TAGS TWO nzs Pur.suraANs wsrxLY, nsrkTFcnr, n. c, ft"uy, rv x n.r-i !' it? . (p. f 1 fi;";;3f.";;L":JTo! (Boys and girls in Perquimans coun ty who took part in the National 4-H JBetter Methods Electric profcwun tost year had a hand tn winning the hand some bronze and green plaque recent ly presented in the County Extension Office by, the JjTestingtoouae Educa tional Foundation, rerquftnami was elected by the State Club Office sit State College Station for doing the moat outstanding Jan in uie project. Every year one county In each state is given this recognition. , - . On one farm ft better way of water ing livestock was found, reported J. K. Butler, Jr, County Extension Agent. All the water had to be pulled from a well with bucket and then car ried to the barns. After analyzing the job, an electric pump was install ed, water mined to the poultry houses, barn and farm house. Cost of the installation will be earned several tunes over inthe saving which can he used to cultivate additional crops. The new system also allows more leisure for recreation and better farm living, pointed out Mr. Butler. Through dem onstrations, movies, and talks, Club members learned to use electrical ap pliances, how water systems could be installed; and the advantages or an electric chick brooder, the report stat ed. Perquimans county also produced the 1949 state winner. He was Horace Layden, of Hertford, who won a trip to tiie National 4-H Club Congress and the county medal. Eighty-four other 4-H'ers throughout the state al so won county medals for individual accomplishments in the project Name of the program has been changed this year to 4-H Farm and Home Electric and emphasizes use of electricity as a time and labor saver. Westinghouse will again present all awards offered in the project which, besides the Congress trips and med als, include six 300 college scholar ships for national champions. won by children participating in the recent safety campaign, aponsored by the etubb wen awarded this week. The comimittee also expressed its thanks''' to ? individual! and business firm . who helped to make the safety drive a success and Announced that in order to promote continued interest in bicycle safety: the club will' award four theater tickets each week to children declared to be the "safe rid- en" or the week. Two tickets will be awarded in Hertford and two in Win- fall each week. This promotion win Ibe continued through the present school term. ' , ,'' TRAINING SCHOOL PTA HEARS SUPERVISOR TALK The PTA of Perquimans Training School met on Monday night, March 13. The meeting was presided over by president, Mrs. Ida V. Norman. (Fallowing the business session Mrs, E. L. Byrd, supervisor wf elementary schools in Chowan and Perquimans counties gave a timely and informa tive talk in which she emphasized the child as a human, the four "r" rela tionship sand the physical and mental health of pupils. (She pleaded for better understanding: between the parent and the teacher- about the chad. During the social hour refreshments were served. Safety Certificates Awarded This Week Members of the Perquimans Busi ness and Professional Woman's Club bicycle safety, committee reported to day that the balance of certificates BOND SALES REPORTED R. M. Biddick Savings (Bonds chair man for Perquimans County announc ed today that total U. S. Savings Bonds sales in the county for the month of February amounted to S6.956. Total savings Bonds sales Jn the 100 counties in North Carolina were as follows: Series E, $3,824,595.76: fSeriea F, $282,939.00; Series G, $1, 493,500.00; Total, $5,601,034,75. The county chairman said that the 1950 U. S. Savings Bonds spring cam paign to be known as tine Independence Drive, win get under way May 15 and through July 4, The 'Liberty Bell will be the campaign symbol, and "Save For Your Independence," em phasizing the traditional American faith in thrift, will be the campaign slogan. BURGESS W. M. U. The Burgess V7MU met Monday night with Mrs. J. R. Byerly. The meeting was opened by sing ing "I Aon a Stranger Here," followed by the watch word. Mrs. J. R. Ayscue read a poem and lead in prayer. The roll was called and minutes of last meeting read. Dues were paid and $3.60 given to the Annie Armstrong Fund. Announce ments was made of interest to the menibeia. The time of. meeting was Reuben Stalling!. Trio, 'life's Rail changed to eight o'clock.. Report was way to Heaven by Krs. E. Y. Eerry, TL T?7?'ZE& Mn- Sidney Brothers Keeper? 