,J.S WEEKLY ' rford, Perquimans County, North Carplma. Friday, December 24, 1948. f $1.50 Per Year. jS (LjdTS iiEntonAccs Girls 'Trounce Acelets 52-25; Indians Defeat . Boys' Team 33-30 t. Perquimans High ' School's boys' and girls' , basketball, teams journeyed t Edenton last Friday night for I their second cage games of the sea- $on and came home on the long end of the score for both games. , The In dian Squaws had little difficulty in .trouncing the Acelets 62 to 26, while the Indians nosed out the Aces in a .nip and tuck contest 33-30. ' '$r'tu the preliminary game the Per quimans girls, led by Janice Perry j and Jean Chappell, had a field day, racking - up a total of 52 points. ! Perry tallied 26 points for the Squaws and .Chappell scored 26. The local girls led at ' half , time, by a j score "oi ' 30 to 10. Mansfield was high, scorer for the Edenton girls, 'garnering a total of 18 points. M The 'boys'; contest, like all athletic games between Hertford and Eden ton, was a renewal of the old school i rivalry.; Both teams displayed a fine game of ball, both offensively and - defensively, but the Perquimans In dians came through at the crucial mo ment to rack up the victory. : - Edenton jumped into a three-point ' advantage' at the close of the first half after the teams had' played a see-saw game for the first 14 min 1 utes. The score at half time was I 11-8. ; Russell Wheeler led the Eden ! ton, attack, -while Bill Pegram was high scorer for the Indians. -- Wally Britton, freshman of the In dian, team, stole the show from the veterans. Coach Joe Levinson moved 'the youngster up from the junior var- sity for the Edenton game and Brit ton's ball handling and general floor ( fits and Lane showed up well for j Perquimans on the offense, while Jor dan and Pegram did best on defense. It was anybody's ball' game up until the final minutes of play,' when the Indians forged ahead into e seven point lead 22-15, then toasted to vie , tory; 1 Th final "score was 32-30 '' 'The Indians played, their final game prioi to ihe -ChristmaV holidays here - girjar. met uie ouuwi muia warns, V 1 ' ; j i if know how to V; With more grotltude than wo 1 xpres, w foy to you, our friends v mm mm m We (appreciate your friendly (associations and wish you oil of the true happiness that the -Christmas season can bring 'i : . i I l-'f i t 1 ' ST ' FUTTT-l T--s-v -vm MARCH OF DLMES CAMPAIGN QUOTA FOR IPeanutDryinjr Plant PERQUIK COUNTY DOUBLED FOR YEAR Being Installed At Harvey Point Base Traffic Violators l&d Court Docket 5 Traffic, violators continued in the majority in cases disposed of by Perquimans Becorder's Court n ere inursaay. i-wemy motorists were charged with various traffic viola- i;:;.;.:;: ; .... . John Johnson and' Nathan David - son each paid ft fine of 15 and costs . on charges of speeding. J- Bernard 'Victor, David Wilke, K Sanda Milmed, .Alger yitxA, James i Hare and Lowell Tergueson entered : pleas of guilty to charges of speed- tag and paid fines of $10 and costs. ..Jfines ; of five dollars and costs ' were assessed against Charles Horal, ' Michael McKeeji, Sara Cohen, Vincent r. LaShawvf George " Murray, :', Harry Schwartz, Anna Goldberg and ,Got inea jnanisK, . au oi, wnom, entered pleas of guilty on charges of speed- Costs of court were taxed against Anthony Fezio, Dorothy Gweans-and Elias Ellovick for. speeding. James ' Whitfield enterede a plea of guilty to charges of reckless driving ; and paid a fine of $25 and costs. ' Most Stores Open Nights This Week . Most of the stores in Hertford will ; remain open at nights the remainder of tiiis week for the convenience of j Christmas shoppers, it. was revealed i by a check of the stores Monday. No ' definite schedule baa, been, arranged ' by the stores,, but some 'announced v they will be open nights from Mon day through Friday whjle others je- port 1 they will start observing even- .; liig tours later in the week.' j h All stores and business houses will ' be closed , Saturday in observance of .' Chris'mas. , "- ' , "y le :ed By $4,030, , , - 7. G. Newby,, Clerk of h Town Hertford, announced Monday that total indebtedness of the Town veen reduced by sum of $4,000 last Saturday. '' This payment H a total of $129,000 which !d against the indebted--i a balance of $96,000, i. 1. ' . . Seal Sale Drive ' Closes December 24 i' J'erquimans ' County residents who have not as yet contributed to the annual Christmas Seal campaign still have a few days to do so. it was an nounced: today by Mrs. J. H. New- tee handluisr the drive. i t Friday, December 24, is the closing date for the campaign, Mrs. Newbold stated, and indications are that the county will reach its goal of $500. Total reports turned