r3 3 l' Volume XVII. No. 18. WEEK Y .Hertford, Perquim County, North Cc olina, Friday, May 5,1950. '- Forty-seven Seniors to Receive Certificates May 30th ,v - ' 'nvi.v.'-.-V ,tT". ' ,. ,- - ' Commencement exercises will , open at Perquimans County High School . Sunday evening, - May 28, with the baccalaureate sermon delivered by the , 'llevV Paul C. Nickens, pastor of the .' Plymbl15paptirtiPtb'''!, Local 'pastors and the school choir will also ' take part in- this service. ,Th; following ,; night, the Senior :elass will observe Class (Night exer cises, by- presenting "Footprints and , Time." v Claire Hunter, ai Sahita , torian, with an average of 97, will give the Address of welcome. The - - remaining roles will be filled by stu - -s" dents in the order of their high school ? averages: :' 'Shirley . Butt,, class presi- dent and ; prophet; Pat IPhillllps, tes tator; Ronald Butt, historian; Anne Madre, giftorian, : assisted by Ruth Haskett; Faye. Rae , Bymbns, poet; iRuby ''Lanev statistician, 'nd Mar- - jorie Perry,, valedictorian, . with an 1 - Average of 97. ' Others who made the , Grand Honor Rolf that; will have speaking -parts are Emma. Bogerson, Nathan Spivey and Wade Jordan. . ; Graduation exercises will be held I Tuesday night, May 80, when the Senior will be addressed by Fred Laughon, pastor of Talbot Park Bap- - tiBt.Churely Norfolk, Va; Mr. Laug- - bojn willbe remembered by the many ' citixens of Perquimans County who heard him last commencement with so much pleasure that he was invited v to return by this year's class. The ' Glee dob will render two selections. S ' The 47 Seniors will be awarded their diplomas at ibhis time by J.'T. "- . Biggers, Superintendent of Schools. Those making the Grand Honor "Roll , -wiUhave toe gold Beta, Seal attach " d to their diplomas. Mr. Woodard will award medals for '"outstanding . , service MwH'i field .of ; Scholarship, ' -4 Dramatics, Bano, Joijrnalism, Student - v Conciij CoraihereiaV - K""r ,', -i ;. " "Wf-m -r. fus 3 r:;;::j;:i)D fo.i czssoir btj m ibos VMM :timM HIGH SCHOOL BufetPrerJs. At r'oeting Monday Application For Beer Li cense Tabled By Com missioners H -7 jWW5y(i r M -The-lSeal committe eneavoririg to r Tiientary ? school. Attendance and ' ' other awards will be given tit this time which will mark the close of the school year-for the 1949-50 term, THIS WEHl'S HEADLINES "A , A report iss'ied in Washington this week by the Departmens of Agricul' fnra ert&tAtl that it .Tineared itJiAt mid' ble : peanuts will be in short supply blood program each' of ithese meet- ' this year and therefore growers in - North Carolina and Virginia will be permitted to sell about the isame amount of such peanuts as were mar- beted m 1947, ' . ' 1 INorUi Carolina's f Highway Patrol had a new commander Monday when James R. Smith, a ' veteran of the system was promoHied from executive officer to that of commander: ' Smith replaced Tony Totar who resigned the post about three weeks ago, . Smith iwas one of the original 87 men as signed to the Patrol when it was first organized and he 1s the first from the ranks to assume the post as com mander. ' ' .'.-;-fc ''-ts-''-.;'.'', ' ;'." ;;; ';A'':;v; ' CasnnaignA to break pp -organized gambling throughout the nation have broken out in a number of large cities and Congress is 4o Safeing action to ' curb' these .activities. The drive ap- -pears to be, directed at illegal betting on horse races, but the investigations are uncovering all types of . gambling reported as being .widespread among residents of- many stated.- Britain's I LaboiN Government, won another close test of voting strength. this week when a furptise move by lcn ended with 4he Labor group re- cl Jt moi rots In rarKment t;an : " "i i..:-.;re. Ilus'.tlie 1 Cvanmert eosUssKi In power ; and , ' report Weir-sd, from;lmdi;.ralJ''"'tIi'a',t!:i':' " r-atf' members feadjtifyril,; ti I la t'va ConseraatSves in an eort to oust V Lobor group frora'power. ; : ;' The Parent Teachers Association of Hertford Grammar School will "Thursday evening," May ttth at rt., at the school. A very Intar t -program has been planned, the 't Icing, The CL.U'f T. tort ' wLh Krsr Ft 1 I" " ' f ClaTice T "1 ' i. i t :: : ' Youth Reccigrnize For Brave Action Eugene Myers, 12, son of Mrs. L, D. Myers, received special recogni tion by members of some 10 Boy Scout troops at a big camporee held last Saturday night ( at ;Camp Perry for an act of, bravery in rescuing seven-year-old Jimmy 'Wheeler from drowning .in the Perquimans River, - According to- the report made by Scout officials, Eugeng puMed Jimmy from the river on Tuesday of last