j cetera Of lied Fids For Sunimer Decision of League to Operate as In Past Is . Given as Reason r ,', J 'j -"Plans for a Perquimans County en ;. ;.try in the Albemarle Baseball League during the coming summer have been dropped by individuals named to act a directors of the local club, it was announced Monday by Sidney Blanch- ard, chairman of the group. ' - Mr; Blanchard stated that the ac .. , tion iwastaken by the remaining four teams in !the league, in refusing to re . turn to a rule which - will permit, the '? hiring of -only six non-reeident players rfor each team, forced the local direct i ore to make the decision to drop their .plans for organizing' and fielding a team in the league during 1950. ' .Perquimans County representatives at league ' meetings this year have urged a reduction in operational costs - for the -teams of the Albemarle Lea- gue with the hopes that a local team, could participate in the league this - summer but it is the opinion of moat - of the local directors, tat the action taken bv the other; teams will make - baseball cost- too much for this county to enter and play this season. . . " '.v vJ-i. fPL IamI iMAiAfAM VairO Kaam nwfrrtd - . A. lin UUOLW1B ImTW UCCU J by large number of fans to continue with plans for entering the league out . the present .directors knowing ' the - high cost of playing in the Albemarle League during the past two yean " , nave turned thumbs dawn on the plans under which the league -now intends to operate, i "'v. , ;.V" '' ., i " Last week the League President, ' Howard txGaylord, wag advised that - Perquimans directors desired a return o the ox-man .rule,' and Mi, iay- to this mateee. ' Hei reported back to Mrt Blanchajd, that Plymouth, Wind- i sor, Coleraini and, Edenton, demanded - the right; to? bJre"Sta S-ioiH&tfdiw I " flayers 'ind. 'thua this action forced the local rectors" t reach 1bede ' cis1ori fi-ftfji ;tnelfr ' f6iIWS B.;wjMHwMjiwm'jiw.ij in urn mimi mm w r 4v . talilBlBllllBlpi ;:BiiiSIMBlBSll - ., "3f'n1'' Nearing completion, as shown in the above picture, is the new Physical .Education and Agriculture Building at Perquimans High School. In the forefront is the shop and class room for the Ag Department, and stretching to the rear is the gymnasium. Costs of the building, includ ing equipment in the gym, will be $115,000. The wnstruction is expected to be completed within the next , three to four weeks. The buKlding Ja 84 feet iwide by 214 feet long, and will have shower and dressing rooms for students of the school and rest rooms for the public. Seating capacity of the gym will be (between 1,100 and 1,200. The building, when completed, is expected to be the most modern of its type in this sec tion of the State. Central PTA Named ; flaw Officers At fltitttiuiig MUiiuaj " - V The Parent-Teacher Association- of " Perquimans County" Central Grammar -- School closed the work of the school year Monday,,; y J 15, beginning vjwith a picnic v supper on the school. Jawn. Open house was (observed fol- lowing the uyper.. ' v' "Th rhfld'a Puturi Is fflline" was the subject sed by Mrs,' Talniadge Lewis chairman lor the unapanose, ' ' Earkville and Hurdle Town ; commu f rJties f Several selections I by the Junior Band, under the direction of "3 Bert Alnsworth' opened the meeting. "God Be With You Till We Meet " - Again" was sung. ' ; The Girl Scout3 'gave' the Pledge of Allegiance, laws ' w 1. and promise f. and f 5 sang "AmeHca.' Each Girl Scout gave the handshake and salute when awarded the merit badges by Mrs. T. f.'.Brinn. The dewtiohal was given by Tal tnadge Lewis, followed by a duet by Mrs. Fred Matthew and Mrs,. Hay ward Matthews, accompanied by (Mrs. vj. Elide White. J. P. Snipes announc- ed the final program of Mrs. Ralph - 'White's music class and the seventh grade will be presented May 25. He thanked, everyone for the cooperation in helping make' - this a jucoesatful school year. Mrs. Eddie Harrell gave " an Jnteresting report of the Parent Teacher Association Convention held in Charlotte In April. ' . Mrs. M. D. Lane . presidsd during , ; tie business seasion. The minutes of tLe last meeting were read by-Mrs. sh White. .