WEEKLY A ? Vclurne XVIL No. 52. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, December 29, 1950. 5 Cents Per Copy THE U J I W - I K )J jupvsssFor chOfDImjS ( ; County Campaign Will . Start January 15, Says - 8 . Chairman . Volunteer workers who will act as . .solicitors for the Perquimans March .:;' of Dimes campaign, -which will open o Von January 15, were announced today by Mrs. Lawrence Towe, who will serve as chairman of the drive. r Speaking of the campaign. Mr-f. ''Towe issued the following statement: : . "! .. 'This nation has just come through .another tragic polio epidemic. The . polio problem has grown to huge ' proportions, and we must face the iproblem . realistically. (Fortunately, 1 a 'there are many ways that we can 1 fight back. Here in our community 'is an organization prepared to fight y , the disease wherever it strikes in this j. . .area. Our local Chapter of the Na- rtional Foundation for Infantile Para lysis is part of a nationwide organ ' izationthat has been in the thick of the fight against polio since 1938. , With funds that you have given to the March of Dimes, our Chapter and . 2,800 others throughout the nation are bringing the miracles of modern '.medicine to the bedside polio pa- 'tients everywhere. Wherever infan ; tile' paralysis strikes, a National ' Foundation Chapter is on the scene, , Teady to .offer financial assistance when it is needed, ready to pay bills ilet hospitalization, for physical ther- ; spy and nursing, for transportation, lor hospital equipment anq prosthetic appliances, when families cannot meet the cost of these vital elements of i ipolio treatment. ;r ,'A -The money thai you "jve to the March of Dimes will fight :folio here in our own commumtyand it will fight the disease where it appears un til infantile paralysis is?yed.from j Solicitors named bv the chairman . Front- Street, Mrs. S. M. Whedbee Vand Mrs. T. P. Brinn; Church, Mrs. J. ,-E. Newby, Mrs. J., Wilson Dillon and Mise Juanita Divers; Grubb, Mrs. J. H. Satchwell, Mrs. T. B. Sitterson, . Mrs. G. R. Tucker and Miss Hulda Wood;' Market IStreet, (Mrs, Willis . Jessup and Mrs. D. M. Jackson; Dobb Street, Mrs. Robert L. Hollowell and Mrs. Edgar Fields; Covent Garden, 1 Jtfrs. C. T. Eley; East and West Aca- demy, Mrs. R. Ben Thach; Edenton J Road Street, Mrs William Tarken " ton; Pennsylvania Avenue, Mrs. J. R. 1 Webb; Myrtle Avenue, Mrs. Charles nM. Harrell, Jr.; Woodland Circle, Mrs. J. A. Leete and Mrs. A. B. Banner. a Collectors of Business Establish- i ments jfwhite) : W. H. Hardcastde, ' (East ana South side of downtown sec- it ion: W. W. White, West and North ' side of downtown section, and H. C. ISullivan, all scattered business houses. County Collections (white), Mrs. J. . E. (INin) White,- Home Agent, : throuirh the Home : Demonstration Clubs., ' Colored: H. E. Brown, West side of Perquimans River; K. L. Kings- bury, east side of Perquimans Kiver; W. N. Douglas, Town of Hertford; Minnie B. Taylor, Home ' Agent, throuirh the Home Demonstration Clubs. All schools, Superintendent J, vBirserB chairman. - - L.Tcns To Instell .vOfficcrsAt I.. ' Officers recently ... elected to head the Perquimans Lodger No: 106, A. F. & A. i.L, for the year 1951 will be in st !Iad at service .to- be held in the 1 j rooms on Tuesday. January 2, it t i r?ored today. , s ' V 9 oncers to be installed are C. R. V tjurtc"; R. R. -Hiite,' senior ' ; 1, p. Bass, Junior warden; ST. -3t a etary: Dr. a. h. Bon t v t. -rarer, W. F. Ainsley, finance co... ..Je, ana a. u. jaurray, jsoaro of truJ.; ', 1 ' Appointive officers selected by the w master, and who will be ingtaFcd the' services are Jack Kanoy, ior laacon; Thurman White, junior con; Russell Baker, senior Stewart; rles Murray, junior Stewart; D. Pritchard, tyler, and R, C. Murray, Iain. ' ; ' ' 1 tmas At Winston-Salem v . - n and Mrs. D.' F. Reed, Jr., and ter, ' Judy spent the holidays 'r. and Mrs. H. B.' Payne at " 'era. ' , . - HAPPY NEW It's a big, dizzy workLawaiting for thp New Year. Let's all greet this new hope with sincere wishes for all our friends and neighbors. Let this New Year bring the blessings of peace and security to our world. Let happiness and ;. ' . health rule in all our .homes. Our sheerest greetings to all of you. Editor. mm mmm iiiiirir.rirf.irirrinnu'n1jiArtnr nrinrtnnrmr. rwr - -i- -- - - a ra of cou;ity NEWS OF1S50 in a few more hours the year 1950 .. : ...... . will slip into the pages of history. It has been n ftventfnl voir, hath hpnt happenings in Perquimans we give you this brief resume as taken from the files of The Perquimans Weeklv for the past 12 months. . It happened in January: The local Red Cross chapter completed a mass X-ray of residents. Officials of the phone company started proceedings for a rate increase. Tax listing was started. Display of new cars in full swing. A bad check artist gypped several local merchants. Farm Bureau named delegates to 'State