PAG2TT70 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, ESSTIXTS, N. C, FZTDKY KOVT "tl 17, 1D;3. Legion Auxiliary Now Seeking New Members A call for more enthusiastic Am ericanism to ; oppose fanatical Com munism .is issued iy (Mrs. C T. Skinner, Americanism chairman of the Hertford unit of the American Legion Auxiliary. She' urged air women members of veterans' families to join the fight against Communism by en rolling in the Auxiliary for 1961. "Fanatical followers of Communism are working night I and day,: to un dermine the confidence ef ' Americans in their government and free form of life," (Mrs. Skinner declared. ."They TAYLOR THEATRE , EDENTON, N. C. Week Day Shows Continuous Prom 8:8 Saturday Continuous From 1:80 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday, Novmber ,16-17 Gark Gable and Barbara Stanwyck in "TO PLEASE A LADY" Saturday, November 18 ' Don Barry and Wally Yernon in "GUNFIRE" Sunday, November 19 Glenn Ford and Claude Rains in "THE WHITE TOWER" Monday and Tuesday, November 20-21 Paul Henreid and Catherine McLeod in "SO YOUNG, SO BAD" Wednesday, November 22 ' Double Feature "TRIAL WITHOUT JURY" AISO ' "BEYOND THE RIO GRANDE" Eden Theatre EDENTON, N. C Friday and Saturday, November 17-184 -Rod Cameron and Forrest Tucker in "THE PLUNDERERS" Hi-Way 17 Drive-in Theatre Vi Mile North of Edenton, N. C Two Shows Each Night ' la-Car Speaker Modern Rest Rooms. Snack Bar Admission 40c. Children Under 12 Free In Cars Thursday, November 16 Last Showing Gene Kelly and Lana Turner in THE THREE MUSKETEERS" Friday and Saturday, November 17-18 Ida Lupino and Cornel Wilde in "ROAD HOUSE" Sunday, November 19 June Haver and Mark Stevens in "OH YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL" Monday and Tuesday, November 20-21 Randolph Scott and Glenn Ford in "DESPERADOES" Wednesday and Thursday, Kovember 22-23 Loretta Young and Yan Johnson in "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN" are tireless, clever ' and' utterly un scrupulous. ,' They will do anything to spread their godless Communistic faith. 1 "We, on the other hand, seem to take, our priceless Americanism for granted most of the time.- We are in different to its marvelous benefit? and negligent in - our - citizenship duties. Hardly half of us even bother to vote in the average election. -Our love of America is seldom , expressed' or demonstrated." SOIL CONSERVATION NOTES A. H. Edwards, who owns a farm near New Hope,; is cutting down on row crops ana us increasing close growing crops. Mr. Edwards seeded 12 acres of Arlington oats this fall and is increasing his pasture acreage, He has increased his herd of beef cat tle from 10 to 20 head. By having more close growing crops, cover crops, pastures and cattle is a good way to increase the fertility of the soil. J. A. Sutton had the Soil Conser vation Service Technicians run a sur vey on a lead ditch that he is plan ning to have cut. Soil Samples were taken recently for A. T. Lane, Moody Harrell, J. A. Bray, Moses Boyce, Preston Nixon, Garland Eure and Woodrow Stallings. Dr. W. L. Nelson, Director of the Soil Testing Division, N.' C. Depart ment of Agriculture, urges farmers to take their soil samples this faU rather than waiting until the first of the year. Dr. Nelson states that "Samples taken during the next few weeks will permit a rapid reply. The farmer who sends his samples in this fall will then be sure of receiving the results of the sou teats and recommen dations in plenty of time to obtain the amount of lime and the analysis of fertilizer his soil needs." ' tor's licenses issued on new applica tions, 214, were duplicate issued on old applications-and 2,504 were dup licates issued on new applications. Chauffeur! licenses for 1950-61 is sued during October numbered 1,753. Net -revenue from issuance of li censes waa $59,839.25, with $54,954-60 coming from original operator's li censes, $3,432.50 from original chauf feur's license and $1,452.25 from dup licate operator' and chauffeur's li censes. - . . . I MASSES NEXT SUNDAY IN WINDSOR