station Robbery Thieves broke into the service sta tion owned by Cecil Sawyer, located on Route 17 sometime between the hours of 10 o'clock Saturday night and five a. m. Sunday morning, and looted the store of some fifty to sixty dollars' worth of merchandise, accord ing to Sheriff M. G. Owens, who is investigating the theft. According to Sheriff Owens, the thief or thieves used a flat instru ment to pry open a door of the sta tion to gain entry. The breakin was discovered by Jeff Pierce. Mr. Sawyer1 stated he did not know definitely the total loss for in ad dition to merchandise taken, the pumps of the gasoline tank had been broken and it was believed a quan tity of gas was also .stolen by the robbers. Only minor clues were discovered by the Sheriff during his preliminary investigation, but Mr. Owens stated Ke is continuing the probe of the rob bery on these clues. Indians Lose; Squaws Win Over Wfeeksville Perquimans; High School divided a twin basketball bill with Weeks ville last Friday, night when the In dian Squaws won a two point victory from the Weeksville girls and the Indians lost a four point decision to the Weeksville boys. . Both games, played on the local court, were nip and tuck from the opening whistle to the closing seconds. The Squaws opened the preliminary game by jumping into a 7-6 lead dur ing, the first quarter and maintaining this lead 13-10 at half time. They gained, ah additional one point ad vantage during the third quarter and were" ahead 22-18 at the beginning of the final canto. Weeksville out scored the Squaws 12-10 during this period but the Perquimans lead was sufficient to assure victory. In the boys game the Indians trail ed the Weeksville basketeert through out the. entire game but spurted dur ing the last quarter into what ap peared to be a winning drive but time ran :out before the Indians caught the much improved Weeksville outfit Weeksville held an 8-3 lead at the close of the, first: period but the' In dians cut .this to: a three' point ad vantage in the second quarter and trailed by only three points at half time v During the third period the Indians folded- and 'permitted Weeks ville. to rack up ten points while they collected only five. : -The Indians' out shot the visitors iri the final period 13-9 but failed in the' final minutes tot overtake ; the - Weeksville .lead. The final score was 88-32 bit favor of V.'e ' sville. . HD Clubs Adopt Goal To Promote Better Health Program Committee Named to Lead National Home Week Program Mrs. J. D. Stott was the guest speaker at the January meeting of the County Council of Home Demon stration Clubs held Thursday, Janu ary 2;. Mrs. Stott, formerly a resi dent of Japan for a number of years, gave an interesting account of ex periences she underwent while living in that country. With good health foremost in the minds of the people of North Caro lina, the Home Demonstration Clubs are cooperating in all efforts to pro mote better health for the State. The following goals have been adopted as the clubs' good health program: To have every club family produce, store and conserve an adequate food sup ply fo'y the year; planning and serv ing better prepared and more appe tizing meals; 74 per cent of club families to make and fill a canning budget; all members practice improv ing health habits; improving poultry feeding, housing and sanitation; 1.'! result demonstrations in gardening; cooperate with Health Department on program; all 4-H members t be ex amined by nurse; Ki Home Demon stration families installing water sys tems and all homes with screens. Plans were made at the County Council meeting for the observance of National Home Demonstration Week, May 5-H.l and the following club members were appoint. ! to com plete plans: Mrs. J. I!. f!asn'j;ht, food and nutrition project leader; Mrs. H. S. Lane, home garden pro ject leader; Mrs. Milton Dail, poultry project leader; Mrs. 0rl Godwin, dairy project leader; Mrs. Pailen Lane, food preservation leader: Airs. M. T. GrifTin, health chairman; Mrs. T. E. Madre, home beaut ill "1-:on ; Mrs. C. P. Quincy, clothes project leaded, and Mrs. C. W. Reed, educa tion chairman. Mrs. M. T. Grillin, county health chairman, gave an interesting report on the Infantile Paralysis Foundation. I She urged all club members to run i tribute toward this woitl.v caUM Miss