:1 Li 'I ...j XV. Number 15. nereiard, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, April 9, 1948. $1.50 Per Year. LCI CELEGAMl MS OEFOUE ccity co:;:;issio;;His adout ROADS Training Caiip And: Residents From i; Three Counties Seeking Im proved Highway; ' More than one hundred residents of Perquimans, Chowan and Gates conn ties appeared before the Perquimans County , Board of ; Commissioners, meeting in regular session here Mon day, and requested that the local Board go on record favoring the con struction of an all-weather highway between Center Hill and a point pi Gates County, beyond Sandy Cross. ' Thr highway is known as the Sandy Ridge road, and according to spokes men f or -the large delegation -which dropped work and business on Mon day to make a .personal plea to the local Commissioners, is badly in need , of improvement The delegation told the local Board that during the win ter months the road became almost ,: impassable due to low spots and in summer monuis cne conamon 01 tne ' -road became sandy causing consider-- able damage to cars and trucks using -the road.' The Sandy Hill road serves a thickly settled area and is heavily used by the residents of the com . munities both for travel in private cars and with trucks handling farm to market produce.' ' ' According to the delegation, which ' made a personal plea o . the local Bpard, residents of the, area, many of whom have put in much time toward gaining this road project for their communities had been advised bv representatives, of the State Highway Commission that a decision on ' the , ; project i would be forthcoming if suf- ficient interest was revealed by the people residing on or adjacent to the .highway. This interest was self evident here Monday when the huge delegation made its appearance.' One of the Commissioners stated It was f the largest group of .people ever to present a plea for assistance to the Board regardless of the project be- ing sought. ,i William C. Chappell and Louis Winslow,' both lof Perquimans, spoke briefly to the Commissioners on the project, outlining work already done by the residents toward gaining the a!1 nr no 4-1Aa klrt-liit'Oif TIia tnnal Rra fA ' members went on, recprd'"favning the roiecV'ttirttivti forwarded tothe State Highway Cora ; mission J resnesting that , the project be given full ' consideration bf the State Board. Each of the individuals attending, the meeting here Monday also signed tne petitions. . - " As pointed out, the - project would be atri-county affair. - The road " traverses Perquimans, Chowan . and -i i. . i" . i 1 m U vraies cuuaucs ana msuiar b can ue . learned every individual residing on the highway wants the road improved to make it passable the year around. -f Following the meeting with the tri county delegation the Commissioners handled the usual routine matters ' and considered a proposed budget eub- mitted' bv the Welfare Denartment. C. Edgar White, Superintendent of Welfare for the county, requested an - increased appropriation for the 1948- ; 49 j budget to handle additional cases of old age assistance and aid to de pendent children. "The welfare bud- . get a drawn and approved by the Welfare Board called for an increase of approximately $3,800.' After' a . aiscussion uie vomnuaaionera lenm- tively approved Increases amounting to f 2,000. C:JcncoFiQsi: Er.I:rs litsa Fcr ; Dates Are Set For Pre-School Clinics Miss Audrey Umphlett, (Perquimans County health nurse, announced Wed nesday that dates have been set for holding ;pre-scnool clinics at four school buildings in the county. The schedule of the - clinics is published elsewhere in this issue and parents are requested to note the dates and take, theiv children to the nearest school 4n dates set Local, doctors are, cooperating with the.Health Department in conducting the clinics, but colored parents are also requested to note that these doc tors will be located only at the two large - Negro ' schools, and. children from other areas should appear at the two schools mentioned" for clinic examinations. Tee Brert Spring Little Interest Shown In Local Political Picture With only ' eight days remaining within which candidates may file for local political offices, little interest is being manifested in the primary elec tion to be held on Saturday, May 29. Local voters will have a number, of selections to make in regard to State and district offices, but the local scene is expected to remain quiet. A. W. Hefren, chairman of the County Election Board, stated today that Saturday, April 17, is the final filing date for local offices. All of the incumbents of local of fices, with the exception of C. E. White and L. L.' Winslow, County Commissioners, who have announced that they will not seek re-election, are expected to be candidates to suc ceed themselves in office. Four local men have announced themselves as candidates for office. J. Emmett Winslow is seeking one of the two seats in the State Senate for this district ,E. Leigh Winslow and Clarence.