TkE PERQUIMANS EEKLY, ; HERTFORD, N, C, FltlDAY, JANUARY 23, 1948. PAGE STVK - welcomed as a new; member. A very rhteresting program concluded the meeting, after which the , hostess served delicious refreshments. ' (, . -: s ' Club committees for the year' for the Bethel Ruritan Club were named l i at a meeting : of the , club held 'last 3 Wednesday night. President Clar f ence Phillips named E.. T. Phillips, ' J, J. Phillips and Irving C.1 Long to the program committee. M. T. Grif i fin, J S. Blanchard and Ernest jLong compose, tne vieiiowsnip committee. Finance,' J. L. Evans, 'Julian Long, Wade Jordan; Welfare, Freeman Long, L. A, Proctor, Joe White; Rec reation, ' Charle Ward, W. Davis, , Frank Ward; Economic, Dewey Per ry, Traf ton Phillips, Howard Ward; Farm Income, I. C. Yagel, T. R. Kir- by, Emmett Long; Rural Church, Ernest Long, C. R. Ward, J. L. Ev ans) Rural Utilities, Joe White, M. T. Griffin, E.T., .Phillips; Public High- '; way3j Wade-;' Jordan, Freeman Long and T. K. Kirpy. '.Mr. Phillips also announced that advance- ticket sales for a quartet program being sponsored by the Run . tan Club are now in progress. HONORED WITH SHOWER , Mr. and Mrs. Archie C. Riddick were honored during the holiday va- x cation with a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs.', Milton Cullipher and Mrs. S. N. Riddick,. at the home of Mrs..S. N: Riddick. , The decorations were of the Christ- . mas motif. Games and contests were directed by Miss Madge Lane, Miss Lucille Lane and Mrs. Milton Cullipher. . .Those present and sending gifts , were Misses Marjorie, Thelma and Pearls White, Mary, Delia and Lina ;-Winslow; Marge, and Lucille Lane, Esther Winslow, Mesdames John T. '.' Lane, J. C Winslow, D. A. . Winslow, Sally Davis, Luther Winslow, Ernest White, Robert Riddick, Hattie Lane, J.(H. Stallings, Jr., Aleck Stallings, John Lassiter, Loftin Stallings, T. P. ; Layden,. Lessie Winslow, Ellis Stal ling, Ida Winslow, Charlie Baker, Earl Winslow, Archie White, Roy Winslow; Mercer Winslow, C. T. Win slow, Robert Winslow, Clinton Ray Winslow, Elisha Winslow, Lucious Winslow, Herbert Winslow and Miss : Sallie Riddick., : TA mimaiinila off aif ir nnl iinA m, uuinvi vuo Abbi av ii v ci iu uoc ful gifts were gratefully acknowl-' . m them for all to see. A sweet course, HOUSE WARMING GIVEN FOR MRS. W. P. LANE - v The W. M. U. of the Burgess Bap tist Church ; surprised Mrs. W. P. Lane at her . new home on Harvey Point Road Monday night at a house warming. , r Miss Myrtle Whidbee presided over the meeting ' s 1 V.'. Mrs. Sidney. Layden, program com mittee, rendered the following . pro grami ' . Hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign"; read ing, Bible Study, by Miss Myrtle Whidbee; prayer, Mrs. J, R. Ayscue; reading, "Year of Commemoration" by Mrs. J. B. Basnight; reading, "Be ginning," Mrsi ; W..P. Lane; hymn, "Faith of Our Father"; reading, "In Commemoration," Mrs. V. L. Proctor; reading, "Royal Service," Mrs. J. B. Perry; closing prayer, Mrs. J. R. By ley. ' " - i Mrs. Lane was then showered with gifts which she opened and acknowl edged. Those present were Mrs. J. R. Ays cue, Mrs. Sidney Layden, Mrs. V. L. Proctor, Mrs. Howard Shaw, Mrs. J. B. Perry, Mrs. Winston E. Lane, Mrs. J. B. Basnight, Miss Myrtle Whidbee, Mrs. J. R. Byley, Mrs. W. P. Lane and Mrs. Irwin Whidbee. Mrs. J. B. Basnight and Mrs. Wins ton E. Lane, who were joint hostesses, served home-made candy, sandwiches and bottled drinks. ' WEDDING ANNOUNCED Miss Frances May Chappell, daugh ter of Dr. J. I. Chappell of St. Louis, Mo., and niece of E. N. Chappell of Hertford, will marry Dr. Byron , G. Wilson in St. Louis