Convention. The BJW Club launched a bicycle, safety campaign. A. W. Hefren was named president of MajorJLoomis. James Newby announced the close of successful March of Dimes cam paign. February: Twenty-one "volunteers gave blood to the Red Cross. Mrs. Alice Futrell resigned from the school board and Mrs. Tom Skipaey resigned as teacher at PCRS. W. G. Edwards was named to head the census work in Perquimans. Sixteen Boy Scouts received badges at Court of Honor. County Corn Contest Winners were entertained. One child was killed andj five injured in a school bus accident near New Hope, Winners were an nounced for the bicycle safety con test. A special term of Superior Court was conducted during the month, March: Plans for baseball for the summer were dropped by local fans. Candidates for county offices began announcing and campaigning. Red Cross workers opened annual roll call campaign. 'Board of Education' continued with plans to consolidate county schools. A state traffic en- gineer recommended relief for traflic conirestion in Hertford. .(Mrs., B. C. Berry, was elected .president of . the 'American -Legion Auxiliary. . Request for county1 library building was placed before authorities County PM A om cers attended state conference. REA members held annual meeting n Hert f oid, Mrs. Dorothy Bass tfasf elected iWorthy Matron of Eastern tar. Health .Department prepared lor i a number of health clulicfc W. T. Ains ley, Jarvis War and' R. A. Winslow were named aa Board or Elections. Census takers started task. of count ing noses. - : . - . ,t , Aprib Herbert Nixon chosen1 presi dent of Rotary Club. Election officials named by Election Board. Mall de livery in Hertford was curtailed on orders of Postmaster General. Her bert White named as town chemist. Charles Henc selected to head county Wildlife Club. $15,000 loss by fire of the Stalling lumber mill near Nicanor. American Legion starts plans for Leg ion Hut Board of Education seeks speed up of building projects. : May: Perquimans High (School baseball team wins conference cham pionship, Political rallies opened for local ' campaigns. Perquimans : 4-H Clubs win honors at stock show. Rev. Carl Y v red president of Cen- VxU". tral PTA. Heavy vote recorded in I . .' . f primary election held on May 27, Forty-seven seniors received diplomas Mrs. W. C. Cherry elected president of Hertford PTA. June: Census report gave popula tion of County at 9,601, Hertford at 2,095. Red Cross plan swimming classes for summer months. J. P. Snipes named head of local Legion Post Hertford Rotanans observe sil ver anniversary. Miss Hulda Wood heads BFW Club. Second primary held for U. S. Senate post with Willis Smith victorious. July: County Board sets 1950 tax rate at $1.65. Valuation of county property listed slightly above seven million dollars. Reopening of draft board is announced. Inclement weath er hampering crop production. Richard David named band instructor at PCHS. Contract is let for Construction of a Negro Union School. Cecil Winslow and Joshua Sutton named members of draft board. War scare causes price advance and hoarding. August: Parkville Ruritans stage donkey baseball game. Health De partment rescinds milk ordinance. Road improvements started in county, under state road program. New gym inspected and passed by State en gineer. iSchools prepare lor new iau term. Hertford Boy Scouts reorgan ize. September: Draft Board calls first group of pre-induction exams. Farm Bureau holds annual fish fry and ooen membership drive. Silas M. Whedbee named civilian defense di rector. Negro gtoup sues County Board of Education. Health Depart ment goes on five day week basis. Hertford Lions sponsor carnival. October: County Board authorizes special election for school bonds. Jury Hat drawn for Superior oourt. lown fi6apj announced plans for new office building. District PTA . conference held here. . PTA memberslups reportea at high mark.. . Sheriff Owens sues Cpuhty Board for tax books. Addi tional men recive calls for selective service exams. .. tl ,. :: ' i November: Little interest snown in genera election; , Red Cross bloodroo bde collected 49 pints of blood. Robert H,ollowell' named chairman' of :' Red Cross. Extension Service sponsors rat i, campaign. (Leave of absence granted town cnemist neroen, naive. Local bank pays out $22,000 to Christ mas club members; State' "College Mb names E. L. Topping as presi dent. Merchants ready stores for Christmas shopping. December: New County officers as sume duties. A. T. Lane named chair man of County Commissioners. Sher iff Owens and Board settle differences over tax books. REA purchases site for new office and warehouse. ; New arm is dedicated here. C. C. Banks named clerk of recorder's court. Silas M.' Whedbee is new county solicitor. New gym at high school dedicated with Edenton as guests. " Election Board prepares for special election in Janu YEAR 1 '"Nk County Tax Listers taxpayers Must List