. ' I: l. 1 (r ilii 1 i i 1 1 ' 11 . ; :- -.: L , ... s we: Volume XYIL--No. 34.1 Tjicrtf ord, Perquimans County, Nortfrfcarolina, Friday, August 25,195CU 5 Cents Per Copy boi n kot nzrciH) to C'JSTGDY 7JTE1 FQ'lIOinS' IOEDQM Dennis Forbes Picks Jail Locks In Getaway on . , Sunday Night Using a piece of balling wire and a pop opener to unlock doors, Dennis , Forbes, a ' prisoner in Perquimans " County jail, awaiting trial at the Oc- .. tober term of Superior Vourt, escaped from: the jail about 9 o'clock Sunday . - night but was back in custody of local authorities before 1 A. SI Monday morning. After escaping-from the local jail Forbes went to the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forbes, in f Elizabeth. City, . , On his arrival there yhls parents returned him to Hertford and turned Aim over to the Hertford - police. f'- Forbes is in' jail- awaiting trial -at v. the next, term of Superior Court; he is V being held on seven charges, being un able to raise bond set following an ap peal of a road sentence meted out by the Recorder's Court ' , In a statement given to Sheriff M. G. Owens on Monday, Forbes said that he had found the piece of wire in his cell He spent, about three ; weeks tinkering with the lock of his cell and , finally learned how tounlock the cell door with the wire; He then fashioned a key for the front jail door from a metal pop .opener and used this in , strument to escape Sunday night He added that he had walked away from the jail and left "Hertford, walking about Seven miles toward Elisabeth Citr before. setting? . a ride in a ear. ( On arrival to Eliiabetlj City he went ' Immediately to the . Home of his par ents and told them he had escaped from e jaljeri According to Forbes his parents - told Um that they were bringing him back to the local authorities, which , they did He vat out of custody ..shout four hours. -A4 In closinjf. his statement te Sheriff -Owpna. Forte, said that he was 'dad that. htaa"-nt ad retwraed Mhj to K Jflll aftefcM'Wtf-goUen- TUmseTf fate more trouble if hfr had not been . teturned to custody. 'Cliaigesf,ld3ln Polio Regulations ' r : .The District Health Department has . made some 'changes in-regulations ) ' governing polio quarantine, it was r announced Wednesday by Miss Audrey 1 Umphlett, County Health Nurse. Miss Umphlett reported; that the ' isolation period has been reduced from 14 days to seven days,' providing: fever has subsided? but this period is extended In the event that fever of a suspect does not subside. The quarantine period of contact persons has also been reduced from 14 days to seven days from the date . ..' last exposure v t A number of .. inquiries have been made at the local health office during the past week ' regarding the time xperiod for both isolation and contact quarantine, and these changes are re ported in order! that the; public may ' fully understand the changes made. Board Of Education To Meet August 30 Members of the Perquimans County Board of Education will meet next Wednesday night at 7:80 o'clock, in-f stead of holding its regular meeting on Monday, September 4, it was an nounced today by X ". Biggers, County School Superintendent 1 s 7 vMr. Biggers stated that several items of importance, including some changes in county school bus routes, will be handled by the Board during the meeting. Final plans for opening the Fall term of school will also be made, Mr. Biggers stated. He added that any person having business to discuss with the Board is requested to appear at the Ineeting Wednesday night HEADLINES 'School Principals To Meet Tuesday Communist forces have been stalled in their drive for the Korean city of Taegu by the U. S. and South Ko rean troops. Keports from the war front during the past week have in dicated a strengthening of the U. N. forces, and it appears that air attacks by U. S. planes is beginning to effect the. Bed Supply line. Increased equip ment for the U.'N. troops have en abled the defenders to take a heavy toll of Bed Forces. ' By mid-week Americans and South Koreans had stopped the Red offensive on all sec tors and started a slow advance, which had gained one-half mile of territory for the U. N. troops. Additional ground, troops, for the Korean fighting men are expected on the frolfc shortly . as England, France and Otler U NL members have- .$& 1$&iittr sending- ttew' Korea Mlmediateljr in answer iaGn- era MacAithur's appeal for- more men to LMmst the Americans and South Koreans. -r , '3 '' Cost ,of living has Increased more than one per. cent since. June 15, it was reported this week by the Gov ernment, and some officials point to even higher pnees in the days to come. Prices are highest in two years de spite official claim of large supply. increased prices on meat, iresn irun and vegetables are reported responsi ble for the gain during the past month .Personal income dropped in North Carolina last year, according to a re port which revealed that Federal tax navments from North Carolina de creased during 1949. The State, with an estimated 2.69 per cent of the nat ional population, paid 2.90 per cent of the Federal tax bill for the year. Increased tax schedules for this year are expected to" take a larger amount from Tar Heels than collected in A Washintgon report . issued