THE PEr.gOTMANS WEEKLY,' -HSR1V0RD,' N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1948. PAGE THREE j t Past Experiei Show .,, , ' i Peace By Disarmament 1 Twelve years ago, the United-States g conferring -with othef nations in ndon in an effort to.,eecure an reement to limit Nthe navies of the rid. 1 " t'- ' i'h London Naval Conference did t succeed in easing the tension that .a an.nstrnt in the world.' Mr. Cor- 11, Hull, Secretary of State at the tie, reveals that, following the tn- n .Conference the State jjepanmem ,d to consider when, "in the light f chaotic conditions in (many areas i the globe, this nation ihould, to all -actical intents, abandon the under king to preserye peace through dis mm,nt and nroceed raDidly to arm efficiently to .be able to resist the oiniv visible movements . toward Military conquest by Germany, Japan 1J Tit-H J I: :;V ' ' v.. M. Hull vominrla his. readers that. r more than 'a decade, the tendency f the- world had , been towards dis- ' 'rmament but that' in", the several ars preceding the 1936 conference, j ,'we had seen acts and utterances by apan, Germany and Italy definitely! evealing intentions of aggression." j rhese countries repudiated :"all !dis irmament Undertakings and every Jbligajtion to keep the peace." There Vere "wild, runaway races in arma-Wnts,-iwith these aggressor nations 1 J-l . Vt-.e H4Tntiflna tkAimTtQHlOr1 y loud, brazen threats or conquest. AftfiHnDrlv. Mr- Hull admits that a .1r monifaef flint .r.tAt?0 on jlV Wt0 i. VCi l J uimiivu .j ihe basis of disarmament was next to impossible. -The question that then presented itself," he declares, "was whether arid 'i to what . extent there Would be suitablooperation by the law-abiding nations to curb the rap idly developing plans 'of military ag- iimafloi'nn.'':';'1:,-., " .- " Knowinir that Dublic opinion in this country was "militantly and almost LrSnianHir acrainat." onterinsr anv ioint !v luivuvij -j . . undertakings with other nations to keep the peace, Mr. Hull concluded that "the only alternative remaining WAS for the United States, while con tinuing to preach and practice peace, and urging like policies on an na tions, especially the avowed aggres sors, to take immediate notice of the aggressors' movements and arm our nation without delay to the extent adequate for our security." U. S. Reverses Position V " ; On Two Important Issues The United States Government has reversed its position on two import ant matters of international concern. The alteration ; n our policies came as a surprise and, apparently, is link' ed to the critical international situa tion. ' ""," r Th.' four ra?irnl shift in the Dosi- I tion Ukeit by this country involved te partition or faiestine ana repre sented a back-tracfc from the position taken as late as last (November.; y' As everybody V remembers, ' tne UniterTstatei acted vigorously to- se ha annrnvni of the United Na- ;tions to the plan to partition. Pales- I tine. Since tnen, mere -, siderable 'fighting of i.the gangster land terrorist element in mat unnappy area, with both Jews, and Arabs be jing guilty of what can only be termed I atrocities " The surprise- Shift of the United HfntM vm hardlv cleared before Washington announced that the Trefoil statoa- Great Britain and W , 7 . France had proposed to we oovipi. TTninn that th territory oi inesie 'returned to the Italian government. The disposition oi mis my w uc of the problems connected wiui me, treaty of peace ith Italy. Yugo-; slavia and Italy both wish to retain control of the port. j The" changed position' of the three i nations comes about through an ef fort to solve an admittedly vexacious problem in connection with the special itone set up and policed by American, British and Yugoslavian troops. This has" not worked satisfactorily and there nave been rumors that the iYmrnslnvinn Government might move in on the free territory whenever the . . . i.Ji Anglo-American troops leii. It is also noted that the Italian people go to the polls on April 18 to determine the composition of their new government. The Communists are making a strong drive and, de spite the opposition of the Catholic Church; seem likely to capture a con s'derable popular vote. Inasmuch as Ciimmunist Russia and Communist 1 Yugoslavia, are aeainst Italian acqui sition of; Trieste the move of the 'three powers puts some pressure on Italian Communists, who, it