i V 4 12 H KV ATCTLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TOTHE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY VokuneXIViumbeisaO Jierftord, Perquimans County,, North Carolina, Ifriday, March 7, 1947. i.5() Per Year. J -ini , ' tk -. J I Will -m i a 11 a,. m a h t m mm m mm rLo:Dn this cum? miiiul-ji ii. i. a. mpjiiwn pitftj juuui.wij,jin mi um !iJ4JiW-cW.W.i' mm mm Can yon identify thia church T it is a picture of the Hertford Baptist Church, taken before the church was renovated several years ago. The picture was found, among other old cuts of Hertford scenes, by Henry Clay Sullivan while he was clearing out one of his storage rooms. The exact date the picture was taken is not -available. Local Corporation Seeking Title To Harvey Point Site As Industry Base Congressman Bonner Is Asked to Intercede For Local Concern Albemarle Industries, Incorporated, is seeking to obtain possession and title to the Naval Air Station at Har vey Point, it was announced from Washington last Saturday, and has requested Congressman Herbert C Bonner to intercede in behalf of hav. iftf the property declared surplus by the- Kavv and told to it by War As teto Administration at a minimum I Albemarle Industrial ia corpora tfon composed of local peopla, headed y T. P. Brina as president It is described by He Brtaii asft. holding earapany farmed to take vt tht air , station tor conversion tnto wwawnsLij seeea are wgrra employment W vet- rans, to fnmish on the job training and then oner veterans opportunity to invest in the industries. A prospectus, prepared by the local concern and forwarded to Washing' ton for consideration, pointed out that more than a dozen industries, in cluding a quick freeze plant, pickle plant, a processing plant' for meats, fruits and vegetables, a ceramic plant and slaughter yards could be estab lished at tit site, usmf facilities mt the air station.- Othey induetoiea t out in b prespectus nclttded"a'n;ea storage and dTstributlon eentort tlwf nirare ana weosi jproauna, a tion plant and ! peanut 'pioessJntiArmy cannot maintain its authorised plant, which weuld:fnrnish seasonai employment for a iuraber of people of this county. Also accompanying the prospectus sent to Washington Dy tna corporation were letters from the American Le gion and VFW posts, Town and Coun ty officials who, the announcement stated, favored the transaction." Very little news regarding the final fate of the Harvey Point Base has been released and the annottricement from Wtjhingtoa was the first re gnrdlnf local concern attemptins; to securo tba sito. Th'land was pur chased by lot fevernment at auction to IU2 and later the Navy pepart Iment . immiat ketween three and four millieat dellaM In eonatrnetlnr Ue faeiliHe dy tW department f tnrinf th war. 1- '-:'f ' niiiii' I i 'I i 'iriii'iijn il 5 , - . ft 4 -xm?,..,.. y . 1 prepeoad mnfa.rJ$k'tU' Il.'laJd WtMh pasae ,4.;eta' Vt-Sat ;aMravfee' "'Limat Inland TisMnrrPartnteirt ' froa th Beard of Ceneervatioa and .VpavalsgBieJahttdji hfttfmliMm ':oaoreA Wjr tf & f edaratlM ?af v.JWIttay,ws;'... .;v.t-;j,f l"VJl'"f''"''J''':';' :' "X 'tl an i hit assistaBta left thia wenl for ' i:oW, Vhera ' thaf ; Bif Pourv will meet to oraw: plana for witting tfte 1 peioa 3 traaty , with , ermany4 a. - Marshall wilt atop fa Parbi- nrouto v!Ho Moscow,. to confer with the' Preai- i.nt of Wtac i Main point to jbo dii rf. thrSaottVCermRny;s'vto!a'b. Jlsn a etrong Central rovernmant or contaroed to be geverned by the four ;,er?rrr!?j jpwera,,, Hearing Tests Being Conducted At Schools Hearing tests for pupils of the county white aojiools ere being con ducted thia wej by the State Health Department, it waa, announced today by F. T. Johnson,' County Superin tendent The tests, are being gio all children from fourth grade up. Sc!;ctro Service toMiNTo elective Service LW. enacted fn fWO. authorialnir th drafting of meatnto the- armed' forces, will auto matically die en March 31, it was re vesiei this week when President Tru man asked Congress not to extend the draft taw. Mrs. Ruth 'Sumner, clerk of the Perquimans Draft Board, stated Wed nesday the local office had received no orders pertaining to closing the office or discontinuing the duties of the Board, - However, in view of the President's message such order are expected to be received here. In lis message to Congress, Presl dant Troman stated . he would ask for a- ftew eelecllva service law if the trangth through volunteer enlist ments. ' ' Tmr War Department announced it would discharge all men inducted into the Army through Selective Service by June .30. Inductees already in this country are to be discharged by May 30,. and , those overseas by