WEEKLY Volume XVlCNo. 487 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, December 1, 1950. - i ' i i ., a it 1 i i h i mm r m m m, m n a - f m in in. i ,i i msrmt iiii . i at i ai w i ii . m m. V lli.ll UL1I ' 1 . . I ill J I K ' 1 1 a. I I 1 ..I - - .whihubw wa a UW W IllfVVIllll CK0F0MSfl;o;3AYf0EC4 5 Cents Per Copy Jaycees Plan Scrao Paper Drive Dec 10 Hertford Junior Chamber of Com merce, wixa the cooperation of the Hertford Boy Scouts, will conduct a scrap paper drive on Sunday after noon, December 10, it Was onnounced today (by D. F. Reed, Jr., president of the Jaycees. ' 'Residents of Hertford are requested to save old papers until Sunday, De cember 10, and during the afternoon of that day the Jaycees and Boy Scouts Will call at each home to col lect the papers. rroceeas irom me arive. it was stated, will be used to help defray costs of projects conducted by the two organizations, Deration Pitiis for lip School Gym Deing Male Long-MzrrinerVows Spoken Saturday At Richmond Church Ceremony Is Scheduled For Friday Night, De cember 8th Friday night, December 8, has been set as the date for dedication of the new gymnasium tut Perquimans High School, it was announced today by E. C. Woodard. who is cotnnletino- pians lor tne dedication ceremonies. Present plans call for the main fea ture of the dedication to be a double Three New Members on Board; C R. Holmes New Representative Perquimans County officials, elected to office in tihe general election held in November, will be sworn Mo of fice by W. H. Pitt, clerk of court and will assume their duties next Monday, December 4: Three new officers, all members of the Board of County Commissioners, will be among those sworn into of fice; these will be Irvin Turner, of New Hope Township; William C. Chappell, of Belvidere Township, and Earl B. Hollowell, of Parkville Town ship. :-':-..,v' . i Other officials who will assume new terms of office are M. G. Owens, Sheriff; W. H. Pitt, clerk of court; Charles E. Johnson, recorder's judge; Max Campbell, treasurer; A. T. Lane, Courtty Commissioner; E. S. Chappell, County Commissioner, and Dr. C. A. Davenport, county coroner. 7. Emmett Winslow will succeed himself to a second term as State Senaftor, and Carroll R. Holmes will) be sworn in as County Representative to he General Assembly. : . A .Aatm. A .f1ia no,.. Dnai.il f. Marnnai. AantAi Willi,, V HT B r-fW r-5. n iuM M, , i nr ..Indians will open their 1950-51 court VVUIIVJ VUlUHIlOUlUMWip TV l UVIHl hwa -nvM . AUlOi JUnillllCi UX following thev adjournment of the Roper, to- Elwood Lee Long, son of present B sard, which will meet in 'Mr. and Mrs. Seth Long, Sr., of this JnstEcnCasesOn ferofdar'sCouTt DocketTuesday Number of Hearines Continued Until Next Court Term (Perquimans County Recorder's Court convened here Tuesday, aflter a week's recess, and a total of 19 cases were disposed of during the session. Several hearings were continued until next Tuesday on request of defendants. Eleven of the cases disposed of this ALBEf.lARJiREA COOP PURCHASES SITE HERE FOH LOCATION OF NEW 0U.M6 h... L..1..t..11 i.t ,' "" ?d, by! andins while court was in recess last a Mge raBr oi fBO.iwMki Charired the dofendnns th pic are expected to attend the open irig basketball game in the new srym. both to witness the athlet'c contests and get a look at the new building, speeding, all of whom entered pleas ot guilty. Court costs were taxed asrainst iTv.il b1iaM ff,v;ot oaifj rj Charles Surreatt, L. C. Burton. Jr.. ton to be the first visiting team to A1?n HolIfnd' Edwin instead, Al play on the new court because of theiiber ?mna? nd Francis IStone for old and friendly rivalry which has1" recui" i o ana costs existed between the two schools. were charged against Rida Taylor, TJib haaVhall a sii n,, Nicholas Crolli, Gerald Magur, Ed- oDeninir . of h hom nn friward Daniels,' and Francis Rands on Christmas Lights Ready Next Week Installation of Christmas lights on the streets of Hertford will be started Monday, it was reported today by Mayor V. N. Darden, and will be lighted nightly until New Year's fol lowing the installation. The vari-colored lights are being prepared for installation and a cicw of town workmen, under the supervl sion of F. T. Britt, will start the in stallation Monday. The lights, as in the past, will be strung along Church and Market Streets through the busi ness section. Start of Construction Hinges on War Situa tion, Materials Coach Ellie Fearing's Indians, who The wedding of Miss Helen Marie FJ ffLll'1 j5.j.. . Twin.