wiiriEFisrir v -3 ii. vl Vc meXlVrNumber5& Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina,. Yiday, December 26, 19477 $1.50 Per Year. .vi. Navy Representatives In Meeting Here Thursday Regarding Lease Of Harvey Point To f.y For New s Urged I ont whose surnames begin witls A 'Persons whom last names begin v, -with A or B have only a few' days ' I left in which to renew their driving licenses without fear of penalty. " V Thg Motor Vehicles Department an- 3 nounced' today that oat of the es . .timated 150,000 A and B drivers in .Nortlt 'varolina, only around iuu,- neyj 11c and per- k 000 had thus far obtained fcnaeg,; ,t uroe . orawing snorc, or V who are caught driving after - f January 1 on an old license will be found guilty of a misdemeanor and will be Uned riot' less than (25. CoL H. J. Hatcher, Commander of x tarn siate ruenwav rairoi, nas an- ' f nounced that he plans to have patrol- "'V.men make Bpot checks along the 't;lighwayt after the first of the year f.'f for. the 'purpose of catching delin ' quent A and B motorists, v Only a week remains for these driv- f erg to Jreflew their HcenseB, due to the f 4 f act that Christma holidays for State .'.f employees will begin at l r. m. on ! Wednesday, Decern bar 24, and con- tlnue through December 28. In some i0 areas of the State where an exam- fr iner goes only one or two days a 1 'week, the time is much more press ing: ' . Thi'A's and B's were given the . period beginning last January 1 and 4ontinaing through December 81 to . ua .-n-examinauon ana ODiain new ' liconsea, And, 104 license examiners were .placed on duty throughout North Carolina to take care of the re i examination program, j Beginning January 1 and continu al Ing through June SO, 1948, persons .'whose last names begin with C and : ; D will be re-examined, The Motor vysVehfclea Department is urging these ! persons to report to their examining r atationri early in the year, so as to 1 avoid the last minute rush that is 1 $now prevalent with A and B drivers. i -All licenses being issued under the miliar birthday of the license in the iach time. In this way, the Depart- ment hones to weed out the poor and s inefficient drivers that are likely tt jcausoi accidents on our highways. J . VVAVr.j..V.V.V.,.,.V.V.L. m. - .-.mm - . v.v.v.v.'Yiv.'.TiiaiVi Early Edition This week's edition of The Per quimans Weekly has been printed and monies to its readers several days lhead of the usual schedule. This . pping up of the press schedule will nable the editor and the printers of The Wtekly to enjoy a vacation dur ing the holiday season. Editor and .is. Campbell will spend the Christ mas holidays with their father, J. C. Campbell at Shelbyville, Indiana, and will return to their home here on New Year's day. In this issue of The Weekly the icrchants and business men of Hert- ' are sending season's greet ii. o the residents of this trade area md to the readers of The Weekly. These fine expressions of greetings tell of the appreciation local mer chants hold for residents of this area for the patronage in local stores dur ing the past year. EACE on earth . . . home . . . worship freedom . . . friendships . . . loved ones . . . happy children ... the thoughtfulness of those about us . . . let's preserve all that is Christmas and what Christmas really means for all the days to come. And may all these blessings be yours to enjoy. THE EDITOR Fcv Opportunities Rc. ::n On Joy List of y I M ,.( i Perquimans County who desire to as- Isiat nnfqrtunates at Christmas time Istill hav an opportunity to do so, 5 according to C. Edgar White, superin itendent of the Perquimans Welfare i Department. Mr. White announced this morning that a few opportuni ties star remain on his list and per- sons wJk wish to help spread Christ- a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS York Sun We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the com munication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of the Sun: "Dear Editor:. "I am eight years old. "Some of my little friends say there is so Santa laus. Papa says 'If you see it in the Sun, it's so.' "Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus ? . "Virginia OTIanlon." Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible to their little minds: All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is lives, and he lives forever. A thou sand years from now, Virginia, nay ten timte ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. It,.. ot, nonnlo ahnulH Jcontact tH welfare office Immediately, f . Food haaketa have been made up y ; the - Welfare Department from funds provided by a number of in . vdMdualg lad organisations and these - Ure being distributed by the Welfare 1 Department, assisted by membert of ?tho Pirqtrimana Post of Veterans of It. e X ivauoa Arm? also uaing .1 .Welfare Department in a bJt f cheer into the Uvea atyVi teialortuBate fan- Christm.tim.J' ' 1 the. iilie a as compared with the'boundless world about him, as measured by the Intel ligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and vou know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and ioy. Alas I How dreary wouw oe we world if there were.no Santa Claual (t would be as dreary as if there were' Voiih Fellowship Group i.Icc ; M Evans Church J' The -odiat Youth Fellowsliip theld L. i.arular meeting at the Ev- ians l-hodist Chuwh Sunday, P Veember 7, wheh it wag decided to give It Chris1 -nas box to a needy family, I ilem' . pment t tha meeting iwera ZJ.ma, and Cliftoh Boyd, Beat rice Ev.nB Bernice and Kannit Wil M'ams. rtanford Perry. Audrey and Dor'-' Eeeter, Hermatf Parriah, and Ofeai'i;ftepIet,.MB . Heatrico Enu. Lottie Ann - 1L jlas Leary, Belle Whit, tela !. Euthe Clary and the apon- ors, lis Helen Evan, Mies Louise .,' ldon and the Rev. E. K. Meewns. Plans' were mada for missionary ilja for the Methodist Youth rtind. Vh'a monev. -f o which -no ' definite iamounfhaa 'been etiili be due isome time In October? 