FT) Coupity Hamp a a . m aai a a k: - aar a a v . , mm m , aai aai ai i .k. a w a aa ' w aaar . ai at m aar vviiiVilzri.i MIW V JL-JLillW II II nertiord, Ferquimans CountNortii jjaroiina, j.'riday. February U ig iJlOV If rJDaCLlilate Fcr State Senate ; Served as Perquimans Uranty Shenff For 14 Years , J. Emmett Winslow, former sheriff of Perquimans County and prominent in democratic r arty circtfes in North ? Carolina, has announced his candidacy "r 'Jar the office of State Senator for , 7 , the First Senatorial District. - , In making1 his announcement, Mr WinsloW Stated. "Aftor rhrfnir - thought to the matter, I have decided . to oner my services to the people of , this District It has been a number - of years since Perquimans County nas naa representation n m the State Senate and.it is my belief that Per v 'quimans should be given this rep ,!,'' Tesentation in the Senate at this time. If selected by the people of s the District to be 6ne of ..the two ' ' Senators, it will be my purpose to serve all of the people to the, best of r ' my ability, acting as a representative r- for every county in the District" : - I Mr. Winslovr is th , to enter his name in the State Sen- , . , at race lor the First Senatorial Dis , - trict, Joe Vann.'of s Hertford County ' mm . x. naigieao or uamden toun ? ) ty, having previously, , announced 4 themselves -for the nomination in the 'Democratic primary. ";' f V Perquimans ..candidate served s hit bounty ail sheriff or 14 years nd ; tetired two yr" apt wKen ,fce Jdid I"; : not eek.re-eloctloR In ddition io U terving as aherjl" of f.i awn eounty, , Mr. Winslow is a men. berW th x cu'lv committe and the iongress- " ioiw.1 committee 8;Ffist ADis; triCti i H , ha tttlcon n M.i H.mt HiaatiuaHinte- , uve uunng tne war year, serving s cnairraaa oi tne Kar f und rives, i rubber salvage drives . an was dis- ,trictk ttrpervisor for the Army Air I -; .rorces warning service. , ' . In: Hay of 1947 he was a delegate from the First District to the Nation- , ai Kivers and Harbors Congress held ,ih Washington, ;. C. it . A veteran of World War I, during whkh he aerved with the Air Force, v jur. wusiow ia a member of the Amerfcan Legion; Hertford Eotary 1,1 luaaon tmna isnnner and a . member of WOW. He owns ' the , Hertford Hardware and Supply Compaay and manages the Winslow Oil Company at Hertford. ered 1 By lbrst Stdrai In In Senate Race J. EMMETT WINSLOW ' This week J. Emmett Winslow, former Sheriff , of Perquimans County aad prominent in Demo cratic party circles, announced that he will be, a candidate . for one of the two positions as State Senator from the First Senatorial District. . Indians And Squaws ' Lose In Double Bill To South Mills Hi Games With Moyock on luesday Cancelled on Account of Weather local Legion Post Receives THIS WEEK'S IIEADO ; With Ijvestock and grain prices tumbling on markets throughout the awon, me cogts or many living items alo dropped at the retail level this wee, .meat, lard and bread prices were reported lower in many -r cities over the nation and the drop in these nces, according to leading retail of- -m wui. remain at the lower fig- r, uuion, coment tnat the public i fie warned that the lower J may no last, thjit ' continued -?4 may cause increases. t Econo- i.3 turouffhoot tfiA it ,that the leveling off of' livestock u t,im pnces marK itn end of in ru,1,wu win onng about. a more unnai economy. . , . 'ssia .-this week answered the -ar- recently 'published by the -ret -e United Stater regarding r t oi roiana and Eastern Jl;n. - -:r ( JKussian officials. r.t -"erg, accused .th S ,'."h n( paving the. way for i i . :.nJ Up German m sorts : vT-.ij "r stated Mm v ' ine Jvci i ''-d States t , rench dip'.. f ar Gernxan i " a informat-Is.crjtOt .8 C 1 Erit ' ?re re- - - The 'an 31S Award For f::.;:';:rsOVork vTh'Wflli.m Pont St.ii: r.-l No. 128,- of . Perquimans' County has4 uiwuucnuiip enrollment. . j The citation, and a letter from Na tional Adjutant Donald G . Glaacnff which accompanied it, were" read to rerquimans Legionnaires at the Feb ruary meeting, held FridaV night at the agriculture building in Hertford. . YtT . TS i .