Wed. nesday stated that Defense Secretary Johnson told a Congressional Commit tee he expects the Korean war to be settled by February, 1951, providing UN plans for the campaign are car ried out according to schedule. Special meetings of all principals of (Heated debates were carried out In county schools will be held in the oM the United Nations' this week when next Tuesday, August 29, it was an nounoed today by J. T. Biggers, Su perintendent. Mr. Biggers said that principals of all ' white schools will meet at 10.30 A, M, while principals of Negro schools will meet at 2 P. M. All school principals will . tesume t eur duties this week and may be fjund in their offices at the various cJioob by persons desiring to, discuss matters with the principals concern: Ing the Hew school term, Mr. Biggers ;:r.d On Auzzzt ZJ Half-holidays, observed by Hertford res and business .houses on Wed lays during the summer months, ' come to an end oa Zzc -y, rt 30, it was announced here this - - -v ' 4 -.,,! ' t stores Jin Herlfor j n..me e iiedule of busmesi ilours : on "s!ays beginning the wee!; of er r ijlrs. B. C Carry an! s- Kr. and l!rs. J. W. r i- States withdraw its troops from Ko rea, continuing its line that the U. S. was responsible for the aggression. Chief U. S. Delegate Warren Austin called the Russian charges apple sauce," and .revealed . that : Russian shells had been - captured In Korea Britain's representative .; also lashed .f ':. ll mmmmmm AVIATION ENGINEERS WORK KOREAN STYLE Before ade- 3uate modern equipment was available, a small detachment of U. S. irmy Aviation Enginers supervised Korean !borers in repairing this damaged runway. Supplies for the grcuiu. forces in the front lines were airlifted to this strip and then sent to their destination by truck and rail. Standing in the left foreground is Captain William Turner, in charge of the Engineer in this South Korean Being Held Daily At Memorial Field Coach ; Fearing Reports 25 Candidates Out For 1950 Team More than 25 candidates have answered the call for the i960 foot ball tryouts being held at Perquimans High School Memorial Field each af ternoon by Coach Ellie Fearing," and other students are expected to start practicing with the opening of schools next week. The grid sessions got under way last week and drills have been held daily since the organization meeting. Coach Fearing has been giving the players plenty of calisthenics and, practice in passing and running, also much Work has .been aone on passde fense. - .-. , ; y ; L xFeariBg , stated that the prospects Lfot.Awi year, team appear brighter ton last season, .lie nas a large nuiinbejr of players who gained experi ence last season, and supplemented by,' a number of new candidates the In dians are expected to show increased offensive and defensive strength. The coach. attended a clinic at Wil liamston on Monday of this week where 1950 rules were explained and discussed and some time will be spent next week having the members of the Indian team digesting the changes in the. regulations. Coach Fearing annouced Friday that practice sessions will not be held next Monday and Tuesday but that the team will resume drills next Wednes day. ; The Indian squad will miss a num ber of veterans this season but will sport a new attack as Coach Fearing expects to switch to a T formation of fense. ' . At the present the Indians' first game is scheduled for September 22, to be played at Farmville, but Coach Fearing stated he is attempting to schedule a home contest to be played on Memorial Field on September 15. Officers Named To II3-J VIICife Club Officers for the Perquimans County Wildlife Club, for the year 1950-61, were elected at a recent meeting of the organization, and an ambitious and constructive program for the club is being I planned for the Coming months. r'' ''.'?$ yui'F'' ;. New officers of the club are Charles Henc, president; J. A. Winslow, vice- president; ; Jack Kanoy, secretary- State Department Official To Speak At Rotary Meeting Arrangements Being Made For Speech on September 26 Members of the Hertford Rotary Club will have an opportunity to hear pertinent facts on the Economic Im plications of the Korea Situation at their meeting on September 26, when an official of the U. S. State Depart ment comes here to address the Ro tarians. Herbert N. Nixon, president of the local club, announced today that ar rangements are being completed for the club to have as its guest speaker JfohnA. Loftus, advisor to the As sistant Secretary for Far Eastern, Sot Asian and; African Affairs. Loftostttchkduled. to make a serle&fiUi' this area dur ing ihe rsirek:oft' September' 25 and Will conie' to 'Hertford on Tuesday, September 26, according to arrange ments made with the State Depart ment. . A graduate of Catholi6 University and Johns Hopkins University, Mr. 