-, b r a game against Elizabeth City. The regular ress'en at 10 A. M., Monday, Retiring as county officials will be E. M. Perry, who has served as chairman of the Board of Commit, sioners for the past several tenns. George Jackson and T. M. Twine, i board members and E. Leigh Winslow as county representative. Tisrars HEIiEICilS county took place Saturday evening, November 25, at 7 o clock in the Chap el of 1e Hanover Avenue Christian Church in Richmond, Va. The Rev. H. Myron Kaufman, pas tor of the church, officiated ait the double ring ceremony. The ceremony was performed before a background of tall candelabra with tall cathedral candles and aisle stands of mixed flowers. . Prior to the ceremony, Miss Deloris Sirles of Richmond, presented a pro gram of nuptial music. Mrs. Carol Brown, also, of Richmond, was solist Her selections were "Because" and "I Love You Truly," . - THride .!. jfiS k marri by the sud4eii.turnftl war WW'.'- .nar blue J . ..r-i iU. biu. tt uiMwith maltchinar accessories and; A.orea, comerre' aim ttuim; nu? ,j .: r TT.MJ. llJwinfl. MAaSHMS ft ttA taken to checJ the success of the Red tide which his swept over UN foices 1n Vrti4n&vn Vnra. " A ranort fr.inn Washington Stated that several of the officials present at the meeting urged the use of the Atomic bomb upon Chi nese Communists troops. General Douglas MadArthur, report ing from Tokyo on the situation in Korea, stated this week tnat tne w nese Communists, estimated at .some 200,000 troops, have created an entire new war. The Chinese, aided by some 70,000 North Koreans, have broke the United Nation's line at several points . and forced U. S. and South Korean ' troops to withdraw at main points on the 75-mile front Meanwhile. In the United Nations, Chinese Communists have arrived and charged, along with Russia that the United States is guilty of aggression in Korea. The U. S. delegate, War ren Austin, blasted back at the Reds, season tonight when they journey to Sudbury to ; play the Suribury boys and girls. Coach Fearing stated Wednesday that the Indian schedule for the sea son had not been complied but will be arranged by this week-end when the Albemarle Conference schedule is fixed. The Indians will play Plymouth, Williamston, Columbia, Ahoskie and Scotland Neck in conference games and will also meet such non-confrence opponents as Edenton, Elizabeth City, Chowan, Sudbury and possibly Central and Poplar Branch. 'Prospects for the local basketball season appear very bright as Coach Fearing has a large number of play ers left over from last year's team. Players who saw. action last season and who, will form the nucleus fori this years team aje Joe Towe, Tom- mv Snmnor Ron Thatch-Yuv C.Hnnnn. Buddy Tilley, Garland Walker, Cal- H. Oakey; an vrviuu cunwc, .... IMrs. Robert Vernon Clark of Mana- kin, Va., aunt of the bride, was ma tron of honor. She wore a wine suit I with ihlfu1r suwesanries and a corBflffe of yellow roses. Seth W. Long, Jr., of Hertford, bro- .1 j t r J . 1 t mer oi TO onuegroom wi i mu., , th h graduation: Mrs. Long is a Jun graduate of. Thomas Jefferson High School m Richmond. Va. Mr. Long is a graduate of ' Perquimans County High School and Smithdeal-Massey Business Col lege in Richmond. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held in the Fellowship Hall of the Church, which was decor ¬ ated with fall flowers, After the reception the couple left for a Northern wedding trip. They will make their home in Richmond, Va., after they return, the same charges, Samuel Goldstein entered a plea of guilty to a charge of illegally pass ing a school bus and paid the costs of court j A fine of $25 and costs of court was taxed against Ralph Maxwell who entered a plea of guilty to a charge of driving without a license. John P. Morris was ordered to pay the costs of court on a charge of permitting illegal use of his operator's l'cense. William Winslow, Negro, failed to', appear, in court to answer charges of driving with improper lights. The warrant was ordered returned and the defendant held on a bond of $50. Curtis Shambry, Negro, entered a plea f guilty to a charge of failing to din his lights and paid the costs of cjHirt. .. JHarry Barclift, Negro, charged with nicktess driving was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $50, and costs of court. An appeal was noted in this case by the defendant's attorney, W, Construction of a headauartera building in Hertford for the Albe marle fclectnc Membership Corpora tion appeared nearer reality this