- n, z,. Ainsiey, commander of the Perquimans Countv noat naM that ha understood this citation was awarded to only about fifteen noata in Nnrfh Carolina. -::;; ,:. The ' 1948 memho.rahin campaign in" Perquimans placed in gooa standing by one hundred per cent itne 17 members, as it ho dnn for several years past ' The February meeting was brief, as bad road conditions iii the Mnnin prevented manv membera fmm a. tending the meeting. There was some discussion of tha nlano fn a .... - r - - luvuiviiM building to- provide quarters for the American legion, and civic organiza tions, and members desiring to sign m jraiiuon to oe sent to Congress, en qorsing military training, were given me opportunity to do so. It was voted that th MAnh tYlaMalf. ing would be a loHt the ladies auxiliary, to be held at the ifncuiiure ouiiaing, the flrBt Friday lKUl 9.T, o 0 C10CK. V '; Perquimans High School's basket ball teams lost a double header tn South (Mills 'last Friday nio-ht Jn games playedy at the Central gym. The Indian Squaws came home on the anon ena or a score, the game being won by the South, 'Mills girls in the final seconds of the contest. With the score tied at 27-all, Perquimans was fouled and tljte South Mills for ward tossed the charity chance to win the game for her team. Chappell was high scorer for Perquimans, rackinsr up 20 of her team's 27 points. The Indians and South Mills hnvs battled back and forth for 32 minutes with the South Mills cagers edging out the Indians by a final score of 35-33. South Mills "held a 12-point advantage at half time but the In dians started clicking in the final half arid moved within close range of the aoutn Mills count. South Mills, how ever, proved equal to the challenge and held the slim margin of points through the end of the game: Pitt and Webb were hiarh scorers for Per quimans, each countintr for ten nointa while Pejrram. a recent addition to Coach Joe Levinson's squad, racked up seven points. Coach Levinson's junior varsitv lost a week-end arame to the Eliza beth City Javees bv a score of 2S-2n Berry, with six nointa tn hi credit.. was high scorer for the Indian junior varsity. , v Perquimans' frames wits the Mnv. ':'SiiirrfiH jjoqm;-' -'tfidneittiled to be jiiayea on uuriocai court last Tuesday nignt, was cancelled due to the weath er conditions. Coach Levinson stated these games will be played at a .later date. The local teams are acherfuloH tn play Manteo at Manteo tonight but wun travel conditions made hazard- Band Fund Campaign Hal ort Additional Pledges Are JNeeded to Assure Suc cessful Drive v Years 15-20 INCH SNOWFALL RECORDED IN 74- fV'aV MarklHflllR STORM WHIM TOilM mi Mmin.v aT - i faaVfUB mM m W W According To Rep - ---"a uumum uniuuiua uesinng to help s S.1' storm Monday, it is port the local band and who wish The fund fraisins: camoaiB-n hai sponsored by five civic nnrn;,oii of Perquimans County to provide a means to Day a recular .,,' , tu band director at Perouimana H;rh School. foT the next five months has nearly reached the halfwav mt cording to a report made todav bv mes a, iNewby, commander of the Perquimans VFW Post, which is sponsoring the Perquimans Band. Mr. Newby stated that a total of $443 had been collected by the VFW, American Lesrion. PTA. Rntn a,J Lions Clubs and pledges, which in clude the amount already collected, amount to Jf084. The goal set by the organizations is ?1,200 to cover the directors salary and band needs for the period between .lammrv i j' June 1. A check of the cledares ceived reveals that most of the pledges have been made by residents of Hertford and all five of the civic organizations are hopeful that the balance needed to put the fund over the top can be made tin fmm 1-aoI dents of the county area. It is con ceded that nearly 100 more pledges of one dollar ,oer month fn ; months will be needed if the plan is to De Drought, to a successful conclusion. The American Legion led the rest of the civic cluha in the f funds, having reported a total of $132 with 49 outstanding