PAG3 FCU3 ' . rr r ;.irc o. 2 '. f. i I, 0 0 1 ' Frees: Norfolk r Mrs. Fred, Morrill of Norfolk rii Hed Jfrs. iLauia :Nachman nd her daurhter. . Miss Anne . Morrill, over i the'week-end. ;;,!V:iT'. From Charlotte Harry Hollowell : from .Charlotte, N. C, spent the week-end visiting his wife and family here. Week-end At Chapel Hill MiM Helen Nixon spent the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nixon III at Chapel Hill, N. C. In Richmond 1 r V ' - Mrs. T. S. White, Sr., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White, Jr., and family in Richmond. From Durham" ' ' Josi&h Babb from ' Durham spent the week-end .with his mother, Mrs. W.I F. Babb. Returned Home X Mrs. Allen .Bonner and new son Charles has returned home from v Kinston and are getting along nicely. From Durham Alfred Williams from Durham spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rutenburg. Prom Ralalffh Shelton White from Raleigh spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. R. T. White. Frnm Norfolk Mkl Rnhflrt Blair of Norfolk soent last week with her mother, Mrs. Laura Sutton, near Hertford. From Norfolk Miss Myrtle Ann Reed from Nor folk spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reed.. FOR Easter Flowers CORSAGES ; POTTED' PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Mlfe TdM"PERRY MRS. TOM COX 4 -7 AT . , . OAGLEY'S ... PHONE 3446 OR PHONE 2936 WE GIVE PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL ORDERS , CXTX Thoracal Sunday At Hampton 1 . Mr. and Mrs. R. A. White, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray spent Sunday Visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. VJover -ai Hampton, Va,, and relatives in Nor folk. ' (( t '( I Week-end Guests . Sirt. and Mrs. Marlon iaaic ana daughter from Lpnglet View, -va. spent the weeK-ena wun mi. uu R.M. Riddick. Dinner Guests . Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Crawford, Mr. j u M:ifr. Jr.. of Portsmouth, ' Va., were the dinner guests Sunday f Mr. and Mrs. Henry tokos. Sunday Guests ,v . -..; Mr. and Mrs. James Byrum and son Wesley of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hobbs of Edenton spent sun- day with Mrs. E. A. Byrum. Wesley Byrum remained to spend this week with his granamotner. , Returned Home - vr v. a Rmim and daughter . Miss Doris Byrum, spent several days last week in Norfolk visiting rela tives. From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Anderson and children or monoix spent me week-end with Mrs. S. T. Sutton. Week-end Guest Mrj. W. S. Hooten of Richmond spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stephens. Returned Home ' Mrs. N. C. Haskett of Elizabeth City has returned home after spend ing a few days ,with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stephen who has been quite sick but is getting along nicely now. V1! Willi's V Ui.i95 2-m. Kb 494 -BAGLEY'S HERTFORD, N. C. Week-end In Ralegh r s xV.V .Mrs. Walter Oakey spent the week end with her. daughter, Miss Molly Oakey, in Raleigh; Misa, Oakey is student at St. Mary's SchooL - From Edenton x , Miss Mary Morris of Edenton spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. P. Morris. ; t - - From Greenville - - -'V-? y' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards from Greenville spent the 'week-end with W. F. a Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edwards. ' .'-'i-s.- Returned,, Borne .m&tX? . Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Henry and son and Mrs. J. Mood Mathews returned to their home here Monday night af ter having spent a week in New York City visiting with Mr. Jarvis' mother. ' Visited Relatives , . " . Mi. unA Mm. Ben Thatch. Mr. and Mrs Philip Thatch visited the Rev. and Mrs. Harrell, Thatch at uradnax, Va., over the week-end. , ' From Richmond . Mr. and Mrs. N." C. Bareoot and children from Richmond, Va., spent the week-end February Uth with Mr. and Mrs. I. A. White. At Salisbury The1-Rev. Charles W. Duling and D. P. Brooks left Monday to spend a few days in saiiaoury; . From Norfolk r. - TtA Rnrnn and ' Donald Swan. USNR, of Norfolk spent the week end with friends. . . Week-end With Parents Miss Marv Jane Riddick spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Riddick, at Hobbsville. From ECTC George Wood, a student a ECTC, spent the week-end. with his parents near Hertford. From Boons villi Carroll Transou from Boonsville, N. C, is ' the guest of Mrs. J. W. Zachery. Mrs. Zachery has returned home after visiting relatives in Boonsville. f Norfolk Guest :- ' Miss. Katherine Ann Holmes spent the week-end in Norfolk as the guest of Miss Dot Jenkins. - From Sunbury Mrs. G. B. Morgan of Sunburv spent several days last week witn Mrs. J. T. Shannonhouse and Mr. and Ifosi Ben Thatch " u . Week-end In Edenton - Carolyn Fay Lewis 'spent the week end with relatives in Edenton. In. Rochester i - Mrs. H. R. Christensen left Satur day for Rochester, N. Y., to Join her husband. Mrs. Christensen has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Darden. , f Today Friday Saturday Show Opens 1 P.M. " Matinee 8 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. I ALLAN LANE. f . v, JOAN CAULHELD I in . .. william BOLDEN j Oreg:on TraitScouts'V L "Deafc Ruth" j -Forest Rangers- Nov 12 Sundays. Shows Z:15, 4:15 and 9:ia f. M. . . FRANK SINATRA and KATHRYN GRAYSbN mm -in- IT JIAPPEIJED IN BROOIILYH", Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M. ' Night 7 and 9 P. M. CARY GRANT and SHIRLEY TEMPLE , 111 Th3 0zch2!or And Th3 Oobby Soxer' Wednesday Matinee 3 P, pL' Night 7 and 9 P. M- . .. ' ' 'J WW -- DOUBLE FEATCRE v 1 'f V X . vj l'1 i f Ftrai Vmlmr . I RremA Fann First Feature - RICHARD MARTIN . X FRANCES RAFFERTT . ;"Advcnturcs of Don Second Feature KENT TAYLOR 1 , f LOUISE CURRIE ' "Second Chance" , A,na way ijai.nee r. ct. ivigni-a r. Li : , cARrr miranda and croucno marx a . "7 s ' ."In From Greenville -; Buck Wilson from ECTC, Green ville spent the week-end with his, par- ems near nerciora. j Weekend With Parents Charles Skinner from Louisburg College spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. Front Washington - - Miss - Bunie Mae Godwin from Washington, D. C, spent the week end with her mother. f On Sick List V:V-'- - ... ,- Mrs. Riley r white; who has been quite sick for , several days, is im proved. " . a , . . s--p . . Improved f ' - - , -v - vtr B. C. Berry, who has been a pa tient at the Tarboro , Hospital for several weeks, is getting along nice lv. and is e?ected to be confined to the hospital for two more weeks. Monday 'Here rfiS ;-.v:y Mrs; Melvin Wright from Elizabeth Citv vUtd her mother. Mrs. J ' E. Everett, . Monday. . . From':NewnertliNew"i Mr. and Mrs.' Dosier Sutton and children from Newport News spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Raper. ' v . . From Richmond' . ": Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Walnwrlght of Richmond spent the week-end . with Mrs. William Madre., ' - Returned From Hospital, ' Mm. Nathan Trneblnod is at home after receiving treatment at the De- Paul Hospital, Norfolk. Operated Upon' . Mrs. T. L. Jessup, who was oper ated upon Tuesday morning at the Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City, Is getting along nily. Miss Julia Ann Stokes who has been confined to hep home for several days because of sickness, returned to school this week and is getting along nicely. In Suffolk . Mrs. I. A. Ward was a visitor in Suffolk on Thursday. While there she visited her sister-in-law, who is a patient in the Suffolk hospital. GUILD TO MEET The St Catherine's Guild of the Episcopal Church will hold its regular meeting Monday evening, March 1, at 8 o'clock with Mrs. D. S. Darden. vAll members are urged, to attend. The food stle. eronsored by the tt Catherine Cul'.d 21 be he!4 Friday moroirr. Ftlruary 7, at Loberson s Drug Ltore. The sale will begin at 9 A.U. Jo LuEtn : gve the devo tioral. 