- a GrQ Pat ; vv .1 The Albemarle, will have an annual Thanksgiving Day football program if plans 'tow tender discussion between " officials of , the 'Perquimans High School - and . - Elisabeth City : High '''.School are wmted..,;., iik'.,,: .. E. C. Woodard, principal of the local school, announced this week ' that agreements whereby Perquimans and Elizabeth City tms will play , each Thanksgiving Day 'are now un- ;;ier consideration nd it appears that -contracts will be signed binding the ' pact. According to the plan the game will be played each year, with the teams acting as joint hosts and divid in? equally the receipts ''after, ex- . senses are deducted. . The plan calls for the first game in 1948 to be play ed at Elisabeth City and the' second year at Hertford?' Each year there after t'.e term will alternate the . . game br tv eca the two towns. jTerruimans ' Baseball 'Directors Met Tuesday a Directors of the Perquimans County fcasebaii team met v in the Court House at Hertford Tuesday night for a report from various members in -regard to the plana for the team for the coming season in the Albemarle League, ' Joe H. ;Levinson, business 'manager of the' club, reported that the local directors have contacted a . number of outstanding .players re garding contracts and some of these players are expected to be signed shortly. At the present Ed McCarthy, catcher for Duke University, is the , only player signed to a local contract. McCarthy will manage the local club . this season. o ''; Local pfayers definitely counted on to play for the Indians this summer are Harmon Young, Red " Kimbrell, . Bud Cayton and Joe Nowell. Jack Craig and several other Perquimans players may be lined up on the local roster The rati i Home I- Mox'.r :.1m Club met Liom! y aternoon, Uarch 22,v with 13 members present. ( . The opening song "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone" was sung and the devotional, Luke, 9th chapter, was read by the president, Mrs. Joe Ward, followed by a prayer by Miss Gertie Chappell. t ?, - - . -Mrs. S. M. Long and Mrs. Dan Simpson gave a reading report on the meeting in - Amsterdam, which was enjoyed by all ,, 'All club members were invited, to heat1 Mr. Mobley at the Agricultural Building on April 6th, The report of the County Council meeting on March 5th Vas given by Mrs. E. T. Phillips. ; -. : Mrs. Ward gave each member names of people in the Netherlands and asked each one to contribute in some way to. them, either write or send something that will help them. A verjA Interesting reading on tu berculosis was given by Mrs. E. T. Phillips' and also one on cancer was given by Mrs. J. J. Phillips. ; A demonstration on "Fashions For Windows," waj given by Mrs. E, J. Proctor. The contest was won by Mrs. C. E. White, after which the hostess served cookies and iced tea to the following members and visitors: Mrs. J. P. Ward, Mrs. L. A. Proc tor. Mrs. Leroy Gfoodwin, Miss Gertie Chappell, Mrs. W. D. Perry, Mrs. J. J. Phillips, Mrs. E. T, Phillips, Mrs. E. J. Proctor, Mrs. Dan Simpson, Mrs. C. E. White, Mrs. W, P. Long, Mrs. S. M. Long, Miss Blanche Good win, and the following visitors: Mrs. W. H. Baker of Washington, N. C, Mrs. T. C. Chappell, Sarah Ward and Jackie Goodwin. lowers. '" The three-courss dinner was served buffet style to the folio ins: ,. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spivey and family of Rich mond, Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Wood and son George, Mr. J and Mrs. "' Wallie Knight and daughter, Mr: and Mrs. Elmer Wood, Jr., and children, Mr, and Mrs.1 Edward Benton and family, Mr. and Mra. E. :E. Britt,r Wilson, N. C' Mr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Long and daughter Mr., and Mrs. Fred. Math ews and family, J. T. Britt, Mrs. Mary B. Keaton of Colerain, Mrs. J. W. Paul and son' of Ogden, Utah, Bob Keaton, Miss Annette. Cannon and Mr. -and Mrs. Howard 'Mathews and family, ( ( -' ' , The children were favored with an faster egg hunt on the lawn during the afternoon, with Jimrnie Paul win ning the prize for finding the-most eggs. - ' HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB , Mrs. C. E. Johnson was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were Mes dames H. C. Stokes, T. L. Jessup, C. M. Williford, G. W. - Barbee, M. K. Campbell, ' Miss Helen -Morgan and Miss Mary Sumner. The high scdre prize went to Mrs. Stokes and float ing prize was awarded 'Mrs. Campbell. A sweet course was served. HOSTESS TO ROOK CLUB FAMILY