' First ;::liiCiIy Local Teams To Play At Edenton Friday, ) , Night; Two Games fi '-:-..;,. ' - yL " - 't Perquimans High School basketball teams opened their 1949 season here Tuesday' night " in a games against Elizabeth City boys and girls. ? In the' preliminary game the visiting girls scored a 50-38 victory while the .Elizabeth City boys captured the -game" with the Indians. The final score being 49-83. . x. Coach Ellie FearingV teams dis played a fine brand of basketball and ? showed promise of' giving plenty of trouble to their opponents during the coming season. , ; .a i The Elizabeth City girls Into a 16-10 lead In the first period of the game and were never headed after that point.' . The half time score was 85. to 24 and during the second half the teams played about even with Elizabeth City Bcoring 15 , points to Perquimans 14 . Perry and : Yagel led the scoring for Perquimans - with 13 and 12 points while Sawyer 'was high for the visiting girls; with 23 points. " - Led by Joe Towe, who scored 14 ' points for the, Indians in the boys' : game, the Indians played the Waller Elizabeth City boys even with the ex ception ,of the first period when the visitors roHed up a 14-5 edge. Coach Fearing used Cannoi, TiHy, Thatch, Jordan and Sumner 'as his starting five and later switched this combina tion and replaced Tilly' and Jordan with Berry and Towe; Walker aK ' so saw considerable action during the game, v -v&s f.i;'.,,.;;; v Elizabeth City wltti these garnet already played showed more experi ence than fiie Indians' and this with' a out doubt aided them in defeating the locals. Towe and, Cannon led the of' I fonsive battle; for the Indiana while UNIT OF MASS CHEST X-RAY SURVEY r - i , I ; "' ' $ 1 I I I 4 Edanton Company Awarded Contract To ii Construct Local Vocational Building Proj8ctStarted Preliminary work in preparation for the resurfacing of Church Street from the Perquimans River Bridge to Dobb Street was started Monday morning by employees of the Town of Hertford. Mayor V. N. Darden stat ed that Town employees were raising manhole covers along the right-of-way to prepare the street for a new layer of asphalt to be applied to the roadway. The Nello Teer Construction Com pany is expected to begin laying the asphalt coating within the next few days. This project is being carried out under State contract and will be paid for by funds due the Town of Hertford on gasoline tax money al located to towns and cities. Above is one of the units in the Mass Chest X-ray Survey now in progress In the local health district which comprises Pasquotank, Perquimans, Camden and Chowan .Counties. Persons may go. wherever they wish for an X-ray. It is not necessary to go to the nearest onei home. Town Board To Protest Curtailment Of Vostern Union Services In County Change Ordered In Parking On North Church Street Hertford's Town Board, meeting in regular session here Monday: night authorised'; Chas. E. Johnson, Town Attorney, Jto inquire of the State's Utility Commission steps to "be taken in filling a protest over curtailment Bumri-r, 4 TJ&w this Tha Indians and Squaws "will play at Edenton on Friday night of this week, meeting the boys and girls teams of that schools These contests , will be the last for the Indians before ; the Christmas holidays. " ' High School Honor Roll Announced By frincipalVoodsrd Thirty six students at Perquimans High School wereUsted "on the honor roll at the close of the second grading period, last Friday, it was announced ' today, by E. C. Woodard, principal of the school. The ninth grade, with nine members listed on the honor roll, led the other classes in scholastic honors. - ' " v 'Students excelling In' their studies during the grading period, according to classes were:1iv ';r-:v::.i-a-;;;:; ' 8th grade: Tilson Chappell, Hud son Fisher, John Morris, Jean Butt, Margaret Harrell, Joanne Lane. '. 9th grade: : Emilie Ann Sumner, . Mable Martin Whedbee, Ruth Daw son, FayeTiutst, Kay White Stanton, Billly Chappell, Marilyn Baker, Nan Ella Whtie, Mollie Lee Yeates. ' . 10th grade: Lewis Dawson, Thom as Sumner. Marguerite Butler, Imo- . gene Finch, Wihna Goodwin, Marvina . White, Pauline Burbage, Amy Van Roach. .? ir .-'W 11th grade: Mary Sue Cook, Cath- . erine Goodwin, Roy Chappell, Calvin Butt, Doris Faye Allen. -; X 12th grade: Pat Phillips, Claire , Hunter, Shirley Butt Jean Layden. Ann Madre, Fays Rae Symons, Mar- jone Perry and Ronald Butt 1 Th Perqulmanj Business and Pro- tx- .onal Woman's held a ' business me. lug last Friday night at the home of Lira. Sally Bonner. . Hembers voted to carry out a charity project for ClirLtmas and plans were discussed for holding, a bridge party next , month. , 1 It was reported that the Perquimans Club will be host to a district BPW mer': "j ia Hertford next Spring. 