-. JtuIUds have announced ha'Ahe.iwQaSek- cwcBd!les'.ior' the cn . Tl i P i l' T" its Chappell today announced he will run for County Commissioner for Bethel Townhsip. C The, District SolicUor race is 'a three-cornered affair between John Graham and John White of Edenton and Walter Cohoon of Elizabeth City.,-"-:: : Six candidates are in the race for the office of Governor, but as yet neither of these candidates have a local manager, nor is any particular interest in that race being shown. Senator. William Umstead and J. M. Broughton are contesting each other for the post as U. S. Senator. Local offices to be filled at the elec tion this year include those of County Commissioners, ' Register , of Deeds, Judge of the Recorder Court. Treas urer, Representative and two offices in the Board of Education. "rcscritetrj Clarence W. Phillips, a resident of , Bethel Township and Hertford busi ... negs man, today announced, his candi dacy for the office of Representative for Perquimans. County, subject to the , action of the Democratic, voters in the primary election nay ; - Mr Phillips is a native of Perquim ans County and graduate of the local schools.. He is now engaged in busi- ners in Hertford and is active in the civic affairs of the community. He Is a member of local veterans organi TU'lom: Hi is also a member of the Lions and Bethel Ruritan clubs and the Eaptist Church. ' - In mting his announcement for a T1 V'.e ofHce. which he is seeking for 1 s first time, Mr. Phillips sUted that 12 selected by the people of Perquim i j to te their Representative that he wo-' 1 endeavor to serve the county and 3 to the best of his ability. i lira. Joe L& in Bon an. V I ' "i of a ? ' .r, born 1 6, at t:.e I '-al Ccn- - h cv-. r -t f Move Players Mon. The Norfolk Baseball Club broke off spring training in Hertford last week-end. The club management re moved half of the squad of 62 play ers to Norfolk last . Sunday and the remaining players, were transported to Blackstone, Va., on Monday. 'The decision to close the Yankee farm training camp here came after several days of confusion resulting in a number of disagreements between school officials, the Tar management and a local committee which had rep resented the Tars in obtaining Mem orial Field for the Tars' use. Mayor V. N. Darden and A. W. Hefren, both of whom were members of the local committee handling ne gotiations for the Tars, are reported as having the understanding that the Tars were to be invited here and have the use of Memorial Field from mid morning until their- practice session ended in the afternoon. This ar rangement, it was reported, was com pleted after the Board of Education had reversed itself as opposing the proposition for letting. any club or team use Memorial Field during this period of the year. On arriving here the Tars were ap proached to permit the local high school team to use the field part of the time originally allotted to the Norfolk club. It, was reported that a disagreement arose over this attempt to change the original conditions which brought the Tars to Hertford and Superintendent of Schools F. T. Johnson then contacted the manager of the Tar team regarding the situa tion. Mr. Johnson stated that he act ed as the result of numerous re quests on the part of individuals in Hertford and Perquimans County. A representative of the Tars stated that court action was discussed unless the Tar management agreed to the change in the terms of the agreement orig inally reached. It is understood that this latter move was responsible for the club management in removing the players from the community. The same Tar representative stated that the Yankee baseball organization had no desire to interfere with or handi cap a school program, neither did it wish to interfere with the local high school, baseball plans. Contracts and reservations, the clui had made in Hertford were cancelled last Thursday morning to become ef fective over the week-end as the play ers Were moved to other locations. C& D Drivers Slow To Apply For License r Perquimans County motorists whose name begins with C or D have an im portant date to fill before June 80, according to the State Department of Motor. Vehicles.;'. Xit-u ;- It is estimated that there are many motorists .in the : county who have failed as yet to renew their drivers license, and this must be done before June 30, or the motorists face court action if