Perquimans County tax listers will start next week the' task of listing county property for 19&1 taxes, it was announced today by J. W. Ward, Tax Supervisor. County tax listers for the various townships this year are John O. Vhite, Hertford, Carroll V. Ward, Belvidere, Raymond Stanton, Parkville, Carson Spivey, New Hope, and Julian Long, Bethel. The tax lister's job will run through the month of January and all property owners must list their property irior to January 31, otherwise there is a penalty of one dollar for the late listing. Schedules for tax listers will be published next week, and property owners are urged to list early in order to avoid the usual last minute rush. There are few changes in the list ing regulations and the tax rate for the property listed next month will be set by the Board at its meeting in July. In addition to taking the property list,, the workers will also take a farm census. This census was not taken last year, but was ordered taken this vear by the County Board to provide State and local extension ' services with pertinent information concern ing Perquimans County farm produc tion and livestock. Farmers are urged to prepare lists in advance, and to assist list takers in the taking of the census. -. School Holidays Terminate Tuesday Perquimans County schools will re sume regular schedules next Tuesday, January 2, after being closed for the Christmas holidays, it was announced today by John T. Biggers, County Su perintendent of Schools. Full schedules are planned to be ob served -at all schools, Mr. Biggers said, and parents , and students are requested to remember that Tuesday will not be a holiday even though it is only.one day after New Years. n, ; , t,.. . . . , Indian Imagers Td Resume Play (Friday Coach Ellie Fearing's boy and girls' basketball teams of Perquimans High School will' resume their regular sched ule of games next Friday night, Janu ary 6, . after a vacation during the Christmas holidays. The first rame for the Indians and Squaws, following the vacation, will be against the boys and girls of Gatesville. The game will be played in Perquimans High's new gym, with the preliminary game set for 7:30 o'clock. From Virginia Beach - i Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pickhardt of Vir ginia Beach spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. tl. uagiey. 0 BOARD OF CLECTI071S SET FOR BAllflTluG ON SC1IO0LBOND ISSUE SATURDAY, JAN. 6 Precinct Officials Nam ed; Majority of Voters To Decide Question Arrangements have been completed by the Perquimans County Board of Elections for holding a special election on the county school bond issue on 'Saturday, January 6, it was announced today by W. F. Ainsley, chairman of the board. Precinct officials for the ! election have been named by the Board and will be the same set of officers who served at the general election last November. Ballots for the election have been printed, and state the proposition to be decided by the voters. The ques tion to be determined by the elec tion is whether or not Perquimans County shall be authorized to issue bonds in the amount of $175,000, to be used to complete the school house building program. Voters will either cast ballots favoring the issuance of the bonds or vote against the pro The election was ordered by the County Board of Commissioners after it was determined by that Board and the Board of Education there was a need for $175,000 to be spent in com pleting the school building program, to bring the County School System up to specifications required by the State School system and the Constitution of the State. If approved by the voters of the county, the proposal will provide the authority to the County Board to sell bonds amounting to $175,000 to raise funds for construction of two lunch rooms at the two white grammar schools, build an additional wing and a heating plant at the Hertford Colored School, and add three addi tional rooms, which were cut out of . the contract, at the Winfall Negro) school. Part of the funds will be used to provide equipment for. all units' of 'the schooIvsystem. (Present plans, if the proposal is ap proved, calls for the bonds to 'be fi nanced over a period of 25 years, dur ing which a certain amount of the principal will be reduced each year, thus cutting down the principal and interest payments annually. Renewed In 1951 Area License Examiner Dail an- nounced this week that any motorist whose surname begins with the letters "A" or "B", and whose license ex - piration date is in 1951, will have 30'tny and m a Preparations davs Drior to the exDiration date in which to obtain license renewal with - out taking a road test. For example, if the expiration date is February, the motorist will have from January 1 to February 1 to get the renewal. If the motorist gets th renewal within that time period it will mean that he will be required to take only the inside eye, rule and