FA ' j I O FerCcrtaTyps OfMoLlSLfGCC Proposed revisions in Automobile Bodily Injury and Porperty Damage rates resulting from a review of ex perience data for the; policy years 1946, 1947 and 1948, have been, filed by the North Carolina Automobile Bate Administrative Office with the Department of Insurance, it was an nounce today by Commissioner Waldo C. Cheek. . v i;.v The filling proposes reductions of 14.6 in the bodily injury rates and 10.0 in the porperty damage rates for private passenger automobiles and reductions of 21.4 bodily injury and 14.3 property damage in the rates for commercial automobiles. This is the first time a proposal has been filed with the Insurance De partment calling for reductions in automobile liability rates since the war period. A .public hearing will be held on Thursday, December 1. 1949, at 10 o'clock A. M., by Commissioner Cheek in the Labor Building, at which time full consideration will be given to the proposal. Commissioner Cheek stated that "until the hearing has been held and a decision rendered and an effective date determined, no existing policy of automobile liability insurance can be cancelled and re written or any binder issued for the same for the purpose of taking any advantage of those proposed rates." Reductions have been also proposed in rates for automobile non-ownership liability, funeral cars, hearses and school buses. A new classification applicable to We Santa Says: DO YOUR SHOPPING THE EASY WAY stoieRKT! GIFTS TO PlEASf EVERYONE Feature Whitman's and Hollingsworth Candies Cody, Max Factor, Old Spice and Yardley Cosmetics Tawn, Spruce, Seaforth and. Old Spice Toiletries For Men Eastman Cameras Shaeffer, Parker and Esterbrook Pen and Pencil Sets S and M Pharmacy "Ort The Corner" Your Prescription Store HERTFORD, N. C. can driven by youthful did vers is al so proposed which requires a some- whia higher rate than, the rates ap plying t other private passenger can. ' , f vt-a ;, BURGESS W. M. U. MEETS The Burgess W. M. U. met Mon day night with Mrs. Meador Harrell The meeting was opened by sing ing "U Zion's Haste" followed by the watchword.' - -. - . Minutes were ; read and the roll called. , t, A report from the Community Mission chairman was made ' . New officer were installed as fol lows:' President, Mrs. J. R. Ayscue; secretary " and treasurer, : Mrs. Josiah Proctor; vice president, ..Mrs., Ey Z. Berry; second vice president, Mrs. Howard Sheari Community Missions chairman, Mrs. Edgar Riddklc; Ste ward-ship chairman, Mrs. A. M. Cope- Jand; Publiciyt chairman, Mrs.' J. B. Basnight.' .- Mrs. Willie Lane rendered the fol lowing program on "Christ, The Ans wer for Moslem Lands Hymn "Send the Light" " Devotional was rendered by Mrs. Howard Shean and prayer by Mrs. J. R. Ayscue. Readings by Mrs. William Lane and Mrs. Edgar Riddick. A trio,. "Preci ous Promise," was sung by Myrtle Whedbee,-Mrs. J B. Perry and Mrs. Irwin Whedbee. , Readings by Mrs. Joe Ayscue, Mrs. Jo3iah Proctor and Myrtle Whedbee. Poem by Mrs. J. R. Ayscue. Closing hymn, "Blessed Be the Tie That Binds." ; During the social hour. Mrs. Joe Ayscue was' pleasantly surprised with a shower of useful and beautiful gif ic, which she opened and acknow ledged. The hostess served pound cake and ice cream. ; - - ,: BELVIDERE NEWS "The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Bethany Church will meet with Mrs. Jim Carver,' Novem ber 26 at 2:30 P. M. Pakistian will be the topic for dis cussion which will be lead by Mrs. John Mercer. Mrs. Rossie Baker will be the lead- SHOULD YOU REPLACS YOUR RANGE NOV? Jt e"cfaf You surely should if you find cooking a bore and a chore. If your present range has you all "hot and bothered" then by all means see the new Magic. Chef . . . with its 16 improved . features for easier, better, and more economical