Saturday, Janu ary 24, according to an announcement received here. " V'V . BELVIDERE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. t Clyde Jenkins of Potecasi were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Copeland Sunday. Miss Grace Chappell spent the week-end as guest of friends in Woodland. s Miss Catherine White' and Mrs. Woodly Bundy were in Edenton Fri. day afternoon. Mrs, Saturday after undergoing an opera- Church met : at , the home of Mrs. . The meeting was then adjourned to DePaul Hospital, Norfolk. James Wesley Harrell on Route Three meet with Mrs. Mamie-Cart wright on Mrs. L. J. Winslow spent 'A few on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. I February 11, at 3 o'clock. days last week as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood gave the devo Mrs.R. M. White of Norfolk. I tional, "That Thy Way May Be . Mrs. J. G. White of Center HiirKnown" Mrs. Earl Hollowell gave was a, recent visitor in the homes of the Program, "Rededication of the Mrs. H. P. White and Dr. E. S. White Methodist Woman to Her Christian and sisters. Work," assisted by Mrs. Jack Benton, Mr. vand Mrs. Hilton White of Mrs- W- H- Cartwright and Mrs. Whiteston were guests of Mr. and Ma"ie Cartwright. Mrs. N. W. Chappell Sunday. Mrs- Eest Cartwright, Spiritual Mrs. Laura Ward returned home 1 Life chairman, gave the program and Friday after receiving medical treat-ihad each member repeat a Bible ment at Albemarle Hospital, Eliza beth City. CHAPANOKE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bright and Ann Cartwright spent Sunday in Suffolk as guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McNider spent Sunday at Center Hill. Paul Vaughn of Portsmouth was the week-end guest of relatives. Mrs. Vaughn returned home with him af ter spending the week with her moth er, Mrs. Irma Dorsey. Mrs. Claude Fields was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. George attended the United Preaching Mission in Norfolk on Sunday. Calvin Wilson, a student at ECTC, Greenville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wil son. Mr. and-Mrs. C. P. Quincy visited Elizabeth City Sunday The Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Edwards uZi tZUX :a ? a r and fami'y and Miss Emi'y smithwick iced fruit juicea and salted nuts were I ' . - M. served by the hostesses. were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nixon, J W. S. G. MEETING The Wesleyan Service Guild of the PREACHING AT BEREA TU : .,.- ...:n l. . r - V , I e iuiivwing acivitcs win ue vuii- Hertford Methodist Church met on ducted at th. Berea Christian rhurch weaneaaay evening at 7:dU o'clock Sunday, January 25, according to the with' Miss Barbara Winslow. Miss l-Rev. P, E. Cayton, pastor: Bible Kuin xucKer, president, and Mrs, U. School at 10 A. M.; preaching at 11 ; 0. Fowler, coordinator, presided f the business part of ihe meeting, at (David Marler will speak at services j ; ul.u wuio oiu oiiu new ousmess was at 2:30 P. M., and the pastor will discussed in making plans for this i preach again at 7 P. M. ' year's work. ; Miss Peggy Felton was' Brand New Saturn Straws. -By- . GAGE THEY ARE REALLY BEAUTIFUL 0 t : . ' . y ; . Ni :.VJ. ,;"''. w. fc-s -:.:y:'-v;;;. ... ., ,:'.