1 Devotional and prayer by Mrs. Willie Lane, 'hymn, "Walking In the Sunlight." Readings by Mrs. Meador HarrelL Mat Winston Lane, Mia. J. R. Byerly and Mrs. II aafcJ ' farM mmgrJ "Szzh crJ G:rry Without Painf ul Backache Am ere st elder, etreae and Mnta, orar Mertioa. esreailvs anokjng or exposure to' old sometimes slow down kidney funo tioa. Thi msy lead Buy telks to com plain of nacglac backache, looj of pop and euror, bearisnhea and diniaeaa. Getting ap nlghta or frequent paeaatea nay rseult from minor bladdar irritations due to oold. dampnam or dietary Indiscretions. If jrour diaeomforta are doe to these eausee, don't wait, try Doan'a PUla, mild diuretic. Uaed aoeoeaafully by milliona for over 60 yean. While thee symptoms may often otherwise occur, if a anuainf how many times Doan'a giro happy relief help the 15 mile of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan'a PUla today! Doaii's Pills Aysuce, lira. J. B. Perry, lira. Josiah Proctor, lire.' idn-y Leyden and lira. J. B. BasnKH CI: Tint hymn, "lea ed Ee fee lis T Jt L V - r The , hostess served chicken salad jan'tficnes, chocolate nut pie. eornies, ru olives and ice cream with ' jTOjX AT YOUR SERVICE We Sell SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and U.S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES "Let Us Service Your Car Toioy." For the Best In . . . O GAS -OIL O GREASE O TIRES O BATTERIES O WASHING JOE & Dili's SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 8601 A Message to NEED fm Eqinprnent? See Us For Your Needs! WE HAVE disc'blades 18-in. and ao-in. Scallop or plain. Fits all types of Disc. PLOW SWEEPS ALL SIZES 2-FarmaIl iB Tractors and Equipment l-F-12 Tractor We are agents for the R6d- rkk-Lane Disc Harrow. Come out and look over our complete stock. Hertford Motor Co. Your Case Dealer HERTFORD, N. C. 'W DEPENDABLE - : Made right here at home by your neighborly SCO-CO Com- ' pany which knows the soil needs in this community. That is the reason that SCO-CO Fertilizer is a dependable Fertilizer for dependable soil . . . and results checked over the years show ; that you get bigger yields from your fields when you use SCO CO Fertilizers. our sco-co fertilizer contains plant food that will bring high yielding crops from your soil and, at the same time will not hapi your soil, sco-co fertilizers will aid the soil in produc ing better crops. if you Have not used sco-co fertilizer . . . join the large list of satisfied farmers who have discovered our fertilizer does the job best '. . . ' be assured of best production this year by ; using sco-co. See your Friendly SCO-CO Agent today and place your order for fertilizer you will need this season. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Phones 2131 and 2141 Hertford, N. C. FORD BOMS' DUILT TDOGKS FOR 'SO! Serlee P-3 Express ihovm h ana of over' 175 modeh in Dm 1950 Ford Truck Iimw ' pnpnnnn ' -,LusL"LjJ o s" - rei siswe w : MMeae ? aw ' a w w I ,f,:.-vr, '),.,.. ;.r;,,-;.:- ," .-. -..-J "'' :,J (:'.-; A-i, Kr.V PCZt like the newcyBnder, 110. hp. Rouge; 254, brings your dteio of Ford Truck engines to four. In the '50 Fords you can pkk from 95-h. and 110-lkp. Sixes, or 100 kp. and 45rhp. V-8WUvi only V-ffi kt frveking. OnV Ford Trvclci Qbt yovo cnofce of Ym oftei tfo wt fet tROisk Dnon- D UluAGDHG let, elder people ettem est e dict yMch it tlightiy deficient ia B-Tit ikitM id ta Iroe RMjk auy be VetJbieUederirrfXFelin?be. lev per, "Ncrtes," Fetigtw. New feael Specsef FontmU tuj be joet vhat yea aesd. Betel is adentifio ynduc which eembines the impor. ' teat B-riUmim with Iron. Ererybody kaowt the importance of Iron ia . yenr diet to help year body maintain ' rkh, red blood. Joet one upsnle of jaiel Special Formula a day (that's A-1 .v1! .y. !!'"'r? .'fn all you take) eontaine.5 limes the winSmom dairy requirement of Ire. . Alto 5 times the minimum daily re, crairement ef Vitamin Bj! - Blonej Baclv Caarantee ; Bexel Is offered to you oa a money back guarantee: take Bexel Special Formula for 30 days. If you don't agree that yea feel really better, are your own bright-eyed self again, your -s money will be refunded ia full S and M Pharmacy PHONE 8081 "ON TBE CORNER" :, YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE , . . . ' . - : . "HERTFORD, M. C. jnL ' ... JpULJ U " Krr; Ktrs in the u8ht iv.. jDmy , ; , and Extra Heavy Duly classes ha xpanded Frd Truck line for 1950 to over 175 ! i s nbdels. Thb wide seledion means that we have ; : the ricjht truck for you no matter what v haul XT ttlUt --- " skM BS s"' .' . . eaVeMsV ia ayjasf Ji ajaaajf y . v.-'-', eeneir ew-srseisieT . ji -'.(. i iHy .".'aL.-.i a,:-''eliM.,-i.i'ial ' s; ",'?.; -;,.s,';'-i; . :U:.e015'x3'reaTfcrc?.Mfcr t - Series F-i 1 1 v c'r tr: . t r-'-L!e cn r J i F-Ci . new 174-. " "r: ti C ' s F-5 cr.J T-A 13-ff.tol-r;.L-" fctJawf :s,nrvr:A':",r-J models ft C-T..-S C."t cor.;;::.a r t j PA ,1 ' ;, n.-.- r- r.--t cf i:.r;:S cnJ r:rr...:i i Jt ill- r