: ' ' . ,- j " v. " . '. " y. ; i v j----. i :. s. : ui',. , , : ..'.- ! . i , i-'. U ' ... .-. ,' -. ... , i. ; . - ., " . i: WEEICLY Volume XVIt No. 47. Hertford; Perquimans (bounty, North Carolina, Friday, November 24, 1950.' m IVEBl'S After several i weeks of stiff resist- ance from Chinese Communist troops, , tank-led American forces on Monday " reached the. VManchurian border in Korea, Reports from the war front stace ine Keds are now offering jight ( resistamce te UN forces and it is be lieved, that positions all along the Manchurian ; border may be consoli dated shortly. Captured Chinese sol - diers, contrary to- previous repoila, have told UN official that tlicy were forced to fight in- Korea, and lhat Fzcclly Presents Progroi At Meeting Of CGntrcTPTA Group Nets Over $500 From Activities In 1 Past Four Weeks "Education, a Process of Growth." was the subject for discussion at the PTA meeting at Perquimans Central Grammar School on (Monday nieht. thPv tn7 5 r. k- ' 7a-ndl The faculty had charge of the pro they knbw of .no Chinese volunteers if T o " . In that ares. Plans for rearming Western Eu rope for defense against possible Red attack received a setback' this week when the i Socialist party of West uermany won a victory at the polls. Germ ah Socialists, opposing German : rearmament, won control in two state parliaments in West Germany, and the election, it is believed, will affect present plans of the Western powers to. include Germans in the West Eu ropean Army.. y , ' The Federal Reserve Board thii week called upon banks to cut lend ing, as means to ' halt inflationary movements tnroughout the nation. A report stated that loans through banks had risen five billion dollars since July h Another report from Wash ington on Tuesday revealed that con aumer spending naa readied a new high during the July -September period, Congressional committees in Wash ington are now considering a new tax bill to provide funds to pay. for the present defense program. President rroman has requested an excess nro. fits tax on corporations, and possibly higher personal -income taxes for 1951, ; Democratic members of the comminee nave voted down a nrn- posal offered by RrtraWicans, which would give QrpQP8"$!dm,n option on payment of new' taxes. 'It appears thafcvav tax similar to the one used World 'War II j will be ap- P. Snipes acting as ' 4 3urlnjt J proved. 1551 Auto License Plates VL'l Go On Sale December 1 r. - Goldie Layton, branch manager for the Carolina Motor Club announced this week that 1951 state license plates will go on sale December 1, as in former years. Miss Layton urges . owners of motor vehicles to purchase their licenses early In order to avoid a rush at the last minute. ' ' Miss Layton has been advised that for the .first time since 1940,.. the black and yellow plates will be chane ed. The 1961 tag will be red and white. . , ' " Thanksgiving Topic Of Rotary Program gram, with J. chairman. Mrs. Edwin White gave the devo tional, followed by two musical selec tions by the seventh grade, under the direction of Misg Dorothy Maynard. To demonstrate, democratic practices in. the school, the third and fourth grades re-enacted a meeting of their club, held .every two weeks. Visual aids, as used in the class roomy were demonstrated by Mrs. Elijah White in the use of the slide projector with slides of Washington, D. C, as the subject . Mrs. J. W. Ward was introduced as a new member of the school faculty. Various reports on the school and PTA activities were given by the chairman. Mr. Snipes reported an in crease in the number of school lunches served and the treasurer reported on the financial Condition of the PTA, stating the Association had received a net of $431.82 from the Hallowe'en party, $37.86 from subscription sales and S33.S1 from the district PTA luncheon, The secretary read the minutes and president's message, also a message from Mrs. Harrell, which praised the Central PTA for the various functions recently carried out. (Mrs. Claude Williams arid Mrs. Ashley Jordan expressed their thanks to members of their committees for the cooperation rendered in projects recently handled by the committees. Mrs. Wendell Mathews read a let ter front State PTA President, Rus- CO trict After an explanation by Mrs. Eddie Harrell of the Katherine Martin Memorial Fund, an offering was tak en for this program. V it was announced tnat the JNew Hope community will have charge of we program ror tne ue.ember meet ing of the Association. Miss Mar garet. White's seventh grade won the attendance contest, and membership awards were presented by Miss John nie White, who