13. Alice M. Towe, president . in ner 1 that the Christmas party f or " i . nembers, wia be held at the 1 1 - 'end on December 20. Jlem ' .3 -i requested to note, this event I i moved up one week fiOm " ' T7c 1 was na'mer s ,T Ty C v ' Western Union withdrew its con nection .with" the local railroad about a year ago and representatives of the company advised local business men and Town Commissioners that the curtailment of the service was a tem porary measure and that full ser vice would be restored. Information received here recently indicates that Western Union does not plan, unless forced to do so, to restore the service to its former status. Other matters handled by the Board at the meeting this week included an order to change the pairing on North Church Street from th. east to west side. This change in parking on North Church Street will become effective immediately upon completion of the resurfacing of Church Street,-! proba bly sometime next week. A discussion on installation of an additional fire hydrant on Dobb Street, near Covent Garden, was held but action was. tabled for the time being. The Board went-on record with a resolution commending the William Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion for sponsoring the Santa Claus party in Hertford last Saturday and voted to cooperate with the American Legion in order to make this event an annual one. A letter of apprecia tion received by the local Legion . Post from Negro children in the Town, was read during this meeting. On motion ordered the Town Board will request that the Board of Coun ty Commissioners remit poll taxes to members of the Volunteer Fire De partment, as a gesture of appreciation for the work the firemen do in the town and county. Hollo well Funeral . Held Last Saturday Funeral cervices for Mrs. Ever Lener Holtewell, 63r wife of Nixon Hollowell, ; who died suddenly ' last Friday evening at 0;30 o'clock were conducted Saturday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock at the Great Hope Baptist Church, by the Rev. Lemon, assisted by the Rev. Meekins and Rev. Evans. . Mrs. Hollowell kas the daughter of the late William and Elizabeth Moore Perry. ' ' " '..-.' Besides her husband, she k surviv ed by four sons, Wilson, Johnnie, Jon- ai and Robert Hollowell, all of Per quimans, six daughters, Mrs. .Walter Lane and Miss RUth HonoweU of Perquimana, Mrs. Clements Bass of Edenton, Mrs. Carlton Chappell and Mrs. Earlie Ingram of Norfolk, one brother W. D. Perry of Perquimans: five sisters, Mrs. Temple Tarkenton, of Perquimans, Mrs. R, C. Ansell of St Bride's, Va., Mrs. Ernest Goodwin and Mrs. Roland Ward of Edenton and Mns. J. H. Simpson of Norfolk; 11 srandchusren , and ia number of : and nephews. ; V"" Santa Arrived Santa Claus arrived in Hertford last Saturday and a crowd estimated at 1500 was on hand to srreet the jol ly old fellow as he rode down Churcn Street atop the fire truck. Heading the procession which paraded through the Hertford Streets, was the Per nuiman Rand Santaf finaMv sloped 'the parade in front of the Court House and greeted hundreds of youngsters,1 waving and smiling to the group as many of the children waved back. Each child was presented with some fruit, part of the Christmas party as arranged and sponsored by the Wm Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion. Negro School Plans Near Bidding Stage John T. Biggers, County Superin tendent of Schools, announced today that plans for the construction of a Negro School Building at Winfall are progressing rapidly, and he believed that the Board of Education will soon be ready to ask bids for the con struction of the building. J. W. Griffin, architect for the building was in Town yesterday with sketches for the building. The site was inspected by the architect an engineer from the office of the State Board of Education. . Mr. Griffin stated that he believed his plans for the building will be ready for approval of the State Com mission very, soon and that bids can be sought for construction to begin by March 1, 1950. -Members of the Perquimans Board of Education started operations for the construction of the building at the same time they began negotiations for the construction - of t the vocational building at Perquimans High School, but the Negro building being of a more complex design has not pro gressed as fast as plans for the gym, however- the Board of Educa tion now believe that contsruction on both buildings will begin at about the same time. Perquimans Lodge fleets A. B. Bonner Master For Year New officers for Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. & A. M. for 1950 were elected at a meeting of the lodge last week. Selected as Master for the year was Dr. A. B. Bonner. Other officers elected were C. R. Vann, senior ward' en R. R. White, junior warden, R. C. Murray treasurer; C. R. Holmes, sec