THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD,. N. C. FLIiMY JAXUARY 5, lS;i, PAGE FIVE - SnndaG t , - Nathan Stallings spent Sunday witfc Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrell. . ' m Returned Home ' i French Reed of Baltimore, Md., and f Robert Brodie rtf Washington, D. C, j spent a part' of the Christmas holi- J. diaya with VLt. and Mrs. Walter Oakey and Misses Molly and Dee Oakey. At Winston-Salem - Mrs. C. H. Howard is the gueet of ef daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. B. Wyre at Wanaton-JSalem. 't: Returned To Charlotte ' , Mias 'Louise Chalk has returned to Charlotte after (spending the holidays YMi her mother, Mrs. !Annie Chalk. . Thursday Guests 1 " Mr. : and "Mrs. Skinner Chalk of Morehead City spent last Thursday -; witth (Mrs.iAnnie Chalk and Miss Louise Chalk. ': . ' Returned Home i iMrs. Frank Jessuip has returned home after spending a few days of the holiday seasory with relatives at Wil son. From Fayetteville ' (Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy Moore of Fayetteville spent the week end with Mrs.; John Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello. They were ac companied home by Patsy (Moore who spent a week here. Fom Rural Hall . Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Winslow, Sid ney, Jr.; and Kay Winslow of Rural Hall visited relatives here recently. Fractures Arm' Simon Rutenbnrg who suffered a fractured upper" arm from a fall is getting along nicely, Week-end Here ' : Dr. and Mrs. Norman Ross and daughter of Durham spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Brinn. From Durham Miss Esther Evans of Durham spent several days lost week with Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Brinn. From iEdenton Mrs. Delia Harrell of. Edenton is spending this week with Miss Mamie Stallings. NOTICE' STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING The annual meeting of Stockholders of the Hertford Banking Company, Hertford, N. C, for the election of the Directors and the transaction' of such other business as may properly come before said meeting will be held Tuesday, January 16, 1951 at its Bank ing House between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock P. M. R. M. RIDDICK PRESIDENT From Washington Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodson of Washington, D. C, are spending this week wi th Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Tuck er. . HONORED jAT SHOWER Mies Katherine Ann Holmes wa3 hostess at a, miscellaneous shower Wednesday, given in honor of Mrs. John Beers of New Jersey, a recent bride. The home was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being green and white. The guest of honor was presented a corsage of red car nations upon her arrival. Bridge and other games were played and enjoyed by the guests present. 'Mrs. Beers opened her many lovely gifts after which ice cream and cake, drinks and nuts were served. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS . Mrs. Charles Henc wag hostess to her" bridge club Tuesday evening at her home at Belvidere. Those enjoy ing the evening were Mesdames J. 0. Feiton, Charles Whedbee,.T. B. Sum ner, B. G. Koonce, V. N. Darden, W. G. Wrjgiht, Miss Thelnaa Elliott and Miss Kate Blanchard. The high score prize went to Miss EHiott and second high went to Mrs. Wright. Icfc cream and cake was served by the hostess. the Christmas season. About 40 guests called during the evening, to whom punch, nuts and mints ,were served. ."''" Miss Newby, low to Mrs. Perry. High 'for canasta went to Mrs. Winslow and umw w lata. niuic - - - 1- -1 Ttrutnjryjrjj ENTERTAINED AT OPEN HOUSE Mr. , and Mrs. C. E. Burleson of Washington, D. C, entertained at an open house Thursday evening from 9 to 12 P. m. at the home of Mrs. Bur leson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden, celebrating their first wed ding anniversary. The home was beautifully decorated in keeping with HONORED AT PARTY 'Mm. J. H. Bagley was hostess at a supper party Wednesday nilght at the Hotel Hertford honoring her daugh ter, Mrs. 