o - ' .It r, ' 1 a&IDAY, FEBRUARY 21, '1947, THE VgRQUIMANS WEKKL HERTFORD. K, KAGE SEVEN so;;day school 'ferlESSOii I ( f ' slogy of tie Good Shepherd In an ef fort to distinguish between such hypo critical religion and true wfaith in (,od which he wanted to Instill into nrrt. true'nore' radiant life is" religious ; whatever dwarfs, retards, or pollutes life is irreligious."- With him religion did not consist in a few acts, such as prayer, wor- In picturing an eastern sheepfold, I ship, and solemn ritual words, but in s u THE GOOD SHEPHERD International Sunday School Lesson ' i tat February 2S. 1947 . Memory Selection: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep." John 10:11. ies8on Text: John 10:7-18. I'The words of our lesson were Spoken by Jesus in Jerusalem while he was attending the Feast of the Dedication. It was immediately fol lowing the event of the healing of the man born blind, who was shortly Afterwards excommunicated by the Jewish religious leaders because he professed faith in Jesus. $ It was probably with this exper ience fresh in his mind that Jesus used the simile which constitutes our lesson. John's Gospel does not re cord any of the thirty parables but the present story of the Good Shep herd and that of the Tru Vine in chapter fifteen are somewhat the same in form and purpose. i, With the injustice of the action of ,xne rengious leaders, zaiseiy repres enting the church, Jesus "used the an- Unchanging Through The Years Time does not dull the lustre nor weaken the solid strength of the monuments we supply. Handsome in design, reliably installed, their quality is ever lasting. Lynch Funeral Home HERTFORD, N. C Horace Lynch 104 W. Main St. Phone 412 ELIZABETH CITY, N. C Jesus used an illustration wliich could be readily followed by those who heardhim, although, jnany of them were not able to make the application .behind it In these verses, Jesus contrasts the care and devotion of the true shepherd with the attitude of a rob ber. One was actuated' by a sincere desire to care for the sheep which followed hinj while the other was on ly acting a pretension in order to lure the sheep into disaster. The latter class represented re ligious leaders who went through the outward motions of religion with out the inner feeling. These proud and exclusive religious leaders op pressed those who followed them and were mainly solicitious for their own position and comfort. By way of contrast, Jesus pointed out that the good shepherd cared pro perly for the sheep in his flock and, if necessary, would lay down his life in their defense. Such a shepherd recognized the intrinsic value of the sheep and usually knew the name of each. In event of danger from rob bers or wolves, he would be their natural protector. In eveVy way the true shepherd sought the welfare of the sheep. This illustration was meant to pic ture the solicitude of God for his children. Ac- Charles Kingsley ask ed, "Is it not wonderful news that God should care for men; should lead them, guide them, feed them condes cend to call himself their shepherd? But- what a wider, deeper, nobler, more wonderful blessing that the shepherd should give his life for his people?"- Later on in his talk, Jesus likened himself to the door of the sheepfold. As W. L. Watkinson points out, many have been offended by Christianity's ecclesiastical door, having come to Jesus through some inconsistent or hypocritical Christian or, through a church lacking in Christian sympathy and devotion. Others have entered through the dogmatic statements and doctrines of church councils and theologians Those have been discouraged and re pelled at times but if any man enters through the door of the character of Jesus, -there is no danger of disap pointment or offense. "The purpose of Jesus coming was to give life," says Joseph Fort New ton, "and to give it abundantly. Jesus never once used the word 'religion', as far as we have record, but always the word 'life' instead. With him 'whatever makes for 'a deeper, purer, the spirit, the faith, the motive and gesture with which we do everything; and today we are rediscovering his insight Religion is a power by which to live the day through more deeply, more bravely, more fruitfully. Re ligion is no longer a thing apart from life; it is life itself at its best the life of God in the soul of man." SCREW IN LUNG 17 YEARS Baltimore, Md. X-rayed for tub erculosis, after she had suffered with occasional bleeding and deep cough ing, Mrs. Myrtle Moneypenny, of Camden, W. Va., was surprised to be told that a half-inch rusty screw was imbedded in her lower left lung, per haps for the past 17 jears. It was removed in a local hospital by the use of tiny wire-operated forceps inserted through a bronchoscope, guided into ROMANCES BEHIND FAMOUS DIAMONDS For thri'ling mystery and romance, read "Diamonds Are Trump," fascin ating new series of stories of famous diamonds, beginning in the r ebruary 23rd issW of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's Favorite Magazine With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Local Newsdealer SUFFERERS! position through a biplane fluoros cope which gave the position" of the screw and the forceps from two an gles. Mrs. Moneypenny has no rec ollection of how the screw got into her lung. FIRE HOUSE BURNS Rockville Center, N. Y. The Eureka Fire Company oldest of Rockville Center's six volunteer fire fighter groups has been collecting trophies for its fire-fighting skill for the past 51 years. 