cooking. Come in soon see for your self how a new Magic Chef, de signed especially for use with Ptrofax gas, can save your lime and money. Many models to choose from on easy pay ment plan. r eJiBniiBsaiiiBvv swam lomn e as senice HARRELL GAS & COAL COMPANY Edenton-Hertford Highway PHONE 388 HERTFORD, SjC. er of the worship service. ;', All- members and guests who re interested, please be present. NEW HOPE NEWS ; The VL :Y.'t.F. of New Hope Church held their regular ' monthly meeting Monday evening, November 14. The president, Ronald Butt, presided The meeting opened by the group sing ing "Jesus Calls Us." This was fol lowed by praying the Lord' Prayer in unison, , j, 'Hazel Trueblood gace a- most in spiring devotional on "Let Vs Give Tftanks." - 1 After having , the business session, a very Interesting program Was given with the theme being; :-"Founders of Democracy," which was a Thanksgiv ing atory and. song service. Those taking part VjwereV Shirley Butt, Jimmy Bobbins Faye, Jean, and Nor ma Butt The meeting was closed with the M. Y. F?; benediction. Those present were: Misses Janice Perry, Shirley Butt,' Norma Butt, Ha zel Trueblood, Barbara Butt Faye Butt, Billie Jones, J. W. Hughes, William Penn Chappell, Dicky Ba ker, Harvey Butt, Fred Lee J ones, Thomas Trueblood, : Bobby Jones, Jimy Trueblood, . Billy Baker, Mack Trueblood, Joe Butt, and Mrs. W. E. PINEY WOODS NEW .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Butt and little son, Tommy, Mr. Charles New by, all of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Butt of New Hope, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper and Mrs. Marvin L. Simpson Sunday. Other visitors were Mjr. Percy Chap pell and daughter, Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hitt of Rich mond, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell. Mr. and Mm. Sidney Stallings of Sandy Cross spent Sunday-;; evening with Mr. and Mrs- J. T. Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ohappelf and children fisited Mr. and Mrs. ' C. J. Raper and Mrs. Marvin LL Simpson Wednesday night. Mrs. E. .N.-' Chappell and Mrs. Thomas Chappell visited D. L. Hobbs of Hobbsville Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chappell of Carthage, N. C. spent last week-end with her father, W. P. Chappejl. Mrs. C. J. Raper and Mrs. Marvin L. Simpson spent Saturday afternoon in Hertford, N. C. .;;. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chappell and family spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chappell. : Those visiting in the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam Twine .Thursday were Mr., and Mrs. L. J. Chappell and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Chappell. Mrs. E. N. Chappell and Mrs. J. D. Chappell visited their mother, Mrs Mary a. unappeu iasx ween. - , ;Airs. Bumsa unappeii spent last week-end with her parents of Ayden, N. C. Mrs. S. G. Chappell and Mrs. Louis Winslow spent Thursday with Mrs, Trey Chappell. ' CHAPANOKE NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Roy Branche and family of Portsmouth were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stullings on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Wood of Norfolk 3pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. C. White. - ,, Misses Bertha Cooper, Hortense Boomer, Elizabeth Chappell and Mrs. Chappell of Elizabeth City were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brewer anci Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy Sun day afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Edwards and family of Winfall were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W,' T. Lewis. ' Mrs. C. L. Jackson of Plymouth is visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brewer and son. Bobby,, left Monday for home! in