, - W .,.. ..(.,. .)... . -i WEEKLY Volume XVI. Number 13.. ; Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, a Friday, April 1, 1949. . $1.50 Per Year. VFW Post Sccteis lliy Stores jr., As luVGdKiisr - Plans Made For Observ ance of VFW's 50th Anniversary j Henry Stokes, Jr., was elected to serve as commander of the Garland H. Onley Veterans of Foreign Wars Post, for the coming year, at a meet ing held at the' post hall here Mon day night - ' Stokes, who succeeds Eldon Wins low as commander, is a charter mem ber of the three-year-old post and has served in the capacity of post quar termaster during .the past year. Other officers elected at Monday night's meeting include Broughton T. Dail as senfor vice commander, sue- - ceeding Edison Harris and Doward Jones as junior vice commander, re placing Harry Overton, Jr. Otis "- White was named to serve as quartermaster. Installation of ,the new officers will take place at the post 4ia.ll on Mon X day night, April 11, during the regu lar business session with James E. Newby, past post commander, taking , charge 'of the ceremonies. v Members also voted in favor of ob .2. serving the VFW'i 60fy anniversary , National Golden Jubilee week 'with a banquet and dance to be held Satur- day, April 16." All members will be . 'invited to attend a dutch dinner and the general public will be invited to attend the dance, to be held at the f ; club. The banquet place will be an- 1 nounced as soon as arrangements 5a have bee completed. Final pliweJia by members f ussion,tQ.:'fpoijsorri; what . will .be i known asihe VFW's blood donors list ,with Edgar, Wihe,, auperintendei V v w puuiw weuare, xjenfuiinanj , vouniyd .being named as chairman to head ,iAy lrive to list residents of -the county , ' ; -who Will vteer to give Ioo?. v i the event th.: an iMKmiA. a-nriwia.. Crop Insurance : "V Pgram Assured:l:;i; J f : A sufficient number-of applications for multiple crop insurance have been secured from Perquimans County farmers to assure the program being carried out, it was announced mifi week by Charlie Vann, chief clerk for the local project. Thursday, March 31, was the dead line for taking of applications and Mr. Vann pointed out that more than 200 farm units needed to carry out the program here were insured under the system. , .v, w , K Multiple crop insurance is a new program sponsored by the Federal Government, and Perquimans County is among the three or four counti-js in the nation in which the program is be ing organized. This county was se lected for the program due to the varied crop production here. Suspended Sentence Given Defendant In Wood Stealing Case w HEADLINES Dr. Frank P. Graham, former ; president of the University of North ' Carolina,, was sworn in asvU.Sj Sena . tor on Tuesday. - Immediately" Senator . Graham announced that he will be a candidate in 1950 to nil the unexpired . term of the late Senator J. -M. ; Broughton. - Mr. Graham 'was appoint ed to the position by Governor Scott . last week to serve until the next elec tion. More than 500 Tar Heels . crowded into the Senate gallery to watch swearing-in ceremonies. ) The high costs of living seemed to be sliding downward this week with announcements that price cuts were listed on numerous articles'. Kaiser- Frazer autos were reduced from $198 to $333,-; other merchandise marked down included . refrigerators, radios, auto batteries, some steel commodi ties and even ice cream was reported off three cents per quart in Phila . delphia. . - -y.'i ine juegisiature reconvened on Monday and , jumped into a rush of work expected to hasten adjournment, although -no indication of this action has been announced as yet. The Sen ate passed Governor Scott's rdad uro gram bill on the third reading and it now Is almost definite that a referen dum for a bond issue will be called. House members . voted , down a bill which would tie up a 300 million dol lar fund. Reperts state the majority of the Legislature desired this, fund be used to help build school buildings tnrougnout uie cute. Willie Parker, Negro, didn't con aider taking wood from the woodpile at the Bay Branch eoloredschool as stealing, or so he tpjd Judge Charles E. Johnson in Recorder's Court here Tuesday morning. However, Judge Johnson considered it as larceny and ordered Parker to pay the costs of court oh the charge and to cut and haul six loads of gum wood to the school for use there. Parker was given until May 15 to comply with the sentence. A 60-day road sentence was suspended upon condition that Parker carry out the order of the court. ' -;xv .. i Other : cases r dteolT at this week's session of the .court included tatise of Ellis