in to date show only a few more dollarsare needed to oversubscribe 'the quota. As the deadline for the campaign approaches, Mrs. -Newbold urges all residents who received seals through the mail, and who have not returned their contributions or the seals to kindly do so before Friday evening of this week. DraftBoardOrders Ten M enTo Report , Tn Perquimans County young men received Selective Service orders this week to report for physical examina tions on Wednesday, December 29, it was announced by Mrs. T. B. Sumner, clerk of the local Draft Board. The selectees, - Mrs. Sumner said, will, be sent to Durham to undergo the examinations She added that county, men ordered for induction re now sent to Raleigh. The local Board has "ho orders 'on file for induction, according to Mrs. Sumner. , Reports have .been made that Selective Service " will cut its January induction orders but thus far no official word Bf , such action has been received, here. v . B&LOfficeToBe Closed Saturday j: ' The 'office of the Hertford Building & Loan Association wilLnot be open ed during the usual hours Saturday night, December 25, J(Iax Campbell, secretarv. announced today. The of fice will be closed in ' observance of Christmas. v- ' ; . . ; On Saturday, January 1,'the office will be opened as usual during the evening hours, Mr. Campbell stated. Patrons of the ' Building and Loan Association are requested to take note of this announcement..' . v Special Services -; , At Holy Trinity The" Holy Eucharist will be cele? orated at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Hertford at 10 M M. on Christmas morning, it was announced today by the Rev. E. T. Jilson, rector oftthe church. ; The public is eoidially Invited to attend. , . . - . 1 1 . .5 Goal Is Approximately $2,00(f; Committee to Name Chairman The 'annual March of Dimes cam paign will ' swing into action in Per quimans County about January 14 and will continue through the- month, it was announced today by D. T. P. Brinn and Silas M. Whedbee, county co-chairmen of the drive. They have announced that the quota for Per quimans for 1949 has been doubled over last year and this will mean that approximately $2,000 will have to be raised to meet the goal. The people ef North Carolina and Perquimans County should be polio conscious this ' year for they have suffered 'a staggering blow an epi demic three times as severe as that of 1944. 'Added to the tragedy in suffering and lives lost in the infan tile paralysis attacks of the past sum mer is the economic side of the pic ture. Tourist trada alone is estimat ed to hive suffered 'the staggering loss ox sw,vuu attriDutame directly to the polio epidemic. f ull details, or the campaign are not yet ready for release, but the di rectors are working on plans for the drive and a - county wide campaign manager is -expected to be named to handle the direction of the fund rais ing job. Community and neighbor hood solicitors twill be appointed fol lowing the naming of the drive chair man. J'.;'.; : ' : Perquimans County oversubscribed its quota for the 1949 March of Dimes by several hundred dollars, but the total collected was not equal to the amount asked to be raised this com ing year and, therefore, the public is requested to bear in mind . the tre mendous need for funds used against infantile paralysis and to be prepared to increase contributions accordingly. $600 Raised To Date In Band Fund Drive tv ' Slightly more than $600 has been reported to date in the campaign to raise 'funds for the Perquimans High School Band, it was reported . Mon day by J. , H, Towe chairman of the PTA ) Committee, heading "up the drive. . . v-- Mr. , ?Towe stated that . ,th com mittee and. solicitors have ; not, as yet, begun a concentrated effort to raise the ;$3,OQ0 . goal, because of weather conditions and other factors involved. He said, however, that the campaign will get in full swing im mediately . following the holidays. BIRTH JlNNODNQEMKNT Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Harrell of Route Three announce the birth of a daughter;, .Vera Louise, ' weight 9 pounds, on November 25, at 10:00 P. M. Mother and baby are doing fine. ' A peanut drying plant, similar to ones which have been in operation in Georgia and other Southern States during the past few years, is now being installed at Harvey Point by Dr. T. F. Br;iand Jack Brinn. The two local men are hopeful that by setting up this plant here they will be able to help peanut producers save their crops from weather con ditions. The plant being installed here is an improvement over those used elsewhere. Agricultural officials at N. C. State College, after spending considerable- time in Georgia watch ing