the June 30 date. The. end of the draft law will mean that 18-year-old youths will not have to register for, the draft, although they .must continue to register throuiharch 30, and that all hold ers of draft cards may destroy these if they so desire. The law will no longer require the cards be carried OB eh Ittraon v... T action token by the President was TtoHeve to vat pavtng tat way iirtredwtiotKef Mil caiUsir for tcmpulsscy ffitary traiaiit' af J'yaft'. at. tht',sties. .Cengtaav anpvw"MyMe' tola SMtked at keU-wtot-, ertk:ioawapiia orihaattors NortkCanaf;TweaMia roprt llrp1WiW gnestr attohded-the local ineatintvat Uhkfc .llampben, editor of lb Pewumar Weekly, waa hoat' -, ; v Tha troOF irill hold lt, next moU In at Colerain Beach during tha month of ApriL' . . . ... IN. HOSPITAL if'A "Heniaf .Clay, Stokes underwent an appendectomy Tuesday nornlnp; t the Ibemarlrf Hospital in Elisabeth Qlty ; lie J f etting alonw nicely, ''if L.' -Tt WW',MW",WW""1'1" ". n Waalifagton,''.:,;;vjti -ptt' Vt. Mavor V. V. ntt amf Dk T P Rrfnn1 spent aeveral day this week In Wake Forest Alumni To Meet At Colerain Next Tuesday Night Former Governor J. M. Broughton Principal Speaker Alumni of Wake Forest College will gather in a reunion Tuesday night of next week when a barbecue chicken dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock In the community building at Cole rain. The affair is sponsored by four Colerain alumni of Wake Forest .Tom Belch, Melvin Perry, Joe Jenkins and Elliott Harrell. The principal address for the occa sion WHl be made by former Governor J. M. Broughton," nd amongvother distinguished gueoto will be Jim Weaver, athletic director, and Prof. J. G. Carroll of the Mathematics De partment 'The dinner will be free to Wake Forest alumni and provisions will be made - to accommodate 150. Any Wake Forest alumni are invited to at tend, but an intention of attending must bo reported to Walter Holton as soon as possible. Mr. Holton stated Tuesday night that up to that time 115 bad already asked for reserva tions; so that, pay other planning to attend should notify him as early as possible. Recorder's Court Hears Seven Cases fit Tuesday Session Seven cases were disposed of by the Perquimans Recorder's Court in session here Tuesday, and three cases were Continued to a later calendar date. Samuel Castleman entered a plea ox guilty to a charge of speeding and paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. - itaieiga urunn, , Jr., Negrot was fined 130 and casta of court after pteadiar .gujtor to a charge of reck- i Jeha C Wldiim Was taxed- vrltn thVasato " of eeart.aw a bam of apoecoag. ; i s ' y Joksj-.Ed-fHoiu Vecro. wad fettad ttT thirr beia. drwk "datotdMqT Kepraa ordered tol !Ka. ffi OKI tw eeitnU. drlvte-r Hfwa. give, ar eoay . stuMea upon-paymeal: of i m $100-nd cottar ofconrl Jenea' attorney. W. Oakey? Jr. an appeal to auperiof 'Court ''VJPIr Eastern Star Elect Officers New officers for tho ensuing year will b elected at the meeting of the Perquimans . Chapter of the Eastern Star next Monday night " The meet ing will be held in' the lodge rooms, beginning at 8 o'clock. Ii All members are urged to attend and participate in tha election of the 'jv m .eBBBBBBr.aaBBr Lf'rai?S t.Lii. .'i' Indians And Squaws Participating In Rural Tournament Both Teams Met-Pirst Competition In Games Thursday Night TOURNEY SCORES Girls' Games Manteo 34; Gatesville 21. Moyock 26; Central 25. Boys' Games ' South Mills 32; Gateavills l'J. Central 29; Moyock 19. Perquimans High School basket ball teams, participating in the an nual Rural Conference Tournament, met their first competition Thursday night when the Indians played Weeks ville boys at 7:30 o'clock and tfhe In dian Squaws, first seeded team of the meet, played Columbia girls. Pre-tourney dope favored the Squaws to win over Columbia, having defeated the Tyrrell County girls twice during the season, tout the Indians-Weeksville game was consider ed a toss-up, each team having a vic tory over the other in season play. The tournament opened at the Central gym Wednesday night when the. Manteo and Gatesville girls play ed at 6:30; the South Mills and Gatesville boys at 7:30; Central and Moyock girls at 8:30 and the Moyock Central boys at 9:30 o'clock. Thursday night's pairings saw the Griggs and Weeksville girls playing at 6:30, the Indians and Weeksville boys at 7:30; Perquimans and Colum bia girls at 8:30 and Columbia and Griggs boys at 9:30. The semi-final games will be play ed Friday night with th winners playing each other and the final games will be staged Saturday .night The final standings of the confer ence was tt leased as follows: Girls rw L 4 PerQuimaJw Centftarl --. . 