PACT r TII3 Fr- - t B ' 4 i 4 ,11. V i: in ) U it - Vi. k' Recorder's Ccurt . . f (Continued1 from Page Onej f . '; with reckless irivlng..'r;ri:: S -;': Dorsey White, Negro, was found guilty of .a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. He was given a 60 day, sentence,' to be suspended upon payment of a fine of $50 and costs.; James Edward Skinner, Negro, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, was sentenced to jail for 30 days, sentence to be suspended upon payment of court costs. John Burke, Negro, ' was found guilty of temporary use of a car. He was given a 30-day jail sentence to'be suspended upon payment of a fine of $25 and costs of court. Horace Reed was found not guilty of a charge of larceny and receiving. Dennis Welch, Negro, was found guilty on a charge of non-support, He was-given a 60-day jail sentence, to be suspended upon payment of court costs and $30 per month to Eula Phillips, Negro. Welch noted an ap peal to the Superior Court and an appearance bond was set by Judge Johnson at $500. use AAA limestone by the early , WIHTCjIOI spring should place his order at the . - . PMA office at once. Thirty-two or Mr. and Mrs; Charlie Winslow have dera for AAA limestone which totals! returned to their home at Phiiadel- 606 tons, have been placed under the.phia after having spent ha Ohri 1949 program. Mr White reports i maa holidays with his motherV Mrs. the .606 ions of lime-have been deliv- Ida Winslow." They- were accom ered. ' To insure early delivery Islnanied bv Clifford Winslow who is advisable lor farmers to place tneir spending a few days there. PMA Now Accepting Limestone Orders W. E. White, secretary of PMA, states that any producer planning to of Wilmington, order for lime immediately,- The cre dit rate- for AAA limestone is $2.75 per ton.'f?;1;.v,y;Vf;'': ''''.? ' -;. Plans' are being made to handle bag limestone through the purchase order plan,' Any farmer interested in purchasing bag limestone should call at the PMA office. Mr.. White states that they will be able to issue pur chase orders Vfor bag limestone any time after January 13. ATTEND WEDDING Among the out-of-town guests at1 tending the Keaton-Cannon wedding on December 26 were Mf . and Mrs. Seth Spivey and John Spivey of Rich mond,, Va., Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Har rell and children, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Stanton and sons of Portsmouth, Va., Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Barrington and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Winslow and son Donald of Norfolk spent, the Christ mas , holidays with Mrs. Ida , Wins low and family. ' : : Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Hobbs and children, Peggy and Charlie Calvin, visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Winslow, during the holidays.- ; Mrs. Sarah Davis was a dinner guest, of Mrs. Delphina Winslow Sun day. - . , Miss 'Marjorie White has returned to Woman's College, Greensboro, af ter . having spent the Christmas holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie White. Misa Joan Winslow has returned to ECTC after having spent the Christ mas holidays at her home. v Miss Pearle White has returned to Winston-Salem to resume her work as teacher in the city schools. Mr. and Mrs. Addison' Winslow, Mrs. James Raby and daughter Jan anna tit OrimftfllAnH. N. Mr. And ' , . nrnt xtt i . m TTtM Mrs. C. L. Twiford and son, Mr. and" ana mniam wmsiow oi ra Mr. and Mrs. Russell f Eaker and Ann Baker, of Whiteston, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mathews - and children of Burgess - were dinner guests of Mrs. W. M. Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hofler Sunday..; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harrell and son were fry Hertford Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Kaipn Harrell and girl visited. Mr. and Mrs. G, J. Bar- clift Sunday afternoon. ' Barbara Lee ' Sawyer, and Peggy Sawyer of White Hat spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.,D. Cart wright recently. y y . - Mrs. Moody Harrell has been con fined to her home because, of illness. Mr. . and Mrs. Ralph ; Harrell, 'Ruth and Vera Harrell, Mr, and Mrs. James Harrell,-Pat and yance Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harrell and Douglas Harrell were all dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winslow and Harry Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright, Dottie and ' Carol Cart wright were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartwright Sunday. PTA MEETING The Parent-Teacher Association of U.S. J. L. iurj I i : her rook club last week .t L.r 1 on Front Street. Those playir - v Mesdamea Dl F. Reed, C. T. -Julian White, T. J. Nixon, Jr, R. IL Fowler, ' Henry ', Stokea, Crafton Mathews, W. J. Kanoy, W. H. Pitt, Miss Ruby White, Miss Thelma El- 1 f- " J I'.ioy. A ( served by the hostess. a y silad co was , The game of chess origina' .5: than' 5000 years ago in Hind. l. Mrs. Melvin Wright and children of Elizabeth City, Thomas and Billie White of Roper and Mrs. E. E. Britt KEEPING WARM THESE DAYS NOW is" the time of year to be sure that your home is warm and comfortable. IF YOU HAVE TOO FEW STOVES .... SEE US! WE HAVE A STOCK OF' OIL BURNERS COAL HEATERS and WOOD STOVES That will provide the heat you need these days. Spscic Prices In Stove Accessories v. Our supply of stove pipe, elbows and stove boards is now limited, but we are offering special prices on these items . . . .come in and select your needs. HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE'' Phone 3461 Hertford, N. C. '" ' " HOG KILLING SUPPLIES Ifs hog killing time again, and we are well supplied with items you will need, to preserve your meats. We suggest you check these hems for your needs i . .22 Cartridges Pig Scrapers Tubs ' Pails I Lard Cans Sausage Seasoning i Sugar Cure Butcher Knives Meat Cutters Iron Kettles Lard Presses - '"Tender Quick . Meat Pumps ,. a if. Liquid Smoke Anti-Skipper Compound Use care in butchering to prevent loss of your meats. ,y See us for the best supplies, and be ready to prepare l- your meat for safe keeping. llirtford Mm S:Iy Cornpy V , "Trade Here and Sanjk the Difference' " v' , ; Phone 3461 ' . 