reported the total membership at 564. Open house was held following the meeting, which was attended by a large number of parents, Hunting Regulations -k Explained By Warden; Eldon Winslow, Perquimans County Game Protector, announced todav that the hunting season for quail, rabbit, tuey gobblers and rtoms opens on Thursday, November 23. He added that the misrratorv water fowl season open at 12 o'clock noon. November 27, and closes that day one nour before sunset.. Thereafter the shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until one hour before sunset. He stated that a Federal mi gratory waterfowl stamp is required by Federal law of everyone , who hunts ducks and geese. Mr. Winslow pointed out that it is permissible to hunt ducks or geese from a paddle boat and that type of boat only. He urges all hunters who kill a banded bird to return the band to the game protector or send it to Washington, D. C. Report Is Made On Rozd Construction In Perquimans A report on road construction in Perquimans County, under the State Bond Program, was made this week by officials of the State Highway Commission. The report covers work by State Highway forces using State owned equipment, under the direction of George Mack, District Engineer; R. C. Bunch, construction superinten dent, and R. C. Speight, supervisor of paving. - The following roads have been built or are being built with bond funds A sand asphalt base has been placed on 4.5 miles of the Durants Neck Road from New Hope to Muddy Creek Road. The asphalt wearing surface is yet to be placed, but should be com pleted during the winter. widened with sand asphalt hate 10.0 miles of the Durants Neck Road from Route U. S. 17 to New Hope. The wearing surface to be .compl ted, at a later date. 5 Cents Per Copy County Committee Starts Annuel Seal Sa!e Here Tills Week Mrs. F. A. McGoogan to Head Drive; Quota Is - Slightly Higher unty m M i pleasant. dis-7 Band asphalt ase pnly has been ict meeting. J Paced on the road from Behel , to- Thanksgiving was the subject of the program presented at the regular 'meeting of the Hertford Rotary Club, held Tuesday evening at the Hacienda. The program was presented by W. H. Oakey, local attorney and member of the civic club. - . r , "Our first, Thanksgiving was cele brated about 1S8" ..Mr. Oakey sadd, "and was obeerred by the Pilgrims for Ahe purpose of Differing thanks to God for a good harvest" ILater," Mr. Oakey " continued, "about 1778, all of the 18 colonies set date in December for observance of Thanksgiving; which at that time wa .celebration of victories in the Revo lutionary War, ' Still later," President ILincoln, by proclamation, set Thanks giving, as the last Thursday in No- vember, as a time for observance by the entire nation, in offering tiianks for the blessing of the past year," Five Cars Involved In Two Collisions Fisheries Meeting P )v Planned M Edenton Commercial Fisheries 1 laws" and mtetions ' will be discussed at . a sting to be conducted by the Com i rclal Fisheries Committee of the LUte Board of Conservation and De velopment at Edenton on December 2, it was announced foday by Roy Hampton, chairman of the committee; "lie .Attorney General's office has t y completed the job ofas ' , ' lying and. bringing tp to date all laws as. related to commercial 3. In so' doing, it was found re areabout 8,000 local coun . dealing wihv6mmerclat ftsh- of which appear to nave - usefulness. ; . Five cars were involved, in two ac cidents reported oyer the week-end by State Patrolman B. R. Inscoe. -The first accident occurred Saturday at about 11:30 A. M., at the corner of Church and Dolib streets when a 47 Nash driven by Herman Engjehardt of Worchester, Mass., collided with a Chrysler driven by Robert Brinn, of Hertford. Mrs. Herman Englehardt suJfered minor cuts and .bruises and1 was treated for her injuries at the Cffce of Dr. T. P. Brinn. Damages to rae two cars was estimated by Pa trolman Inscoe at $1,000. A 4950 Dodge and a 1940 Ford were demolished in a three-car smashup which occurred late Saturday night near the Hacienda, on Route 17. Pa trolman. Inscoe stated that the Dodge, driven by Mrs. Polly Tucker, was headed south, stopped to turn in at the, Hacienda and while waiting for oncoming traffic to pass was hit by the , orff, driven by Harry, aarcim, Negro, collected bv the State thwmh rt. ward Yeop'im to Chowah-Perquinians lure fi,.o IIlllCB. ' .1 miles of sand asphalt base has been placed on the road from the Tyner-Heiitford road to iBelvidere. The wearing surface to complete the road will be placed during the winter. The following roads though not paved have been