-.' ; f:, xinktfztWM'klU. hew spnitiG HATS . HER NEW SPRING HATS ARE HERE ( Q ' Q r T "ID, II. c. W. S. C. S. MEETS WITH MRS. JAMES W. HARRELL The Woman's Society of Christian Josiah White returned home Service of Woodland Methodist rell led in oraver. verse. Mrs. Earl Hollowell, president, pre sided over the business session. The pledge Cards were passed out before signing them. Everyone bowed in silent prayer, then Mrs. Eddie Har- The hostess then served a delicious sweet course to the following: Mea dames Earl Hollowell, W. H. Cart wright, Harry Winslow, Ernest Cart wright, Dennis Cartwright, George Jordan, Ed Mathews, Mamie Cart wright, Elmer Wood, WalHe Knight, John Elmer Wood, Jr., Ra ph Harrell, Moody Harrell, Eddie Harrell, W. M. Mathews, Jack Benton, Miss Ruth Harrell, Sylvia Knight, Joe Knight, Faye and Candis Wood. TooTaTfio FREE I AM GIVING AWAY HARD wood. Drive truck right to it. J. L. Lane, Winfall-Belvidsre High way. ltD GIANT SIZE... GIANT VALUE! Jm- - ' ' ' YrrTVWrf I Our Pride Sandwich sOi4i'' . rtwrMm THE FINEST BREAD Urg 1-U. , V AC f du3T Cujr 3 I FOR YOUR f AM1LYI Froth loaf JIV S Cf T (XiJ' IfTffl iTA- ) ENRICHED FRESH BREAD! J Our Pride Regular 1 r 1 mm m-'m I O XGG DXtEAD for toast Mb. Lui 16c O RYE DREAD fresh i-u. lo.i 16c O RAISIN DREAD i-u. lo. 18c WHOLE WHEAT bread h-u,u.( 16c O CRACKED WHEAT bread t u.LMf 14c O DOLLY MADISON rolls d. 15e nnmrn a a a a n o b a mnrmnnrmra-o-orfl-flTa a a a a oTmnrmnm a a t nsvwr Pick-df-the-Nest Large Fresh GRADE "A" EGGS PACKED IN HANDY CM. Doz. 65c STOCK Iir AT THIS LOW rRICBt STOKELt'S JP&WEt peas 2 LUNCHEON MEAT WITH ADDED TENDEB BEKF . . GOOD WITH BACONI PRESTON'S OBEIN AND WHITE AM ENEBOIZINO DRINK COLONIAL FPBK . 17-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Can No. 2 Can Pint Bottls 1 9 1 D O.OJJJB 9 9..9X9-tUgABAttJUUUUUU) o o o o ogjlfl. , Del Monte YELLOW CLING SLICED PEACnES No. 2 Cm 30 GS Flour MILLED FROM FINE SOFT WHEAT . . . TAKES LESS SHORTENING AND GIVES (EST RESULTS! 10-Lbs. riain Ba .07 37c i o 23 I CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER JhfJK-l-Kli hrtWSl 12 Oz Jar 'CHOCOLATE OB LEMON COMPLETE 7-MIHIIT PIE EVAPORATED ENRICHED PET HULK 3 C S SWEET FLORIDA OEXAXUGE juice 46 o Dim BAST-TO-PBEPABB HOT nOEJL UIK 25o FLATOBFUL WISCONSIN DAISY CHEESE ut 55c GOLD LABEL FULL-BODIED COFFEE i-lmsc 2 '-Lb 89c 35c 27o Tall 4UC 23c Delicious! Libby's Coclitoil No. 2J Can 39' wjmis Two Fine Grades! m Colonial Pride Is our top grade the very best in beef from the nation's leading packers, Winner Qual ity is our "next best," second only to Colonial! Pride. Both are backed by Colonial's famous noney back guarantee of complete satisfaction! , 7-INCH CUT . PRIME RIB CMS1? COLONIAL PRIDE .Lb. 691 WINNER QUALITY Lb. Cij COLONIAL . PRIDB Lb 87' X .-al A FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI cm. 15c WBSTOW'S VANILLA WAFERS 12-ox. Pkg. 25c D. P. BRAND MACARONI s oz. Pkg He ARMOUR'S TIENNA SAUSAGE 4-Oz.c.n 19c STRONG HEART 4 DOG FOOD 2 can. 19c WAXED PAPER CUT-RITE 125-Ft. 21c SUNSHINE IU-IIO CRACKERS Lb. 30c 4 Oz. Pks.. 25c o 2 no. 2 35c II Lb. Jar 39c 2 Reg. 21C M I5c j PIE FILLING LEMIX 3 GOLDEN CREAM CS CORN PURE HONEY SIOUX DEE LAUNDRY - SOAP OCTAGON FOR TOUR SKIN CAMAY SOAP Bath SHORTENING 1-LB.. 43 CRISCO 3 Lb.Ja, $1.29 BLEACH OT. BOT.. I9o CIOROX i-Gai. Bo. 29c Sweetheart Eoap . a TENDER SIRLOIN WINNER QUALITY Lb. Dressed, Drawn : PLUMP Per Lb. HENS 59c Plate or Brisket STEWING BEEF 37c Per Lb. BREAKFAST DEUOBnl FnLfpBX . Lb. COLONIAL PRIDE TENDER - mm a w nnnvler libUU Lb, SMALL, SHORT SP .KS, S R re s rmrrwi VEHL nons r ; FRESIt SfAFOODS , Fresh Oysters, pt85c Filet of Perch. lb. 43CV fan Trout,, perf lb. 3UC; 75c u CI 69 V i 'MB i rAc 8-Lbs. Mesh JFuti of Vitamins! All Siaes Sweet 33c Bik 37c IT 2T 25c 29 EXTRA LARGE AND JUICY Grapefruit S For Head CAUFOBNIA SNOWBALL Cauliflower CALIFORNIA EMPEROB ' ' v : Grapes'' FANCT HOME-GROWN Halo curly MEW CROP1 TEXAS CURLY 1 - Spinach . Osisrss 3-u. iuik 3 M. 35: 2 ib- 3 lbs. 2 MO if- ' 'i, If). V . S1

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