J (-::. vi i m I Volume XVI.Number 51. - . Hertford, Perquimans County, North toolinaTFridavlgfimhpr 9a i cfitT. WEEKLY fo-fcCiCilJlS; :jm:n Of County Community i Members Cotton Voted"-!' , Milton DaU was re-elected chair V man of the Perquimans Production ? Marketing: Administration Committee ; - by delegates from the six county communities last week. . - . . i Other member! of the committee elected were - John Q. Hurdle, vice chairman and Mies ;Mae Wood Wins rl low, member, ". ?; - This committee appointed W. E. White to serve as secretary of the .group and Miss Helene Nixon, treas urer. ' . Community committeemen named 'yat the county convention werer Bel- 1 -videre, J. M. Copeland, chairman, "Walter Nowell, vice chairman, Wil- liam C. Chappell, member and N. W. Chapped alternate. : Nicanor: L. L. Lane, chairman, Gale Winnow, .vice chairman, EJisha Win low, member and Roy Winslow, alternate.. Bethel: E. Y.Berry, chairman, S. M. Long, Vice chairman, H. L. Madre, -"member. arid-C.' T. Phillips and Charles Mathews, alternates. Hertford:- J. E. Hunter, chairman; V. C. Window, vice chairman, How ard Williams, member, L. G. Howell r and Percy Rogerson, alternates. New, Hope: C. A. Butt, .chairman; W. A. Chappell, vice tehairman S. D. Banks, member, ISeth Long and J. W. , Harrell, alternates. -..Parkville: W. R. Stanton, cahirf man; Winford Smith, vice cbaShnanj' '"Ernest Morgan, member, and Hay wood Smith, alternate. Perquimans County farmers cast 172 votes in the cotton referendum held December 15 and voted over- .whelmingly for control. The results V: were 153 . votes for control to 19 , votes - against. W. E. White an . nounced that j cotton allotments for , next vear havnTheen (mailed to cotton ntodijcers;, and. iPrTiitioni bejni received but the PMA commit tee expects to mail out 1950 peanut allotments early next year. Child Victim Of Highway Accident; 'V mm i ' m mm m ' Funeral Held Monday Linda Joyce Smith, 5-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R-nit.h of Winfali. Hied in the AiMm. marle hospital last Saturday night, about iu:3U o'ciock or injuries suf fered in a highway accident last Fri day afternoon. Fn neral services tne th child vwe Xlucted Monday afternoon at the ley Swamp Church by the -Rev. Coy Saunders. Burial was in CeJar- ood Cemetery. According to a renort bv Stat Pa trolman Carol Petteway, who investi gated the accident, the child is report ed to have just got out of a car which ahe had been riding and was being helped across the road by an older girl, Clara Mae Lane. Linda is said to have darted away from the older girl into the path of the on coming car, driven by Henry- Swayne vf nnar Woodvflle. ; - Patrolman Petteway reported that Ms Investigation revealed that the accident was unavoidable. ; The accident occurred on Highway 32 at the western edge of Winfall at sbout 6:30 o'clock last Friday. The child was taken to the , Albemarle hocpital for treatment but failed- to recover. ' ,t. fr "f t, - Tlecniiem her nirantu rfha ta UrtnrtOTwi ly one brother, J. H. Smith, one ids- r Eva Ann Smith, and her grand I rents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Byrum i l u.r. ana nut. warren smatn. C:!2brates COth .v-Jversary Sunday i r - n r y je who visit you all year around through these col umns may pass this season partially unnoticed in favor of kin and friends seen or heard from only at Christmas. It is but fitting that loved ones gather with you upon the day of Jesus' birth and that those far away who can not come receive special remembrance. We can bear your forgetting us for a little while for this cheer-laden reason. . We wish to take advantage of the congregation of your friends and -family members from other neighbor hoods to extend, by them through you, a heaping measure of yuletide good will to every nook and corner of America. Our first interest is this community, but its welfare is interlaced with the good of otherjcommunities. This city and county have a just store of tie Christian and humane spirit that sustains man through jdaily life. They have enough left over for export. Think how many distant hebrts you may fill with a joyous holiday feeling if you give unto your Christmas guests to carry back to their home towns this, our special wish: ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK BY FARM AGBJT WINNERS IN COUNTY PEANUT CONTEST Nearing Goal Mrs. J. H. Newbold, chairman of the Perquimans Committee on TB Seal Sales, reported today that the county quota of $800 is expected to be reach- eo. wremn . tfte next few riavs TVm chairman stated that a total of $732.