1 , " Hertford, NfC. ., '"'"3 '' , -v i.,' '' 'ty.y- J-J- '" tf .,.;-.:. :r". ' Li . 1 O 11 11 bath City and Mrs. Walter Humphlett Central Grammar School held its and daughter Patsy visited Mrs. Del phina Winslom recently. Mr. , and Mrs. Ernest Winslow of Churchland and Mr. and Mrs. Duane McBride of Norfolk visited Mrs. Del phina Winslow, New Year' day. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Riddick vis ited her mother, Mrs. Delphina Wins low Sunday. , , .J : Mrs. Haywood White and daugh ters, Elvira and Joan, werevrecent dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Dempsey Winslow. Paul White visited his sister, Mrs. Dempsey Winslow, Tuesday. ,' Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winslow were: Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riddick, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White, Mr. and Mrs, Tommie Winslow and Sheila, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winslow and children, Avis and Preston, Mr. and Mrs, F. C. White, Mrs. Archie White and Miss Thelma White. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riddick of Trot- ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stal- lings Sunday afternoon. BRIDGE SUPPER regular meeting Monday, night. De cember 20, with the Bagley Swamp and Cumberland communities in charge of the program. ' : ' The subject for the meeting was "Enjoying Gracious '. living." The meeting opened by singing- "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." The Rev, Coy S. Saunders conducted the devo tional, emphasizing the true 'Christ mas spirit. This was followed with a duet by Mrs. Effie Miller ' and Mrs. Edward Jordan. , ,-'t After, the business session, Mrs. E. B. Edwards led in three selections of Christmas carols ' for , recreation. Brenda Ann White gave the welcome and Ellen Trueblood sang a solo, fol lowed by a duet by Leslie Winslow and Edward Jordan. ' ' V V !; A very impressive (pageant was given, entitled "That Blessed .Night" There was a display of art by each room showing some of the outstand ing work during the year. ,f The First Grade, Mrs, Ruby Winv low, teacher, won- the attendance prize. . vV'.V;.. After the meeting: refreshments were served. . ' -. i 'Xi i :i Mrs. T. L. Jessup was hostess at a bridge supper Thursday evening at her home on Front Street Those present were Meesdames C. M. Willi ford, H. C. Stokes, G. W. Barbee, C. R. Holmes, C. E. Johnson, Miss Helen Morgan and Miss Mary Sumner. The high score, prize went to Miss Sumner. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENTS OF .CEMENT, ALUMINUM i ROOFING GALVANIZED ROOFING '-NAOS y : SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS " V ; . ' ; . We Also Have Feeds of All Kinds ' Farmers Seed & Feed Company GRUBB STREET HERTFORD, N. C. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS A penalty of one per cent will be added . to all unpaid 1948 taxes, due Perquim- : ans County on February 1st w To avoid this penalty, please make set-. . tlement for 1948 taxes before Febrav V? aryl. M. Gv OWENS SHERIFF OF PERQUIMANS COUNTY CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown to us during the ill ness and death of our mother. ' The Family of Mrs. Pollie Stallings. Fop 'jfesft. FOP FART OZI FACTORY! 'l ' rv'A- i r " ' C Wi , Double QuUted Chore Gloves ia.W. ' -. t Itpluajwhl rrtM Y fgfttry tptrflftfltl 1 Cked, tmt n fcuwJ db r trfteteff Mrbwetef, feel ' ' Llaaltostar ) Winslow - Diantl;ard 7; Ulctor Ccn!r::y . , "YOUR FORD "DZiZjR r v HERTFORD, N. C. ".' HANDY BIB-STYLE HEAVY OVERALLS FOR MEN Specially designed for com fort at work! $2.75 Hard wearing . 8-oz, sanfor ize blue denim that holds its shape after many laund- . erings! Pockets are lined to make them last longer. - - Men's Hard wear ; Work Shirt - . , . , Sizes &44-17 ' :$i.49 ' . a . - j ,. " ' i Colorfast blue chambray forv trim, neat-" appearance at work! Fully cut for action and lit , ' . Big Brother Overall Pants ' ' . ' - Size 29-tt $L98' Sturdy blue sanforized denim for hard wear! Five handy pockets; bartacked fly.' , Gibraltar ; WorkPailts I Budget-Priced! Good looking - gray ' covert that will not show, the aoiL Sanforised to prevent shrink ge. 29 to 42. . Excellent hand protection! ' 144-ounce flannel with fitted : - knit wristband. Brown. Sizes ; for men. - - 59c ; Handkerchief 1 Your choice of two red or , , blue print designs for the i workmen in your family! ' Handy 18-inch square. ; , Union Made Shop Cap. Comfortable full cut' crown; stitched peak and unbreak- V able Vianr tho4 Mtofna .L... I . ; Sanforizzed And washable. 49c i .CH''P-.:TT . . . . ... . , , , .... CD 1 . 4 r