similar machines in operation, carried out a number of experiments concerning operation of a drying machine and the information gather ed from these experiments have been incorporated into the machine being readied here by the Brinn brothers. Installation of the local plant is practically completed and the op erators invited all interested parties to go to Harvey Point and inspect the machine and the operation. The plarit is located in the hangar build ing at the Harvey Point Station, 11 miles south of Hertford. Dr. Brinn, in announcing the in stallation of the plant here, stated that the machinery is so constructed that it can dry peanuts damp or wet from rain or other weather conditions and it can also dry peanuts some 24 hours after they have been dug. This latter operation would mean consid erable saving in time for producers. By using the, plant they would need tip longer to shock the peanuts for drying and curing purposes. He also stated that the officials at N. C. State College reported that surveys conducted in Georgia re vealed that peanuts dried by similar machinery brought a premium price over peanuts, sold there, harvested by the old methods. The drying process of the machine works by having the peanuts placed on an A frame, and ' through this frame hot air, at proper controlled temperatures, is blown and thus the peanuts are dried thoroughly . and readied for the market, ..... j High School PTA Met Last Thursday Members of the Parent-Teacher As sociation of the Perquimans High School held their December meeting at the school building last Thursday evening, with, the Kev. C W. uuiing presiding. . A round table discussion of school activities and problems headed the program, which was in Charge of Silas M. Whedbee. Parents directed questions regarding school problems to teachers and Principal E. C. Wood ard, who in turn discussed the points with the parents. ' MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE HUB AGAINST DRIVER OFCAR IN FATAL ACCIDENT SAT. Girl Scouts To Sing Carols Christmas Eve Members of 'the four troops of Girl Scouts of Hertford will sponsor a Christmas carol sing on the Court House Green in Hertford Friday night, December 24, between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock, it was an nounced today by Mrs. T. P. Brinn, director of the Girl S:-uts. The two Brownie troops and the two regular troops invited parents and friends to join with them in the song festival. The Scouts also are hopeful that the public generally will turn out for the carol singing. Commissioners And Tax Listers Meet On Monday Morning Members of the County Board of Commissioners and the five tax list ers of the county will meet in a spe cial session at the Court House in Hertford Monday morning, December 27 to review plans for carrying out the listing of property for 1949 taxes, it was announced today by J. W. Ward, clerk of the Bokrd. The Board will also draw a list of jurors to serve at the January term of Superior Court,. which is scheduled to open here Monday, January 17, with Judge Luther Hamilton as the presiding judge. Tax listers, appointed by the Board at the meeting this month, are John O. White, Jr., for Hertford Township, Julian Long for Bethel. Township, C. V. Ward for Belvidere Township, "Raymond Stanton for Parkville Township and Seth Long for New Hope Township. These of ficials "will receive instructions as to the listing of property for taxation and their cjpplies at the meeting Monday. They will begin their duties at various locations throughout the county on Monday, January 3rd. Fourteen cases are listed thus far on the calendar by the Clerk of Su perior ..Court 'rr '-mary term and of this number six are .ivo.i r ac tions, while the remaining cases are of civil proceedure. Post Office Here In Midst Of Rush The Hertford Post Office is a scene of busy activities these days. The rush mailing season reached its peak for Christmas cards and parcels about the middle of this week, and is expected to last right up to Christ mas eve. S. M. Whedbee, postmaster; stated that incoming cards and parcels picked up considerably over the week end and that delivery is being expe dited as rapidly as possible. Local patrons of the Post Office are being helpful, Mr. Whedbee stated, by separating their cards into local and foreign packages and placing them in the separate slots at the Post Office. However, there is the usual number of cards and packages having wrong addresses, which have delayed deliv ery in some cases. The Christmas rush always in creases mail heavily, but the em ployees of the local Post Office, as in the past, are doing an admirable job in handling the increased business. Overton Funeral