seems, must choose between Italy's interest 'and the present program of the 1 Communists. . Vote-Getting Power .Has Weight In 1948 ! All the news from Washington in dicates that Congress will pass a tax reduction measure and, this being an election year, it is almost safe to pre- ic.t that the expected sto of Presif erit Truman will be overridden. For the same reason, that we are in an election year, if is practically safe to predict that Congress -vill not pass a universal military training bill ROBERT E. BRINN, HERTFORD, N. C. 16 WOODLAND CIRCLE PHONE 2559 , " Representative For the v J. WINTON SAWYER MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS 'Mm 111ft : ; " : ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. 405 S. ROAD ST. I " asJ "This letter is from a farmer wto used natural soda on bis cotton. May be his experience will ' help you solve the same problem in your own fields."! ' ' (facte Hatchet 11I 1 1 1 11 1 jiiiMiilsaww 1 and much doubt about the' 'willing- ness of .Congress to put into effect a temporary ' selective "service ' act. !- ' The test, of tax reduction nd milir tary preparedness will not be the best interest of the country;- in the long run, but' the vote-getting power or the bills in the election in 1948. The situation ' illustrates- again the fact that democracies cannot compete with HiYtato states when it comes to Ret ting ready for an international crisis. The Big Question Today Is Will U. S. Help Free Nations? a The trend of international affairs is gradually pushing the United States into something like a military alliance with the free nations of Western Eu rope.- , -V. While President Truman, in his re cent message to Congress, did not openly suggest a mutual .defense nart. ha verv nlainlv intimated that the United States, "by appropriate means, Should "extend to tne iree nations the support which the situa tion requires." What, was the situation to which the President referred ? He mention ed the effort of the. five nations in I Europe toward economic cooperation which has been lollowed oy a move ment toward common self-protection in the face of the growing menace to their freedom. He snoke of the de termination of the free countries of EnroDe to nrotect themselves and that it "will he matched bv an eaual de termination on our part to help tnem to do so. The hieh officials of the United States seem to be convinced that war cannot be averted by wistful think inir or bv resolutions. They incline to the belief that war can be pre vented if the Soviet Union under stands verv clearly that it cannot continue its effort to conquer Eu rope without encountering, not only the resistance of the free nations of Europe, but American power as well. Those familiar with the history of Hitler's aggressions will recall that upon separate occasions ihe German leader took advance steps in the way of aggression but that, in these in stances, he had prepared a 'retreat in the event that his advance met with opposition. Many observers have ex pressed the thought that neither the Kaiser nor Adolf Hitler would have plunged into war if they had known, before the conflict began, that the United States would eventually throw its srreat nower into the battle. The President Explains Th Price Of Peace Nothing in the recent message of President Truman expresses the truth fnriiWv than this: "We must be prepared to pay the mice of peace or assuredly we shall mav the nrice of War." 'T ..... n Now. what is the nrice 01 peace : Is it the repeated and abject sur render of one's rights in order t'o ap pease a possible enemy? Certainly; the history of the world in the present nenturv demonstrates rather conclu sively that this is not the price of peace. One of the nnces of peace is a wil lingness on the part of brave people to defend their just rights, idealiza tion of this determination on the part of possible enemies will do more to deter them than any other factor. Once a nation begins the process 01 surrender, it loses the respect of those with force and becomes the despised victim of their schemes. The firm resolution to defend one s rights mav not nrevent all warfare, - -cj w especially where democratic peoples allow totalitarian regimes to possess overwhelming armaments and mili tary power. The . readiness of a BABY CHICKS We are now hatching Chicks every .: Tuesday, ' New Hampshire. Red and-Barred Rock. It Will pay you to put in some early Chicks for early lsiyeo and people to fight, however,, in defense of their liberties and their security. goes Jar toward creating tne respeot that other nations must have for this country if we expect to have our rights properly recognized. The , President pointed out that in the past the United States had failed concluded on rage Sue) wlilf 5 i f'y ' kn0ucl stem plan- mrctftAlw broilars..ri We have our sa no of good flayers and fad gr (live us your order son!., ; hatrhingvonly a limited s nr.. . season. . We have some start' ! ' hand at present ami can gM livery good price. 