1 Recently, how ever, while nb one was in the fire house, the trophies, fire rwo'd1! f pool table ahd other accessories went up in flames. To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. Lamartine. "RESCUES" SELF Seattle, Wash. A frantic mother called firemen to, rescue her two-year-old son, David Wyman, 2, from the bathroom, in which he had locked himself. However, when the firemen arrived, the boy was outside to greet them. The lure of the approaching siren had been too much for the child and he came out on the run to see them. I JUST6 SECONDS J ,r-i CM MUM, r. rCT, (111 ltj Cantos: UN only TW-T Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri' til or neuritis pain, try thia simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of RuEi Compound, a 2 weeks' supply today. Mia it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's caiy. pleasant and no trouble at ill. You need only 1 tableapoorifuls two times a day. Often within- 4ft hours sometime over night splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not fee! better, Ru-Ek will cost you nothing to try as it is old by your drtifgiat under an abso lute money-back guarantee. Ru-E. Compound it for tale and recommended by ROBERSON'S ' V M-ii'iWlil . I I ,H i .in i 1 1 1 .1 I i i r J1 .:.: i' . ..- '! V i . V $ ft T '' ' k " ' L f i i r -'K , A - .. FOR THEIR SAKE Let's Make North Carolina TM Number One Health State t Tfortli CnIiii ranb among the gation'i most progressive ' '-aJL':': L..A. .-.J HuJ iwuj mi twWM. at uui tuts UMig uiiaiMWEim hwu wu mww v ., rilTno ' Wis am rlMrvraf-rlv ahnrt of hrKniFak doctor!, and Other ' ', s IeJti'PnneL W can get than5 wiU die Good Health Plan, ' ' . -iS t Arte yeari of careful stikfljr ml now presented by the C t.vt North Carolina Medical Care Cominwiofi lor action by our legis- laton. The opportunity k hejre, now,; to jnake North Carolina the ' nation' number one health state instead "of 42nd. For the sake of 'our chndren and the generationt to follow, we must not fail I ti i The North Carolina " : " " Good Health; Association J'-,'- G4 llMltb kv thai North tha Iotamt f Carouaa Com- DON'T WW W OUT TO PASTURE, yT.' , Until that new Chrysler is purring at your door, you can't afford to let your old car quit Bring her in to us. We'll tune her up, doll her up, make her lively and keep her in shape to bring you a good price when trade-in day rolls around. We uae time-earing tools, factr-.y-approved methods. WeVe rnea who specialise kt keeping your car working past retirement age. Drive in for a check-up. It may save yon money . . . and lots of walking! UNIX YOU NEW CAR COMES AtONS WTU KBP YOU OLD ONE GOING STUONOi TOWE-WEBB MOTOR CO. SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2461 Hertford, N. C. l. !-XWV W4fiWVM rWlOBV.-.'-,'e., ' .-t-WbU. K.V - 'CKal 1 -?ok The World Needs Another Record Reports by world authorities indicate that another record harvest is needed this year if the people of the globe are to receive sufficient food to stave off starvation. We know that the American Farmer is planning to do his share toward raising this crop. His efforts in the past have kept the American public the best fed in the world and contri buted much toward the high standard of living enjoyed here in America. He will continue to work toward betler livinrc c-.'-n-. ditions, not only for himself hut for all the people. He will keep his products filling the conr:" ers' market in order that all can be satisfied. Today the Farmer is seeing to it that he gets more from his land than ever before ... he is constantly planning improve ments for his soil, knowing this is a must if he is to raise a great' crop. Farmers, a record crop depends on several conditions but an important one is the FERTILIZER you use to place your soil in proper condition. We suggest this year that you try SCOrCO FER-. TILIZER, as many others have done before. Your friendly SC(K CO agent is again ready to help you produce a great crop. CALL HIM TODAY FOR : THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL VI f e 4 Bfswwa F sttiwt Hertford N. C Phones 2131 and 2141 r 4. 1 4 "',''(, .(ti 1 .