- Mr. Pnnis Winslow e the " treasurer's, riport -Mrs. is announced" the prosTam, "Twelve v J Maids,? to be pre--;! T--'-day night, ' May 13. 'Lie a I ra. Ashby Jordan, Ha,. Che i ue Vz X'JA, aad Mr. Ctul VvTH m r "'.toe for the Parent-Teacher Amu t tlon distriemeer-r to be hell at :''CMhool:ln the 'Fall. 5 .Urs. J. A. ,"ry announced the winners pf t r 'atf posters.' The llrsT and second - uJos, Mrs. Mary White, teacher, re- ''ved'the attendance award. The nominating committee reported 'jllowing officers",, Pr'dert, t' e C' rl Yow; vice, preb.Jent, I l3. : ' Z' tthews; 1 Secretary, E:: -yj treasurer, Irs. JoLa v Hey were electol and in t c'"j by Kra. LlJie Har- toT. . ' PCGS Commencement Program Announced Commencement activities at Per quimans Central Grammar School will be held in the school auditorium . on May 25, starting at 8 P. M., it was announced today by James Snipes, principal. Mrs., Ralph White will present her piano class in a musical minstrel. Another section of the program- will consist of musical numbers by members of the seventh grade. Mr. Snipes stated that those , desir ing a seat at the activities should be in the auditorium not--later than 7:20 P.M. PERQUIMANS 4-H CLUBBERS WIN HONORS AT ANNUAL FAT STOCK SHOW THIS WEEK Dlootlmolills Comes To Hartford May 23 Appeal Made For More Donors of . Blood For . Red Cross Program The V- third isit Of 'the Rerl Hi-nu Bloodnwbile to-Hertford will be next Tue3dayMay PJ the Hertford wmsmi0 Har- ibii, uiiairjrmn 01 ine program report-, ed today. The quota for ttiisicounty is again, 100 pints of blood and the county committee is hopeful thaimore donors will sign up' for the contribu tion and enable. Perquimans to reach iia goal. "If you would like to give a pint of blood to save someone's life," 'says Mr,; Harrell, "please register your name with me or Jarvia Ward, the re cruitment chairman." -.. f"In order to feel that we are do ng our part in this iwonherf ul pro gram, of free blood for all," Mr. Har rell added, "I feel it is our duty to meet our quota of 100 pints of blood." - It was pointed out that a number of. Perquimans County residents have already benefitted . through JhU pro gram .by receiving free blood -trans fusions, and no one knows when the next demand for transfusions : will come. . .' One case cited by Red Cross work ers where this program has been very 'beneficial has. been in the case of little Daisy Alice Ward, a patient at Chowan Hospital. This patient has received many pints of blood from this program and more -will be made available , as she needs , additional transfusions. - ' The bloodmobile will be in Hert ford from 10 A. M., until 3 P. M., next Tuesday .and more donors are needed if the county is to meet its quota. If you wish to cooperate: with the pro gram the chairman asks that" you come to the Methodist Church on that aaie - Cofcrfciis Honor; :.Js. T. CUL'trs - Mmhttrm nt the Hertford Rotarv Club - observed their 1 annual Rotary Ann nfs-ht and Mother's Day at their meeting ; held Tuesday aipht at the Hertford Methoawt Uhurcu- :speelai mcitii -went thd wives of tho dub I MnA Mrs. T. B. Walter. r. ured as one ox tne oiaest uvmg nif ";ers in Perquimans County. " : 1 t meeting opened with invocation hrr Pr Ttm O 'WeiritL aiu fnl- J ' lowinj a dinner served, by ladies of t i church, Mrs. Uharies E, Johnson ui S. Mondj rendered, a number tit . miiRlfa.1 Relectiona. Rotarian C. R. Holmes-was the speaker for the occasion and he spoke on the subject of woman, v i - . .s s,4 'f, ' I "?n ANNOUNCEMENT "i - ' TTra. -T. J." Nixon; 3rd of -I . announce the" i of a Aon, . Nbcon, . torn Tuesday, i:.y i. . W) .1, Dur ram. , Local Members Take Second and Third Place With Steers The fifth annual Albemarle Fat Stock Show, held this week at Eliza beth City, was predominated by win ning iia Oub members from Per quimans County. The 4-H members from this county entered six fat steers and six market barrows and walked away with the first prize for the