0,1 thei-.i. COME TO SEH US AT 1 inn vers Superior Hatciie: !pV" U. S. 17--2 Miles West of Edentoi. r.-.'.irBt-rJl'.:!'!! ' .'1, i. ', - For You To Feci Well ' 24 hou every day. 7 dy every . eck, never itopplne, the kidneyi filter wute matter from the' blood. - If more people were aware of how the kidney nrnrt constantly remove aur plus fluid, eiceae acida and other waste -matter that cannot atay in the blood,, without injury to health, there would" be better underatandlng of w th - whole ayatent la upeet when kldneya fad to function properly. .. . Burning, scanty or too frequent urtna- f -tion sometimes warns that somethmf . Is wronc. You may surfer nagging back- v che, headaches, dlasiness. rheumatls pains, tetting up at nighu - , Why not try Boon's PtUtl !? be- using medicine recommended the , country over. Deee't stimulate the June- tioa of the kidneys and help them to . flush 'out poisonous waste from the,, .. blood. They contain nothing harmful. . Get Dosn's ti.y. Us with ooa adenoses A mil Atm ) ' . -4 :.. YEAR AFTER YEAR More Farmers GET BETTER RESULTS IN Crop Production BY USING SCO-CO FERTILIZERS tions better than the average. SCO-CO Fertilizers contain just i j: j. j. i. i J v,;kv, tne ngnt nigreuieiits iv put yuur ictiiu in pxvcx vuluuuu tu rait; f hp hpst. prrn pvpr. With planting season just ahead, we suggest you select now the bilize world food conditions. Your SCO-CO agent is ready to help vmi An vnnr nnrt. hv fnrni inp" vnn a nroriP.r Fertilizer. A record crop depends on several conditions but an important ii TrrrrrnTT TrynT x i .,, : i: one IS tne r HjIXJliljLaucjsx you use to yuur sun in pruper conui- onrro-oof thia von- fW vnn trv SCO-CC) FF!T?TTT T7F.P as many others have done before. Your friendly SCO-CO agent is .1 J - 1 J X. again reaay to neip you pruuuee a great crup. CALL HIM TODAY FOK for Bigger Yields from Your Fields Manufactured by die Southern Cotton Oil Company a neigh borly institution serving Southern Farmers sine 1887. mmmmmmkmamammtmm THE SUUTHERN COTTUN OIL COMPANY Hertford, N. C. Phones 2131 and 2141 Talk about VALUE," says America and OMLY Chevrolet j You'll gel much belter performance with economy from Ulevrolet i woria champion Valve-ln-Heod engine. It hai Ihe finest record of dependability of ony automotive power plant! And Valve-In-Head engines are exclusive to Chevrolet and more expensive outo . mobiles. . ffc.!-.nJ 'ty'ing T:6 V cck"! -n.w und even iTT.'r, add '.tilt fiirthcr o th, biq-Car beauty of Cb'-violet's Bodies by Fisher. They're the world's fine! bodies, found only on Chev rolet and higher-priced Yes, fiem one ' public erihu-::: points' to a (j. P.OLET AhOQ; rcilnd value as i Chevroleh, arc 1 : i o c- 'O if,- Otn 'is i.avi. LET iS T In o.'r- opulunlv. Mo: p-'rpk. dnve ling to orilrini ntionvir!e registrations onu more peopia wcini Chev.-jlits, according to rcven independrt nationwide surveys than any other make of car. Your own judgment will tell you that this is because Chevrolet gives more value . . . because it alone offers BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST! Ydli and your family will have Big-Car safety, too. For Chevrolet brings you the ffiree-fod' protection of Fisher Unlsteel body-construction,, the Knee-Action Ride, and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes another combination of features found only In Chevrolet and xtty can. ' At vou know, oublic demand for new 1948 Chevrolets is at Ihe highest level in all Chevrolet history. For that reason, we urge you to keep your present car in good nmnlna condition. Bendlna delivery of vour new Chevrolet. Come in, get skilled, depend able service, now and at regular Intervals. i, fens 2151 Hdllowell ' t Chevrolet Go. . ! . Hertford,N.C

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