1948, Tlana Vwere alro made for contributions to a camp f--d, due before Christmas, ' Tt9 eveninra . program wag' 'sen as a "Dramatte Concert?, by ZJ 3 a; 1 and Cscar Peeples;-with C! "s carols sung by tha choir, i C s prrsentg wera then ax -ha . i.-aTvresnmenig servea. Car Inspection Law Effective January 1 The new automobile inspection law which was passed at the last session oi tne uenerai Assembly and goes into effect January 1, has been caus ing a good deal of confusion lately but it's really not so bad as it seems. Under the law all automobiles have to be inspected one time during 1948. That means anytime during 1948. Beginning in 1949 cars must be in spected every six months. Forty inspection stations will be set up throughout the State on the basis of one station for each 20,000 automobiles. It is likely that one of these will be located here, although tne rest or tne towns in this area will have stations set up temporarily. All the testing will be done with machinery and following the inspec tion each automobile driver will be given a card showing h5w close to perfect the car came. Motto for the inspection is See ing, Steering, Stopping those factors no .YlrgimV There wbjUaiba neiin driving will occupy the most atten- cniiaiiKe laun inen, no poetry no ro mance to. make tolerabljhia exist Ince. We tfiould have tk enjoyment, except m sense ana ngni. xne eter nal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might m well not believe in fairies! You-might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus,. but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove t Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that Is no sign that there is no Santa "Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neifhei children nor men can see.. Did you ever eat fairies dancing on the lawn 7 Of course not, but that's no proof that the are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders that are unseen and unseeable in the world. !'- You . may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise lnaide,& but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, .nor even the united strength .of all the strongest men that ever ' lived, could tear apart. Only faith,;' fancy,; poetry love, ro mance, can push aside that curtain and ' view . and pfctura the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Ig it all real T. Ah, Virginia, jn all thig;world ther is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Clausl Thank Gddl kg I County Tax Listers To Begin Duties On Thursday, January 1 J. W. Ward, Perquimans County Tax Supervisor, announced that the tax listers for the five townships and members of the Board of Commis sioners met at the Court House last week for the purpose of reviewing in structions and receiving supplies for the tax listing job. The list of property for taxes will get under way January 1, and a schedule of places where the tax list ers will work will be published next week. The tax listers for this year, as appointed by the Board of Com missioners at the December meeting are: Carroll V. Ward, Belvidere Township; John O. White, Hertford; Seth Long, New Hope;' Roy S. Chap pell, Bethel, and Raymond Stanton, Parkville. Mr. Ward issued an appeal to prop erty owners of the cohnty to list early and thus aid the tax listers by help ing to avoid a last minute rush. All property owners who fail to list their property by January 31 will be taxed with a late listing penalty. Each farmer must report the acre age ot each crop, as in previous years, and the tax supervisor re quests all farmers to render the tax lister every aid m making out this report. New Superintendent At County Farm Jan. 1 Perquimans County Farm will have a new superintendent on January 1 when J. C. Morgan assumes the du ties which have been performed for the past ten years by C. B. White. Mr. Morgan was appointed to the post last August by the Board of County Commissioners after Mr. White had notified the Board he would not be an applicant for reap pointment, and was well recommend ed for the position as superintendent of the home. County plans for changing the County Farm into a boarding home for the aged is still very tentative and Mr. Morgan will operate the County Farm under the same set-up as has been the custom of the past several years. tion from the inspectors. The most important point for driv ers to know is that they do not have to have their cars inspected in order to drive during 1948, although they must have their cars inspected before the end of the year. The examina tion will cost $1.00. Highway officials point out that registrations cards for automobiles are more important this year than ever before, since no inspections will be made before the registration card is first presented. "Christmastime is family time, the season of reunion, of joy in one's chil dren, of drawing even closer the most fundamental ties ' that bind us to gethertruly a season to be merry," said Ned H. Dearborn, president of the Council. "But it is a season to be wary, as well. The tragedy of an accident be comes even more poignant during the Yule season. It takes only a little forethought, a little extra care and, often, just a little extra courtesy to make certain a Christmas celebration of joy and festivity' unshadowed by accidents. 