caught after that- date driv ing with an old license. License Examiner W, E. Nelson, who is- located in Hertford . every Wednesday - and ' Thursday of each week, for; the purpose-of giving ex aminations, reported that at present motorists are slow in coming in for renewal 'of -their old licenses. He urges all drivers in this group to ap ply early and avoid the last minute rush for new license Winners Announced. , In Speaking Contest . Miss Betty Ruth Chappell was de clared the winner of the Perquimans County elimination speaking' contest sponsored by the N. C. State Bankers Association nd Soil' Conservation De partment ' The contest 'was held at the high school Tuesday night, March 30. As winner of the local contest, I'b Chappell was awarded a $25 prize and the right to compete in the d trict contest which will be held, in EJenton April 7. ' '-' C''r winners in the lot al contest w-a ' vard Lane, second, v ho re r 1 5 0 prize, and I -" r ' in, t-3 prize, and 1- 3 ; :1I1- , f th, $10 prize. Sponsorship Of Bandmaster Fund Representatives of the Perquimans Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars ap peared before the Board of Educa tion, at a meeting held Monday, and advised the members of the board that effective June 30 the local VFW Post no longer could 'or would as sume the sponsorship of the financial fund for the payment of a salary to the bandmaster of the 'Perquimans High School Band. The VFW Post, according to a rep resentative of that oragnization, will continue, and do what the Post can toward sponsoring the band itself, but according to the opinion of the majority of the VFW Post the salary situation for the bandmaster is one that should ,be handled by the Board of Education. It is for this reason Lthat the VFW, according to the spokesman, is turning the respon sibility to the Board of fc.ducat.ion. Early this year, after numerous at tempts had been made to provide a salary arrangement for the band master, the local VFW Post assumed the sponsorship of a drive to raise funds sufficient to pay the band master a fixed salary beginning with January and ending June 30. A large number of individuals throughout the county pledged one dollar per month toward the amount needed to meet this obligation. While this plan has worked successfully, a large number of residents as well as some members of the VFW are of the opinion that this matter should be handled through the school system. Four other or ganizations, the American Legion, PTA, Rotary and Lions clubs joined with ' the VFW toward raising the sum needed to meet the obligation for the six months of this year. It is reported that at least a number of members of these organizations be lieve as does the VFW that the band master salary should be handled by the school officials. No action was taken by the Board of Education at the meeting this week in regards to the matter. State Coach To Be Specter At Banquet ; Everett N.- Case, nationally known basketball coach of N. C. State Col lege,' Will be the guest speaker at a banquet to be given in Hertford on Tuesday night, May 4, by the Hert ford Rotary Club for members of the Perquimans High ' School boys' and girls' basketball team, it was an nounced today by Max Campbell, president of , the club, who secured Mr. Case as the speaker for the oc casion. ' ' CoachV Case directed high school basketball teams in Indiana for a number of years and came to State College two years ago after his re lease from the Navy. During the war years Case served as Navy Athletic Director at several Navy schools. Dur ing his !twq years at State College Case's teams' have attained national rating among ' college ranks. The State team "during the past year won 29 games and lost three, the last in the opening round of the National In vitational .Tournament in New York. -1 . , - Chappell Candidate For County Board Unv ft f?liiinnall nt Rathal Town- ship, former member of the County Boara 4i commissioners, today an nounced his candidacy for the office subject to the Democratic Primary to be held the latter part of Hay. . Mr PhaTtnol! - bbtvbA - u floiintV Commissioner for a period of eight years and retired rrom tne Boara in 1940." - In ' nnnminxlno- hia C&ndidacv Mr. fHinnnoll atahul ' thnf. hn was becom ing a candidate for the office t ,the urging of many friends and requests of numerous residents throughout the county. - . , ' '; JUDSON MEMORIAL BIBLE J VV CLASS MEETS APRIL IS j The Judsoo Memorial . Bible 'Class of the Eaptist Church will meet Tuesr, day, April 18, at 8 -P. M. at the church with tlrs. Jim BasS .' 'Vs. E.' A. Goo 1. nan- as joint r All members are urged to la . 