'Loftus has held teaching positions in the economic field at Kansas and John Hopkins Universities and at Holy Cross College. During the years 1939-42 he also served as economic consultant to business firms, chiefly on Middle East matters. From 1943 to 1947 he served in the Department of State in the Office of International Trade Tolicy and later as chief of the 'Petroleum Division. From 1947 to 1950 he has served as professor of economics at the School for Advanced International Studies in Washington, D. C. He has also attended a number of international conferences. In 1946 he was the economic advisor for the U. S. delegation at the Paris Peace Con ference in 1947 he was the United States delegate for the International Labor Organization Petroleum Indus try Conference, held at Los Angeles, and he was a member of the United States delegation at four Anglo-American Oil Conferences in 1944, 1945 and 1946. out at the Russian aeiegaw oy T1" treasurer; E. L. Topping, publicity that Russia . was supporting North dmJrman Members of the executive Korea rather than working for peace. 'coinniittee. with each townshto in the Donkey Ball Game J , ScheduledTonight . "rirns - 'are completed and team " V Iwwm : selected - for fce dor.L:; ' 1 rime to be played at IT - A TV 1 .Friday ftlffU v Jer I mc r-! cf the' ParkvII'.j Tc i aiAo I": t Club, it was aou- . today ty ' .in Oiite, c - -. (' ' i arranging C j x 1ie will be playsi t .Cm lights, beginning at 8 P. and pro ceeds from the contest wW be used by the civic club to construct an arch way from the Perquimans Grammar ZJ- to the bus lane, to prod 'hel iU. -ci"M, (udrsts & ' bad eounty being represented by two men bers are, Jack Brinn and Jo si ah El liott, Jet Rountree, L. L. Winslow, Charles WWhlte, Tim Mathews, S. D. (Backs, Dutch Spears, W. H. Smith and Riddick. . 1 s! next meeting of the WllU-fe C! rill be .held on Friday, Septem- ,r , at tne courc uouse in ien jri end a special invitation Is Issued 3 il residents of the town and county ti t nd. ; The club officials are v " 'g toward increased nr r a the group and hope tnt... 3 pv ".s Will attend the meeting nc;.t month to learn something of the pur poses of the Wildlife Club. rrpp TIT ' KSVTVAL SERVICES A r?ris of roHval services is le- ' , -" :: 1 i ",y at Co ra-a . i.2 Cli- Eev. George Eon Iitz rresiucnt of Roanoke Christ- HCMurray Resigns Draft Board Post R. C. Murray, member of the Per quimans Draft Board since its reor ganization several weeks ago, has ten dered his resignation as board mem ber it was announced this week by Mrs. Edna ' Winslow, Clerk of the Board. i:;flv . '. A meeting of the board had been planned for this, week but Mrs. Wins Inw announced this meeting will be nABfnnnMl antil tha "membership is complete.' t,; ' . As yet the local board has received no orders from State Headquarters fm selectees, however, ft is believed that an order for ttien will be received here, possiblly for the month of Octo ber. . vi : :'.' ?s ;" "y?;vv ' ' .Several registrants, listed as delin quent last week, have been located by the Board and Mrs. Winslow reported Monday that this Board now has no list of . delinquent registrant. She cautioned all registrants, however, to report any change of address or other change in draft status to the Board immediately, in order that flies of all registrants can . be kept complete , at all times. i "Jt ,' l -.: State Engineer Passes On Construction Of Vocational Building At High School Hertford Scouts To Pitch Model Camp Boy Scouts of the Hertford Troop will set up a model Scout Camp on the town lot, in Hertford, next Wed nesday, it was reported today by Charles Skinner, Scoutmaster, who said that residents of the town and county are invited to visit the site Wednesday afternoon for an inspec tion of the camp. The scouts will pitch their tents and other equipment for the purpose of giving the public an opportunity of seeing a model camp. Handicraft work, done by the local Scouts, will also be on display, it was reported. Report On Youth Projects Made At Conference Friday Perquimans County reports on pro jects conducted for children and youth which will make up a part of the North Carolina report to be given at the White House Conference in De cember of this year, were made here last Friday at a meeting held in the Agriculture Building under the chair manship of Mrs. T. P. Brinn. Local youth leaders present for the county conference included Mrs. Brinn, Mrs. W. C. Cherry, Miss Thelma El liott, Mrs. J. P. Chesson, Miss Mar jorie Chesson, Miss Rebecca Swindell, Miss Audrey Umphlett, Mrs. Nina B. White, Miss Martha Barnett, Mrs. Clarence Dail, Mrs. Fred Matthews, Miss Virginia Battersby, C. Edgar White, Mayor V. N. Darden, E. C. Woodard, G. C. Buck and E. L. Top- pin?- Mrs. .M. B,, Taylor, Negro County Home Agwnt'and Mrsvlr BrUogerson represented 6he Negro division at .the county conference. Miss Swindell outlined the purpose of the county conference to those pres ent and explained the background of the White House Conference for youth, which was started in 1908, by Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt, to bring about a well planned program for ad vancement of the nation's children. From these conferences, Miss Swindell reported, have come child labor laws, growth in Public Health, and projects for homeless children. The purpose of the local meeting was explained by the County Chair man, Mrs. Brinn, who said that the state authorities desire reports from any and all groups carrying out pro jects for youths, and she requested these reports be filled out and handed to her by the end of this week. Reports on local projects were made by Mrs. Clarence Dail, representing the County 441 Clubs, Mrs. Brinn, who told of Girl