- su naa contributed to the fund up to Wednesday of this week. "The generous response on the part of the public to our appeal for the purpose of Seals is indeed very grati fying' Mrs. Newbold want to take this opportunity to thank . i i i i . cveryooay wno nas nad a part in making- this drive thf ful seal sale campaign ever conduct ed in rerquimans." Part of the funds raised through this drive will be hraH fn fc.ir. a - - " 1 de fray expenses of the mass chest X-ray survey, and a part of the remaining funds will be retained her tn J,i the local committee carry on its work against luiDerculosis. County Resident Arrested For Major Crime In New York I' .William Roddick, 25-year-old Ne- gro.ort6edretflmunity. was arrested here Sundav nisrht bv Sbpriff M; G. Owens and representatives of JNew York police, and confessed to assaulting and robbing a 71-year-old man in Fallsburg,' N. Y., on Decem ber 1. Following clues uncovered in Falls burg, Sgt. Robert Denman. New York State Police, and Chief of Police Carl Kaplan arrived in Hertford Sunday afternoon and consulted with Sheriff Owens regarding the crime and pos sible apprehension of Eiddick. The youth was found and arrested while attending church services near Win fall. In a confession to the officers, Rid dick stated that he had seen the Fallsburg man, Irving Berger, flash a large sum of money and that on the night of December 1, he, Riddick, hid in a woods near the man's two-room cottage, and later assaulted him with nis fists and struck him twice with a stick of wood. . He took approximate ly $1,000 from the man's nlothinc. lhe New York police informed Sheriff Owens that Berarer i in a serious condition and may not live. Kiddick toid the nolice that he had spent most of the money on clothing and iewelry for himself and his wife and had banked $240 of the money in the Hertford bank. H had with- drawn $25 of this amount and the po lice recovered $215 from tliA JianV prior to returning Riddick to Falls burg Monday. Riddick had been arrested nrevS- ously in Fallsburg, and the police there missed htm after the robbery and investiaration led th New York police to begin a feearch for him in this cojntv. The youth waivered rkihte of ex- tradition and was returned to New York, where he will be' chawed with assault and robbery. , Weekly Office To Be Closed Next Week The office of the Perauimans Week ly will be closed for the Christmas holidays all next week. - Editor and Mrs. Max Canvohel left yesterday for Shelbyviille, Indiana wnere tney will spend Christmas with Mr. Campbell's father. Thev will re turn to Hertford on Saturday, Decem- The office of the Weeklv will . open again starting on New Year's uav. Insurance Claims Deadline Dec. 31st Ooeratinir for thp. first time in Ppr. quimans County, Crop Insurance has proved to be a great aid to the farm ers this vear. C. R. Vann. acent for the Crop Insurance, said today. From all indications, according to informa tion now Available, more monev will be paid out in loss claims than Die premium income will be. The Federal Government will pay the difference between the two iaums, Mr. Vann said, and it does not necessarily mean that the premium will be raised. All insured farmers having claims should file them immediately, Mr. Vann stated, as December 31, 1949, is the deadline for filing loss claims. No adjustment can be made on claims not reported to the county office be fore the deadline. Jfiana are alreadv underway for a better and stronger program in 1950 and an even greater partacipation is expected next vear.. There were 220 farmers in Perquimans taking advan tage of the protection this year, Mr. Vann reported. The multiple plan of insurance is rapidly gaining favor in the United States and a number of new counties are bing added to the program next year. Service Officer Points Out Benefit Plan For Veterans Many North Carolina veterans be , tiyated regularly by their own physicians for service-connected ali ments at their own expense are una ware that they are entitled to such treatments at it was pointed out today by' C. c! Banks, Perquimans Countv VrtPr Service Officer. This benefit, Mr. Banks added, apU plies' to onlv thcc, tiled a claim end hav hn o- serviceiconnection f. Q A;n: even though thev HM iiipensaoie rating for compensation. A large number of veterans have "een granted a service-connected "ze ro" rating making them ineligible to iw-eive compensation but entitling ....c.i..w out patient treatment at government expense. Veterans who have compensable rat ing but have establish nectaon and who desire treatment at umer uian tneir own expense are re quested to contact the North Carolina Veterans Comimissinn nm, ! t?i; "-..ai,, li xjiiia- beth City or C. f!. RnT,ir,o Service Officer, in Hertford, for as sistance in makino- treatment. " r?. and Mrs. T. & McMuIlan, form rr residents of Hertford, celebrated 1: ? COth wedding anniversary at r ' i family dinner held at the Hotel I : !ord last Sunday. Joining the c" a in the celebration were their f ' 79 children. Mrs. Eva Crimes of mston, Mrs. Jessie Tucker of Ne v Bern, Mrs.' Bessie Evans of H, ' Vrton, D. C. Thomas Shelton : ".an and William McMuIlan of I City., .. ' l.;I.IuUan wore a white orchid i table decorations were siml i ' Close used at the wedding of t Ia.