best county group of fat steers, the reserve grand champion and third place prize for fat steers, and reserve grand champion and third place for fat barrows. The other animals entered from this county placed well ap in . their respective classes, in the list of more than 100 animals entered in the show. Per. quimamvClub members won two blue ribbon awards, 4-H members entering steers from this county were Clarence Chappelf, Horace Layden, rJohn Hill, . Janie Wuulow, Harry Lee Winslow and Dolan Winslow. Those entering bar rows were , Billy 'Proctor, Clarence Chappell and Ben Skinner. Clarence Chappell --was the outstanding entry from this - county, producing the re serve grand champion steer and ibar row.' However, John Hill gave him a close run, winning third place in the fat steer contest. Billy Proctor pro duced the third place individual pig of the show.- The county. group of win ning steers were shown by Clarence Chappell, John Hill and Horace Lay den. -A trophy was also won by Clar-' ence Chappell, for producing the best Hertford steer in the show. Earl Topping, Perquimans County 4-H leader, stated he was well pleas Rally Date Changed The date for the final political ral ry, to be held in Hertford, has been changed from Friday night, May 19, to Thursday night, May 25, it was an nounced here today. The change in the .date for the rally was made in order that it will not conflict with (the baseball game to be played in Hertford tonight. Much interest in the primary elec tion to be held May. 27 has been cre ated through this series of rallies. A large crowd was present? at Winfall last Friday night aid another large group of residents attended the rally an ueividere on Wednesday ot tnis week. Recorder's Court M Varied Docket At Session Tuesday A varied docket consisting of 12 casese was disposed of by Perquimans Recorder's Court here last Tuesday. Three defendants, Cicero Gillikin, Paul . Johnson and Kenneth ' Mason, entered "pleas of guilty to charges cf speeding and each paid the costs of court. The case in which Ed Overton was charged with keeping a child from attending school was remanded to Juvenile Court by Judge Chas. E, Johnson, .after testimony wa3 pre- ed with the' outstanding record made(sentea against the defendant. by . the county 4-H members and re marked that this was only an indica tion of achievement to Ibe realized in the future. Mr. Topping said that county records of this nature are made possible only when the people of the county support such projects and he stated he would like to say "thank you" on behalf of the 4-H members, to the .. parents, business concerns and others for their whole hearted cooperation in helping the 4-H members come out on top in this show. . The judging of the livestock took place Tuesday anf on Wednesday just before the animals were auc tioned off, a contest was held to se lect the-best -showman among the 4-H and PFA exhibitors. This con- test was judged pn the way animals ware fitted prior to - exhibition, and the skill shown by the exhibitors in showing off the best qualities In an- mals. The entries in this contest were selected Tuesday by impartial judges and Harry Lee- Winslow, Clar ence Chappell, Horace Xyden and Dolan Winslow .were selected among the 10 best showmen. . In the final tally Harry Lee Wins low -won. first place, Horace Layden, third place and Dolan Winslow, fourth place, according to the degree of their skill at showmanship in competition with the other exhibitors. ; . Episcopal Bishop To Hold Services " ; .Special services will be conducted at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Hertford Sunday, May 21, ft W announced today by the Rev. .E. T. Jilson; rector, who stated that Holy Communion will, be observed at 9 A. IS..; Church School at 10 A. M, and Morning Prayer at 11 'A. M. ' : At f r evening services, beginning at ei?:v.t o'clock. Kites ! - Confirms tion tfnd eeranon will be- given by Bis hop cf L t Carolina, The Right Rev. 3 il-'.