Garrett, Wright Dem- erftnd Lucius Armstrong, all Ne groes, charged with; driving without a license. " Each entered a plea of guilty and paid fines of $25 and costs . , William Turner , plead guilty to a ch&rgs of reckless drivingiand paid a ftneof $25 and Coats.,.,'1 manJcdBts-MLepleadjndrr-io' 'a charge of speeding: f e ! , 7 ' Jesse Cooper, charged with driving drunk, entered a plea of nolo con tendre. He was ordered to pay a fine of $100 and costs of court and his driver's license was Tevoked for a oeriod of one yean Carol Miller was fined $25 and or dered to pay the costs of court after entering a plea of guilty to a charge of driving without a license. Casini Ochman was fined $10 and costs on a charge of speeding. James Collins, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of assault on Mary Foster, Negro. He wa3 or dered to pay the costs of court. A verdict of not guilty was return ed in the case charging Charlie Cope land and Melvin Copeland with tres- Easter SeclsSzle Starts Here Quota Set At $0 Drive to Be Conducted Through School Child ren Chairman Says The annual sale of Easter Seals, conducted to raise funds for crippled children, will get under way in this county next week, it was announced today by C. Edgar White, superin tendent of Perquimans Welfare De partment, who is advisor to the com mittee in charge of the campaign. The committee is headed by Mrs. R. L. Hollowell as chairman, Mrs. S. P. Jessup, treasurer, and Mrs. "Willis Jessup, secretary. It was announced that the cam paign this year will be conducted en tirely through the county schools. Children will be asked to serve as so licitors, contacting their families and neighbors, in selling the seals. The county quota has been set at $300, and the drive which will open Mon day will continue for two weeks until Easter Sunday. In discussing the Easter Seal drive, 1 Mr. White pointed out that the cam paign is conducted by the North Ca rolina League of Crippled Children, a private charitable organization that cooperates with but does not dupli cate the work of other public or pri vate agencies. It. aids the -crippled children throughout the area, and the only condition for aid needs be a valid need not otherwise provided for. The only source of income the league has is the sale of Easter Seals. One-half of the funds raised annu ally through the, drive remain in the county for use .of the local commit tee, which last year assisted a num ber of Perquimans children to receive medical aid and assistance which might not have bean provided for. had it not been for the funds raised through the - sale of the tiny seals. The public'is urged to cooperate with the drive this year and buy Easter Seals. ) BPW nominating Monday; Committee Named For Club Election Group Hears Program On Health; Protest Telegraph Action The Perquimans Business and Pro fessional Women's Club at its regular meeting last Friday night at Hotel Hertford, named Mrs. R. M. Riddick, chairman, Miss Thelma Elliott and Miss Audrey Umphlett to serve on the Nominating Committee to prepare a slate of officers to be elected at the next dinner meeting, April 22. Miss Mary Inez Chappell, public affairs chairman, was asked to write Western Union headquarters pertain ing to the curtailment of Western Union service in Hertford. Mrs. "Lawrence Towe, president, an nounced the business meeting sched uled for April 8 will be cancelled due to the senior class play being pre sented the same night. Letters were read from Senator J. E. Winslow and Senator Margaret Chase Smith. flans for the State convention in Morehead City were discussed. Mrs. Dorothy Costen of Suffolk, guest of Miss Elizabeth Fowler, and K. J. Ever, district sanitarian of Elizabeth City, guest of the club, were recognized. Miss Audrey Umphlett, health and safety chairman, had charge of an in teresting program. She introduced Mr. Eyer, who showed a health film, "Mr. Williams Wakes Up." The pic ture was made in North Carolina. An interesting feature of the picture was a scene of a puppet show entertaining a group of school children. Miss Frances Cely, a BPW member, was shown with the puppet show. Mrs. Allen Bonner will be program chairman for April. She plans a BPW birthday party. Every mem ber should be present for its first anniversary. Draft Holiday May ' Extend Indefinitely , Perquimans men subject to selec tive, service regulations may get an indefinite holiday from army induc tion, according to a statement issued by Maj. Gen. John Dahlquist, army personnel chief. The officer, while testifying before the House armed service committee, said that no men will be inducted into the army before July, 1950, when