- A copy of the original - t--t ?s read t the, con tie oner. . i , - Mary Alice Cohoon Bride Of Tim Briitn Miss Mary Alice Cohoon, daughter ol Mr. ana Mrs. is. K. Cohoon, of Co lombia and Lt Comdr.' RicfiM Tim. othy Brlrm, son of Mrs. R. T. Brlnn am ne wte air. mnnn of Hertford, were married Gentemiber 11 In St Paul's by the Sea EniacoiDal GhnnrK jacKsonviue, f ia., according to an announcement made this week. The bride is a former member of the faculty of (Perquimans High SchooL: Mr. Brinn is a itrraduatA of Perauimans High School and Duke University. Ha received a commis sion in the U. S. Navy in' 1940 and attended the Naval Academy prior to being assigned to actjve duty. 1 ; A reception for the couple was giv en at the home of the bride's parents in Columbia on Thursday night . Kr. and MnkBrlna-arA rtmtiRmt In. Jacksonville, Fla. .. , - . Robert L. Stalline-s ' Died Wednesday A. M. Robert Lee gStallings, 74, died at his home on Route Two, Wednesday morning about four o'clock, following a lingering illness. He was the sob of Timothy and Martha Hurdle Stal lings. i Surviving are bis .wife, Mrs. Laura Srn&Qx Stalling, five sons, Emmett, Robert F. Wilhiir C Roscsa C and Timothy Stallings, one daughter, Mrs. maoei s. uopeland of ueinaven, two brothers. K. P. Rtallimsrs nf E1l7.ft- beth City and R. T. Stallings of Great Bridge, Va three sisters, Mrs. D. H. iwine, Mrs. J. J. Watson or JUiirabeth City and Mrs. S. C. Ferrell of Hick ory., : The body was removed to the Lynch Funeral Home pending funeral ar rangements . - 1 TO PRESENT PROGRAM , , The Younir Peot4 of the Bethanv Sunday School will present a Ohitetk maa nrotrram on Christanaii Dav at three o'clock. The) publie U Invited tOattaniL Varied Docket In Recorder's Colt A varied docket nf - - VWX WW diBposedi of in Perquimans Record er isourx mere Tuesday. Norman Tadlock V mm "vn VI guilty to a charge of . speeding and vm mm cubui oi court King Byrum was taxed with a fine Of $25 and COStil nf emn. nn a .l.... j! ! ... - r w: - " - unving wiunout a license. . Robert Quinn entered a wi guilty to a charge of speeding and paid a fine of $5 and costs ictf court A verdict of not guilty was re turned by Judge Charles E. Johnson in the case charging Hugh Downs with driving drunk. Oarence Burnrftrt.ta. Mokrwi - WW found ffUlltv On two raiinfa 1qmm and carrying a concealed weapon. He was .given a 90 day sentence sus pended upon payment of a fine of $50 and costs of court. BumdAttA. faa. tor. at the Court House, was found guilty on a charge of stealing a gun from the office of Sheriff M. G. Owens. A verdict of not guilty was re turned in the Case charpfaw Anhnn an Chappell with non-support , rrooaoie cause was found in the case charging Lloyd Felton, Hersey Phillips and Charlie Foreman, all Ne Rtoes, with rdbbenv, Thv mm kk dered held for action by the Grand Jury, at the next term of Sunerior Court and bosi was set for each at Girl Scout Troops Closing Program For Past Year The three troons nf t. ho r:,vi of Hertford are bringing to a close a most successful year, acording to the leaders of he troops. Sponsor ed ty the Business and Professional Woman's Club and the Hertford PTA, each of the troops have completed registration for the year and show an excellent membership Troop No. 1 has just completed the making and dressing 0f dolls for the Joy Fund baskets and are plan ning for a Christmas party this week. On committees for the party are Sus ane Towe, Mabel Martin Whedbee Audrey Jackson, Margaret Banks', Mary Frances Winslow and ' Kackv Nixon Members of this troop are Mrs. James Leete and Mrs. Bobby Elhott, leaders, Mrs. Jo0 Towe, Miss Thelma Elhott and Mr.,. Silas Whed bee, committee members, Margaret Ann Banks, Audrey Jackson, Kather i:.e Nixon, Sally Overton, Shirlcv Skinner Frances Sutton, Susanne urue athenntl Ward- Mabe' Martin Whedbee. Marv Fra . --j - .no f, inflow a:ia Joanne Lane. n J V " held its Christmas party on December 9, and has col lected clothing for the needy families tor Christmas. Several members of this troop have received letters from girls in Greeca exDresiio- tw,. preciation for clothes and gifts sent . i.,clueIS OI tnis troop are Pat Bnnn, Mary Elliott Brinn, Ann urke Chapell, Mary Chappell, Alice Dawson, Billie Carol Divers, Evenlyn Elliott. Juanita Rilmt P,.),... a v., CUUOJd rt.HH JidWardS. Peirirv Hnrrotl 4 U T ' oo.t .mice iiean Jackson, Joan Madre, Patricia Rush, Jo Pat