- ':t, d. d. , , A motion for a trial by jury was granted in the ease in which Willis Jessup is charged with passing a school bus unlawfully. The case was moved up to superior court. Gerald Thompson, charged wifh reckless drivinir entered a plea of guilty and was ordered to pay a fine of $25 and costs. WHlie : James, Negro, was - found guilty on a charge of failure to as sist in fighting a fire. He was fined $5 and Costs 0f court., P. H. Ttfmlinson was ordered to pay the cpsts pf court after entering a plea of guilty to a charge of pass ing on a- curve. Thurman Brothers, Negro, entered a piea oi guilty to passing a acnoui bus unlawfully. He was fined . $25 and costs. Earl Barnett, charged with driving drunk, entered a plea of guilty. He was ordered to pay a- fine of $100 and costs. .Lillian RWdick, Negro, charged with being drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest was found gutuy on both counts. She was ordered to pay a fine of $25 and costs on each count. Warning Issued ; On Beer Licenses Sheriff M. O. Owens today issued a mrninr to all retailers of beer and win that licenses to eeH-hese items expired April 30, and aH retailers twho have not renewed their licenses sta riolatintf ' the : law ' seHing beer and wine without I960 licenses, He requested all-retailers to apply for new 'licenses immediately aneVstat- " hat all applicatdons for new a- ,is be to writing. He added that he will not issue a license to any per son having been convicted of amy alcoholic violations "ONH WILL MEET TUESDAY T A v. tfte i ?,? . J., will meet Tuesday night t k. " , , o v' Indians And Jackets Play Here Toraght Perquimans to Seek Re venge For Game Last Wednesday 'Smarting undef the only defeat handed thus far this season the Per quimans Indians baseball team will be out for revenge when they play the Elizabeth City High School on Me morial Field here tonight. Game time is set for eight o'clock and a large crowd of fans are expected to be on hand to witness the game. Coach Ellie Fearing's charges drop ped a 9-6 decision to the Elizabeth City team last Wednesday, after hav ing won 11 straight games. The old jinx, held by Elizabeth City over Per- ouimans teams was in working order, and the Indians faltered numerous times in the contest last week. Rog trson started on the mound for Per quimans but was relieved later by Bill Winslow. Elizabeth City took an early lead in the game and maintain ed this advantage throughout the con test. Perquimans played tts first home night game Thursday when the In dians turned back Aulander by a 9-0 count. Following the game here -tonight, Perquimans will play the Edenton Aees here on Monday night. This will be a return matcft between the two teams, as Perquimans played in Edenton Thursday night. The game Monday night will also start at eight o'clock, American Legion To Hold Services At New Hope Church Annual Memorial Day Program Announced By Post Chairman Annual Memorial Day Services, con ducted by the Wm. Paul Stallihgs Post of the American Legion, will be held next Sunday night, at the New Hope Methodist Church, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, it was announced today by Francis Nixon, Post Commander. The date of the services was moved up one week in order not to conflict with commencement exercises of Per quimans High School. t B. C. Perry, Chairman of the Me-K morial Day Services, announced that the Rev. E. B. Edwards, pastor and Post Chaplain will deliver the sermon at the special services Sunday night. All members of the Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary will at tend in a body, and Legionnaires in need of transportation to New Hope are asked to meet at the Court House in Hertford at seven P. M., and trans portation will be furnished. IW. F. Ainsley, State Vice-Comimand- er, will also have a part on the pro gram, Mr. Berry stated. Three Face Charges For Disturbing Political Rally Cancer Drive Quota Is Reached Here Joe H. Towe. co-shairman of the Perquimans County Cancer Fund cam paign reported Monday that the quota of $400 has been realized and that the drive will come to an official close Saturday. .' .. He