Helen Winslow Weds Robert Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Karl W'inslo v of liel videre announce the marriaire of their daughter, Helen Catherine, to Robert Hewitt, son of, Mr. and Mrs R. C. Hewitt of Elizabeth City, Route 3. The ceremony, marked by quiet ness and simplicity, was performed at the Methodist parsonage of Hert ford, Saturday afternoon, January 25, at 5 o'clock by the Rev. II. C. Reavis. The bride was attired in a slate blue gabardine suit with matching plumed hat and black accessories. Her corsage tvas of white carnatiors with baby's breath and fern. She had as her maid of honor her sister. Miss Lina Winslow. Her dress was of gray gabardine with nail head trim. Her corsage consisted of sal mon pink gladioli and fern. The groom had as his best man his brother, Charlie Hewitt of Elizabeth City. Route 3. Other members of the wedding party were Mrs. Charlie Hewitt, Miss Myrtle Winslow, Murray Dail and Eugene Winslow. Immediately following the cere mony the bridal couple left by motor for. Florida. Upon their return they will, make their home at Elizabeth City, Route 3, where the groom is engaged m farming. John IT. Harrell Dies Suddenly At Edenton John H. Harrell, 68, of Cnowan County, brother of Mrs. Charles John son and Mrg. Olivia Hobbs, died sud denly at his home Monday afternoon of a heart attack. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 3 q'clock at the home wfth W. J. Berryman offici ating, assisted by the ' Rev. ' W. C. Francis. Interment was in Beaver Bill Cemetery in Edenton. Trueblood To Head New Traffic Agency s Capf Norman N. Trueblood, on terminal leavn from the U. S. Army, has been named ito head a newly es tabtfuhed traffic agency for the Nor folk Southern Railway Company. The offica is . to be located in Eliiabeth u Prior to' hii tatry.into the ntly, Mr. Trueblood wat agent for th com- pany in Hertford. , t V ','yAfi' " Indians And Squaws Divide Double Bill With Columbia High Local Teams to Play Gatesville N e 1 1 e r s Here Tonight Per(uimans High School basketball teams divided a doubleheader with the Columbia High School Tuesday night when the Indian Squaws won a 28-24 thriller from the Columbia girls and the .Indians lost to the Wildcats by a 45 o2 margin. The games were played on the Columbia court. Both games were interesting and the outcome was in doubt until the fina) quarter of each game. The Co lumbia girls jumped into a .slight lead during the first quarter of the preliminary game and held a f-4 lead. The Squaws came back strong in the second canto and racked up eighjt points to lead 12-11 at half time. The Squaws added eleven more points to their . total in the third period, while holding Columbia to six points and were ahead 2.'1-17 at the beginning of the final quarter. Co lumbia outscored the Squaws in this per)d 7-5, but were unable to over come the Perquimans lead gained in the third period. The final score wa 28-2-1 for Perquimans. The boys' game opened fasi will both team- playing carefully and it was nip and luck throughout the first period. Perquimans scored first to hold the lead for seconds but Colum bia then took the lead and it was a see-saw battle through the quarter with first one team, 'hen the other holding the lead. Columbia finally ; gained a l-'!-! advantage at the close i of the period. Columbia racked up I 11 -Joints during the second period andpheM t 'rqtiint:' ns to eight and en joyed a - -von point lead at half time, j Th4 Wildcats increased this margin by" wo p. lints during the third period' arify'li -M a nine p :nt 31-22 Io.-mI ;it , thi. I1' ' j-irng of t'v f '.a' ' .' .srter. TrtfAliiuiaii-. rallied at the In gini'ii'g , of tbe t'oiTth period and Hosed the gap to six poin's hut the Wildcats' then turned on a shooting spree and roiled in l-l points for the period while Perquimans collected t n ami I Cn- game ended with a I'.ial .-''"re of, i-.