week, after ; Jimmy, while reaching for a boat oar, fell overboard. Eu gene was standing oji the river bank and seeing Jimmy was' in trouble jumped in and rescued the boy. .For his action Eugene received the praises of his fellow Scouts at the cemporee. Some 21 boys from the Hertford troop, accompanied by Scout Officers- Charles Skinner, Bill White, Emmett Landing and Bob El liott, attended the camporee, and each of the patrols received awards of ribbons for camping. Red Cross Blood Committee Seete Vo!unteerDonors A campaign to recruit additional volunteers for the Red Cross Blood Bank program is now 'being conducted by the Perquimans County Committee under he - chairmanship of Charles M. Harrtll, it was reported here this week, Mr. Harreli stated that the Red Cross Bloodmobile will visit this cotmty again on May 23, at which time the local chapter is hopeful that At least 100 volunteers will donate a I pint of blood 4o be used 4 the Red Cross program in this area. The pro gram supplies blood for free trans- f usion8.4a hospital m thus area. donors, is seeking donors' from civic clubs and organizations in the county and from each home dem'onsit ration club. Each group is being asked to furnish five" volunteers, to gdve blood on May 23. , iFor the present the volunteer com mittee is the most active in preparing for the bloodmobile visit but Mr. Har rell pointed out that other committees will also shortly swting into action getting ready for the bloodmobile visit, . Members of the Red Cross commit tee are visiting each club meeting in the county seeking, volunteer donors and are explaining tthe Red Cross ings. The aim of the committee is to secure at least 1,000 donors for the program and if successful in accom plishing: this goal, within the next year or two, the donor (then will, be ased to donate blood only once in several years. , ; M Depsrtmant Tc m m 'Plans are now being completed for he. holding of a "Milk Producers School" to be sponsored by tiie Dis trict Health Department . ? : r. 'The schools is to be conducted May 8-9 and will be held in tlhe Auditorium of the Pasquotank County Agriculture Building; Elizabeth City, N..C. Time of the, school is 8:00 P. M. : A differ ent 'program will be conducted each night, Classes wiU last about 90 min- utes.''-'';':!'-H: ' ';- ; H -:i;S;H;?;.: An invitation is extended to anyone nterested in the mfilldng of cows whether it be the owner of a family cow or the owner of several hundred $1.50 Per Year. Members of; itne Board of County Commissioners1 met in a day-Jong session here 7 Jast . -Monday, during which' they received a -number of pro posed budget, plans for the next fis cal year. Definite action was taken only on a proposed budget for the County Welfa-e Department and in this mat ter tht Board voted to cut a proposed increase in the number of old age as sistance and aid to .dependent chil dren applications, to be taken during the year, to one-half of the number requested iby the Department. No action was taken alt this meet ing concerning a proposed increase in a budget to permit increases in sal aries to the Negro County Agent and Negro Home Agent. The Board discussed several drain age projects, previously submitted, and authorized the clerk of the Board to investigate progress of these pro jects with the State Highway Com? mission. An application for a renewal of a beer license for Oak Point was tabled without action by the Board. It was reported that 'the County Attorney recommended this procedure pending investigation of a suggestion made hero recently by Judge Chester Mor ris concerning this place of business. Sheriff M. G. Owens refused to issue a renewal of this license without au thorization of the County Board. In connection with this matter it was announced that retailers of beer must renew their licenses as of this week, otherwise they face court ac tion for making sales without a license. Il Winning streaK member of Veteran farm classes in the Conservative Party on a tax .prob-lhe Hejdtit Strict or adjoining eoun- tiev Also - memwwni w anywno considering going intg the dairy busi ness. r-f'-:-''4";?