1 Here w-re 18 members ?resr VV. . . . . . .l.C MIVIMII M.V served refreshments. HOSTESS TO L21DGS CLUB Mrs. C M. Williford was hostess' to her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home on Dobb Street Those playing were Mesdames C. E. John son, Q. W. Barbee, C. R. Holmes, W. J. Kanov. Jack Brinn. M.: Ri Camp bell and Miss Mary Sumner.' The hisrh score irixe went to Mrs. Camp bell. Refreshmentt were served by the Mrs. J. 0. Felton entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. - Those -enjoying the evening were Mesdames R. M. Riddick, J. G. Roberson, Charles ; Whedbee, B.- G Koonce, V. N. Darden, W. G. Wright, T. B. Sumner and Miss Kate Blanch ard. The high score "prize went to Mrs. Darden and low was awarded Mrs. Wright ' A salad course was served. ' ' - , ROOK CLUB MEETS - Mrs. Martin Towe entertained her( rook club at her home Tuesday even-) ing. Those playing were Mesdames L. S. White, Alfred Lane, Tom Til ley, Tom Cox, Jjm Bass, Clinton Eley, W. F. Ainsley, J. L. . Harris, Clifton Haskett, J.' Ti Lane, Jane Stalling and Mrs. Towe. High score prizes were awarded Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Haskett Low. score prize waswon by Mrs. J. T. Lane, , A salad course was served. , z. MARY TOWE'S MEET The Mary ToWe Missionary -Society of the Methodist Church met last Monday night February . 16, with Mrs.; Frank "McGoogan, with' Mrs. Elton Hurdle its co-hostess. Miss Ruth Elliott the president, presided Too Fat Polka Andrews Sisters Bless ThisHouse-j-Kenny Bak'er Bega Youv. Parpn rFrankie Carl Emperors Waltz 'Bing Crosby v Serenade of Bells--Guy Lombardol I'll Dance at Your' Wedding Guy LombardQ' I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover--Russ Morgan J New Releases-and , Latest Albums'. Arriving Daily WRIGHT'S - Jewelry Store HERTFORD, N. C, f BAGLEY'S PHONE 3446 ; n Weekend With Mother ? Miss Nancy Zachery from ECTC spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. W. lechery. From High Point Wilson Dillon from High Point stent the week-end visiting his wife, who is Spending some time here! e --' ' ' h fS &Jsfi ' v '. -fvl From Richmond -. : t MranCs Mrsi Harrell Johnson from Richmond, Va., ' spent the week'-end vth Mr. and Mrt. Charles E. John son. . ; .A . ' f?. is ';; 'i; " '- .'. jb;i''' Week-end Guests . V : Mm. MmidA R Cmwlaiul t-v:i dren; from Norfolk spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. K, Lane. Easter Place your orders now foR" Flovers I am representing the Anna Lou Florists : and will appreciate your order; for Flow ?t ers. We fill of ders for all occasions. . . We will have a complete line of jFlow ers for Easter , . . Corsages, Cut Flowers and Potted Rants. '; "; . ' " xl j , AH Orders Given Prompt Attention ' ' S, NQilE F. VmiQ : ., PHONE 3616 or 2346 :' '; HERTFORD, N. C. ,ti.Ma4AA4.a4 ia4AAlaaaaaattttft1tttLaAaA.tAaaAAA , Call lori 'tis when ypu are in need of them for any 'occasion. ' Your order will be, appreci ated and promptly taken care Of. ' Ji( a " ,.!'.s'. " We Wire Flowers Mr, or Mrs. J, Oliver White 107 Dobb 'Street ; PHONE 3401 HERTFORD, N.'C , I n ' m mm ing Into Spring , '..4 yS j ' 'J '.ll j.: -a . ' j if .!.'i-.rV;'.: FOR SPRING v . ; see our new handsome suits with slim skirts . . . in several different styles. Fashioned in Pastel, Gabardine and Covert ' , . v ALL WOOL FABRICS We have a big selection cf 'ShortyM'!Coats. Layraway or.; 'Eas 1i's; id, n. a Tr.::;:;;a i;o:. mt;: o firriE'ra-. ; i PART TEIE AND FULL Tiri CLACCIS STARTING CCON , rr PRIVATE, COMIERdAL ::D LTHUCTOR COUF-GES. r' IWUlalciU JNOWI . LIIJIT. ) - JLL: 114X1 V hf , -X. Ill pte vel:: V Al:c!utely no expense ur .1 :: :Iit3 m;;Ie training. U. ti n::i cf r- 1 eu; ! :l2:stence Tcncf a A. A. ;v?x,i. 1 1