PACK PtflHT THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLT, UJiiilif vJUli ,H. gnxmw, wkr.iaato - - . . t . , foreign, make it advisable for fanners to postpone a return to good soil practices needed to rest overworked Help Fight Tuberculosis Buy Christmas Seals , i V:- THE - Perquimans Weekly 'Entered as second ctass matter November 15, 1934, at postofflce at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March. 1879. Published every Friday by the Perquimans Weekly, a partner ship consisting of Joseph G Campbell and Max R. Campbell, of Hertford, N. C. MAX CAMPBELL Editor j rLxi-rJi-i"M' ir , m m rm land. He recognizes that it will be SELIG'S necessary to strain our soil resources to meet the need for food by the hungry populations of other 'conti , 5 nents. We have no doubt of the ability of American farmers to produce abund antly and to meet domestic and for eign needs. In 1948, the war-inspired Vj4 guarantees are in effect and the farm ers can produce without accepting the risk of heavy losses through over- m-oduction. After 1948. unless Con Nonl Caroling vv I5i ASSOCIATION 5J gress takes some action, it will be different. . GSH33Q0 03330033 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1-5 Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be sharged for at regular advertising rates. . Advertising rates furnished by request. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1947 Well Done, Ladies! Words and cold printer's ink are not sufficient to Bing the praises and ' commendations of a few ladies of this ' community who last week decided that it was time to halt a volley of words and to act if a fellow townsman was to be shown that the people of this community appreciated services rendered in organizing and training ! our children into a musical unit. Sparked by an idea conceived by Mrs. Kelly White, this small group of i ladies went to work on a "pounding" party for the bandmaster, Bert Ain- ; worth. The movement caught quickly and the citizens of the town and county responded warm-heartedly, and contributions of money and other use- ' ful items soon piled up. The ladies met for the first time la it Tuesday night and after having decided on a plan for action, immediately they be gan a canvass of their streets and ;.. neighborhoods. ij That the results were gratifying goes without saying and credit, too, should be given to the citizens of the community for the quick response to the appeal for aid. We believe this ; response shows beyond doubt that the ' people of the county desire tnat ine Perquimans Band and its leader be ; retained and continued. The climax of the efforts put forth ' by the ladies was reached last Satur day afternoon, when Mr. Ainsworth, ', who was leading the band in a mu sical presentation on the arrival of Santa Claus, was presented a check in the amount of $531 and a truck load of useful personal and household articles. Without a whole lot of hoola and ' with no thought for self glory, this small group of ladies made it possible ,for a jolly little man and his wife to i Wk forward to a most joyous Christ- mas season. f We say, "Well done, ladies." TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. SHOWS CONTINUOUS EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 0 Today (Thursday) and Friday, December 11-12 James Stewart and Jane Wyman in "MAGIC TOWN" Late Show Thursday and Friday, December 11-12 at 11:30 P. M. Louis Jordan and All Colored Cast In "REET PETITE AND GONE" Saturday, December 13 Alan Lane and Bobby Blake in "OREGON TRAIL SCOUTS" Sunday, December 14 Errol Flynn and Barbara Stanwyck in "CRY WOLF" Monday, December 14 (One Day Only) Yvonne De Carlo and Brian Donlevy in "SONG OF SCHEHERAZADE" o Tuesday, December 16 Jon Hall and Evelyn Ankers in "LAST OF THE REDMEN" NOTE: Cecil Campbell Show has been canceled. Wednesday, December 17 Double Feature Leo Gorcey in "NEWS HOUNDS" AImo William Marshall in "BLACKMAIL" id 1 mifiV m 11 (111 11 Qfj If 'j Stranger Cord Body Wldw. Flatter Tread eEaftkiex Ehonldei Design Qf non-skid safety aw and enlc-Y