widened for two-lane traffic, drained and the surface stabil ized with local soil material or crush ed stone to give a year around rid ing surface free from mud or slip pery surface: From Whiteston 4.1 miles west to county line; from Whiteston 0.8 mile to Turn Pike: from the Belvidere-Rv- land road via Piney Woods Church to county line; from Belvidere east to Whiteston road, 1.8 miles; from Beech road to Perquimans River; 2.4 miles from Hertford-Center Hill road to Beech. Springs; from route 17, south of Hertford to Bethel road 2.3 miles; from. Harvey Neck road 6.4 miles to paved road 1,6 miles northeast of Bethel;, Wfcite Hat road, 2.4 miles, the Neck road 2.7 miles, the Creek road 2 miles. - iSix miles of the Turnpike road, from Whiteston to the Pasquotank county line has been graded, drained and a sou base completed and will be paved at an early date. ; " ' -'-r - ' . Town And County Get $8,425.88 Beer Tax ;.. Perquimans County and the Town of Hertford will shortly receive a to tal of $8,425.88 as their share "of the beer taxes collected in North Carolina during the past fiscal year, it was an nounced Tuesday fa Raleigh. Per quimans County will receive a , total of 16,708.81, while the Town will receive $1,717.07. ; , , . - (More than two million dollars was IPerquimans County's Annual Tu- berculosis Seal Sale, under the sponsor-ship of the Business and Profes sional Women's Club, opened here this week with the announcement that . Frank A. McGoogan will serve af chairman of the drive this year. A. committee composed of members the BFIW Club already has eomolet- ed: preliminary work connected with thi drive arid letters in which TB bonds are included have been nailed tof prospective bond buyers. With the completion of the sale of TB bonds, the TB Seals will be sold. The Seals allotted to this county have arrived and will be mailed out to residents of the county sometime early next week. The Seals will be sent out with a letter and a self-addressed envelope and recipients are re quested to use the addressed envelope in returning contributions te the chair man, Mrs. McGoogan. Mrs. MWGoogan stated that the drive this year will be carried out on about the same plan as used so suc cessfully with seal campaigns in the past. She urges individuals who re ceive the seals to use them during the drive which will end December 25. Individuals who receive seals throiigh the mail and who do not desire to contribute toward the fund are requested to mail the seals back to the chairman. Contributions for the fund will be sought through the white and negro schools of the county, and children contributing to the fund will be given a .TIB Seal pin to wear during the drfce. - Perquimans County's quota for the TB campaign this year is approxi mately $1,000, according: to Mrs. Mc ijfegan, and every- resident- is urged io support the drive in order that the county may reach its quota. Miss Audrey Umphlett, County Health Nurse, and chairman of the BPW Health Committee is assisting, the county chairman with the cam paign as is Mrs. Nellie F. Walker, who is handling the secretarial" work in connection with the drive. Special Meeting Members of the Perquimans Coun ty Board of Commissioners will meet next ' Monday, November 27, at 10 A. M. in the Court House, where in a special meeting, for the purpose of hearing any complaints which may be registered by citizens and tax payers of the county in regards to the issu ance of $175,000 in bonds for use in connection with the countv school building program. The hearing on Monday is a pre liminary step which must be conform ed with prior to the election, which will be held luring the first week in January, 1950. esidents Furnish 49 Pints Of Blood for Program Sixty-two Donors Vol unteer; Unit to Re turn on March 26 Forty nine pints of WonH u,aa tributed to the Red Cross Blood pro gram here last Monday, and some 63 uuuuy resiaents appeared at the bloodmobile as volunteer blood donors, it was reported Tuesday by the Coun ty Red Cross Blood Program Com mittee. Fourteen of the volunteer donors, after having an examination by the Red Cross staff were advised they were not acceptable for dona tions but were thanked for filling the appointment and asked to the bloodmobile comes back to Hert ford next March 26. The committee, headed hv Edrar White, Mrs. W. L. Jessup and Miss Helene Nixon, as co-chairmans, ex pressed their appreciation to all Der- sons taking part in the bloodmobile visit. Especially thankd - r ii - c vvv 63 persons who appeared to donate blood. While the county quota of 125 pints of blood was not filled the co chairmen were impressed