'Remember don't ' let death take your holiday." s Edenton Netters Win From Indians Showing exceptional firm for bas ket shooting, the F.denton Aces won a hard fought basketball game from Coach Joe Levinson's Indians Thurs day night by a score of 36-31. The Indians Javee team also lost to the Edenton juniors by an 18-11 count. Cannon was the outstanding player for the Indian Javees, counting for four of his team's 11 points. In the final game, Edenton jumped into a commanding lead over the In dians, who were slow in organizing their offensive drive, and withstood a determined drive by the local cagers during the second half of the contest. Edenton held a 14 point lead at one stage of the game, but the Indians, led by Tucker, Webb and Pitt, who scored 13, eight and six points respec tively, closed this margin to five points before the final whistle. Hertford Stores To Dake Two-Day Holiday From Florida Mr.' and Mrs. W. .W. Newborn' of Gainesville, Fla- are spending , the holidays, with Mrs. Jenkins Walters and Miss Lotug Spivey. ii r r. Ainsley As Master Members of Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. & A: M., have elected W. F. Ainsley to serve as' master of the lodge during 1948, ft was annbunced following ' election of officers at a re cent meeting. Other officers elected were R. C. Murray, Senior Warden; Dr. A. B. Bonner, junior Warden and C. C. Winslow, secretary. - Appointive officers will be named by Mr. Ainsley following installation services to be conducted soon. Mr. Ainsley succeeds C. C. Wins low as master and Mr. Winslow will replace J. S. Vick, who served as sec retary of the local lodge for a long number of years. Rotary Club To Hold Holiday Meetings Members of the Hertford Rotary Club will hold their regular meetings during the two weeks of Christmas and New Year's holidays. The mem berg voted to meet regularly despite the nearness of the hpliddyg to the regular jneeting days. . - Local residents are reminded that the majority of Hertford stores and business houses will. , be closed two days this 'Wek in observance of Christmas. Most of the stores will be closed all day December 25 and 26 in order ', to give merchants and employees brief vacations. All stores will be open all day on Saturday, December 27. This closing is in line with Governor R. Gregg Cherry's proclamation which declared December 25 and 26 as legal holidays. Town of Hertford Of fered Lease; Board Expresses Interest In Proposition Captain J. T. Brown, Chief Staff Officer, Naval Air Command of the Fifth Nval District, and T. J. Crooks, civil engineer on the staff, met with members of the Board of Commissioners for the Town of Hert ford last Thursday night, at which time discussions relative to a lease of the Harvey foint Naval Hase were held. It was pointed out during the meet ing that the Town of Hertford has an opportunity to lease the hase from the Navy for a sum of one dollar per year, and in turn receive the right to sub-lease a part or any portion of the base, subject to approval of sub leases by the Navy Department. After hearing details of the propo sition, as explained by Captain Brown and Mr. Crooks, members of the Town Board expressed an interest in ob taining a lease, subject to several problems relative to sub-leasing. The, Town's interest in obtaining the base is for the purpose of farm ing, grazing and mainly to promote recreational and community activities. Both Captain Brown and Mr. Crooks told the Board that changes have been made in leases given by the Navy on bases such as Harvey Point, and that leasee liability has been lessened, since similar bases have been leased following the close of the war. The Town of Hertford, according to the Naval representa tives, is not obligated to the upkeep of the buildings and property of the Navy in the event a lease is consum mated. The Navy, primarily, is in terested in retaining title to the land and will lease the base on a revocable contract under those terms. Of course, under such a lease the Navy may regain possession upon given notice. At the present time Harvey Point lis under control of the War Assets I Administration, but the Navy has re quested and expects to regain con trol over the base from WAA some time (taring thte net tKrty days. The Department is interested in negotiat ing a lease soon. Under the terms of the lease, if the Town negotiates one, the Town may sub-lease part or all of the base site, thus receiving a source of additional revenue in the way of rentals. It has been reported, but not confirmed, that several parties have expressed an in terest in sub-leasing part of the base and some of the buildings in event the Town leases the site. One of the important problems relative to a lease of the base, and which members of the Town Board proposes to investigate is the supply ing of electric power for the site. The Navy Department was served power by the VEP Company, and sev eral points pertaining to the item must be settled before definite action can be taken in regards to sub-leasing any part of the base for indus trial use. Accord:ng to Captain Brown, the WAA disposed of most of the prop erty situated at the base, and the Navy will take back the land and buildings thereon. The base contains some 1,250 acres of land, it was re ported at the meeting. Definite action is expected to be taken by the Town Board after inves tigation of certain problems, includ ing the power supply, has been completed. Chairman Calls For Xntas Seals Report High School QJee Club Sings Carols Members of the Perquimans High School Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Hopkins, presented number of Christmas carols, sang over the chimes system of the Herfr ford Baptist Church, Thursday after noon. The program was widely heard and enjoyed by the residents of Hert ford. Don Juan Company Holds Xmas Party Officials and employees of the Don Juan Marfufacturing Company and a number of guests enjoyed a Christ mas party at the company's office on ft'rl ll l Ull 11 1 1 "MMMaM Zack T. White from Boaton, Mast, Grubb Street Tuesday afternoon, 'De- will arrive home Wednesday to Spend cember 23. Refreshments v a few" days with his mother, Mrs. T. served by the company. - j S. White, Sr. ,V i ,1- ' v 4 "t .j A ' 11 - ' n J

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