long, wry-free mileage lot &anths end miles to PO with new Good ftar DeLuze Tires. WARNINOi 0 ei all Hire troa Ue ecwnrs In Ihe last 10 et tf life A" LonUc tell es that twt 10. NEW (n)(D)pEAtl Hertford Oil Co. SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Phone S041 Hertford. N. C Gas And Oil Short It begins to look like automobilists and fuel-oil users will again go through the experience of rationing and it might remind us of the days during the war when there was a strict allotment' of gasoline and fuel oil. The larger companies, we under stand, are allocating scarce gasoline to dealers now and other companies will probably have to follow suit. There may be some relief, because driving has fallen off slightly since summer, but experts say that the de mand is about ten per cent higher than last year. 1 i Buy Christinas Seals The continued sale of Christmas Seals means the waging of incessant , warfare against the terrible scourge I !;' of tuberculosis. iv.'. Every buyer of these seals in Per , quimans County is making a definite contribution to a great cause. Some 1 of the money that is given locally may - mean the saving of human lives in this community. At this time of the year, when everybody is looking forward to the happy season of the year, it should , be easy to make a purchase that is so convenient and so useful. If you have not already bought your Christmas ' Seals for 1947, buy them today. 1" The work of the organization that Y promotes the sales of Christmas Seals V is made possible bv the men and wo men who conduct the sales campaign f and those who carry out the routine, but important, battle against the dis ease that has threatened man for " many years. ' You can give material expression of your appreciation of their efforts by making a purchase of Christmas . Seals or bonds at this Christmas time, with the knowledge that you are ' participating in a worthy campaign. . Farm Yields For 1948 The farm production pattern for 1948 according to the Department of ; Agriculture, includes near-record acreage of crops but calls for a de cWne in the production of meat and poultry. v Jf the tentative goals are met. the farmers will cultivate nine million acre more of crops than in 1946 when the Planted 347.000.000 acres. .Secivtary Anderson points -out the! : : 3. : : : : : : :c; :c: : : : : : : ' : : ; :; : : : : : : : : : : : : : :c: : :c: : Santa Says: Make FURNITURE the IMPORTANT GIFT this year. It's something that will bring joy to the entire family.' Vit our Gift Shop for a complete choice of hund reds of ideal furniture gifts. . ASH TRAYS TABLE LAMPS All Types and Sizes MIRRORS BRIC BR AC PICTURES AND FRAMES WALL LAMPS HASSOCKS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS INCLUDING Fieldcrest Electric Blankets Hob Nail Bed Spreads , 0 Shag Rugs Sampson Card Tables Fire Place Fixtures and Accessories A COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS FOR CHILDREN 'P. : ': : : : p. P. ;: : : : m ;s: p. S6K 3: 3K Quinn Furniture Cqnjr 1 N. POINDEXTER ST. (EUZABEtH C?TYGv;)tM ....VALUE... STYLE ...SELECTION... Bright diamond set in 14k gold. $gQ50 6-diatnond, 14k gold combination. $Q50" r 7 Man's Handjome, Lady wannam . . . yc S) accural. $1150 richly styl.d. $4750 f, Waltham. ''up Hfw f Lady' Waltham... IS 2Y A Coshmw lewelry in "The M61I Wanld JtA ) eve-catcWna $195 Pen". - - 1 W c 1105 Pen"... 11151 . . I B I H CI W II ssm ' v 41 G i 41 GV Silverplated Ronton Amazing Remington, foi lecrric raior. "-rt o Llahtort. IW flP J QV IlHwtafli i Ira il QuoUy iiptalt . i TMl."l"9" A 24" 4X ) t 1 i . . I r I ring t . 11 .. 1 , 1 j Handwmt l6k flold MaBlntf f4k iolcT ' ki . bands for Brid. tQAflfl" 3 f "... It has always been, and will conliiwe to be, our polic7 to bring you the Widest selection of the finest quality jewelry -by Aherico's most famous makers. Come in now and choose from our outstanding; new Spring collection; ; Convenient terms' - easily ariaftge if you like. A! lit T ' , ' , i ELIZABETH CTTV, N. C. 'V'; V1'. ' Phone itfi- ff'- ! " E, Main St.'):- , V 1 - high demands, beta domestic "4