week with an announcement that the local REA is purchasing a site, known as the Wood's property, at the corn er of Grubb and Charles Streets for the location of its headquarters. The local REA directors have plan ned construction of such a building since the organization of the Coopera tive back in 1945; securing of official approval for the buildine and a site has delayed construction until this time.v Present plans call for construction of a building, which will be 50 to 60 feet wide by 70 feet long, costing be tween $35,000 and $40,000, to besrin ,juSt as soon as the directors can be assured of sufficient materials and " no further delay to the war situation. Perquimans County peanut growers' site. Pf by the will help to decide if marketing quo-18 a lot 200 eet wde and 600 to a rr noonnfa nn 1 1 Ka avnmHaH 1U1 VUll W bkj Will U- VAWIIUtU lUl Peanut Referendum Set For Thursday December 14th 1951-5253 in a referendum to be held'. .c.6""al,",,s l"L J 81 e r e Thursday, December 14. . L a as,0,""LOT s The level of Federal price support' ?enlflTy hinges on the outcome If qiotesl ,0"al, fA Admm.strat.on was re are approved, price support will be.ce A nA. available to "co-operators" at the full rate provided by law between 80 and 90 per cent of parity for the 1951 crop. If quotas are not approved, price support is limited by law to 50 per cent of parity. Any person is eligible to vote in the referendum who, as owner, opera tor, had an interest in the peanuts produced on a farm in 1950 on which more than 1 acre was harvested for nuts. The county office of the Produc will house the office of the REA, which is now located in the Hert ford Bank Building, most of the REA's equipment and rolling stock and sup plies. Since its organization in 1945 the Albemarle Electric Membership Cor poration has shown a steady growth and now has 1,764 members residing in Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck counties. Members of the board of directors i are A. T. Lane, chairman, Charles E. tion and Marketing Administration to-V T E " t h Z,h' j - ?L I White, J. T. Wiggs, John Bunch, vin Butt and ti number of new boys who will be trying out for the squad for the first time. . ' The girl's team will be composed of a group of veterans, Janice Perry being the only player lost from last Rogerson Funeral Conducted Tuesday Donald Cole and Jack Rubin, pris oners at the Gatesville Prison Camp, entered pleas of guilty to charges of escape. They were sentenced to serve an additional two months on an 18 month road sentence. Sheriff Receives 1950 Tax Books New HopeiResident Died Wednesday 1A. M. w Al Jj 1 . . w james troy ueaire, w, a reureu cnarpng ,-u ad sident of New Hope, work of th Communists. , , .. . A . . , nr0j0 U1CU CLL UIO nremwj iuwuiuq i A" lame-oucx seseion oi houkto i . . 1.1 X 1.1. 1 LmI convenea in vf asnuigvon um wct ui according to reports from the Capitol, little actual work is expected to be accomplished before the regular ses sion of the new Congress which will convene In January.; Action on an ex-J cess profit tax is scheduled for this session, but a committee, on Wednes day, was deadlocked over the matter and the problem may be reft for tne new Congress. RaUance Funeral r Conducted Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Rath Gil liam Ballance, 85,1 who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. W. Thatch ia Norfolk, la Friday morn- v inar after a long Illness, were conduct ed at the Lynch Funeral Home Sat urday afternoon at two o'clock by the at 8.-35 o'clock after an illness of two weeks. He was a lifelong resident of this county and a member of the New Hope Methodist Church. His wife, Mattie Lou Elliott Deans preceded him in death several years ago. (Surviving ' are one ion, . Thomas Deans of Jeffs, Va.; two daughters, Mrs. Steve Perry of New Hope and Miss Elizabeth Deans of Norfolk; x grandchildren also survive. The body was removed to the Lynch Funeral Home pending funeral ar rangements. TO HOLD 3UPPER " (Members of the Bethel and Hope mwM Rima Demonstration Clubs will sponsor a turkey supper at the Bethel Lynch Funeral Home, was in the fam- Mrs. iMartha Winslow Rogerson, 72, wife of Daniel J. Rogerson, of Route 2, died at ser home Sunday morning at 6:30 o'clock following a long illness. IA daughter of the late Jack W. and Mrs. Lena Winslow, Mrs. Rogerson was a lifelong resident of this coun ty and a member of the Methodist Church. fiSurvivors, in addition to her hus band,, are two sons, Daniel L. Rog erson of