Stokes, Julia Ann Stokes, Sue Perry White and Joanna Williford. Troop leaders are Mrs. J. T. Bigwrs and Mrs. Charles Williford. T rvivn committee members are Mrs. T. P. ennn, Mrs. Julian White and Mrs Henry Clay Stokes. Members of iroon No. i K&A the following members, Lura Leete, Gillian Anne Hoffler, Joyce Owens, Sandra Hutherson, Mable Keel, Jen nette Williams and Shirley Byrum. ine i roop leader is Mrs. W. C. Cher ry. This troop has raised money for a Christmas party to be held Decem ber 27 by selling magazines sub scriptions - and candles . and is also planning to send a basket for nneAv family on Christmas. Broughton Dail Cops First Prize; Five Sub mit Reports Final results in the peanut contest conducted among the Perquimans County farmers during the past crop season was announced this week by j. iagei, rarm Agent. The contest was sponsored by Hol lowell Chevrolet Company for the purpose of stimulating peanut pro duction in this county, and $100 in prizes were offered by the Company as awards to the winners. Production for the contest, was judged on yield and quality, and the winners were se'ected on this basis. Eleven peanut farmers onterivi the, contest and Mr. Yagel reported five 01 ine number turned m reports on yield and samples of their product ion ior irnai judging. Broughton Dail was judged as win ner of the contest and received firt prize of $60 in cash; J. L. White won second place and a cash prize of $25 and Warner Madre won third prize and a $15 cash prize. Other entrants who submitted reports were Roy Winslow and Ed Benton. Yields produced on the one acre plots by the three contest winners were reported as follows: Broughton Dail, 2,230 po'unds; J. L. White, 2,019 pounds and Warner Madre, 1,809 pounds. In announcing the results of the contest Mr. Yagel stated much inter est in peanut production resulted from the contest aAd he hoped that the contest caa be made an annual one. He also stated that plans are be ing made to hold a one dav nmnufa school in the countv someti me Hnn'nor January at which time specialists from State College will come here for the Duroose of leadi on practices valuahlp duction. Further announcements concern!- the school will be made as the Dlans are completed. Hertford Merchants Set Closing Dates Closinsr dates for HerHfoi-H mer chants for the holidays have been re leased by a spokesman for the mer chants, following a survey made here .uonaay. Local business houses will be closed Mondav. DecenVhar 9,R nA 'nHll open on Tuesday,- December 27. The stores will also close on Monday, January 2, it was announced. Christmas Services At Holy Trinity Services will be held at. Xfalv Trin ity Episcopal Church Christmas day as follows: Holy Communion. 9 A. M.; Holy Eucharist and address at 11 A. M. The Dublic in cordiallv in vited to attend these Christmas ser vices. i Six Needy Families till Available On Local Joy Fintd List "We have at least six needy fami lies who face a dismal Christmas un less additional funds are forthcoming to swell the total already in the coun ty Joy Fund," C. Edgar White, Su perintendent of Public Welfare said today. Mr. White pointed out that the joy fund list, made up by his department, was composed of 41 needy families and individuals who, unless aided by those more fortunate, will have a joy less holiday. He stated that a number of these families will be provided with baskets of food donated bv thp local VFW Post, th. Salvation Army, local churches and individuals, but the most recent check showed that at least, six more donors are needed to take care of the entire list. The Joy Fund in Perquimans Coun ty is supervised each year by Mr. White and his department workers. It is outside of the department's us ual work but these officials do the job to help others to provide a joyful Christmas for the needy. Individuals who desire to contribute toward this fund are requested to contact Mr. White at the Welfare Of fice in the Courthouse. County Club To Hold Turkey Shoot Mon. The Perauimans Countv Conn Hunt.. ere Association will hold a mar turknv shoot, next Mondav mominc. Decern. ber 26, befginning at 10 A. M., at the uenxora livestock and Supply Com pany plant on the Hertford-Efontn Highway, it was anounced today by ueroert Nucon. According to Mr. Nixon a truck load of turkeys, geese and chickens has been purchased as prizes. The Coon hunters Club will furnish shells for the contest. All contestants ar asked to bring is a shot gun. I'he turkey shoot, Mr. Nixon said, is open to anv and all contestants and the public is invited to attend. EASTERN STAR MEETING The Hertford Chatter of th order of Eastern Star will hold its regular meeting next Monday night, December xo, ax eigne ; o'clock, at the lodge rooms. All members an ursed to be present.