"flWJVgjyEKkLY HKRTF01tij;N.:FBIIAy. IJAY 21.1948 ' fV'" " ' ; ' 11 L J iJ r1 fn) j : ; ' I r f m I v TRAINED BY EXPERIENCE IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT f - - AN ABLE STATE TREASURER RUNNING ON HIS RECORD (Editorial reprint" from the Pender Chronicle, published at Burgaw, N. C.) CHARLES M. JOHNSON MY FRIEND AND NEIGHBOR , Charlie Johnson is a Pender County boy. He was born on a. farm here in Eastern North Carolina and has never outgrown his country raising. Every body In the country knows that he is the same now - as he was when a boy on the iarm. There are a lot . v of things about him that we love and admire. We -like the way he talksstraight from the shoulder"." ' That is, he doesn't exactly conform to the popular concept of a politician He speaks out bluntly and ; -honestly on all occasions and his language is .the - short syllable kind that makes government under-1 standable to the people of North Carolina. , And he-f knows the government up dne side' and down the ' other. He is a good man to have in office in the uncertain years that lie ahead. . As often as. possible Charlie tries to get away to the country. He loves to tramp through the woods and. swamp in all kinds of weather. . Hejs an en . thusiastic sportsman. He is, as we all known, an intimate friend of hundreds of men who hunt, fish and.: enjoy (the out-of-doors life. Charlie owns a small farm here in the country that is operated by . his brother. ,. Right now Charlie Johnson is running for Gov ' Pernor; and a better man couldn't be found. He is a man . who has risen to high public position under his own power. He has accumulated a vast and expert knowledge of the intricate machinery of gov ; ernment. And he hasn't learned just one depart ' ment of the government, he knows them all. Charlie .knows more about government' in actual practice than a room full of doctors with degrees of all kinds. No one in North Carolina of any responsibility doubts the magnificent public service that Charlie has rendered toe people of North Carolina. The ground swell of support for Johnson which has put him out in the forefront in this race hasn't been a manufactured thing. It's not the product of some vague thing called a "machine." No, sires'. It's the natural tribute of thousands of people living in every section of the State who have done business with Charlie and know him to be honest, efficient and fair in his dealings. I like the way Charlie struck out in this cam paign, cutting a straight path for things like better rural roads, better salaries for teachers, reduction of the teachers' load, elimination of some of the in equitable taxes paid by farmers, review of the state's tax structure to induce new industries, to come to North Carolina, greater home rule so that the Legislature won't have to pass on so many strictly local matters, better health program, return of surplus state funds to "the people." Charlie has the experience, the good judgment and integrity to make a great Governor. The people of North Carolina are fortunate that his name will be on the ballot. We are strong for Charlie Johnson, the man fit for the job. VGIE I ATI -il IT"'- ' m . JOHN: ON X: Goyenintieelt ' . ' v ' , . Tkis ereei Sponsored By Perquimans Supporters For Johnson . , , ' - j ' k