Portsmouth, and Thomas N. Rogerson of Hertford; four daugh ters, Mrs. Eddie Boyce of rtincess Anne, Va.; Mrs. Singleton Lane of Hertford; (Mrs. Elsie forehand of Hertford, and IMrs. Willie Reynolds of Norfolk; two brothers, E. L. Wins low and Luther Winslow, both of I Route 8, Elizabeth City; 12 grand children and five great-grandchildren. (Funeral services were conducted at the Anderson Methodist Church Tues day afternoon at two o'clock by the Rev. R. flu. Graveless,. pastor, assist ed by the Rev. E, R. Oleekins. . (Pallbearers were Jones Perry, Car son, wayiana ana ixnns fioweii, Preston Nixon and Joe . Layden, Burial, under the direction pf the ' - IMrs. Ballance was a native of Wind- sor but had lived hi Norfolk for a y -number of years. She was a member cf the Park Place Methodist Church of that city. (Surviving besides Mrs. Thatch, are one other daughter, Mrs. Ida "Winn , of ISanta Monica, Calif, six grand children and nine great grandchildren. . Curial was in Cedarwood Cemetery. . AUXILIARY TO MEET Tzn Hertford Unit ( of the-Ameri-i Legion Auxiliary will hold an -!nt business meeting at the ire Building, Fridey" night, r 1, starting ai 7:30 P.. M. -Ti are urged tq.be presenv., ComihunifV House on Friday, Decern ber 8, at 5 SO until eight o'clock, it was announced today. Tickets for tne nnner must be purchased by Decern- her fl. and mav be secured at the Agr- culture Building in Hertford, at Phil- ceeds from the supper will be used to help complete work on the Com munity House. A musical program will be presented during the ven- iwC- ' ' ' BOARD TO MEET V The ; Perquimans .. County Board of Education will meet in regular session Monday, December 4, at 90 A. M., it day, December 4, at 9:30 A. M., it was announced today by John T. Big ger.s Superintendent of. Schools. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT IMr. and Mrs. James Sawyer, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, born November, 28, at the Albemarle Hos- fly plot near the home. . AUXILIARY MEETING There' win be a meeting of the St, Catherine's Auxiliary of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church- Monday night, December 4, at . 8 P. M., at the home of Mrs. Thomas Nixon and Mrs. W. H. Oakey, Jr. A full at tendance is urged as Christmas , prepa rations will be discussed. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ffifr. and Mrs. Johnny McPherson of Green Cove Springs, Fla., announce the birth of a daughter born Thurs day, November 16. Mrs. McPherson before , her marriage was Miss Lucy Hampton. V ' , ' ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT i (Mr. and Mrs. George Winslow an nounce the birth ol a..- daughter, Georgie Kay,, born November 7, 1950. A settlement which was completed here Wednesday afternoon between Sheriff M. G. Owens and the Board of County Commissioners, for 1949 county taxes paved the way for the turning over of the 1950 tax books for the Sheriff for collection of the new tax levy. Sheriff Owens had previously en tered suit against the Board for po3 session of the new books; however, the settlement made Wednesday, void ed the suit since the settlement re lieved Shriff Owens of any obliga tion for the 1949 books and gave him possession Of the 1950 books. Mr. Owens stated late Wednesday evening: that the 1950 books had been turned over to him for collection of 1950 taxes and that resident desir ing to pay 1950 taxes are asked to apply at his office in the Court House. Taxes for 1950 are now due and payable at par, and taxpayers are re quested to make immediate settlement for same. day released a list of the polling! places in the county for the grower- referendum. These polling places are Belvidere- Service Station, Belvidere; Ralph White's Store, Nicanor; C. T. Phillip's Store, Bethel; Agriculture Building, Hertford; Community Build ing, New Hope, anu area winsiow's Store, Winfall A favorable vote of two-thirds of the growers who cast ballots is neces sary to approve the use of quotas, Growers in all the other 15 peanut Droducine states will vote on the same day. The votes of all the grow- I ers, nationwide, will determine the re sults of the referendum. lAt the same time the peanut pro ducers are balloting on quotas local residents will be electing Community Committee members of the PMA and also select delegates to the convention which will select the County PMA Committee. The importance of the peanut refer endum can not be stressed too much, and every peanut grower of the coun ty is urged to take time to