in pledges; the fio.tarv JTli'h haa mnnrtel tl9'f no pledges outstanding, -VFW reported x wiwi 4i ,n pledges. The PTA reported $67 and the numhor f pieasres received us imvunnut. u. - mo Hertford Lions have pledged and au thorised payment of $ 150, its total share of the drive and to date have reported payment of $30. individuals desirinar to hl n onn. Resrular Meetinsr Of Board Is Postponed Members of the Town Board post poned their regular meeting schedul ed for Monday night until later, in the week, it was announced by Mayor V. N. Darden. Only routine matters were on the agenda for the meeting was reported and these can be hand led later. H was reported that definite action regarding the leasing of Harvey roini to the town of Hertford may be taken within the near future A telegram from Congressman Herbert C. Bonner advised Mayor Darden that Harvey Point was expected to be returned to the authority of the Navy Department by the RFC within a few davs. Clothing Drive Nets 800 Pounds With deports incomplete A total of 800 Dounna of new ar,A used clothing were collected by the Rnv S.nnti ; II r i . . j """"w m nci iiuru ihsi oaiur-1 D""" 1 a. was me day for the local overseas ' clothing I tnev nad ever witnessed. Business and Traffic Is Practically Halted on Tuesday; Schools Are Closed For Week Old Man Winter hlew Kio ; 1 u- . ...o .jr against Perquimans County for the ou,m ume within ten days and when his br-r-r-r blew out, local resi dents emerged from their homes to find a 15 to 20 inch snowfall covered the ground. Many folks, still aching from the snow shovelling job of Sun day a week ago, brought forth the old shovels again and started making paths along the streets. Unofficial weather reDorts for th community indicated that the tem perature dropped, into the low 20's, blri the chillv wind which Br,-;j , " " wvvvuiaiucu the snowfall made it spem ovAti rtM er. Likewise, unofficial reports state that the snow was from 15 to 20 in ches deep. Some spots which drifted were reported more than three feet. The snow began falling here short ly before noon Monday and continued until noon Tuesday, almost 24 hours. Late Monday night the storm turned into neavy sleet, then back into snow. Older residents claim it was the worst storm to strike Perquimans County since 1928, and even some of the older folks stated it was the worst storm likely that these framea will alan ho postponed until a later date. Preliminary plans for the Albe marle Rural Conference tnurnev .are in the making,' according- to C. E. Woodard, wh is president of the conference. Mr. Woodard stated the tourney, as usual, will be held during the first part of March. to contribute to the fund are reonetrf to contact any member of the above named organizations. crch Of Dim 3S Tons WGfMliiCGKnty of A ruing a..v ' -s when it ruled 1,70 wn by a special 1 1 Ll,la CiJc were in v:,e h'-h court ruled the t of lirs. IVh Eale as f the cou.1 wrt il'.c-al i . rendered , by the cc"rt With some reports still due Per quimans County's March nt Dimeo campaigm fund topped the: 11400 mara wis weeK, according to Silas M. WheWhae v" whvVU t .w-Mavwa. V4. . KlltS UriVHt I The eounty goal was $970. , solicitors, who have not yet made reports '-to the drive collectors are urjred to do so as raoidlv a. nnom'hie in order that this year's campaign can oe Drought to a' close. . - - - The co-directors of the : W mil rt tnmes. IMr. Whedbee and Dr T P Brinn again expressed their appre ciation for the splendid " showing tnade here and the rexnona nn ti,. part of the public, which enahlerf h. county to report its quota oversub- scnoea. , , ' , Legion Auxiliary In LMly Meeting iohn C. Hobns Dies At Home In Bethel relief drive, according to C. Edgar White and Mrs. C. O. Fowler rectors of the local campaign. deports are still td be received from the churches of the county which are cooperating with the cam paign. Mr. White stated that due to weather;conditions the drive has been extended until next Tuedav-and Re quests reports, from rural churches ny tnat time. Church leaders are re quested