Held Last Thursday Funeral services for Pattie Over ton, 11 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Overton, of Winfall, who died last Wednesday morning in an Elizabeth City hospital, were con ducted at the Lynch Funeral Home last Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. E. B. Edwards, pastor of the Bethlehem Methodist Church. During the services the church choir pang "Rock of Ages" and "We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever." The tiny casket was covered with a beautiful pall consisting of pinkJ rose buds and white carnations. Burial followed in the church cemetery. . Consolidation Of Schools Annoui John T. BiggersTCounty Superin tendent of Schools, announced today that, effective January . 3, 1949, the Winslow Grove and Nicanor Negro schools will be consolidated. V The students of the Winslow Grove School will attend the Nicanor school on and after that date, Mr. Biggers Bald. Kenneth Jordan Dies Of Injuries; Norfolk Man Injured Kenneth Jordan, 30, native of Per quimans County, recently of Norfolk, died in the Albemarle Hospital at 12:10 Sunday morning and Thomas Fann, 31, of Norfolk, is in the hos pital critically injured, as the result of having been struck by a car driv en by Jackson Coston, Negro, 5f Hertford, Route One, at 6:15 Satur day night while they were trying to get their stuck car out of tha ditch. their wives and a child belonging to one of them were with them at the time. The left leg of Fann was so badly mangled that it was necessary lb amputate it just below the knee. " So badly were the two injured it was necessary to keep them in the operating room at the hospital for nearly three hours. , Costen had been arrested earlier in the afternoon by Patrolman Byerly of Edenton in Perquimans Countv just across the line from Chowan for driving without a driver's license. According to Highway Patrolman B. R. Inscoe, who made the investi gation with Patrolman H. L. White, the . Virginia car was proceeding to ward Hertford about a mile from Hertford on the shortcut when the lights went out. The driver lost con trol, went across the road and ran into the ditch from where he was unable to get the car out under its own power. A car being driven by Worth Hare, traveling toward Elizabeth City, was hailed and Hare asked to lend as sistance in pulling the stuck car out. Hare turned his car around and ap parently had fastened the two cars together and was just about ready to start pulling, when the car driven by Costen approached. Costen is said to have swerved his car when he saw the tow car, which was off the pavement and on the dirt shoulder. His car then ran head-on into the car that was in the ditch, jamming one of the men be tween the,..two cars and striking the other who was helping with the operation in getting the stuck car out. The two women and the- child ap parently inside the car at the time were not seriously injured. Costen was arrested immediately on charges of driving drunk, and charges of manslaughter were also filed against him following the death of Jordan. VFW Club Committee Pushing Plans For New Year Eve Dance Members of the Garland H. Onley Post, Veterans of Foreign War3 of Hertford completed plans for their New Year's Eve dance that will take place at the Harvey ' Point Officers' Club, at a meeting held last week. Johnny Broughton, a former Hert ford boy, and his orchestra has been secured to play for the dance. The' orchestra is widely known throughout Tidewater Virginia and will come here highly recommended to help carry out what probably will be the most successful social event in re cent history of the county. Members of the club have been ap pointed to serve on various commit tees so everything will be in readi ness when the outstanding holiday event rolls around. Also plans are being made concerning a king size door prize. Although the most important busi ness matter presented at the meeting was that of making final plans for the dance, many other matters re ceived close attention from the large group of attending members. It was decided that Christmas will be observed by the club by holding open house for the three days pre ceding Christmas and that a small ad mission fee will be charged non members wishing to visit the club Christmas eve. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Dillon an nounce the birth of a son, born Sun day, December 19, at the Medical Center, Elizabeth City. Mrs. Dillon is the former Miss Blanche Moore Berry. O. E. S. MEETING 'The regular meeting of the Hert ford Chapter, No. 137, Order of Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, December 27, at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. ri'A