4 Manteo ' 13 Griggs 1 13 Moyock 10 Weeksville 7 Columbia ii . 7 Gatesville , 5 South Mills 3 Hobbsville 2 Boys 4 5 8 19 IX 12 15 15 L 4 4 6 8 8 9 10 10 W .14 14 11 ... 10 :..10 9 Columbia South Mills . Weeksville Moyock Central PerjnnfsiBns Griggs- 8 GatesvHle 7 Hobbsvillc d Manteo , . 2 14 15 Early Reports Show Red Cross Campaign Moving Toward Goal Early unofficial reports by various Red Cross drive solicitors to Miss Frances Maness, chairman of the Perquimans campaign, shows the county responding well to the appeal for funds for the American Red Cross, it waa announced Wednesday. ' Tha local campaign opened last Saturday and Miss Maness is urging liter campaign workers to eesspleto the canvass and report, the eemty quota reached fey aext Saturday. The seal for PerqaiaieM' County for tMnlM? drive to ahiy ts&o. tedtt wareetieW by many af tho chavteraasiala toial auoto ceM k met easily. cWWid'aspaaB reoorta'Ww Mast fuaBt'iW-ila) -Hsosf;elics to6msx0lmm0t'&nH0r'S Ifcoreotitfg article waa srBttonrrs f ev.ef Msiao aadaen)w CnMaJty arffchorft arr rieWV! r-Xim Wiwaf & tnafco. a rapert to atisaarrowf-lmd'tt.the territory has not been completely canvassed an af fert -should bo 'made to Complete' the worker March 15. . 1 - ... MONDS-LAYDEN Miss Dorif Evelyn Layden. danjrh. ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Layden of Hoibhsville, and Louis Clark Monds, jon of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie P. Monds, of Tyner, were quietly mar ried on Saturday. February 22. at the home of the Rev. C. W. Duling, pas tor of the Hertford Baptist Church, who performed the ceremony. The bride wore a dress of gray wool with blue and black accessories. Their only attendants were Mim Edna Ward of Tyner and Joseph Ev ans of Hertford. i.Tbe newlvweda are . making their home with the brldejjroor's p-r--?3 Center Hill Road Contract Upset By Federal Office Commissioner Tells Board Dr. Mitchell To Speak At PTA Meeting The Parent-Teachers Association of the Hertford Grammar School will meet at the school auditorium Thurs day night, March 13, at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Mitchell, District Healtih Offi cer for Perquimans, Pasquotank and Camden Counties, will be the guest speaker for the meeting. The local PTA is observing "Good Health Month and this meeting is expected to draw a large crowd to hear Dr. Mitchell speak on the good health program for North Carolina. County Board Names I. C. Yagel As Farm Agent In Perquimans Draws Jurors For April Term of Court; Name Wiring Inspector As predicted by this newspaper last week, I. C. Yagel was named to the unexpired term as County Farm Agent, filling the vacancy caused by the death of L. W. Anderson. Mr. Yagel was appointed to the post at a meeting of the County Commis sioners held Monday. Mr. Yagel came to Perquimans County six months ago from Curri tuck, where he 'had extensive training in farm agent work. He has served as assistant farm agent here during that time. On recommendation of A. T. Lane, manager of the Albemarle Electric Corporation, the Board named, sub ject to' the approval of the State Board, Howard Sbean as electrical in- jisnector for PerqulmaiutS County. The Board drew the names of the following men to serve as jurors at the Aprjl term of Superior Court: Prank Jordan, H. C. West, T. H. Jones, J. E. Dail, Wallace Chappell, T. G. Swain, Jasper Winslow, N. E. Chappell, J. B. Dail, D. J. Pritchard, Jesse Harrell, Haywood Goodwin, Yelum C. Winslow, L. G. Hollowell, I. R. Dail, William T. Gregory, Claude Winslow, Ralph Layden, W. W- White, Freeland Elliott, R. L. Bobbins, B. H. Ward, E. Leigh Wins low, Melvin W. Rogerson, J. B. Perry, Carroll Williams, W, M. Divers, Jr., Frank Skinner, Thomas Morgan, G. W. Barber, Raymond Winslow, C. M. Harrell, E. D. Mathews, J. L. Lata and J. B. Eure. A proposal advanced for the spray ing of a certain number of homes in Perquimans County as part of a ma laria control program was tabled for the time being by the Board. The Board members will meet again on March 17 as the Board of Equaliz ation and Review, and all persons having complaints to file as to tax valuation must appear before the Board on this date, otherwise the valuation will stand on the tax books as listed. Snow Hill-White Hat Study Group Met Feb. 27 The Snow Hill and White Hat communities held a PTA Study Grenp meeting at the homo of Mrs. Horace Miller on Thursday aigkt, February tt, with Mrs. Freeman Vmpalett aa Joint JMetees. - v Tho Meeting waa op shoddy singtof I After wih drtisr waa (fee W Mka Jeaaal KHIerv r.Mra. r-An- Wt$flt flr-dUcdaoioa !2 nnWamwi rtiiM ea "Emo- oiis Mrs. Freeman Utfcpfclett read sf poem, The