--':2 ,'nr 'ohinihia ; Th Indians and Squaws w'H play a return g;: ' e with Gatesville High Si 'i-iol i n 1 1 e local i rt I'l iila ; night. The fust . . . .... h: t 7:::n. I Water Specialist Checks Town Supply !!. VV. Lutl"r. water specialist and chemist for Klizabeth City completed a check of the water supply for the Town of Hertford last I riday, ac cording to Mayor V. N. Harden, who stated the specialist leported the lo cal supply satisfactory in every de tail. Ttie specialist not only checked the water ln.t also the water plant and its machinery and approved the plant along v. it li th 'supply. Reports, wholly unfounded based upon the specialist's report, had cir culated last week that the local water s ipply was causing an illness among the residents of the tow n. According to Mayor Harden, Mr. Luther report 'd there was no for"ign substance whatever in the water to cause an epidemic of any type. Perquimans To Join Athletic Conference K. C. Woodard, principal of Per quimans High School, today an nounced the school has been elected to membership in the Albemarle Hih School Athletic Association and will participate in baseball and foot ball with the other members of th conference. The membership includes, Colum bia, Plymouth, Scotland Neck, Wind sor, Robersonville and Williamston. Rules adopted by the association are similar to those of the State Asso ciation. . The baseball schedule as announc ed by the secretary of the confer ence call for the opening game to be played on April 1, with Columbia playing, at Hertford. Each team will play twp conference games with the remaining members for the cham pionship of tl conference. The footbalf achedule, also releas ed by the Secretary, lists the Indians playing. a Scotland Neck, Windsor, Plymouth and .Williamston, with Ahoskie and Columbia playing at Hertford. MASONS MEET TUESDAY Perquimans tbdge, No, 106; A. F. At A M., will meet Tuuiday night , Local Farm Values Show Good Increase Farm values in Perquimans County increased almost a million dollars during the past five years and farm products increased more than a mil lion and half dollars, during the same period, according to a report released recently by the census 'bureau in Washington. According to this report farm val ues jumped from $.'1,411,501 to $4, 2G4,900 and value of products jump ed from $1,139,181 to $2,859,598. Dill Before House Would Permit Town To Lease Property A bill, introduced in the General'3 or (m'r- who df,sired, would be Assembly last Friday bv Represen- j KV,'n X ra-V laminations, tative E. Leigh Winslow) will grant The function of the Health De authority to the Town of Hertford j partment, Dr. Mitchell told the Ro to privately lease property held by ! tarians, is preventive medicine; that it for public use, it. was pointed out j the department treated only venereal ties week by the Institute of Govern- I disease and gave immunization for ment. The' hill was introduced specifically to permit the Town of Hertford to lease to the Hertford Locker and Packing Company the town-owned and operated cold storage room, for use in connection with the new freez-' er locker plant now being constructed lure. The terms and conditions of the lease would be agreed upon by the town commissioners. j I he Lockei ( onipany is construct -j mg its freezer locker building on i property adjoining ;!ie tow n proper! ; i and by obtaining a lease on the co!o ' storage room w ill have greater fa : ilities for sirving the patrons of tin freezer locker company. Accordm;; jto reports the locker company v ill l maintain tin cold storage room in a first class condition and assume aP u'osu pertaining thereto, in addition I to pin ing ;. yarly sum for the I ;e. Dog Loses Life In Fire; Saves Family A small puppy owned by the Paih Lane fainiU valicnlly ga in order 'o save the lives o ers when the ho. if Mr Lane burm d to the groin night of January 22. Tl trapped in an upstairs h, his am! d ,o Jii aw ak he; .- i- d iks !n- family nil enabl h h. .M: Lane to i son and 1 l.i.c.ed th: Mrs. La .i ue 1 heir t w . nighicr, vii h i ;'h the night . who w a s 'h I room on the lir; st l.f the d"g . :u diati i was awakened by smelling smoke she ed to her husband their children and Hie inn; and l'usl they n led fro: I in blazing house. The fire had gained such lioad a by the time the family was arou.-od only a few items of kitchen fuini; :ri was saved by the family and m -'i hors who ai rived to help cohihat the 'ire. A later search for the pupp. .: of no avail, it had perished in ' h fire. The bla-'.e vvas discovered at a!