Scout work in the county, and the Red Cross Swimming classes for children. Miss Thelma El liott reported on projects as carried out through the schools. Edgar White, County Superinten dent of Welfare, reported on the part his department plays in youth work and conditions within the county. Plant Now Under Con trol of Board of Edu cation; Bonds Hold Perquimans High School's vocation agTiculture building, under construc tion here during the past year, was officially accepted into the county school system on Tuesday of this week when W. T. Duff, Engineer for the State School House Planning Commis sion, inspected and passed on the con struction of the building. Several minor jobs remain for the contractors to do before the buildine js finally completed and Mr. Duff or dered additional work be done to the roof covering the dressing rooms and I the . agriculture department. Aside from this the State Engineer approved the plant for use by the Board of Education and ordered funds released for final payment of the construction. Mr. Duff stated, "for a building of this size, I think you have received an excellent construction job." HeJ.. praised the builders on the type of ' work carried out throughtout the building. Although release of funds for final payment for the construction was au thorized by Mr. Duff, he pointed out that bonds posted by the architect and contractors remain good for one year and in the event any defects show up in the building the bonds of those re sponsible will be in force to make any adjustments necessary. Construction of the building was under the direction of J. L. Batton of Edenton, who started the building last winter, it was completed by May and . since that date workmen have been putting on the finishing touches to the plant. Bleachers remain to be placed in the gymnasium, and these are expect ed to arrive within the next two weeks. The Board of Education is installing 500 seats in the gymn, and room re mains for an additional 600 seats ' expected to be added as heeded. -With' the State approval of the building it is now under control of the Board of Education and will be used starting with the opening of school next week. All agricultural classes and classes in physical edu cation will be conducted in the new building. Eula Marie Smith Weds Josiah Smith Miss Eula Marie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Smith, became the bride of Albert Josiah Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith, in a cere mony performed in simple dignity, on Sunday, August 12th, at three' thirty P! M. The marriage vows were spoken by the Rev. James M. Smith, uncle of the groom, at his home. The house, was tastefully decorated with arrangements of cut flowers and silver candelabra, adding a soft glow to the scene. The bride was attractively dressed in navy blue sheer, with navy and white accessories, and a corsage of red roses;'t:r,t A large number of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. The young couple are both gradu ates of Perquimans High School. After a trip to Washington, D. C, they will make their home at Hertford Route Two. ' w ROTARY KZmiNC " . MxfcTue '-y r. ,t at C 5 at t e tj be Varied Docket In Recorder's Court Tuesday Morning A varied docket consisting of nine cases was disposed of in Perquimans County Recorder's Court Tuesday morning, with Judge Chas. E. Johnson presiding. Charged with speeding, William Worsley and Charles Steel, entered pleas of guilty and paid the costs of court. Robert Corell was fined $5 and or dered to pay the costs of court after he had entered a plea of guilty to a charge of speeding. Costs of court was taxed against Leonard Davis on a charge of unlaw ful passing of a car. The defendant entered a plea of guilty. A. P. Barnes entered a plea of guil ty to a charge of issuing a worthless check. Prayer of judgment was con tinued in the case upon condition that the defendant pay the costs of court and the amount of the check. Alphonzo Taylor, Negro, was found guilty on a charge of non-support of his three children. Prayer for Judg ment was continued in the case upon condition that the defendant pay the costs of court and $10 per week for the support of the children. R. B. Thach was found guilty on a charge of assault on Pat Webb, Ne gro. He was taxed with the costs of court Barry Coleman,, charged with the same offense was found not guil Paul Hartweli entered a plea of guilty to a charge of failing to ob serve a stop sign. He paid the costs of court J REQUEST FOR CHAIR The Business, and professional Wo man's Club Sick Room Committee re sorted today that it has been reauett- ed to furnish a wheel chair for a resi dent of the county.- The club's two wheel chairs have been loaned out and the committee requests anyone having a wheel chair which they will permit te cl"b to v temporarily to contact D. I Jackson, - Perauimans Beach Theft Is Reported Thieves broke Into the sleeoing . quarters of William L Lowe -at Per quimans Beach, Saturday' night and . made away with a small amount of cash it was reported Monday. by Sheriff iS. G. Owens, who is investi gating the crime. The Sheriff stated that he has several dues as to the ; identity of those who broke into the ' r!act k and..jBmt ,ne, to; .Investigating t these. ' v -.if '- i