S WEKCLY Volume XV. Number 36. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, September 3, 1948. $1.50 Per Year. PIznsttez&dFor Opening Of County Schools Wednesday High School Principal Issues Warning on Student Hazing 1 School bells will ring next Wednes day morning, marking the end of the summer vacation, for some 1,000 Perquimans County school children. John T. Biggers, County School Sup erintendent, announced Wednesday that1 plans are completed for the opening of the new school term. The faculties of the various schools are complete and teachers will meet later this week for review of assign ments for the school year. Mr. Biggers stated that part day sessions will he the vogue for the first two days of the new term. School will open at nine o'clock next Wednesday morning, September 9 and this session will close at 11:15 a. m. On Thursday, the second day, schools will begin at 8:45 and this session will run until 1:30 o'clock. .'Beginning Friday, September 10, full sessions will be the order of the day with classes starting at 8:45 a. m. and running through until 3:15 p. m. Schools equipped with lunchrooms will begin serving students lunches on Friday, September 10th. School lunchroom managers will meet with the superintendent and school prin- einals tndav for nrenaration of lunch room operations for the year. served at some of the schools but generally no - elaborate plans are being arranged. E. C. Woodard, principal at Per quimans High School,; stated that I taAnrtn ant nrmd to' resort immed iately to noma rooms upon arrival at $e school building. He issued a warning that students hazing, a cus- out ana that student participating in any such antics this ear will b DATES FOR REGISTERING The selective service act of 1948 requires every male person be- tween the ages of 18 and 26, residing in Perquimans County to register according to the schedule listed below, unless he is a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States. There is only one registration point in the county, and that is located in the court room at the Court House in Hertford. The remaining schedule for register ing is as follows: September 3 Men born in 1924 September 4 and 7 Men born in 1925 September 8 and 9 : Men born in 1926 September 10 and 11 Men born in 1927 September 13 and 14 Men born in 1928 September 15 and 16 Men born in 1929 September 17 and 18 Men born in 1930 before Sept. 19 After September 19, youths becoming 18 years of age must reg ister with the Draft Board at its office over the bus station within five days after their birthday. Veterans who fall within the age group' 18-26 are required to register and are asked to bring their discharge with them. Hertford Stores To Observe Labor Day Hertford stores and business houses will observe Labor Day next Monday by being closed all day, it was an nounced here this week. No special plans have been made to celebrate the observance other than the noimay on Monday. S. M. Whedbee, postmaster, stated that the post office will observe the holiday and no deliveries will -be made. However, mail will be receiv ed and dispatched on regular schedule. Raymond Skinner Dies At Hospital; Funeral Wednesday Raymond Carlton Skinner, 50, died at the Albemarle Hospital Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock after an ill ness of two months. He had under gone an operation on last Friday. He was a native and Bfe-long resi dent, of Perquimans County and a member of the Methodist. Church. En- vtoHt known throughout the county he faculty wril be sta-1 , . jh, .wv f , M. members of the faculty : tioned - on the school grounds to see that the order is carried out. Students entering high school for the first time, are asked to see that their children come directly to the school building and enroll in their classes without undue loitering between ; home and school and upon the school grounds after arrival at the building. The first two days of the new term will be taken up by classes as signments and the issuing of school supplies and full schedules will get underway on the following Friday. S. : this ins HEADLINES Henry -Wallace, Progressive Party candidate for President, completed a vote-seeking tour of North Carolina Tuesday when he concluded the last of several speeches at Asheville. Wallace, according to reports, was heckled at every stop : made 'on the tour and was assaulted with rotten eggs and over-ripe tomatoes. Only at Asheville did Wallace make a com plete speech. Other places he was heckled so badly that he left the scene without finishing his message. De spite his reception in this State, Wal ' lace stated he will make his tour of Southern -States seeking support for his party. l; , Military governors ih Berlin, repre senting ' United ' States, England, .: h rinc a ana nussia. acumr on instruc tions from their governments, opened negotiations aimed at lifting the Ber lin blockade, it was reported Wednes day. It was the first time in eight weeks that western allied governors had met- with the Russian governor. There was no report on immediate progress but L observers.' felt some agreements had been reached toward settling problems relating to Berlin. State motorists owning automobiles manufactured prior to 1936, who and his death was a shock to the en tire county. Surviving besides his wife, Mrs. Blanche Sawyer Skinner, are his mother, Mrs. Steve Elliott, five daugh ters, Mrs. Blanche Decker of Nebras ka, and Sybil, Mildred, Billie and Shirty Ann and one son, Raymond, all of Hertford; three brothers, Ben Skin ner of Florida, Cecil Skinner of Tex as, and Will Skinner of Edenton; two half brothers, Will Elliott of Hertford and Lloyd Elliott of Wilmington; one sister, Marine Long of Hertford. Funeral services were conducted at the Lynch Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon by the Kev. I). L. touts, pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church. Pallbearers were A. D. Thach, C. R. Chappell, Josiah and Norman Elliott, Jacob L. White, Seth Long, J. D. Chappell -and W. S. Evans. Interment was in Cedarwood Ceme tery. Heat Wave Broken By Shower Tuesday; Hurricane Misses An intense heat wave which had gripped this area since last Thurs day was broken Tuesday afternoon by thunder showers that struck Hertford about mid-afternoon. -The rain storm was an anti-climax of the expected hurricane which had lingered off the Carolina coast for two days and which had caused local Red Cross commit tees to be alerted for possible disas ter. Practically all of Northeastern North Carolina had been alerted for what was expected to be One of the worst hurricanes ever to strike this area. . Red Cross officials had mobil ized forces in larger towns in prepar ation for any eventualities and locally Herbert Nixon, chairman of the Per quimans chapter of the Red Cross was advised to alert local committees to render aid if needed. Mr. Nixon contacted his Red Cross committees and arranged for use of the Hertford Grammar School and the Court House to be used as storm shelters, if needed. Headquarters were set up in the Sheriff's office at the Court "House and the local Red Cross was prepared in case the storm struck. Fortunately, the storm, which lin gered about 110 miles off Hatteras for more than a day, picked up speed and veered its course northeast but into the open sea. Weather Bureau advisors reported about noon Tues day that danger from the storm had passed. A second hurricane had been re ported in the making about 1,800 miles southeast of Florida but definite re ports on this storm were not avail able at press time. Mr. Nixon announced that the local Red Cross committees will continue to be alerted during the present hurri cane season and that arrangements for use of public shelters, if needed, have been made. County Board Will Not Meet Monday The regular meeting of the Per- auimans Board of Jounty uommis sioners, scheduled for next Monday, has been postponed, it was announced Wednesday by J. W. Ward, clerk to the Board. The' meeting was postponed for one week in observance of the Labor Day holiday next Monday. The Board will meet at the Court House on Mon day, September 13, for the regular September meeting. Special Services At Baptist Church A series of special services will be conducted at the Hertford Baptist Church beginning Monday, September 5, and continuing through September 12, it was announced today by the Rev, C, W. Duling, pastor of the church. Services will be held each day at 8:30 A. . M., and at 8 o'clock each evening. ' The Rev. J. Lester Lane, pastor of the Suffolk, Virginia, Bap- have not had the cars inspected, re- . tist Church, will deliver the sermons. ceived a reprieve on Wednesday when it was announced that patrolmen will cite motorists to an inspection lane for a period of ten days before issuing citations to court for failure to com ply with the law. The deadlinefor inspection of cars of 1936 models and prior years Wat August 81, but in ' case you are one of the motorists af fected by the new . order, it will be best to drive to an inspection lane immediately. ' BISHOP DARST DIES V , f Bishop Thomas C. 1 Darst, retired Bishop of the Eastern Carolina Dio cese, died in Wilmington Thursday, Legion Meeting Set For Friday Night ' Members of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of - the American Legion will meet Friday night, September 3rd, at 8 o'clock at the Agriculture Building in Hertford, it was announced today by Francis Nixon, Post Adjutant , 'All member are ureed to be n reg ent as plans for the opening of the Legion club house at Harvey Point will be made. Plans for the annual membership drive will. also be dis cussed. ' ' ' x Funeral Services For Drowning Victim Conducted Sunday Otis Winslow Drowned On Outing at Base Last Friday P. M. Funeral services for Otis Marshall Winslow, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Winslow of Belvidere, who was drowned at 4:30 P. M. last Friday afternoon while swimming at Harvey romt, were conducted at the Uo Riv er .Friends Church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock by the Rev. Mrs. Lizzie White, assisted by the Rev. Mrs. Ber tha White. During the services, which were un der the direction of the Lynch Fun eral Home, the church choir sang Sometime We'll Understand" and "Asleep In Jesus." At the graveside the choir sang "Good Morning" and "Good Night." tPallbearers were Harry Lee Wins low, Lester Baker, Oolan Winslow, Clarence Winslow, Archie Riddick and Eugene Winslow. Honorary pallbear ers were members of his Sunday School class and the Young Ladies' Class. Interment was in the church ceme tery. Winslow was swimming with friends from Belvidere and waded out approximately 80 yards from the shore line near the old oil pier and evidently stepped off into the channel that had been dredged out by the Navy during the war. It was reported that no one in the immediate vicinity of Winslow could swim and other members of the party were called immediately, but because of the depth of the water were un able to find the body until 5:50 when Bobby Jordan of Hertford located it by diving,' Artificial respiration was adminis tered by Jordan, Sheriff Melvin Owens and Elihu Winslow for 45 minutes without success. Members of the swimming party at the time of the tragedy were Xes- ter L. Baker, Doland Winslow, Elihu Winslow, Clarence Winslow, Harry Lee Winslow, Clinton Winslow, Faye Lassiter, Lucille Lane, Marjorie White and Elsbury Lane. Winslow was an outstanding mem ber of last year's junior class in Per quimans County High School and took part in many school activities. Sheriff Owens and acting Coroner Dr. T. P. Brinn investigated the ac cident. DRAFT BOARD REGISTERS 26 YOUTHS ON FIRST DAY OF ACTIVITY OF NEW DRAFT Base Bathing Beach Has Been Marked Mayor V. N. Darden, custodian of the Harvey Point Base, announced to day that the bathing beach near the spot where Otis Winslow was drown ed Friday, has been roped off for the protection of the public. The roped off area includes the diving board and the beach beyond, and it is requested that swimmers, especially those not familiar with the depth of the water, stay on the in side of the ropes. Mayor Darden stated that the chan nel which was dredged by the Navy during the war forms a semi-circle coming into the shore line at the oil docks and circling outward again to allow tankers to unload their cargo, and that any spot near the docks was a very dangerous place to swim. Mary Pascoe White Weds Lloyd Overton At Methodist Church Street And Roads Projects Advancing Work on improvement of highways and streets in Hertford and this county is progressing rapidly, accord ing to reports made this week. Crews of the W.- L. Cobb construction firm, which is surface treating the new stretch of the Hertford-Center Hill road, are expected to finish laying of asphalt within the next week or two and they are then scheduled to begin pouring concrete curb and gutters for the improvement and widening of Grubb Street Employees of the Town of Hertford have all but completed their task of Preparing the street right-of-way for the Cobb employees to lay the curb and gutters and then later surface treat the roadway with asphalt. Another construction company has its crews working on the improvement of Route 17 between Hertford and the Chowan County line. The highway has been widened and foundation placed for asphalt treatment which will make that portion of highway 17 twenty-two feet in width. CaseWorker Resigns From Welfare Dept. Miss Davey Jo Lumsden, case worker of the - Perquimans Welfare Department for the past two years, has resigned her position with the lo cal department, effective immediately, it was announced Tuesday by C. Ed gar White, superintendent of public welfare. .: ... .:-t..' . Miss Lumsden left Hertford Tues day. She plans to enter the Univer sity of North Carolina this fall to continue her studies in social , work. While here Miss Lumsden took an ac tive part in