PAGE TWO - Y, 4-fl to C:s By E. L. TOPPING , Assistant . County Agent' - ' The 4-H column this week will at- ' tempt to further explain the 4-H pro- gram to the parents of una county. Many parents, I believe who in the ' past have .taken no interest in , the 4-H activities, would play a more important role " if they had' a better understanding of th$4-H lUluo orf. The 4-H club is a nation wide or ganization conducted by the United State Department of lAgncuiture , in cooperation with the North Carolina State .. College of 'Agriculture and your county. The 4-H has as its ob jective to give ' your boy and girl training in better practices in agri culture and home making, and in the broader phases of community organi zation and the finer, more significant things of life. We mold the destiny of our future through youtn organs zations of thia' type. The basis of the 4-H program was established on . project activity. Through the project the 4-H Clubber should find the pride of . ownership and a reasonable profit if it is pro- i nerly carried out ' 'i" When 4-H projects turn out to be "John's Pig and Daddy's Hog", or if "Diary's chicks and Mama's hens" the very basis of the 4-H project is des troyed. Nothing discourages 'a boy : ! or girl so much as being deprived of, the profits from a project tney ' have so . faithfully carried out. I have heard parents say, when it . was - suggested that their 4-H boy be al- lowed to own a crop or animal, that ' their parents never gave them respon sibilities of this nature when they were growing up. This excuse for not . allowing four boy or girl to own a pig or acre of corn seems to be the best reason I have heard why the parents should do everything possi ble to help and encourage this boy . . . or girl to carry to completion a pro- fitsble project Others say they can't afford a project. If one would stop long enough to check the record, of some of the active 4-H members in thia county you would have to admit that you can't afford not to start your boy on a project We have '4- mem' bers in this county who have not only done their part of the family chores, but , with their 4-H projects have earned enough money to buy all the.r clothes,' earned all their spending money," and started a good bank ac count You as a parent have a very definite part in making the 4-H achievements and the other activities of your boy or a girl a success, s 5 ? Many of our 4-H members in thi county are becoming - purebred hog breeders. Of course, we all .know that' greatest production is' realized by cross breeding in a awine program. However, pure-Ared animals must be raised in order to have something to cross and should sell lor a premium on the market . This premium is what the boys are going to shoot for. - These 4-H members feel that, if we can't get enough good pure bred pigs in the county that we should be able hold a 4-H pure bred hog sale. Naturally this can't he done unless we have the backing of the farmers and business men of this area. I have talked to several farmers and bus ness men of the county about - this 4-H hog sale and most of them talk very encouraging. If there are any of you whom I haven t talked to who sre interested and will give your sup port, let me know how you feel about it. Some of the 4-H boys now owninsr pure bred hogs are Thomas Chappell f the Bethel Community, Alton Ray Stallings out toward the (Beech Springs vicinity, Clarence Chappell, Jr., of the Belvidere section, JtSen Skinner on the New Hope road, Seth Morgan of Winfall, Kay Twine near Belvidere, John 'William Oiappeil, out toward Chappell Hill and several others. (Several pure bred hog breeders in the county have agreed j to furnish pure bred gilts on credit to 4-H mem bers who want to get started on a brood sow project So far,, however, only purebred Duroc (Breeder Preston Nixon has been, called op to furnish 4-H gilts on' credit , Mr. Nixon lets the 4-H boy pick out any gily he has, then they agree on a lair price Mr. Nixon absorbs the expense of vaccin nation, registration, transporting the ., .... , .... . . . .... . - ,. pig to the 4-H members'e homy and '.reeding hen the gilt scomes 'irge enough. Any 4-H jne- -er that . 7nts a 4-H gilt on credit should contact me and 111 introduce him to soim of our1 purebred breeders. Incidently, any of you hog raisers that get tired of hauling water to your pigs every day micnt stop- by Mr. Preston Nixon's ana nonce that self-hog waterer he . . T - ; ' ,i : :i r - - T a n DATES TO r"n. 4-03 (County Council n.;et" , Jui.. 14. i . . r 4-H hr-t Crnrse in VAC Ju'y 21-' 4 A ( tee. Jv T -m -te lav iovk Ju jinjf Con--1 E e (We"-, Ralei-1!, 7 v. i :i . t 7 - r Can i, ' Uanteo, Au- We Sell SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES "Let Us Service Your Car , today." AT YOUR SERVICE For the Best In . O GAS -OIL O GREASE O TIRES O BATTERIES O WASHING JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop; PHONE 86oi r V) FEARLESSLY the dracjoman teh out acron the burning de tert tends, for he know he can depend on the oatb to furnish him with grateful shade and Bfe-bnnging water, when he aeeds it most. You may count on the de- pendabSity of our wqaniza tion to furnith practical assist ance in the handling of all de tads. A . ceremony of good ' . taste, no matter how simple.. RMWJ DYvflO CO y:M;i-'tis)j;fki:ii Yes, year after year we find more and more farmers getting better farm results through the use of SCO-CO Fertilizers. . We're proud of this fact be cause we know that our fertiliz ers are helping to do the job. Our SCO:CO Fertilize!, are produced right here at home by ' experts who know your soil' and know the ingredients that,the soil heeds to prepare it for rec ord production. SCO-CQ Fertilizers contain these ingredients and you can be assured you can get the right fertilizer, you need from' your friendly SCO-CO agent rertu (it - izers With the planting season just ahead, we suggest that you see' your friendly SCO-CO agent to day and place your order for the type of fertilizer you will need. It matters not whether you grow cotton, peanuts, corn, soyr ; beans or, any other crop . . . you iwill find1 that SCO-CO can pro ;vide you with the proper ferti- - uzer neeueti uy your iiems. Place your, order today with your SCO-CQ . agent or, call at our plant in Hertford. The type of fertilizer ypu want as now available, and orders will be filled without waiting. ft For Bigger Yields, Try SW-CO Fertilizers Daring 1950! THE SdtJTirtERN COTTOW OIL CO. Phones 2131 and 2141 . Hertford,N.C J l v :r ff: '--iV-,::ijy, r m t s xl i"- ::'.''-... , , k - H CLElfl DOY iboxs mm 0 n , nasctnts: r:ifli5ji i;riiiif . , 1 ' KJ Li Wi M Ji . . TAKE THE WHEEL? OF A' L J L:OluII wonderhJ "Hit W amazing MorMi-eondUlnned , ' quiet of Hie' , Ford's "Mid Ship" Mde . . . Ms bump-waring "Hydra. CoT and "Para-Flex" Springs ... lis 35 easier. ' acting Khgize Brakes .. L ; J r . .C. JHE PIFFWENCZ YOULL FEEL Tftt Difference 9 V r - r 1 .' .... . i V'! U V. ... V y: rt..- j C rordhl i Is I, f j i s r i.j4t y, Tiutbed". " . . i