to bring collections to the v w uub in Hertford not later than next Tuesday. Mr. White stated that the collection made here Saturday contained many articles of clothinsr in snlennlrf tion. Several merchants donated brand new items to the collection. When the rolled 0 vuui;icicv next Tuesday the entire contribution made from this county will be packed ana snipped to New Windsor, Md headquarters for the.; Council of Churches directing the campaign. After reaching this point the articles will be made ready for shipment overseas for distribution among the needy of various nations. - 'Members of the Perouimana Chan ter of the American Lesrion Auxiliary met for their Pehnmrv maetinv loot mi.. , ' . . -17 . . inursoay night the home of Mrs. P. -T. Johnson. After a short busi ness session which was presided over by the president .and during which the member voted a dnnotinn nt five aouaur to ihe. ; March of Dimes, the PrOfirram ' Wan turned nver fn iMra Johnson, who gave an interesting talk on r lag Duquette; and a reading on eaucanon'-':.K....:'pi' .. - The members voted t hnid a . clal program a the March meeting uu Argentina, using the South Am erican Country aa a, tonic nt Pan Am. erican study for the month of February.- All members are urged to gather all possible information on Argentina ' for . nnMentatinn 'dnrinar the program next month. following the -business session of .UIV 1BKE mMUnff tn; nnctteao aartral a delicious sweet course. 4 County Still Without 1; Car License Exaroinelr rcrauiman Conntv remain out a license examiner although. c- t is i liable that an examiner v iii be as; to this countv wit sn . next week or two. No flours f -iw a ':e resnation ver..l W'' 3 1 j it ose x..." 3 r : 'ri tj I v t :.m- l ltotarv Meetfoe- Called Of f Tuesday The. meeting ef the' Hertford Rotary Club, scheduled to b held last lues- "'8n ira Kniieuvu uua va suinn Condition. Rvt- W.' S Hnnt nt fhe btate Highway Patrof who was sched uled to be the sruest sneaker for the evening's program wfll visit with the ciuD-as a later date.' . , Recorder's Ccjirt In Reces3 Tuesday ' 1 - The reffular session , of Perrmlman. norder'a Court wa in recem ht we.i. Jud.re Charles E. ' Johnann o'-fsred the recess early Tuesday rtorning during- the fieiglit of the -". It -rzi that it v t John Calvin Hohha ns ,i r .Mo uxme in uetnei Saturday morn- o siwn niness. He was a son oi the late John C. and Absila uuiicn noons nf ( hmm. r,.t.. r swes his wife. M T ,ano Paia. hoods, deceased is survived bv two t m.u . . - oi, y. yanerand William F. Hobbs, both Of Bethel: turn linnAf... iU.. !ran n ' Hertford, Route 1, m irg. Lucius Jiutts of Hertford, Route 3: four hrnhom T t tt.li.. of Washinarton. r. n a. r j t M. Hobbs of Edenton and ' I.invrAAd Hobbs of Hobbsville- and Mrs. Georsre Oirleahv nf w-, ' Minnie Hobbs of Winston-Salem, Mrs! m . pner 01 Merry mi and ain. a. u. rerrell of Magnolia. Funeral ienHiM i Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the nome w ttethel by the Rev. R. Ni Car- rolU assisted hv the In V T nr.ii. both- ft Edenton. Burial followed in the Rthi r tery. A:. .' - ' . Pnearera were T. P. Hobbs, G. C. Hobbs Llnwood Hobbs, N. IM. Hobbs. ivuoocr yuiiinnpr. li A fi siah and Joseph Proctor. ' Honorary pall bearers were the deacons of the oemei captist Lhurch., I James Russell Dies At New Hope Home At any rate, it was terrific. Rni. ness was practically nil in Hertford Tuesdayf morning, with only a few of the stores opening. Traffic, as re ported by State Patrolmen, was non existent. All roads in Eastern North Carolina were blocked by the storm and highway officials uroed mntMnt to stay at home. F.- T, Johnson, County School Superintendent "or dered Perquimans schools closed until further notice. Mail delivery was halted for the day due to the im passable roads and drifts. The mail train operated by the Norfolk South ern was running but on a late sched ule. No buses nnerated fmm laf Monday night through Tuesday, but xne scneauie was expected to be re sumed late Wednesday. The State Hiehwav Commiaainn h. gan plowinz Route 17 earlv Mnndotr evening but the hiirh wind, drifted the snow back behind the plows and little headway was made in clearing the main highway until late Tuesday. Traveling was reported hazardous even after the snow plows had cleared the roads of the heavy snow and drifts. 