-; Vv;;-'' Appearing on' the program will be Dr. B. B. McGuire, District -Health Officer, Dr. VahL Veterinarian, Swin dell Lowry, Pasquotank County Farm Agent, a ; representative" jfroni i" the. Surge Company.'Rccky Mount; Fran cis" Patterson, ii. C. Department of Agriculture; andK. I,S Eyer, Sai tarian. District Health Department. Subjects covered will Include milk borne dlseasesj fly control; fcaiatures and feeding; diseases of cows; demon. stration and explanation oi laopra- Members of JJie Hertford Rotary Club wiM be hosts to their, wives at an annual Rotary -Anne party on Tuesday night, May 16, it was an nounced by Robert HolIowel'I, presi dent at a meeting of the group this week. Mr. Hollowelil also named commit tees to serve in making arrangements for the 25th anniversary meeting of the Rotarians on June 20. These com mittee appointments were, V. N. Dar- den, D. E. Harvey, arrangements; C P. Morris, and A. W. Hefren, invita tions: Max Campbell, program: R. S. Monds, Jr., leader; Edgar White, mus ic; Charles HencK speaker; Dr. C. A. Davenport, R. S. Monds, Jr., J. Em- imet't Winslow, C. R. Holmes and V. N. Darden, greetings. Jams Ward, chairman of the Red Cross Blood Bank volunteer commit tee, was a guest of the club at the meeting this week and he spoke brief ly on the plans for the bloodmobile which . comes to Hertford again on May' 23. He explained ifchat the Red Cross Oommdttee is endeavoring to en list ifiva volunteers from each civic organization in- the county, who will donate a pint of ; Mood to the pro gram this montlh . - A number of the club members vol unteered for the program following the talk by Mr. Ward. ; mmmmmm n mi Legion Auxiliary Plans Poppy Sales Members of the Auxiliary of the American Legion are completing plans for the. sale of -Poppies on Saturday, May 27, according to Mrs. Leasie E. White, chairman of the committee. - r ; In a statement issued today, Mrs. cows. Invitations are also extended toJWMte stated; "Let each of wear C :rd Of Education Scaks Speed-up On Chiding Program Reelected Teachers Ap: roved; Use of Build gs Voted Perquimans County Board of Educa tion,1 meeting in regular session here on Monday acted to speed up the con struction project of building a Negro Union School at Winfall. Memibers of the Board called on Architect J. W. ipriffin, who is in charge of the plahs for this school, to hasten his work in order that building of this school can be started within the next few weeks. Griffin promised the Board immediate action in connection with, plans for the building. Oiher matters handled at the meet ing.. included the approving of all county teachers who had been re elected by the various school com- mittees. J. T. Biggers, County Su perintendent, reported !the resignation of Rudolph Wiggs and L. G. Finch as members of the faculty at Perquimans High Sthool The Board voted approval for civic clubs and organizations to use school buildings without charge except for a small janitorial fee. 'After much discussion on the status of married pupils, attending county schools, the Board tabled the subject for further consideration; iHowever, the Board authorized any principal to invoke general statute 115145, which calls for suspension of any tpupil who may be a menace to the scnooi. Superintendent Biggers was author ized to have burned out light bulbs, on' Memorial Field replaced, and also to place an order for gym seats for use in the Perquimans High School gym. 'Mr. Biggers reported to the Board that the drainage and leveling of a apkyground area at Perquimans Train lag School had been completed. Perquimans' High School's high fly ing baseball team marked up its ninth straight victory over Albemarle Con ference ' oppenents on Tuesday when Coach Elilie Fearing'3 charges set back Scotland Neck by a 7-0 score. Earl Rogerson did 'the pitching for the Indians and held the Scotland. Neck boys under control throughout the contest. The victory sewed up the conference' championship for the Indians, for the third consecutive year. Perquimans has only one conference game remain ing on schedule and Ithat will be play ed today at Ahoskie. AMERICAN LEGION POST MAKING PLANS TO CONSTRUCT NEW HUT ON RIVER SITE HDC County Council Fete Commissioners The County Council of Home Dem onStratfon Clubs entertained the coun ty commissioners and their wives and the Extension Workers and their wives or husbands on Monday, at a luncheon at the Agricultural Building, The menu consisted of Southern fried chicken, English Peas, Potato Salad, sliced tomato, pickles, hot rolls and butter, hot coffee and apple pie a' la mode. Those present at the luncheon were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs Archie T. Lane, George Jackson, Tol- lie Twine, Mrs. Fred Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Topping, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Yagel, Mr. and Mrs. George Fields, Mrs. Emory White, and Miss Lillian Swinson. The Belvidere Club was hostess for the luncheon. League Decision To Force Hertford Out Of Baseball Action taken by directors of the Albemarle Baseball League at a meet