sign j.esg However, any motorist whose ex- piration is permitted to lapse and who faila'to renew w thin the neriod stated will be forced to take both the inside and outside (actual driving or road) tests, in order to obtain a renewal, Dail said. Renewal licenses were issued to drivers whose surnames begin wi'ii "A" or "B" in the last six months of 1947, and were made out to expire on each applicant's birth date in 1941. All "A" and "B" drivers except those who have received original licenses since 1947. will therefore be required to have their licenses renewed during the coming year. Hertford Stores To Close New Year's Hertford stores and business houses will be closed aU day Monday, January WB8 """u"ce closing on New Year's day, follows the custom usually observed by the local stores. The local Post Office will also be closed during the day, however, Post master W. W. White stated that mail will be received and dispatched at the office. , Recorder's Court In Recess Tuesday Perquimans C o u n t y , Recorder's Court was in recess on Tuesday of this week, with the Court observing a .'Christmas holiday. All cases listed on the docket of the court since the last session on December 19, are set for hearing at the session of Court on Tuesday, 'January 2. v ' County Board Meeting: Postponed To Jan. 8th With their regular meeting date, the first Monday of each month, falling on Mew Year's Day, a national holiday, members of the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners have post poned the January meeting until Mon day, January 8, it was announced to day by J. W. Ward, clerk to the board. Residents desiring to confer with the Commissioners are requested to note this change in the date of the meeting, and to appear before the Board on January 8. Five Selectees To Leave For Induction On January 4th Perquimans County will furnish five youths for the Armed Forces, during the month of January, according to orders on file with the local Draft Board, it was reported today by Mrs. Edna Winslow, clerk of the Board. The five youths, selected to fill the induction order on January 4 was ie leased today by Mrs. Winslow as fol- lows: Howard Kenneth Ward, K(.ute 1, Hertford; Ray Winslow Hurdle, Route 1, Belvidere; Charlie Thomas Mansfield, Route 1, Hertford; Charles Edward McDonald, Negro, Route 1, Hertford, and Isom Drummond, Negro, of Hertford. A pre-induction call for 45 youths, to be filled on January 22, is also on schedule for thu local Board office, and orders for this call will be mailed to selectees shortly, County .VA Officer Offers Service To Local Inductees C. C. Banks, Perquimans County Service Officer, today issued a state ment directed to all Perquimans county men inducted into the Armed Forces and requests each to read his announcement. The statement issued by Mr. Banks follows: "Service to one's country should be regarded as a real honor, but usually it is not until later in life that you fully appreciate the privilege which ,was yours- leaving your iamiiy is a nara jod, '1"1 y must face the real facts as necessary to take care of your ramiiy ,whi,e yu are one' "There is an organization in our state known as the North Carolina Veterans Commission. In nearly every county there is a county veterans ser vice officer who has an office at the county and who is paid by such coun ty and this state. While you are away serving your country, your .counxy veteran service omcer onu yo district ana state service omcers 'of y North Carolina veterans com- i mission win neip your wue ur imrcmo We will gladly assist you with prob lems regarding family allowances, etc., when the time comes. We will also help in securing marriage certificates, birth certificates, or any other docu ments that are needed. In emergen cies, the service officer will be glad to assist your family in contacting you. In your county, your county veterans service officer is located in the Reed Oil Co., warehouse and your district officer is located at 206 Kram er Building, Elizabeth City, N. C, Please tell your family about as. "U you should receive an injury, or contact some disease while in the service, keep a record of the dates and places where you were treated, and make a note of the names and ad- j. n,nUo need ,n filing youp appiication for compensation, IPIease remember that you and your family have a friend in the Veteran Commission and also your County Veterans Service Officer. (May good fortune smile upon you." y Rotary Club To Fete School Gridiron Team Members of the Hertford Rotary Club will entertain the Perquimans High School 1950 football team, on ' a date to be set in January, It was announced today by Herbert Nixon, president of the club. A committee composed of Mr. Nixon, A. W. Hefren and W. A. Oakey, Jr., is completing arrangements for the entertainment, as to time and location and the menu to be served die boys. ,

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