over the county-wide interest shown in the program, and expressed, the hope that the quota will be reached on the next visit of the bloodmobile. Headquarters for the bloodmobile were set up at the Hertford Metho dist Church, from 10 A. M., until 4 P. M. Assisting the co-chairmen day. were the five township volunteer The question to be determined by i Chairmen, Paul Tucker, Hertford: the election is whether or not Per- Clifton Morgan, Parkville; S. T. Per quimans County will issue bonds in ry, New Hope; Mrs. Nurney Chappell, the amount of $175,000 for the build- Belvidere, and Mrs. Elmer Proctor, January 6 Set As Date For Special Bond flection On approval of the Locai Govern ment Institute, the day of January 6, 1951, has been set as the date for the holding of a special election in Perquimans County to determine the $175,000 bond issue, which will pro vide funds for the completion ox tha county school building program. W. F. Ainsley, chairman of the County Board of Elections, stated to day that registration books for the election will be opens 1 on December 9, and will continue open for four Saturdays. The first thvee Saturdays will be for registering eligible voters. not already on the books and the fourth Saturday will be challenge ing program. A majority of t ie vot ers participav,iiij :n the e'ection on January 6 will determine the matter. If approved by the voters, the bonds Bethel, and Dewey Newby headed the Colored division. Mrs. T. P. Brinn served as chair man of the Service Committee and Two Draft Calls For Next Month Thirty young men of Perquimans County will receive selective service orders during the month of December, according to an announcement made this week by Mrs. Edna Winslow, clerk of the local draft board. The first call, for five men to report for induc tion on December 10, will be mailed out soon, and the second call is for 25 men to report for induction exami nations on December 26. Mrs. Winslow reported that eight out of the 19 youths sent to, Raleigh for pre-induction examinations passed the exams and are now subject to in duction in the Armed Forces. Five youths in this group will be selected to fill the induction order on Decem ber 10. The local board met Monday night for the purpose of classifying youths tb fill the pre-induction calls on De cember 26... :1 will be issued for funds to be used; Staff aids were Mrs. Sidney Jessup, in the construction of five additional I Mrs. J. T. Biggers and Mrs. E. W. classrooms and a heating system at Dunsmoore. The canteen committee Hertford Negro School, addition of was composed of Mrs. W. C. Cherry, three classrooms at the new NegrOjMrs. J. A. Leete and Mrs. Charles Union School, a lunchroom at the.Campen. Nurses' aids were Miss Hertford and Central Grammar! Audrey Umphlett, Mrs. J. A. Bray, Schools and for the purchase of equip-: Mrs. Frank Skinner, Mrs. W. L. Jes merit for all units. sup and Miss Leary. The question of a bond issue was Talmadge Rose served as chairman raised first late last Spring when the, of the committee on arrangements for Board of Education forsaw the need, the bloodmobile visit. for additional funds for the building program, and after several conferencfes with the Board of County Commis sioners, the two boards agreed that the question should be submitted to the people for a decision on issuance of bonds amounting to $175,000. Local Bottling Plant Changes Ownership The Ford knocked the Dodge in front of a northJbound car being driven by John. Wood-of Edentom Four persons riding in the Bar- two required treatment by doctors. Damages in. this accident was esti mated at about $2,000. Barclift was charged with reckless driving and will be given a hearing in Reorder Court, , ;fl . , T . , " EASTERN STAR TO MEET i The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will meet next Mon day night, Novembes 27, at 8 o'clock at the lodge rooms. All members are urged to bq present . beverage tax, all of which is distribut ed among the counties and towns Where beep is sold. .; The amount col lected ws year is slightly less than F inlW "H Wi$ due to a. number of flouwes anq, towns discontinuing the saws 01 neenv since jast- year those nar- ticipwn(rrWeied about 15 per cent more in taxes than received in 1949.,, VFW; Dance Proceeds Go To Vets Hospital Proceeds from , a , Thanksgiving dance, held Wednesday night. Novem ber 22, at the Perquimans VFW. Hall were contributed to a veteran's hos pital, it was announced today by - a member of the local.VFW post: i' i t unei oanee .was sponsored hi ithe vif'w rost and all proceeds were for- 'MASONS TO MEET'? The Perquimans Lodge; Na : 