ing held in Plymouth last Tuesday night has all but killed any possi bility that Parquimans Couuty will enter a team in the league during the coming summer. Sidney Blanchard and Edgar Morris, represeniting Hert ford at the meeting, this week for mally withdrew from the league. Directors from Windsor, Plymouth, Edenton and Colerain voted to change the rules of the league whereby each team will be permitted to hire nine non-resident players. This action, ac cording to the opinion of the direc tors attempting to organize a local team, will make baseball cost too much money forthis .community to attempt to field a team. Hertford representatives at league meetings held this year have contend ed at each meeting the need for re ducing costs of operations but did compromise with other representa tives to permit the hiring of sdx players. This agreement was made in Hertford last month and all direc tors voted for it. Now, that four of, the teams have voted to continue the $&gue along the - same expensive Tmes as dn the past three years, the Perquimans directors have decided it will be impossible for them to con tinue with plans to field a team, us ing practically all .local players. Blanchard and Morns contacted most of the local directors upon their return from Plymouth, and it was the Election of Officers For Coming Year Held at Meeting Thursday Construction of an American Le gion hut, long a dream of the Per quimans County post of the organiz ation, will soon become a reality, ac cording to post officials, final plans and details of things necessary for an early beginning were worked out at the May meeting held on Thursday night of this week. Things have been moving fast since the April meeting, when it was announced that Legionnaire R. E. Matthews would gie the post cleat 'title to two acres of property on the Perquimans River, on which to build a hut for the William Paul Stailings Post, No. 126. The offer was eajrer- ly accepted, and a special meeting called for April 27, at which time plans were discussed. The site presented to the Lesion was declared by many to be one of the most beautiful on the river, being 011 a bluff overlooking the waiter. about four miles from Hertford, on the Harvey Point road. With a small fund established some time ago for a building fund as a nu cleus, further donations of materials, cash and labor, already made, and promised, will make possible a perma nent home for the Perquimans Post, which numbers some 140 members at present Present plans call for a one story block building, thirty by sixty feet, with a meeting hall, kitchen, ladies' and men's lountres and other facilities. Besides new cash donations re ceived, materials given so far Snclude granite blocks, brixment, plumbing fixtures, pipe, lumber, an electric stove and items of furniture. Besides the building project, other important business handled by the Legionnaires at the meeting last night was the election of post officers for the coming year. The election of officers came earlier this year than last due to a decision handed down by the N. C. Department of the Le gion, which requested omeers to oe selected at May meetings. State Farm Bureau Officer Speaker At Local Meeting n in FriHav aftenwnn thaaJn- consensus of tne directors tnat una dian trounced WMliamston bv a score community withdraw from the league. f i9n s o o-oa riavl horo nn However, a meeting- 01 ians win m game Memorial , Field. Winslow did the mound duty for Perquimans and he Struck out 15 Williamston batters. The visitors garnered only four hits. Perquimans had a big inning in the 8th scoring five runs. Perquimans will close its baseball season with games against Edenton end Elizabeth City. The farst of these contests will be played in Elizabeth City on next Wednesday, the second in Edenton on May 18th; then Eliza beth Citv will Plav in Hertford on May 19 and Edenton on May 22. tory results. The following films have Uerestingly occupied." ' ' 1 ' (! . 1 .... 1 irn. .. t secured ana win ne snown.jine Vbf MJIk ProMar" n in Words -es,' You !rg"; SC. -our. Job"; Equip- Poppy en Poppy Day., 1 Poppies are made by disabled veterWs in our hospitals. - For : many , ,of them the city, money- they .have that re ceived for Poppy making. -."The Poppy industry is the backbone of our rVhabilitatioa 'program and each year more and; more . veterans are turning to the American Legion Auxiliary , t of i help nd . encourage men, . 4 ' "The memorial Poppy is a " replica of the wild popples whicb. "grow be tween' the trosBMB- in th$-' world war cemeteries - in Europe. They are made of red crepe paper because this gives the "veterans in . the hospital mors to keep hands annd minds in- "So here in our own county we-r asking you, to belpL that this may be the greatest Poppy v Day ? ever, .