stated that a few more contri butions are expected to be turned in and that those, who have not yet con tributed to the fund and desire to do so, are asked to make contributions before Saturday evening. The Cancer Fund drive in rerquim nnn was directed bv Mr. Towe and Miss Audrey Umphiett as co-chair men, both oi Whom expresseu uieir thanks and appreciation to all who had a part in making the campaign a success. Candidates Named To Girl's State The American Legion Auxiliary of Hertford Unito, 126,"announcfl its two candidates to Girl's State. They are Doris Faye Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen of Wood villa, and Mary Sue Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cook or Dur ante Nfc.'';--:;.' y:. nrhea two rirla. heiiur selected by Y committee from the Auxiliary and high school faculty on the basis of being two of the most outstanding rising - senior - - girls, - (will- attend WCJJNC in Greensboro from June1 6 to 9 to have' ia chance to study gov Wiment world, national, state and local.; Girl's State gives them h in troduction to the duties, problems ana responsibilities of citizenship, and it develop leadershin. Only 225 girls attend Girl's State from the State of North Carolina. . : This is the first rear the Hertford Post has sent ; representatives' to Girl's State and It shows a great atop forward for 1 the . Auxiliary. : H is hoped they can sponsor representa tives to -Girls .State every year - Three residents of Belvidere Town ship face charges in Recorder's Court here next Tuesday for Creating a dis turbance at .the political rally in Bel videre Wednesday night. According to Sheriff M. G. Owens the trouble started when Wayland White, Jr., approached him and asked . if he had made his speech, Owens re plied that he had then White is re ported' to' have said "I'm sorry, I wanted to rotten-egg you." More words followed then Sheriff Owecis placed White under arrest. White re sisted, and was assisted, according to Sheriff Owens, by Wayland White, Sr., and Preston Cope! and. The 'Sheriff later drew warrants against the-three men and called in State Highway Patrolmen to assist him in makir.g the arrests. Wayland White, iSr., was arretted at about 11 V. M., and Copeland was apprehended a short time later. White, Jr., w-as rot found Wednesday night but 'Sher iff Owens continued his search Thurs day. The disturbance occurred at about nine P. M., while the political rally was in progress, and while Archie T. Lane was speaking, two rotten eggs were thrown, one striking James Campen and the other hitting George Sutton. Wayland White, Jr., U charged with assaulting Sheriff Owens, using profanity, resisting arrest and dis turbing a political meeting. His father is charged with using profanity and disturbing the meeting and Copeland : faces the same two charges. Large Crowd Hears Speech For Graham Mm. friaries Tillett. former Vice chairman of the National Democratic Committee, speaking in behalf of Sen ator Frank P. tiranam nere lues- tnv nio-W. dar.larei that Frank Gra ham through his training and experi- . ence was better quaunea to nu tne office of U. S. Senator than any other candidate seeking the position, and she urged the large crowd which ntheted fop the event to support Graham for the nomination. In addition to Mrs. TiHett, Frank a Winslow of Rdckv Mount and a native of Perquimans -County, also spoke for Mr. Graham and he related many interesting bighlighta of his friendship with Mr. Graham which began 45 years ago when as two young men they entered tne univer sity of North Carolina together. Like Mm. Tillett. Mr! Winslow told of the : many services unwiun una pouvniioi - . . . ... . 1 m , for the state and nation ana or me ing on committees . named by Presi dents Roosevelt and Truman. rr-ha court room, where the meeting was held, was filled to capacity amP a large number - of residents rrom tended. Silas M. Whedbee and B..C. Berrv. co-managers for Graham In - Permiimans. Breaded over the .meet-: . . .1 f... J ..-J it.'. 1 v. iimt ma mtrouuceu me wnuvn, . c