AND EDENTON The (Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will bo offered Sunday, November 19, at a A. M. in Duke of Windsor Hotel convention room, Windsor, and at 11 A. U. in St. Ann's Catholic - Church, Edenton, each including sermon on "(Results of a Good (Life," Holy Com munion, followed by Kosary for Dead. Sunday School,' with ' confession in Windsor 7:80 to 7:55 A. M., Edenton 10:30 to 10:55 A. M., stated Father F. J. McfCourt, pastor, who invites everybody to all services. "Week mornings at 7, mass in Edenton. cotton. ',' ; "' ' The cotton. . was,v .ginned at Rfchl Square and Hardy has sales slips showing that the six bales weighed M..W. Coleman, Negro county agent for tte -State College Extension Service,"- says Hardy is being called the most successful" cotton ' grower off 508, 605, 602, 500,. 480 and 463 the year in Bertie County, The total pound The acreage, figure for the yield was 2,958 pounds of lint; Hardy land ia the . official PMA measure still has on hand 800 pound of seed' merit ' ' ' " uMiMun WJlJiVM'M,1 31,837 Drivers Issued Licenses In October Driver's license examiners issued a total of 31,837 licenses during Oc tober, the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicle has reported. Of the number, 27,264 were opera- DEPENDABILITY 3 ' :." ON Hi 18th of April, 1775. Revere and Dawes rode forth to warn the countryside of Hi approach of the British. The Colonial "Minute Men" could be depended on to defend their homes! The men of our staff Can be depended upon always to render sincere personal inter est, and helpful service. Cor rect appointments imbue a ceremony with quiet simpli city. . Six Bales Of Cotton Grown On 3.7 Acres Six bales of cotton grown on 3.7 acre in .apite ox Heavy rainiaii ana severe boll weevil infestation prove the value of cotton dusting and fol lowing approved practices. That is the yield one Bertie County Negro farmer, Charlie Hardy of Roxobel, re ceived from his cotton acreage this 1 mi OIL BASE FLAT WALL PAINT mtilttkaZ PjjsyjjJijj Ann J. I 9 'SXr, I I 111 TCfe 9 50 Shades from Pastels to Deep Tones Insist on ATHBYS Manufactured by THE C M. ATHEY PASNT CO., BAlTLV.OJtf 30, O. 4 Herifo Co. Phone 3461 iUiiVirrrvvvvvvvi"iiJi vaDDDK en . . Hertford, N.C. rap ;sewhn,ee iA .Mr- ;i. LARGER BOmi 0PIN1N3 for easier pouring ; WIDER BOTTLE COLLAR . ' for easier handling . A&wtfyt foofc for nocft fof . m term, iimach wtth wo ommtvt oeo J m inn v QOYALTGH i . MOWOUT MOriCTIOM . , , "" f rrmrr ' - ' ' Aofw ffceM 3000 fcofstflft ai0 ev ItfQ 1 anortonaioNNivairossMuiwoai . yr fit j00mis I wwcr cm without S Hi ft , I m 0m fi&tffoimt. " gfcy-l- , Never in our history has there bees such demand as we have arferieneed for the Alid-Cantury ROYAL lUASTER and the U. NYLON LI?S-TUBEI j r ! People nave asked u wheiher vte-'lL be ' able to nuke enough of then to go around. ' The ana ver. iswe fctv awMr been' able to make enough of them. They have been ,"ei;ingouV as, fat aa we-could make tnem. raakt!,.0.f th,m w ln keeping with alt oCetal limit on rubber supply, t OUR BEST, ADVICE WOULD BE keep in close touch with your own neigh borhood U. S. Royal Dealer.' He will do ' hi utmost to give ran these exclusive Master and Life-Tube quaJitie. never; known or possible before. ' . Hi wilt tea vnu aa1eU mA t. I. through the months and years ahead ; Of tkimtyo, majb fcrr-we will ' help him: U rilTGD CTATCG RU0DtlJ QOMRAUY ,, m :.:zrlca'$ Larsxzl fAckvr of'TIm . u.s.t:v;LTi$ir;::..L,;iTr;KEREyc3 live ' ' '' TI-ZQU'LITIZSAND FEATLT.I3 KZVZn RTCCtVM C2 rc:::riE cirenz Nevec Bdr, U. S. ROVALTIX . TIMB AND TIACTtON to IWNp, bit and . bold i tlipperc weather, where tires aever held before! Never Before, 0. S.- NYUMf yra. ' THUS for blowout prouetioa a: v Life ProtMtio far, beyond all prf vions (taadardi. J , , Never Before, MO-CtNTU1IT MO TICTIVB CUtieuiik t ..j . rawing car mus and abraiioato , furd tk Idewall of yoar tire. With IVIScLAJTtNa WHrrtWAUi r - tlACXWAUS, to miioUin tbf trim beauty, of yoar tire. - - TY end! CC..7vT ; :; ' i, , f i 1 - fit t " ' l a v