the" activities of the com munity and Waa one of the charter members, of the Perquimans Business and Professional Woman's Club. . School Sunt Speaker At Opening Exercises Superintendent J. T. Biggers will speak at the formal opening exercises of Perquimans Central Grammar School on Friday, September 10, at 10 A. M., it was announced today by J. P. Snipes, principal. Due to the lack of seating space, there will be no as sembly in the auditorium on opening day, September 8. Students will report to the follow ing teachers for home room assign ments on September 8: Grade 1 Mrs. Ruby S. Winslow. Grade 2 Miss Johnnie White. Grade 3 Mrs. Francis Jessup. Grade 4 Mrs. Bertha Lane. Grade 5 Mrs. Lucille Long. Grade 6 Mrs. Eunice Riddick. Grade 7 Miss Margaret White. The lunch room will serve the first meal on Friday, September 10. Mr. Snipes urges all parents to have their children present on opening day and to attend regularly, as in dications now point to the granting of an extra teacher, if attendance is high for uie first two weeks. New Patrolman Is Assigned To County W. R. Whi'tehurst of Ayden, one of 47 new State Highway patrolmen graduated from the Patrol School re cently, has been assigned to duty in Hertford, it was announced this week by the Department of Motor Ve hicles. No announcement was made as to the date Mr. Whitehurst will begin his duties here. Miss Mary Pascoe White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lycurgus White of Hertford, became the bride of Lloyd Edward Overton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edward Overton, Sr., of Edenton, in an impressive candlelight ceremony Wednesday evening, August 25, at 1 o'clock in the Hertford Methodist Church. The Rev. D. L. Fouts, pastor of the bride, offi ciated at the double ring ceremony. The church was beautifully decorat ed with palms, fern, huckleberry, white gladioli and white asters with lighted cathedral candles and pine forming the background. The entire church was lighted by candlelight. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. Charles Johnson, soloist, accompanied by Mrs. jFred Mathews, organist, sang., "Be I cause" and "Ah Sweet Mystery ol Life." During the ceremony Mrs, Mathews played "The Bells of St. Mary," "Ave Marie," "Believe Me" and the traditional wedding marches. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a wedding gown of Chantily lace and slipper satin fashioned with a nylon yoke, long sleeves extending into calla lily points over the wrist, a fitted bodice with a peplum extending to a point in the back which fell over the satin skirt forming a long sweeping train. Her fingertip veil of imported illusion fell from a Juliet cap of illusion dot ted with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white bridal roses centered with a purple-throated orchid and showered with stephanotis which were tied with white satin ribbon. Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, a gift from the bridegroom. Miss Peggy White, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, wore a gown of pink taffeta with a fitted bodice and a hoop skirt with side panniers. She wore matching mitts, and carried a cascade bouquet of fuchsia gladioli centered with pink asters. Her head dress was a halo of matching flowers with a large bow in the back. Her bridesmaids were Mrs. Ralph Layden of Elizabeth City and Miss Marion Lee White of Hertford, cous ins of the bride. They wore gowns of Nile green taffeta with a fitted bodice, hoop skirt and bustle back They wore matching mitts and carried cascade bouquets of lilac gladioli cen tered with purple asters. Their head dresses were matching flowers identi cal to that of the maid of honor. The honorary bridesmaids were Misses Josephine Hunter, Suzanne Towe, Sue Perry White, Mrs. Joe Towe White, all of Hertford, Mrs John Oliver, Jr., of Edenton, Miss Ar- line Griffin of Suffolk and Misses Pascoe and Lucy Keen of Norfolk. They wore gowns in pastel shades. John Oliver, Jr., of Edenton, broth er-in-law of the bridegroom, was best man. The groomsmen were Joe Towe White, brother of the bride, Maynard Fleetwood and O. C. Long, Jr., both of Edenton, and Ralph Layden of Eliza '.Continuea on Page Four) Recorder's Court Cases Continued Perquimans . County Recorder's Court was in recess this week, while volunteer workers of the local Draft Board used the Court Room for the purposes ' of registering youths for selective service. Alt cases listed on the docket of the court were continued until the next term of court. According to Clerk of Court W. H. Pitt, the court will be in recess until September 14. Local Board Fully Or ganized; Offices to Be