'Bill Flickhardt of VhigimLa Beach, Va., after which the following guests enjoyed bridge and canasta: Miss Ruth Elliott, Miss Helene Nixon, Miss Mary Helene Newiby, Mrs. Fran cis Nixon, Miss Eva Harris, Miss Ruth Tucker, Mrs. Bennett Stephenson, Mrs. Jack Winslow, Mrs. Jack Brinn, Miss Mary Morris, Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., Mrs. C. E. Burleson, Mrs. Emory White, Mrs. J. W. Dillon, Mrs. J. P. Perry, Jr., and the honoree. The high ' score prize for bridge went to Too Late To Classify LOST THREE -STRAND 'PEARL necklace on Grwbb or Church streets. Finder return to F. B. Nixon or 'Phone (2461. Reward. It FOR SALE BEAGLE PUPPIES. Three months old. See Maxie Stal lings, Belvidere, N. C. It CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown and for the cards and flowers sent and for the cars loaned during the illness and death of Addison Lane. MRS. ADDISON LANE AND FAMILY Bikers I 3K- SUPER ' ' jj 4 VALUES . PERMANENT FINISH U II Ufl ll U I CURTAINS Beautiful three inch ruffles in $p --11 1 I I T ' rfifi suim wijue crisp organuy 1 luxuri- ious styling to flatter your rooms! White, Maize,' Blue and Rose! $4.48 ; . t 41. ' . .v, '1 V: 4 ! LONGLIFE MUSLIN SHEETS Fine quality fully bleached muslin t sheets in a first quality 81 by 99 men sizesi . s' $2,59 LADIES' WASH DRESSESi; ' t A grand stock of brand new cotton dresses in the newest and ' most colorful wash cotton fabrics! " A grand value at this low price! All sizes! . ' , .) cjj); LADIES' , . i .Y ON BLOUSES ''"Silducih" rayon crepe and pebble crepe fabrics' in J vr 1 chyles and colors.' These blouses Would ordinarily sell but there are only, small sizes from 32 to 36 in this ! H & 1 Eji Vffi The CS Rooster Says Fox -consistent savings every day shop the C S Rooster way Yes, Colonial's policy of low prices every day in the week assures you of consistent sav ings on everything you buy. For courteous service, we at Colonial are always proud to serve your needs in a friendly, courteous manner.' For complete satisfaction, we guarantee your every purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with everything you buy your money will be cheerfully refunded. CHANGE SHOPPING FROM "A JOB TO A JOY" AT YOUR FRIENDLY COLONIAL STORE mm Luter's Or Gvxdtoey9 XTTXfSl S1ANX 03 CUT C2 DZ3,(3rJ (3OP0 DEEU iMn or MtBKir 9Q0AU cur . yiAL suoMoet 59 65c 1 FRESH Pt)kK CHOPS loo 73c Selected Porto Rican GtVEET 3 23c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 2 lbs. 29c ' TOP OIIALTTT IT. tL NO. 1 WRIT PWSESOES 10 - 29' SWEET JUICY FLORIDA EirjGmirjES 2 25 HOME GROWN CURLY KALE OR o (CiDEiEiBESEDS 3 25c WASHINGTON STATE DANJOU FflEJCY PEiins 2-29 rmsp rit ivnDuii trancDi ILE'ITE'llJCE 2 JUICY FLORIDA TEMPLE FANCY WASHINGTON TATE t WINESAP APPLES 3 JUICY SWEET FLORIDA ODARIGBS 5 FANCY GREEN TOP 2 U. S. NO. 1 YELLOW orjH(0rjs 3 Lb. Um. 29c 29c 35c 29c 21c 15 For 25 EXTRA LARGE JUICY FLORIDA X3O0I?S T - 89c noncn - 69 Square( Cut' Qhuck Roast 67c Ocean-Fresh Seafoods FANCY GREEN SHRIMP,lb..: 59c FRESH ' Perch, lb... 29c MEDIUM ' Porgies, Jb. .29c FRESH ", US . Spots, lb.:....l....;33c 1 I PINE CONE SWEET () I PERS II 2 ' 23 f Rlgaf Grmn & Whit fl J annafls if f 2'Lt J I Gold Com WhoU Spled jj I REOGATE I Pork ei Dcsas J Cap Brand Corned OEEF 12-Ox. Can 1 41 Flako PU2 GOQJS Ox. Pkft 16 O t EBP flTTED : CnEEtniZS wo. a cn 25c NOW ON SALE I ' ' 1 ' MAOAZINI, th woman' , MlbMtarlivfafl... 92 colorfui page$... V 10 W of teUd oyoymeHi... 3 rewarding tWi ttoriet... ' .. 22otrkt!pful homtftalurts... ' ' mugaxof2Scauality...& '.y mfymt... ' Tour Colonial Star r. '3 your chance to save I . n 11 2. as'0 r t i