retary, J. S. McNidet, Cecil C. Wins- low and W. F, Ainslcy, trustees, and members of the finance committee were J. T. Biggers,, W. J. Kandy, and ii. U. Buck. A number of offices of the lodge, to be filled by appointment, of the new Master, will be announced later. Installation services for the officers of the lodge for next year will be held at the first regular meeting of the lodge in January, it was reported today. Board Of Education Accepts Bids Sub mitted Last Week; Work Starting Soon J. L. Batton and Borther, Edenton contractors, have been awarded the contract for the general contsruction of a vocational and physical education building at Perquimans High School, it was announced today by John T. Biggers, Superintendent of Schools. Members of the Board of Education meeting in special session last Friday night, voted to accept low bids sub mitted for the contsruction of the building after hearing views, on the costs, as expressed by the advisory board, previously appointed by the Board of Education. It was the opin ion of all members of the advisory board that the bids should be accept ed. The bid for the general construct ion entered by the Batton Company was $92,577. Hinnant Plumbing and Heating Company of New Bem was awarded the contract for the heating, this bid was $7,850; John Welch Com pany, of Moyock, on a bid of $4,445 was awarded the contract for the plumbing and C. J. DeMers of New Bern, on a bid of $3,695, received the contract for the electrical work. The architect's plans for the build ing have the approval of the State Board of Education and the State Fire Department, and application is now being made for a sum of $108, 567 to pay costs of construction. This sum will come from the $315,000 pro- Lxided' by the State for School' house construction in Perquimans Christmas Program Presented At PTA Meeting Thursday The December meeting of the Hert- fodr Grammar School Parent-Teacers Association was held last Thursday evening in the auditorium of the school. Mrs. Fred Mathews led the group in singing "O Come All Ye Faithful." Mrs. D. M. Jackson presided over the buesiness session. Mrs. Silas Whed bee, secretary, read the president's messajre and the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Dilsie Howell re-1 county. ported that a State PTA worker will Plans now call for construction on Special Services r vt Planned For Sunday A special Christmas program,' fea turing a candlelight carol service, will be ohducted at the Hertford Methodist Church next Sunday night, December 18, beginning at 8 o'clock, it was announced today cy tne ev, Ben O. Mfirritt. naBtor of the church. The public is invited to attend and each person is aBked to bring a canoie and candle holder, ther latter will e returned following the services, members o the youth, and adult choirsj and a olo wiune renoerea oy wrs. Bennett ; Stephenson," Mrs. R. B. Monds and Mrs. Walter Edwards will be narrators during the services. C'-oup ainng, by candle light, will fi-lure the urvices. BuyNewlnhalator Members of the Hertford Fire De partment met last Thursady night and voted to seek funds with which to purchase an inhalator for use in the Town of Hertford and Perquimans County Funds for the inhalator, which will cost about $530, will be sought from the Board of Commission ers of the Town and County. The Department members also voted that any' fireman, missing as many as three fire calls will be sus pended from the force until the de partment meeting. Members' with valid excuses for absences will be re instated, it was announced. Those without valid reasons will be dropped from the department. meet this month with the PTA mem bers and urged as many as can to at tend the meeting. Mrs. R. M. Rid dick announced that the State Sym phony Orchestra will hold a concert in Edenton in February and urged all PTA members to support the ticket sales for the event. Miss Thelma Elliott, school princi pal, gave a brief talk on the mass chest X-ray survey being conducted in this county and urged all to avail themselves of this opportunity to get an X-ray. She also invited all the grade mothers of the elementary grades to visit the lunchroom in Janu ary and have lunch with the children. The program for the meeting was presented by members of the sixth grade, under the direction of Miss Mary Sumner. The stage was arrang ed to represent a living room in an American home, featuring a large decorated tree and lighted fireplace. The class presented a playlet entitled Christmas Customs. Children of the class were dressed in native costumes of many countries of Europe; in order to emphasize native customs. high light of the program was a solo by Alice Dawson, who sang Hark the Herald Angels Sing. At the close of the program the group joined in sing ing Christmas Carols. Door prizes were won by Mr3. Joe