ChUd Garden." "Oar AfnT was gfren, by. Mrs. Marvin Ben ' During the social hour games were enjoyed and the hostess served a sweet course. CLASS TO MEET The Judson Memorial Sunday School Class of the Baptist Church wiB meet Tuesday evening. March 1 at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Warner Mardre. All members are urged to be present. EXECUTIVE MEETING HELT The executive meeting of the Wo man's Society of Christian Service was ,hld Wednesday afternoon it S oVlock with Mrs. "'rank McGonf-pn Business find plans for the Mfrrh rnnirf'.ffiir WT dlsMed. w-i' "rrW he " molars present. State to Construct High way From Funds at Future Date Perquimans County has been hand ed another blank by the State High way Commission with an announce ment made this week that the Center Hill-Hertford highway contract failed to receive approval of the "Federal Works Office at Atlanta, and for this reason the construction of the road will have to await the pleasure of the Highway Commission. Merrill Evans, District Highway Commissioner, and his engineer, Tom McKim, both of Ahoskie, appeared be fore the Board of County Commis sioners on Monday and explained away the failure to complete this pro ject by attempting to outline a grandiose accomplishment of the de partment in this county during last year. Mr. Evans informed the county board that the failure of the Atlanta office to approve the bid accepted by the Highway Commission for the con struction of the unfinished portion of the local road tied the commission's hands for going ahead with the pro ject at this time and that the State Commission planned to construct the road out of State funds some time during the warm weather. Evans failed, when queried, to name a def inite date when work would be started on the project. The Center Hill road project waa bid on late in January and a bid by the Cobb Construction Company was accepted. However, failure to have the bid approved by the Federal office prohibited the construction company from being authorized to begin the project. Meanwhile the Town of Hertford, desiring to improve that section of the town, incorporated into its limits a year ago last January, must await the delay by the Highway Commis sion, beffre 'Completing its improve ments to Grubb Street exterded and other sections of the new addition. The Town officials desire to know ex actly where the State Commission plans to build the new roadway be fore going ahead with its plan of con struction of sidewalks and curbs and gutters. Despite the fact that Mr. Evans in formed the County Board, on his first trip to Hertford after receiving the appointment as Highway Commission er for this district, that the Center Hill road would be the first project undertaken in this, county, .it. now ap pears uncertain as to when the road will be built. ' According to. Mr, Evans the Commission will , construct the road bed itself out of funds allocated for local roads and this work wi(l be undertaken some time during warm weather. Several secondary roads of the county, according to the Commission er, were rocked during last year and about eight miles of roadway, a part lying in New Hope and Bethel Town ships were hard surfaced. He Inform ed the Bpard that the Commission plans fa complete the hard surfacing of the New Hope-Woodville road dur ing next Bummer. 4-H Clubs Observing National Club Week Tho waejMCarch l-tk hasbee. H asido astikl 4-R CMk Week. tM4eana eJM week's. "Warking -T4stiaeih Fr--j. Better- '-Homo'' and world,. voaunuMty. ' : JWehoe iftlM aeheota kve gtren cas'precranM to grro ye aad -glrie nersaattoav ahomi 4-B CKsfe ttAa aa -What , Watt-tV' Objottpiaa U d-:.0svrosk" nd iOmnkiatio U-'m-i' Work,'' Spadol ssuasc sot- tha- agiasat' waa "DrsaiBmg," oua hp oao of the 4-H Chtb. girls. TreaMar Jo the giris 4-H Qb aoaf. ' Group alnginr rh- o1pds4rilcjalnf tan," which la the -ItoV 4-11 Gfchaoaf, and' The una, Trail." : Friday aigfct af th weak tha 4-H Club afReera of 1kctty: ra hav ing a baaquet in tho Hertford Gram mar School lunch room. Guests for the occasion win Ineluda the County Commissioners, school ' officials and president of the Home Demonstration County Council. Speaker for the evening will be Jesse James, asslst ont State 4-H Club leader from Ra leigh. W. 8. C. S. TO MEET The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Woodland Methodist Church will meet with Mrs. E. D. Mathews Wednesday, March 12 at 2 P. M. All members are Urged to. be present I 11 as . "Mi MX ii$t$f ff';'1'''' ' M; . Ml imi'i'i "h , . , "j " , , ' J " m f ill I 1 it 4 1 4 1 , . m, mm in- iiiim'i in t'lii'm. mm inn- ' nil I . . .

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