1. VFW Post To Drop New Officers Of Hertford OES Named New officers of the Hertford Chap ter,. No. 137, .Eastern Star, were in stalled at a meeting on Monday night, March 29, following the official visit of the District Deputy Grand Matron, and Patron, Mrs. Rae Emery and W. J. Pell. Grand officers con ducting the installation of 'the officers were Mrs. -Emery, Mrs. Blanche Twi ford, Mrs. Mary Pell and Mrs. W. J. Pell. . . The local officers installed were Mrs. Sipivey Matthews, Worthy Mat ron: Spencer Vick, 'Worthy Patron; Mrs. Lillie Vann, Associate Matron; Cecil Winslow, Associate Patron; Mrs. Dorothy Bass, Conductress; Mrs. Mary Robertson, Associate; Mrs. Ce cil Wiijslow, Secretary; David Prit- chard, Treasurer; Mrs. Lena Gregory, Chaplain; Mrs. Lela Winslow, -Mar shall. Other officers Include Mrs. Lois Carlton, Mrs. Eva Dozier, Mrs. Hazel Spires, Mrs. Margaret Bagley, Mrs.' Erma Vick, Mrs. Mary Chappell and Mrs. Edna Eley. . The chapter presented a past mat ron's pin to Mrs. Sallie Bonner, re tiring Worthy Matron. Visitors at the meeting included those from Elizabeth City, stantonburg and, vic tory- . Chapter of Virginia. : Mr. and Mrs.' Cecil Winslow, Mr. and Mrs.. G. C. Buck, Mr, and Mrs. Htfyle Umphlett and Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Bonner attended the Scottish Rite party "held in Edenton last Friday night The next meeting of the Hertford Chapter of the Eastern Star will be held Monday, ; April 12, at 8 o'clock in the Masonic hall. All members are urged to be present .--'i Symons Rites Held v Sunday Afternoon . .r- Funeral services for ChrisfoDfler DIP lttst Thursday morning after ap' ill ness of three months, were conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Pleasant Grove Church. The Kev. Sigsbee Miller, officiated. !. Siinrivinir are th widow. Mrs. Christopher Symons, one son, Ernesf Symons. of Hertford; three daugn ters. Mrs. W. A. Arnold of Elizabeth Citv. Mm. Martha Hall of Winfall hand Mrs. George Hall of Winfall; one sister; Mrs. Tergin Bertiet ot iiiuza- xh City; 19 grandchildren ana tour ' t. grandchildren. ''' - ' " 1 . '1 bearers were Charlie Lane, ; v Hurdle Leslie Sumners, Vernon .11, Dennis, Hurdle .and Quinton F. T. JOHNSON TENDERS RESIGNATION AS SUPERINTENDENT OF COUNTY SCHOOLS In House Race 3s;::&x3:-.Y: Air, -( CLARENCE W. PHILLIPS Clarence W. Phillips, a Hert ford business man, today an nounced his candidacy for the office of Representative for Per quimans County. He enters the race against E. Leigh Winslow, who announced his candidacy two weeks ago. J in the faml'.y plot tt Eurdletowa, vj Varied Docket In Recorder's Court Session Tuesday A varied docket consisting of 28 ases, 15 of which involved charges of speeding, was disposed of by the Perquimans Recorder's Court at the session conducted here Tuesday morn ing. Fines of five dollars and costs of court were taxed against Edwin Shane, Isel Stempil, Peter Nehemkis, Robert Bootay, Harry Katz, Samuel Doss, Rudy Hager, George Worthsby, Jerome Laden and Kenneth DePree, all of whom entered pleas of guilty. r .Ten dollar nes and costs of court was assessed. againSt Lee KimLoy, David Brown, Robert Spry, Charles Jahn and Irving Rigler on charges of speeding. A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case charging Eula Thatch, Negro, with assault. Norris Jaffie paid the costs of court on a charge of passing a car on a curve. Malachi Parson, Negro, plead guilty to driving with insufficient brakes and paid a fine of $10 and costs. William Carter, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of being drunk and paid the costs of court. A fine of $10 and costs were taxed (Continued on Page Eight) SmaU-White Vows Spoken fyfarch 27th The marriage of Miss Eula Virginia White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph P. White, of Hertford Route 3, to Clyde Small, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Small of Weeksville, was solemnized on March 27 at the Berea Church of Christ at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Preston E. Cayton, pastor of -the church, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. 1 . The church was " beautifully deco rated with white gladioli, snapdrag ons, palms, fern and lighted candel abra. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. R. M. Riddick, pianist rendered a program of nuptial music, using the traditional wedding , marches as the processional and recessional; Mrs. Tommy Thompson of Elizabeth City sang "I Love You Truly," "Because" and "Ihe Lord s Prayer." The bride, who was given In mar riage by her father, was attired in a suit of Airforce Blue, with Navy ac cessories, and a shoulder corsage of orchids. Her shoes and. bag were battleship, grey. , Mrs. G. H. Webb of Elizabeth City. sister of the bride, was matron of honor and. the bride's only attendant She wore a brown wool dressmaker's suit with pink accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. Best : man was the bridegroom s brother-in-law, H. S. . Jackson. Ush ers were Gaston Smail, Jr., and Hor ace Stanton, Jr., both cousins of the bridegroom. The bride's mother wore a suit of old rose with black accessories and her flowers were orchids. The' bride groom's mother - wore a green wool suit with black, accessories and an orchid corsage. . s " Mrs. H. N. i Dunstan of Norfolk, sister of the bride, and Mrs. H. S. JackBon, sister of the bridegroom, were, mistresses o ceremonies. .;., . ) Action Follows Request Made By Board of Education Monday F. T. Johnson, superintendent of Perquimans County Schools since 1934, tendered his resignation of that post to the Board of Education on Wednesday. The action followed a request, made on Monday by the Board of Education, that Mr. John son resign in accordance with the terms of a conditional contract which was offered and accepted by him in April of 1947. In announcing his resignation, Mr. Johnson stated that he would have a public statement to release to the press at a later date. The state ment of resignation, which was mailed to W. E. Dail, chairman of the Board of Education, makes the resignation effective as of June 30 this year. At a meeting of the Board of Edu cation held Monday. Mr. Johnson pointed out to the Board members that the contract signed last year was conditional and it was time for action on the matter. After a discussion, it was reported, that the Board was unanimously in favor of requesting the resignation, based upon the con ditions set out in the agreement made in 1947. The terms of this agreement was that Mr. Johnosn would resign, if requested bv the Board, at the end of 12 months, al though the formal contract called for the appointment of Mr. Johnson as superintendent of schools for a period of two years. Dissention over local school condi tions, it was reported last vear. led to the conditional contract which was then offered by the Board of Educa tion. Later, however, Mr. Johnson suffered an illness which ,for a time handicapped him in carrying out the duties of the office. However, his health improved and he has been carrying on his work during the past eight months as superintendent. The Perquimans Weekly learned, however, that this condition had some bearing in regard to the action taken by the Board at the meeting early this week. Mrs. Norman Elliott, representing the PTA of the Hertford Grammar School, appeared before the Board and made requests pertaining to the improvement of the lunch room at the school. , The Board .received a number of complaints in regard to .the condi tions at Perquimans High School, and on motion it was ordered that a gen eral spring cleaning be conducted at the school. ' Permission was granted by the Board for the moving of 'one of the fences surrounding Memorial Field, to provide space for the building of additional bleachers for the baseball park. Perquimans County Cancer Fund Drjve To Open Next Week Joe H. Towe will lead Perquimans County in its April drivtf for funds to fight cancer. Mr. Towe's appointment was an nounced today by John parkins, Jr., of Trenton, State campaign chairman for the American Cancer Society. "It always has been th policy of the American Cancer Society to se lect its chairman on the basis of civic interest leadership and executive abil ity. I believe Mr. Towe has all those qualities to a high degree," Larkins said. The North Carolina Division of the American Cancer Society . is fortunate to have him serve as cam paign chairman." . , , " Mr. Towe pointed out 'that funds raised in Perquimans County will be used to help finance a three-fold at tack on the disease which last year killed more than 2,500 men, women and children in the State. . Committee for each township in the county will be named next Monday and a plan for solicitation to raise the county goal of $400 will be mapped out Mr. Towe announced. It is estimated that there are 36 cases of cancer in Perquimans County at this time and funds raised through the local drive will go to helping to fight the battle against this disease. A large portion of the funds will be spent on a widespread educational -program designed to teach the public the early symptoms of cancer and to encourage prompt medical attention while the disease is in early stages and chance of cure Is good. t ' BROTHER OF MRS. WINSLOW 1 DIES AT CHARLOTTE Word was received here Monday evening by Mrs. Cecil Winslow that , her brother, Joe J. Brothers, died at his home in Charlotte Monday after a short illness.. , ' , I