4 A large number of tourists were again stranded in Hertford Jtrayel conditions become imnoaaihu late Mondav niarht The Hertf u tel and local tourists homes reported large number of guests. One tour ist stopping at a tourist n nrnrm T a. 1 1 1 p.,0.ii oo j- j " DOI"on out ne naa never r5 '. . ' . 60 1 seen such a snow storm James Anderson Saturday night at 11:05 o'clock atCe " H 1 f r v. and r MotherOf Mrs. White Buried At lumberton Mr. and Mra. 3 : Vaihr j - - - - J "WK "Cl Called to Llimbertnn last. Satnndat, - temoon because ht the l of Wra. WbJte'B mother, Mrs. Carlyle, wno aiea at ner neme near Lumberton Sunday night v - c . Funeral services " were jconductad ' ' t . '.' '" "'''. WcriJ Dav Of Praver To Be Observed Here A World Dav of Prv.r &ttS hi k aerved in Hertford Friday afternoon o c;ock at toe Hertford Methodist Ch'"ih, it wat announced here Tuea- ' servicea will he eon - , ' - "-jj Euflding at i ' rr.bers c '." : r:rvfce... , . his home near New Hone after an illness of four weeks. He was the son of the late. Bob and Mary Jane Russell ind Mu im.. band of the late Mrs. Fannie Russell, Mr. Kussell is survived by fouf sonsk James A., Watson' and Earl ttU8SelL.au Of Koute 3. Hertford and Thomas L. Russell of Manteo: four daughters, Mrs. Cora. Eure, Mrs. callie Jackson. iMrs. Annie Whito .ml Mrs. , Lina Caddy, all of , Hertford Koute 3; three . brothers, Fletcher RusselLof St Bride's. Va.l Willie Run- Sell of Hertford. Route S and Russell of Texas; three sisters, Mrs. Lina Harrell, of Hertford, Route 3, Mrs Lena Umnhlatt nf Oiitari, Tb. land and Mrs. Ella ' Cooper of Cam den: 26 Grandchildren and Sft 'frreat- graiiucnuares. Funeral services were held at the Berea Christian Church near New Hope Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, wun uie Kev. Preston E. C.nvtnr, nt. flciating. ; Burial followed in the church cemetery. The Storm disrUDted hnainece and travel so greatly that it was expected to be Thursday or Friday before con ditions returned to normal. Vinslov Services Conducted Saturday Winslow, 81 ' died at Guv Newbv To WpH Charleston Girl . Guy Newby, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. NewbT nf Herrfnivl ni'll mom, Miss Frances Davie of Charleston, West Virginia, on February 21," at Charleston, according to an announce1 ment received here. Mr. Newbv. a resident nt rh.rle.. ton is employed By the daily news paper oz mat city. ,7 .' The Kvid-Al (. ii. j.-.ti.'. '.1 Mr. and Mrs. ,.Qyde H. ' Davis of Charleston. , . . W. M. S. ME2TS MONDAY - The Woman's KifmMnar J3wiettr ef tlie- Hertford Baptist Church wfll meet Mondav nfo-ht t A'ei.v t me.cnurcn. - - Dempsey E. his home near Nicanor last Friday morning after a lingering illness. He was the son nf the Ut. TW.n sey and Martha Winslow and the hus band of Lelia Jolliff Winalnw died recently. Mr. Winslow ia survived. sons: Percy E. Winslow and Earl E. Winslow, both of Belvidere, and E. Worth Winslow nf NnrfnIV. V. . daughters, Mr. Asbel Winslow, Mrs. "ucius rrinsiow, 'Mrs. Joseph Wins low and Mrs. Wayhtnd White, all of Perquimans County, and Mr. u.. well McCain of Waxhall; one etoter, Mrs. Delphina Winslow of Perquim ans County, and three brothers, E. L. WinsloW of Chowan f!niinr mr,A T. T Winslow and Ira Winslow, of Per quimans County; 24 grandchildren, and 13. great-grandchildren.5 Funeral Unioa ware kM c . V UflMIT" . day afternoon at 2:30 at ke TTr.-,- - -vuva -WVASTB I , w oasaaj aW UUtTB pertha White officiating. Burial fol- fowea m the lamiiy plot ; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ' f Mr. and Mm : AI.IT r i ! t. " . ,. ' rZ , v iwrigni 01 ; Uertford Snute.. Three ini. 41. . , --. . ww.iimium MIV Wrth of a daughter, Carole Mathews, 'ht 8 pounds, on- Fel lary 3 a " ' t:20 P. M. , Mother and Aaby ars..' 'formerly Misa Dorothy ilathews.'-