103, A. Announcement was made here -this week of the change in ownership of the Phillips Bos. bottling plant, operated, during the past year by Edi son and Jesse Lee. Harris. The new owner , of the plant is Joe Parker, formerly of Rocky. Mount . Mr. Parker, who has had 15 years experience in the bottling business, assumed managership of the business last week.. He announced Monday that he has changed flavors used in the local product . and plans several changes in the operation of the busi ness. . , . R-T Motorists Urged To Renew Licenses The R, S, T group of motorists rep resents the largest of the groups of motorists who mu3t stand examination for driver's license renewals, and only a month and a half remains in which they may obtain renewals, the North Carolina Department of Motor Ve hicles said today. Approximately 180,000 North Caro linians are included in the R-T group. With over three-fourths of the exam ining period past, only 130,493 per sons have taken the examination. 'Examiners seldom can test over 20 persons a day. With 50,000 drivers in this category left to be tested be tween now and December 31, some wiH have to. wait in line. The De partment urges them to go to their nearest drivers license examiner as soon as convenient. Don't wait until the rush begins and the lines itart forming. The examining period for motorists whose surnames begin with U, V, W, X, Y, Z will begin on January 1. Indians Win Fifth Grid Contest From Tarboro Eleven F. ft A. I-', will meet next Tr '-yVarded ta the vetirwi's rtmI-; f night afthe lodge room at 8 o'clock.! relp nrovid fund lor thsT.W'ti - ;AU Masons are urged to be present, abled veteran. 1 " 11 Field Worker To Hold, PTA Study Meeting Miss Genevieve Burton,' field secre tary for PTA in North Carolina, will hold a study course at Perquimans Central Grammar School on Decem ber 1, at 2 P. M. Her subject will be Growing Toward Maturity," using the school-jre topics for discussion. , HThls is a county-wide meeting, with merabersjj '& Hertford -Grammar PTA land a -ne else , interested as! guests.1! " V" .;'(' . '. :',''. ; f Special Services On Thanksgiving A special Thanksgiving Day Ser vice will be conducted at the Holy Trinity Church in Hertford on Thanks giving Day at 10 A. M., it was an nounced Monday by the Rev. Charles F. Wulf, rector of the church. The services will include Holy Communion and sermon. , . On Sunday, November 26, services at the church will be as follows: Hly Communion at 9 A. M., Sunday School at 10 A. M., and Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 A. M. Reader's Court In Recess Tuesday : (Perquimans Recorder's Court was in recess this week due to the absence from -the city of Judge Chas. E. John son. AH cases; listed on the docket of the .court , were continued until 'Tuesday, November 28. The Perquimans High School's foot ball team chalked up its fourth straight victory, and the fifth for the season at Tarboro last Friday night, when Coach Ellie Fearing's charges trounced the Tarboro eleven by a score of 34-6. This contest was a climax of weeks of intensive practice, for the Indians played the best game of the season, each player glv'ng an excellent ex hibition, and the team outplaying the Tarboro boys in every department. Perquimans racked up numerous first downs, while Tarboro made only one against the first string varsity. Coach Fearing used his entire squad during the game, giving the reserve players valuable experience for next season. Two highlights of the game werp an 80-yard touchdown run back of a kick-off, made by Garland Walker and the kicking of four extra points by Joe Towe. Outstanding in the back field for Perquimans, along with Walker and Towe, were Williams, Morris, Shackleford and Lane. On line- plays Sumner, Thatch, Winslow, Lane and Matthews showed up best. , Tarboro's lone score came on a pass play when Sasser, Tarboro bade, toss ed a 35 yard pass to his right end who raced for the goal. The victory over Tarboro made the Perquimans record for the season stand at five wins as against four losses. Perquimans will close its season this week when the Indians play the Elisabeth City Yellow Jackets, in the annual Thanksgiving Day game on Thursday at Elisabeth City. Open House To Honor New Pastor Members of the Methodist Church of Hertford will hold an open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crafton Matthews on Wednesday evening, No vember 29, from 8 to. 9:30 o'clock hon oring their new pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Chaplin. The public is cordially invited to attend.

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