Located Over Bus Sta tion September 19th i l'erquimans County's reactivated Draft Board, assisted by a number of volunteer registrars, swung into ac tion this week and began the task of registering youths 18 through 25 for possible service in the armed forces under the selective service act of 1948. The local Board, fully organized last week, is composed of R. M. Rid dick, Jr., as chairman, William T. El liott, secretary and Thad C. Chappell. Mrs. T. B. Sumner is the clerk to the Board. Offices of the Draft Board will be located in the bus station building in Hertford, but it is believ ed that the local office will not be opened until after the registration period which ends September 18. Registration under the selective service act -started here Monday with a total registration of 26, according to Mrs. Sumner, who reported that Rufus Rouse, Negro youth, was the first youth to appear at the Court House and register. The 26th, or last man to register for the first day was William Jordan. Out of the 26 reg istrants appearing on Monday, Mrs. bumner said, 12 of the men were vet erans of the war. Under present reg ulations these men will not likely be called for service. Activity on Tuesday continued at about the same pace as on Monday and the volunteer registrars, who are Miss Ruth Elliott, Miss Mildred Reed, Mrs. D. F. Reed, Miss Nancy Darden, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, Mrs. T. P. Brinn, and Mrs. Cecil White, expected to register between 20 and 30 youths eaci day. A schedule of the regis tration period, giving dates by age groups, appears elsewhere on this page. The first call for men to serve in the armed forces under the new draft act was mailed out to State head quarters early this week. The total number of men expect&S- tsTue induct ed into service for a period of 21 months is ten thousand. However, the local Board has received no notice as to this call and will not know, pos sibly, until next week if this county is to furnish any selectees for the first call. For the present time Mrs. Sumner, clerk of the local Board, is located at the Court House in Hertford each day from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., as are the volunteer registrars assisting with the registration. Youths required to register for the draft must appear at the Court House. Hertford Baseball Team Disbanded After Game Thurs. Demonstration Clubs ro Give Dance Sept. 10 Perquimans County Home Demon stration Clubs will sponsor a public dance at the. VFW hall on Friday, September 10, for the purpose of rais ing funds to be contributed to the Demonstration Club drive for Ameri can Overseas Aid to children, it was announced today by Miss Nina Bras well, county home agent. Advance sale of tickets is being conducted by Miss Braswell and Miss Ruth Tucker. Persons desiring to purchase tickets in advance are asked to contact either of these two young ladies. ' , Hertford Indians dropped the fifth game of the play-off series to Eden ton last Thursday night, and thereby ended their season of play in the Al bemarle League. The score of the game was 7-1. George and Sires started as the battery for Hertford and Morton relieved George in the seventh. Herman and Pratt were the battery for Edenton. The victory placed Edenton in the final play-off against Windsor, winner over Cole- rain. The Indians disbanded the 1948 team on Friday, the players turning in playing equipment to Manager Joe Levinson. Most of the local players had plans for taking short vacations prior to returning to various colleges which they attend or to their homes. Manager Levinson has shifted his atttention to the training of the Per quimans High School football team while other members of the Indian squad have gone various ways. Of course, Bud Cayton, Red Kimbrell, Joe Nowell and Harmon Young, all home boys, have turned to their reg ular jobs, while Zeke Bella and Bill Bergeron went home to Greenwich, Conn., for a visit before retumnig to college. Utley will return to State College this fall, while Moe Bauer goes to Wake Forest and Morton re turns to Rutgers. Russ Garman re turned to his home at Philadelphia, and Leroy Sires went to his home at Charleston, S. C, before returning to Duke. Edenton and Windsor are now bat tling it out for top honors for the league championship. The play-off series is set at four games out of seven with the teams alternating games between Edenton and Windsor ' narks. MASONS MEET TUESDAY Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. & A. M., will hold its regular meeting :ese died in Wilmington Wednesday. ' ( .V-'.' i -!'! .4 A

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