Tallahassee, Floriia, after ppend- 1 ing the past three we ks w-L,t. htr parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy. " Mrs. Raymond Leggett and daugh ter of Plymouth visited friends here Sunday, . Mr, and Mrs. CP. Quincy. spent Tuesday-in Norfolk. ' 1 k-. fx SANTA SAYS: Shop early for the best selection of toys ... bring us ypur list ... we can fill every item from our large stock of Christ- ; mas toys .... at prices as low as you wiil find anywhere. OUR STOCK INCLUDES Bicycles for Boys and Girls, in all sizes Tricycles, all.sjzes; Heavy Steel Wagons Steel Swings, Table and Chair Sets Air Rifles, Skates, Footballs; Basketballs Novelty Items and Small Toys' Smoking Stands . , Complete Line of Christinas Lights and Decorations . j Visit Our Store for Your Christmas Candies Nuts and Fruit Cake" Mixtures . GRUBB STREET .HERTFORD, N, C- 1 "la ALL CHRISTMAS RECORDS r , By These Famous Artists DlCK HAYMES BING CROSBY FRED WARING , i . GUY LOMBARDO x CARMEN CAVALLARO LATEST POPULAR HITS 1 . . "Mule Train",: ' ' "Lucky Ole Sun" 7 - . "Hop Scotch Polka" -, "Careless Hands? "Maybe It's Because" "Tales From Vienna Woods" x "An Old Fashioned Walk" uniGiirs :id, n. c. Negro Qubi3 Hold Achievement Day ; A combined Negro 4-H and Home Demonstration i Achievement -Day Program was held Saturday, Novem ber 19, at 11 :00 A. M-, in the Hert foru High ;r School auditorium " With 258 persons attending. Mrs. Rachel Riddick, president of the Home Dem onstration, Count y Council, presiding throughout the .program. The-Rev. J. C. Ruffiri, gave the invocation which followed a selection by Hertford High School Glee Club. Mrs. Mildred 0. Page, Negro Health Educator, was guest speaker and took her theme, "Building Better Health." Mrs. Page was accompanied, by Mrs. Swindell, supervising State Nurse, who gave some, helpful remarks pertaining to tuberculosis A film, "Let My People Live" was shown. H E. Brown, principal of the High School gave the. welcome ad dress and responded by Mrs. E. V. Billups, president of (Bay Branch Home Demonstration Club. Prizes and awards made available by the Hertford Merchants and business concerns were presented to Negro 4-H Club , boys and girls for out standing v projects during the past year, announced by W. C. Strowd and Mrs. M. B. Taylor, Farm ajid Home Agents. Ap total of 822 articles wers displayed occupying 2 class .rooms. 4-H Clubs having the pest exhibit ac cording to the judges were Nioanor, Hertford and Willow Branch Clubs. The gold plated trophy was awarded to the Nicanor Club for the bes't ex hibit.'' .,'.v,'''v"'; Leadership certificates were award ed to 15 4-H Club leadens in recog nition of helpful service during the past year. Certificates were awarded to 4-H club members for the com pletion of satisfactory club work. ,. Judkins Library Observes Book Week Over 150 school children, teachers and community patrons joined Book week celebration at the Judkins Ne firro.Librarv in Hertford recently. A group of high school students carried out a story hour project and librar ians E. H. Brown and C B. Thompson rava reviews of children's book ii recreational records" ? (Continued from Page Seven) ' It isn't always ea-y to speck the truth as if is revealed by God. ' It takes courage to' endure the ridicule which often, accom pawns the unpopu- i . j. . i j " i w iruin, me unKinonesj ami raj lone liness which results from being dif ferent from -i the crowd. Jeremiah, Jesus, Paul and scores of others have had this kind of courage. What about you I , ''.'"',' BRIDGE SUPPER , Mrs. G; W. Barbee was hostess at a bridge, supper last Tuesday evening at Iter home on GrubD Street Those enjoying the evening were Meedames W. J. Kanoy, John Diggers, H. C. Stokes, T. L. Jessap, C. R. Holmss, C. E. Johnson, M. R. Campbell and Miss Mary Sumner. : The high score prizu was awarded Mrs. Kanoy. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB .i Mrs, W. H. Hardoastle was hostess to her: bridge club Thursday evening TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON. N. C. Week Day Shows Continuous From 8:30 Saturday Continuous From lgO Sunday, 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday, December 1-2 Ann Blyth and ; : - Howard Duff in "RED CANYON" Saturday, December 8 v Monte Hale in -"SOUTH OF RIO" Sunday, December 4 Richard Coate and Jack Oakie in. "THIEVES HIGHWAY" Monday and Tuesday, December 5-6 Milton Berle and r ' Virginia Mayo in ' "ALWAYS LEAVE THEM . LAUGHING" , Wednesday, December 7 Double Feature Maggie and Jiggs in "JACKPOT JITTERS" Vera Ralston in f "RHYTHM HITS THE ICE", iX:''1' ' - o ;",?:-'. - Coming December 8-9 ' Hepburn and Tracy in , ; "ADAM'S RIB" ' Eden Tlicatrc ; EDSNTCN. N. C " " f ' 9 Week Day Chows T and 9 P. IL 'Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday 8:15, 4:15 and 9:15 ' Thursday, December 1 ' - Wild TZl Elliott in "RETURN OF DANIEL BOOKE" - 0 , ' Kti-: Friday and Saturday, December 8-3 f ' The Eawery Boys in ' ' "MASTTH MINDS" , . Sunday and Monday, December 4-5 ' ';" Dot' 'e Feature 1 Wat E'-ney'a "DC" S nd ' "salul -j a:.::gos" Tuesday and X ' December 6-7 ' Err.a' C -1. it-i NOTICE - v " T . c '''' ' ;': ' : " ; , During the remainder of 1949' I will not observe office hours on Wednesdays.' '", Dr. A. B. Bonner, DDS at her home on Dobb Street Tkwe l":ying v.. IlosJomei C. Al Daven p ji t, J- H. Newbold, S. P. Jessup, H. A. Whitley, Trim Wilson, Maude Ful fora, and- Miss Mae Wood Winslow. The high score , prize wertt .to Mrs. Fulford. A sweet course was served. 1 V i.A how to SAVE STEPS by the thousand Install an EXTENSION TEIJ&, -PHONB and you'll really re duce your walking mileage at borne. Besides saving,, steps ; you'll enjoy telephone privacy when entertaining guests and , may keep from missing impor , tant telephone calls. Yet e tension telephone service costs you hut a few cents a day. Call our business office and order .... your convenient extension tele phone service today. THE NORFOLK A CAROLINA TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH-COMPANY Notice of Sale We. the undersigned administrators, by authority duly vested ft, in us, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the Chattel rroperty ot t . LT. Wnite, late of rerquunans County. TIME OF SALE December 14, 1949, at 10 A. M. PLACE OF SALE F. C. Whiie Mill Lot at Belvidere, N. C, .Partial list of items to be sold: - One Farmall H. Tractor and equipment, sold separately and as a unit. Excellent condition. . OneFarmall F-14 Tractor and Cultivator as a unit or sepa rately. Excellent condition. '. One 1948 Ford yi -ton Pick-up. Practically new. t Ope 1942 Ford ton and a half Truck and Body. Good shape. One yoke nice Mules. A One 2-row Combine Moline with Motor. , ."-One1 Corn Sheller power driven..-.-' . One John Deere 2-row Tractor Cultivator. ! . One John Deere 2-row Horse or Tractor drawn Planter, complete. One Disc Tiller. . ; Hundreds "of other items too numerous to mention, including anything to farm with or use as trucking equipment. Don't miss this sale it is a big sale and many items you might be in the market for will be right here. Sale begins at 10 A. M., December 14. Bring your friends.' , "(Signed) EDWIN S. WHITE," Administrator: Vr (Signed) L. C. WINSLOW, Administrator. , - ' I t!EADYTOlin r-t; n 1 - I ! Covert I.t 1 escf! ttUi qv!:! i Va$hcb!i!Coviriwc:iwds::4 n!y OO.tyU GALLON . . - - ' '-' bo a'J YOU 1 is stir, tin fws.'il. r rhi: or c&Iort, wc:::ovx2 cot s oa ; vcr.!;', over almost try r. tt, fcavet no tru;b nirks. A rcil c!l ; ;test iswiJe psint yoa ua Uj1 , j y . 1 4 r .... A . i v o

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