Ayscue and Martin Towe. Mass Chest X-rays Continue Next Week Chest X-rays will be made in three communities of the county next week, it was announced today by local Health Department officials who stat ed that the mobile X-ray units will visit Whiteeton, Bethel and Winfall. The unit will be in Whiteston, at the Archie White lot on December 20, in Bethel on -December 20 and 21 and at Winfall on December 21 and 22. . The units, it was reported, will not be in. operation, because of the holi days from December 23 until Janu ary 8. , The survey will be resumed for a period of two weeks beginning January 3rd. , Thief Makes Small Haul At Local Store ' IFifteenlfollars In cash and several dollars wTIrth i of merchandise was stolen frOJtt Barber's Store last Sat urady ntgnt,- it was announced early returned lOUOWing w0 wnitra. uiauy uigMij, ib ira aiunuu,cu ; Special music will be rendered bylJ&isJekby the Hertford Police, ErrtESnci-'Eo the store was gained, by the thief, or thieves, breaking the glass in the front door. V The robbery' la being investigated by Patrolmen Tommy Miller, who dm covered the crime about 8 A. M. Sun day. the new building to start as soon as weather conditions permit. The con tractor is expected to start work im mediatelly preparing the site for the construcion. Some gradbg and fill ing will be necessary before construct ion begins. The building will be lo cated just north of the High School building an dwill be 85 feet wide and 214 feet iong. The vocational build ing will contain a complete and mod ern shop and class room for agricul tural studies and the gyra will be large enough to provide full physical educational studies for every student of the school. It will contain four dressing rooms, equipped with showers and lockers for each student of the school, and rest roome for the public. Seating capacity of the building, when completed, will be approximately 1, 100. The contractor estimated that con struction of the building will take abou 90 days. Hertford Scouting Plans Progressing Much interest is being manifested by youth of Hertford i nthe reorgani zation of the local Boy Scout troop, it was reported this week following a meeting Jast Friday night. Robert Elliott, chairman of the Lions com mittee sponsoring the scouts, reported that 20 boys attended the meeting which was held at the Agriculture Building. Meeting with the boys, to outline work for the troop during the coming months, were Charles Skinner, Silas Whedbee and Robert Elliott The troop was organized and plans made to develop four patrols among troop members.. ' Members of the lions, committee met with William Southernland, dis trict Scout Executive last Monday night and discussed obligations and fundamentals for carrying out scout ing activities in this community. Another meeting of the Boy Scout troop will be held Friday night at the Agriculture Building and ' all youths interested in scouting are urged to attend. Central PTA Meets Next Monday Night The Parent Teacher Association of Perquimans County Central Grammar School will meet Monday night; De cember 19 at 7:36 oclock. The White Hat and Old Neck Com munities -with Mrs. -Freeman Uimph lett as chairman, will have charge of an interesting program, "Christ mas for children Everywhere." There will also be an art display of chil dren's- work. Post Office Gives Advice On Mailing Christmas Parcels Do it this week, That is the advice the officials of the Hertford Post Office gives out in regards to rules for Christmas mailing. The public is urged to do Christmas mailing now in order to be sure of delivery by Christmas. Postmaster W. W. White appealed to the patrons of the local Post Of fice to get their Christmas Greeting cards in the mail at the earliest possi ble date bearing the correct postage, which is two cents, n order that the cards may be delivered by Christmas Day. Patons are asked to remember that the costs of mailing cards this year was raised to two cents, and unless these cards bear a two or three cent stamp they may be retruned for post age due.. Mr. White stated that the usual Christmas rush showed signs of pick ing early this week and it is expected that from now until ChrWtmas &ve the Post Office will be a beehive of activity. Mr. White stated that the windows of the local Post Office will be open- untii 6 P. M. on Saturday, December 17 and 24, for the convenience of the public. Patrons can be of great help to the Post Office by mailing greeting cards and other parcels today. ... . they are urged not to wait until the last min ute, early mailing means early de livery, so everybody is urged to do their mailing now, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Ward announce the birth of a son, William Vincent, born, December 9 at the Medical Cen ter. Mrs. Ward i ,the former Mies Elizabeth Byrum. . - -