-The disabled veterans h"7.e done their part in nr"r tve potry." The rest Is 1 to " t- Political Rally Held At Nicanor The first of a seriees of (political rallies, scheduled to be held through out Perquimans County during the next three weeks was held Wednesday night at R. M. Baker's store in Ni canor precinct, " ' Candidates seeking local office who were present and made short speeches to the audience were W. H. Pdtt, W. A. Chappell, Ervin Turner, IW.. C. Chappell Earl Hollowelil, - Charlie UmphletL Charlie Ward, Roy Cbap- peil, Joe Towe, Archie Lane, Clarence Char-"!, Herbert Nixon, Kelly White, Melvi-i" Owens, - Nathan iTrueblood. Carroll Holmes and WiUiam Copeiand. Silas 'Whedbee spoke in behalf of Senator Frank P Graham. ' n bias been reported ' that other rallies will be held n the following schedule: Tonight, at New Hope; May 10, Belvidere; May 12, Bethel; May 17, Winfall, and May 19, Hertford. ' irii?' r rvv-i TO GIVE RECITAL - . The piano pupils of Mrs. R. Ralph White will .present a musical minstrel in their annual recital at the Chowan High School on .Thursday night, May 11, 'at eigb o'clock. The pnwic is in vited to attend. V , . V ' - " held at the Court House in Hertford Monday night and a final decision will be made at that time. High School Honor Roll Is Released E. C. Woodard, principal at Per quimans High School today released the names of 45 students who won scholastic honors during the fifth grading period and thus were listed on the honor roll for this period. The eighth grade led all other classes in the number of students on the honor roll, having 13 making the roll. The students listed on the roll this period were: 8th grade Tilson Chappell, Hudson Fisher, John Monds, Marshal Wins low, Leo Dail, Mattie Morse, Kath- erine Ann Ward, Jean Butt, Jeanette Chappell, Margaret Harreli, Joanne Lane. Sidney Bateman, Clarence Chappell. ' ' 9th grade Faye Butt, Mable mar tin v Whedbee, MarHy Baker, . Nan Ella White, Dorothy iWtaslow. . ? 10th gradeMarguerite Sutler, Lewis Dawson, Tommy Sumner, Mar vin; White, Amy Van- Roach, Mar garet Symons; Pauune iBurbage. 11th grade Virginia liay, ifercy Rogerson, Calvfin 1 'Butt, Christine Thatch, Doris Faye Allen, Norma Butt, Mary Sue Cook, Catherine Good-wim 12th grade Marjoifie Perry, Faye RaeV Symons, Ronald Butt, Shirley Butt. Mary Lee ChappelK Laura Hop kins; Claire Hunter, Dorothy Jordan, Ruby Lane and Pat PhMlips. . - : MASONS MEET. TUESDAY PeraufimiaMi Lodfle. "No. 106, A. F. & A. M., will meet Tuesday night. ; The Perquimans County Farm Bur eau met in Pelvidere Community House Thursday, April 27, at 8:00 P. M., with R. Flake Shaw, Executive Vive President of the State Farm Bur eau " as guest speaker. Mr. Shaw spoke on the subject of Farm Legisla tion affecting the peanut program. "Conditions have changed," he Said, "in the National Legislature during the last ten years just as other things have changed. It is much harder to get programs through than formerly." He also said that representatives of the peanut producing states have re cently held a meeting to begin work toward improving the peanut program for 1951. 'Some of the leading peanut produc ing states are Texas, New Mexico, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. Georgia, he said, produces more peanuts than North Carolina and South Carolina together, therefore North Carolina can not have much strength when it comes to changing the peanut pro gram. She must have the backing of the other states concerned. If the peanut producing states want an improved program they must first get together on what they want. Clarence Chappell, President of the Perquimans County Farm Bureau, presided over the meeting. Mr. Shaw was introduced by Wm. C. Chappell. Following Mr. Shaw's address, a mov ing picture entitled "In the Clover" was shown by E. W- White, vice-presi dent of -the local ch. Approxi mately 60 Farm Bureau members at tended the meeting. The next coun ty wide Farm Bureau meeting is scheduled to be held at New Hope sometime in July. Revival Services To Start Sunday A series of revival services will be conducted at the Hertford Methodist . Church, beginning Sunday May 7, and continuing for. one week, it was an nounced today by .the iRev. Ben o. 4 Merritt, pastor. IServices will be held daily beginning at & P. M., and the -pastor will do the preaching., The t public is cordially invited to attend., ,

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