the present peace time draft expires. The officer emphasized that the opinion was his own and that no draft policy had been set down and no one knew what the future holds. There has been no induction under the law since the end of January, when a two-months holiday was de clared. However, local draft offices' are continuing duties and youths must still register within five days after their 18th birthday and also file questionnaires with the local board. Officers Installed Eastern-Star pass. George Michael was found guuty of a charge of driving with improper li cense. - He was nnea ana costs, the fine to be Suspended upon condi tion that Michael properly licenses the car within two weeks. Prize Off ered For Mrs. It. II. White Dies At Belvidere Home " Funeral services - for '.Mrs. R. H. White, 78, Who died at her home near Belvidere Monday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock following an illness of one week,, were conducted Tuesday 'after noon at 3 o'clock at the home by the Rev. J. W. Davis, pastor- of the Whitevjlle Grove Baptist jQmdV. : Mrs. White was native and life long resident sof Perquimans County and a member pf the Whiteviile Grove Baptist Church. She was the 'wife of the ate K. wntte of Belvidere. She la survived by one sister, lira. J. M. Jdlliff , of Newport; , twoV son, Charlie CndtEI" .V.'jd, both of Belvire. and ievcfti- r.Jece,; tr.2 neriewa. ' - ... Ec-ial xtom .ijt the fct:, y plot new Baseball Fans Hear ! Plans For Local Club Possibilities that Perquimans Coun ty will have two farm contests dur ing this year appeared this week when L. N. Hollowell offered to do njtte cash prizes for a peanut, growing contest among farmers- or the county. A corn growing contest is already planned, and full details for the pea nut competition as suggested by Mr, Hollowell are being worked out how by I. C. Yagel, County Agent. . At least ten - local farmers must signify Intentions of competing in the peanut contest in order for the plan to go through. -V Growers interested in entering the contest are asked to con tact Mr. Hollowell or Mj, Yagel. Electric Power Off I Sunday 5:30 to 11 A. M Electric customers of the Town of Hertford will, he wflthout power next Sunday, morning from 5:30 A. M. un til Il ;A. M., it was reported today by Mayor V. N. Darden, who stated that the current will be shut off to permit the, installation of . the ,nw, electric switchboard at the town plant ' EJectrie workers "will install 'the new, board lui'tUs date and "ayor Dare! ..a stated that the work be rushed as' rapidly as possible in or r that consumers will be without c-j tic power the hortst pow! t..r. . The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star conducted installation services for its new officers at the meeting of the chapter last Monday night. After the business session the installing officers were appointed and these were Mrs. Gertrude Zachary, installing grand matron, Mrs. Spivey Matthews, installing grand marshal, Mrs. W.; M. Bray, ; grand chaplain, , Mrs. Ruth Overman, grand organist, Mrs. Vera Hutchinson, grand secre tary and Mrs,' Laura Roberson, grand warden. ' , ' Officers installed.' during the ser vices were Mrs. Sally Boner, worthy Matron,' Peter Carlton, Worthy Pat ron, -Mrs. Dorothy Bass, ' Assistant Matron, Cecil C: Winslow, Assistant Patron, Mrs. Lucille Winslow, secre tary, David, Pritchard, treasurer, Mrs. Ernestine Lieete, conauctress, Mrs. Doris Ainsley, assistant . conductress, Lena Gregory, chaplain, '.Mrs. Edna Eley marshall, Mrs, Ruth Overman, organist, Mrs. Viola Nachman, war den,-Spencer Vick, sentinel, Mrs. Lois Carlton, Adah, Mrs. Lucille Satch well, Ruth, Mrs. Heine Buck, Esther, Mrs. Margaret Bagley, Martha and Mary White, Electa. . Following the installation services, refreshments were enjoyed during a social hour. ' President Of Chowan College Speaker At Convention Of BTU Indians Trounce , Washington 144f Perquimans High School's baseball team opened its 1949 season last Tuesday afternoon by trouncing the Washington Pam Pack 14-4, in a hit feat led by Howard Pitt and Edward Lane. - The Pam-Pack found i the going rough against the Indians and scored only in the second inning. . Bill Winslow, , right-handed burlier for the Indians, went the route in the opening game and allowed only seven hits. He struck out 10 Washington batten.- ' Pitt for three hits' for five times at bat and Lane got two out of four. Lane hit one triple and a double, , n the ninth inning Coach Levin sbn's boys had a field day at bat and scored seven tata''t 'V - The Indians will play Columbia at Columbia. Friday afternoon. and play Gatesville 'oh Memorial Field next Tuesday afternoon. :; .,.;!