REUNION ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mathews were most charming host and hostess to members of her family arid friends at a family . reunion at. their home near Burgess on Easter Sunday. The dininpr room and living room were a, Hertford Oil Co. Mrs. Clinton Eley was hostess to her rook club Thursday evening at her home. Those playing were Mes dames Martin Towe, Willie, Ainsley, George Beck, Alfred Lane,. J. T. Lane, Tom Cox, Jim Bass, Slifton Haskett, Jimmy Stallings, E. C. Woodard, Thomas Tilley. The high score prize went to Mrs. Haskett, second high to Mrs. Bass, floating to; Mrs. Cox and the low score' prize was awarded Mrs. Towe. A salad course was served. WHAT BECOMES OF GIFTED I YOUNGSTERS 7 ! Do brilliant children fulfill their great promise when they become adults? You'll find the answer to this absorbing question in a timely' article on child psychology in the April 18th issue of , THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's Favorite Magazine With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN ' Order From Your Local Newsdealer t Bargains f o Builders Coitcrete Blocks, 8x8x16, each. fc 24c Flat Wall Paint, per gallon $3.00 Mortar Cement, per bag 1 1 - i . . - - ,85c Hydrated Lime, per bag .L.65c Wool Insulation, per M..... ....$60.00 Crushed Stone, on yard --. i ... $4 00 Poultry Wire, 2"x4", per rolL--- $5.00 RED CEDAR 4 ' West Coast Shingles, per square. . .$16.00 Nails, 8d Cut, per lb. 1 1 lc ' Well Pipe, 24" Diameter, per ft...... ..$3.00 Flue Lining, 8x8, per ft. ,45c 18-INCH DIAMETER Concrete Pipe, per ft...: ...... $1.90. VARIOUS COLORS ' Tile Board, per sheet $5.50 5-V Aluminum Roofing, per square. .. $10.50 Copper, in rolls, 14" wide, lb. 40c Grade A Bricks, on yard, per M. . $30.00 Barbed Wire, 4 ft., per roll .:.$I50 Dunstan Supply Go. V NEXT DOOR TO COTTON MILLS ELIZABETH, CITY, K C ".rl j' club Tuv Jay ,,. t'on.a. Those pl-y'r- we- B. G. Koonce, W. G. Writtht, Charles Whedbee, J. O. Felton V. N. Darden, J. GT ; Roberson, R. M. Kiddipk and Miss -A Kate Blanchard. The A high score prize went to Mrs. Koonce,' low to Mrs. Roberson. A sweet' course was served. ' '' -. i . , r.r tl. i v 1 r ' , i..nd i, Lita, and pre'v. t -J.i lvv $ yUi.jf i a t- a has a p. ay--: of v.e 1 'at it I s left behind. - ,. n"" ing, bv''2T r her. 1 ch soul tnv 1 folk w? I ich of us must ' pass into the unseen world, not simply sooner, or later, for ourselves." . SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON s ' (Continued from Peg Seven) "We each have our march to make in life, of Jen , through, dark' and cold ways, and 'we must render in our ac count to the great Commander alone. It' will not help the worldly old man W S PIfOTO SERVICE , : (f , At :Wnghts Jewelry Store f6r finest in portraits OTnrrnc ; , oilvcuo ff:fV HERTFORD, Y; C. SATURDAY, APRIL 17 - Phone 367 1-For Appointmeiit . . . . J ' 1 1 1 : ".I - ' " ' " . : 1 1111! TP ORTABL11 AND SELF-CONTAINED Hypreaure Jenny provides tht jjjjjj lllll ri3it nwr to industrial, automotive, . commercial and Agricultural clean-up problems. Utilizing steam . atomized hot water . . .. cleaning ' compound and pressure . . . Jenny produces a vapor spray that it 100 per cent , effective as a cleaning agent, pirt, grease and grime are dissolved and flushed lllf instantly from any surface. Motors, chassie, parts, grease pits, lifts, machinery, ' . ' buildings, floors, walls, dary barns, poultry houses . . . almost anything . . . can iillli -,e,,e, he more quickly with Hypressure Jtnny. Ask about Jenny. ? It may be a step toward greater, savings and larger profits for your business ' "HHiesutatioHol SbUul Powe" . ' iiiiiiljljij: Representative, J. F. Melson, Elizabeth City.N. C PHOTE 1046 HliilIl 'I'M ' at na - : w . m W 88 Hr mora bar ''i::' -i'i '5-V - 9in-pnced Valuot .i.toekup now at thest tavingtl Re member . . always lave by shopping at Rose's. ' , 9rvi SI for SATURDAY! eonsoLE amnon 12x20 Fine brown with 8x12 picture i oaeh end. .C VI gold burnished , twuMin with I Mm. ; .... .. . . . r 1 : U ifcr SATURDAY! SATUXDAY " JU Ywm Suvellc femtfr $1.79 VALV1 fea Sava S2c Or feel Oeef for FRIDAY! CnlMren's fit Cembetf CoffoV PAIITS With doubte-erofeh and ribbed legs. . .' Siies 2 to 8. : RI5. 2e VALUE. , PAIR . U U ,' , Yen savtf 8 a taJrl CfoarCrysfof i.c- Ftoncn :. iBAGKC? .': PanneUd with Rn kantlfe and ' flats holder for et fiowtra. , i tra. 2a 4 ' VI iJte. Sevetcree&l M U (; iff ,. , , We Reserve tliff.: QuenKes! J i2i STcms s::. cr" : stat: 59 1&V