vote m the referendum. Local Business Changes Ownership A change in the ownership of the Carolina Service Station was announc ed here this week when Glenn Mat thews purchased the business operated for the past several, year by J. W. Hampton. . ' -. Mr. Matthews assumed the mana gership on Monday, following the sale, and stated that the place of business will continue to offer patrons the same high class service as in the past ": . ' ;'- ';: " WEEK OF PRAYER The Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church will ob serve the week of Prayer for Foreign Missions starting Tuesday afternoon, December 5, at 8:30 P. Mn Wednesday night at 7:30 and Thursday afternoon at 330 P. M. All members are urged to attend. " ' . ' Floyd Matthews, Walter Lowery, Tom- mie Temple and J. A. Whitehurst. Soil Conservation Election To Name County Supervisor :BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank-T. Brown of, Spokane, , Washington,' announce . the birth- of a son', Robert Ticard Brown, born 'Fridajr; November 24. r Seedling Orders Should Be Made Now J. W. Nowell, Perquimans County Forest Warden, urges everyone who expects to plant pine seedlings this winter to get their orders into the Ra leigh office. Nowell says it is very probable that the State Forestry Nursery may again run out of these seedlings very soon. All orders placed early will most like ly be filled. All pine seedlings will be ready for delivery sometime after December 1. Red Cedars will be ready amer Janu ary 1. One thousand seedlings will plant approximate one acre. Also available in lots of 500 or above are black walnut and black locust. (For further information contact your County Forest . Warden, Agri culture Teacher or County Agent. i County Board fiolds Special Meeting Mon. (Members of the Perquimans Coun- An election of a member of the Perquimans County Soil Cnserva- tion 'Supervisors Committee, under the Albemarle District, will be held the week of December 4-9, it was reported today by F. A. McGoogan of the Soil Conservation office. The term of C. C. Chappell expires this year, in accordance with the rule of staggered membership on the three man committee. Mr. Chappell has been re-nominated for the post and as his was the only nomination only his name will appear on the ballot; however a blank is space is left on the ballot for write-in of any other candidate who might be the choice of a voter. . Mr. McGoogan stated that ballot boxes will be placed at central spots over the county during the election period, and that any registered voter of Perquimans County may vote in the election. The terms of John Q. Hurdle and Milton Dail, Jr., other members of the committee, expire in 1951 and 1952, re spectively. The Albemarle Soil Conservation District is composed of Chowan, Per quimans, Pasquotank. Camden and Currituck counties. The supervisors in the five counties compose the Dis trict Soil Conservation Board which was established by the General As sembly to handle organisation work in this area. Grid Trophy Awarded At State Thursday P.M. The fourth annual presentation of the State Theatre Gridiron trophy, awarded each year to the outstanding football player at rerquimans 1K ty Board of Commissioners met injjfchool was made Thursday night, No special session here last Monday for the purpose of hearing complaints in regards to the special election to be conducted January 6, to determine the school bond issue. During the meeting Eddie Sutton appeared before the Board for the purpose of registering a complaint on the issuance of the bonds. After be ing in session one hour and with no further complaints being rsgisterel the Board adjourned, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT . (Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Elliott ' of Edenton announce the birth, of daughter, born Saturday,' November! 25, at Chowan Hospital. vember 30. at the theatre. Presentation of the award was by B. L. Glbbs, State Theatre manager, E. C. Woodard, principal and Ellie Fearing, coach at the school. -Winner of the trophy is selected by members of the Perquimans team, and is kept secret until tne mgni oi the presentation. SUNDAY SERVICES 'Services at the Holy Trinity Epis copal Church, Sunday, December 3, will consist only of Sunday School at 10 A. M.j it was announced today by the Rev. Charles F. Wulf, rector. " No church services, on the first Sun-i, day. ' are scheduled for the present . I time, Mr. Wutf said. , r .

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