-f..-. . " , ; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT . -Mrv and Mrs. CaJyin ; Bundy of Hertford Route 1 announce the hirth .f - a tJ daughter, ' Fhylis Lee, born Monday, March 28. lira. Bundy was I . - "ore Lar marriage I :i Lei wint- An open meeting for directors, fans and players of the Hertford In dians, Perquimans' entry in the Al bemarle league, was held at the Courthouse in Hertford Wednesday night with a large number of per sons present. The meeting was presided over by A. W. Hefren, president of the club, and reports were made as to the pro gress the club has made toward or ganizing the team for the coming season. Edgar Moriis, who along with .Mr. Hefren and other directors have contacted a number of players in regards to contracts with the local club; told the group of the arrange ments that had been made and were expected to be made. Fans were told of the- improve ments being carried out at Memorial during this week. A vast amount of dirt has been mQved into the park to build up the playing area and new screen has been installed in front of the grand stand. This work is being carried out jointly by the ball club and the Board of Education. A temporary appointment as team manager was made, and Little Bud Cayton, second baseman for the In dians for three years, was named to the post. Cayton requested a few days to think " over the appointment but agreed to act on a temporary basis to help contact and secur-: players for the local team. W. H. Pitt was named club treasurer. Plans for raising $2,500, estimated as needed before the local club can actually; participate in the league, were : made and- a drive for these funds . is expected to get underway very shortly. Fans will be asked to contribute in any amounts desired to ward .this fund, with the understand ing that the club directors plan to operate the organization in such manner that further, contributions will not be sought or needed.. One of the feature addresses -for the well balanced program of the Re gional Training Union Convention in Murfreesboro April 8-9 will be brought by Chowan College Presi dent, B. D. Bunn. President Bunn will speak during the Saturday morn ing session, April 9, on the subject 'Faithful to our Mission". He will be received with much interest be cause of his interest in the youth and educational program of the State as well as his recent appointment to the presidency of Chowan College. Other speakers on the program of the convention of three sessions are Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., pastor of Hayes-Barton Baptist Church in Raleigh, and Harvey T. Gibein, sec retary of the State Training Union Department of Raleigh. Dr. Kinch eloe will bring the inspirational ad dress for the Friday night session on the subject "God's Call to Christian Laymen". Secretary Gibson will ad dress the contention, in his official capacity, during the Saturday morn ing session on the subject "Faithful to our Traiatng Task". ; Bennie Pled ger, student of Wake Forest College, will speak Friday night on "Faithful to the Call". Besides conferences, demonstrations and inspiring talks the program in ludes both vocal and instrumental music. A very, interesting and ap propriate screen projection will be made during the Friday night session by Mr. and Mrs. L. Herman Sawyer of Elizabeth City. Mrs. Joe Fleet wood of Conway will render a pro gram of violin music as a prelude to the Friday night session. One of the features of the conven tion claiming widespread interest is the banquet scheduled for 5:45 P. M. Friday. A very interesting and en tertaining program and delicious meal are being arranged by the host Murfreesboro Church. As a climax to this period of fellowship, the Rev. William P. Milne, pastor of the Aulander Baptist Church, will bring a short inspirational aaaress on tne subject "Faithful In Our Social Ac tivities." ' Reservations for the banquet are being received daily by the Rev. Warren F. Taylor in Murfreesboro and those who ' have not yet made reservations for their groups are urged to do so as early as possible in order to arrange to take care of all those who wish to attend the banquet. Indications point to good represen tation from, the some 120 Baptist churches of the Chowan and West Chowan Associations and the public is cordially invited to any, and all, of the three sessions Friday and Sat urday, April 8-9 at the Murfreesboro Baptist Church. 26 Cases Listed On Calendar For April Term Superior Court Murder and Manslaugh ter Cases on Criminal Docket American Legion To Meet Friday Night The Win. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion ill meet ." Friday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Agricul tural Bnilding in Hertford. . All mem bers are urged to be present An in teresting program, including a film on Eastern Airlines,, will be presented. Plans will also be made for the completion of Legion headquarters at Harvey Point .The local Legionnaires began Twork on this ' project last fall A total of 26 cases are listed on the calendar for the April term of Su perior Court which convenes here April 18, it was announced today by W. H. Pitt, Clerk of Court. Listed on the calendar are nine criminal cases, including one for murder and another charging manslaughter and 17 civil cases. Of the latter, six of the cases are divorce actions. Judge Leo Carr is scheduled to pre side over the April term of court, and it appears likely that considerable time may be consumed by the court especially in view that the criminal docket is headed up by the murder?, and manslaughter cases. A true bill charging murder was returned by the October grand jury against George Overton, Negro, who it is alleged killed Willie Hurdle on a Sunday night in October last, at a road house located on the Winfall-Belvidere highway. The manslaughter case is against Jackson Costen, Negro, who was involved in a wreck near the causeway, resulting in the death i of Kenneth Jordan. Other cases on the criminal docket are four charges; of drunken driving, one for assault with a deadly weapon and one for tres pass. The civil cases listed for hearing; by the clerk are: ; Thomas Riddick vs. Martha Rid dick. ' Dixie Felton vs. Carrie Felton. Benjamin Ashley vs. Lucille Ash ley. Hattie Ruuntree vs. Linwood Roun tree. ' James McKnight vs. Marie Mc Knight. Howard White vs. Carry White. Ruth Beasley vs. J. C. Blanchard & Company. Mattie Toms White vs. North Caro lina State Highway and Public Works Commission. Raymond Boyce vs. L. L. Smith. William C. Chappell VVs. D. M. White, et al C. A. Davenport vs. Norfolk South ern Bus Corp. Chesapeake Auto Co. vs. W. L. Bag ley. Richard Payne vs. James Roger son, et al. E. T. Hersham Co. vs. Y. L. Brown. Ben Lane vs. Seashore Transporta tion Company. Roland Gilliam vs. H. C. Stokes. vinslov Selected For Masonic Post Cecil C. Winslow, past Master of Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. & A. M., was recommended for the po sition as Deputy District Grand Mas ter at a district meeting held here last Friday night . More .than 150 members of the lodge from counties in this part of the. State,, representing' the First Dis trict; attended , the meeting, which was presided over by W. M. Smith of Elizabeth City, present district deputy Grand Master. j . The Rev. Charles W. Duling, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, was guest speaker at the meeting. ' .A .barbecue and Brunswick stew upper was served the members. R. Board Of Education To Recognize At Meeting Monday Perquimans County's Board, of Edu cation and local school committees will be reorganized at a meeting of the Board to be held next Monday,, it was announced today by John T. Biggers, secretary of the Board. Two new members will begin du ties on the Board, Delwin Eure, who will succeed W. E. Dail, and George Caddy, who will succeed D. L. Barber. W. E. Dail, retiring member of the Board, has served for a number of terms as chairman, and with Mr. Dail's retirement the Board must se lect a new chairman. Members comprising the new Board, in addition to Mr. Eure and Mr. Caddy, will be Julian A. White, S. M. Long, Carroll V. Ward, Mrs. J. R. Futrell and Mrs. A. R. Cooke. Some changes are expected to be made in the membership of the com mittees for the Hertford Grammar School and Perquimans High School. These committees will be selected fol lowing the organization of the Board of Education. One member of the Grammar School Committee has re quested to be relieved of the duties and Mr. Caddy, a member of the High School Committee will be replaced when he moves up to the Board of Education. i The Board emmbers, superintendent and members of the Grammar School Committee have been invited to take lunch at the Grammar School at 1 o'clock next Monday, it was reported by Mr. Biggers. but halted during tite winter months. It it now planned to complete worklC MujayT headed . the committee in on this ti soon at possible. . .-Ichar of tfc supper. Rotary Club Names Delegate To Meeting : R. L. Hollowell, president-elect of' thi Hertford Rotary Club, has been named as voting delegate of the local club for tfie District Rotary Conven tion to be held at Nags Head early in May. James E. Newby was named ' as alternate. 4 - ji V. -'..'li 'i TTTi TTTi A.