- .! o'clock and had gained hu r. headway efforts to extinguish fin lire were futile, however, the lla n-s were controlled and outbuildings v. re saved. Chappell Services Held Last Thursday Funeral services were conduc 'ed last Thursday afternoon at .'L.'tn o'clock at Piney Woods Church for Watson C. Chappell, 69, of near liel videre, who died in a Norfolk hos pital last Wednesday. The Ki v. Claude Bullock officiated and was as sisted by the Kev. Mrs. Fernando White and the Rev. K. M. Walker. The church choir sang Abide With Me, Will the Circle be Unbroken and Kneel at the Cross. Pallbearers were Joe Lamb, Fred Smith, Robert Hendren, Herbert Chappell, Adrian and Charles Smith, all nephews of Mr. Chappell. Burial followed in the family plot near, Belvidere. Survivors include three sons, Eu gene of Hampton, Va. and Alphonzo and Edgar Chappell of Belvidere; one daughter, Mrs. H. P. Green of Gates county, one brother, W. R. Chappell and one sister, Mrs. Benja min Winslow, nine grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. ACCEPTS POSITION WITH STATE BAPTIST CONVENTION Miss Bertha Mae White has return ed to Wake Forest after spending a week with her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. C. O. White. She has completed her studies at Wake Forest and has ac cepted a position with the StaU Bap tist Convention. , - , , fr 1 k ir . p , m " l-i V r - Jt i" Health Department Plans TB Clinic For County This Year Program Outlined to Rotary Members at Club Meeting A tuberculosis clinic for Per quimans County is being planned by the Pasquotank-Perquimans - Camden Health Department, it was revealed here Tuesday night by Dr. Z. P. Mit chell, District Health Officer, who was guest speaker at a meeting of the Hertford Rotary Club. Dr. Mitchell stated that the clinic would be planned for some time next summer and all persons 14 years of otlvr coniinunicalile diseases such as d'phfheria, smallpox and typhoid. He add''d that he knew of no county or city in the State that had abandon ed a health department once such a prog'ani had lie.-n ore a nixed in the co 1 1 1 1 u ' I '1 v. The control of communicable d is ea.-e w.-e- une of the main programs carried on h the department and t ll is done through education and im munizations. I'ui'i.ig 191i there wen f lie cases of dmhtheria in this dis t . i en-, of a i ' t f -v -r and no ; s 'co-. ii (I o : ph.it). Six thou simI . acc:n:ii io' .-ere given by the local department, three thousand t" residents of Perquimans County. In disc issii g :hc planned Tl! cliirc hr Mitch II poin'i d i. i: that tubtvu losis had been gn-a'ly red iced tin last rati ars and ItMli thi fi- fr TP for Pen. r of Inn. ihiii ( 'oil II was 51 State rate each 1011. ooi was listed per ns. f tin it was and Ae.ot ment 's is selli checkei During had be of till r par: Ji o'.M a" II- alti. Dir r I P ot a ! i i ji X l ha! I L I .-.PI.. I . ,1 for good I.. Civic Cluhs Raise $2301 For II. S. Band K. !!! on the par! of : nbers of the Hertford Rotary and Lions Cluli- to raise, $:.r( for the purpose of fu!K en. lipping the r.-rquimans High S In.ol band with in-lrumeiits, uniforms and music is iii.' king head way according to VV. 11. 1'itt and A. II. Kdward.-,. representing the two A total of sti.'ail has been received - into the fend according to ti report made this .uvk. This t was raised through on:' u! s and the special d i coudiict.il by the Lions. The co emitter directing this drive state it is their aim to continue ef ; forts to raise the entire amount originally estimated as needed to equip the band fully, i Reorganized only last year, the iband has gained considerable recog nition throughout the eastern part of the State as one of the best high S"hoo hands for its size to be found : anvw here. Bishop Wright To Preach Here Sunday The Right Rev. Thomas Wright, H. D., Bishop of this diocese will de liver the sermon at the evening ser vices at Holy Trinity Church Sunday February 2, at eight o'clock, the Rev. E. T. Jilson, rector of the church an nounced today. Holy Communion will be celebrated at eleven o'clock Sunday morning with the rector officiating. The public is cordially invited to attend all services. Special Agent Makes Report On Cotton Willie M. Harrell, special agent, this week reported that 875 bales of cotton were ginned in Perquimans County from the 194G crop, prior to January 16. This was compared with 1,640 bales ; ginned from the 1946 crop for the same period of time. i (V'jii ,;v, . ,i f r 1 it v.'

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