WEEECLY Voiuine XVIII. No. 2. Hertford, Perquimans County, NorS Carolina, Friday, January 12, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy ,i CC:;3TYVOTffiSAPPil0VEB0;jJS$UEfN SrtCll ELECTION liaD LAST SATURDAY Results Assures Funds For School Building Program In County : Perquimans County voters, partita paling in the special election, held last Saturday, on the proposal to is sue 175,000 worth of bonds to com plete the county school building pro gram, approved the issuance of the bonds by a vote of 344 to 287 against. The election attracted a total of 631 Voters to the polls, more than participated in the general election held last November 7th. Three of the county precincts returned vote totals 'favorable to the proposal while three precincts had totals opposing the is sue. . . . Voting by precincts, and the results tabluated by the election officiate are ' as follows: Precinct V Hertford Parkville : Nicanor v Bethel New Hope Belvidere For 200 62 22 20 18 22 Against 35 39 14 66 44 'Figuring the percentage of the votes cast for the proposal as those against 54 per cent of the voters cast ballots in favor of the plan while '45 per cent of the voters opposed the bond issue The results of the election paves the way for the Board of County Com--..' missioners and the Board of Education to proceed with plans for the issuance of the bonds, which will raise funds to complete the county . school building . program. As explained prior to the election the majority of the funds will be -used to construct four' school additions, 1 these being lunchrooms at the Hert ; ford and Central Grammar Schools, ' a fhrw-daaeroom addition" to 'the , ' Negro Crijon School and five-cjass-f room wing1 t the Hertford Negro , ' School", and a heating plant af the Hertf ordegro School. The remain i t a cMkfi, MiRl'vHs f .W,.tt su, ' jfc , Tly equipnienjt or" all . four of the units.' . " " ' ' Votes torovd Of State KEA Program Perquimans - Board of Education, meeting in regular session here Mon day, went on record approving a four point program being sponsored by the . State Educational Association, and ' authorized Superintendent of Schools John T.; Biggers to write Senator J. Emmett Winslow and Representative Carroll R. Holmes, requesting support of this program in the General . As semlbly. -ii-..-' The Board voted approval of the NEA's program calling for a change ' ' in the present law to provide that school buses may travel withm one half mSle of a child's home, in trans porting a student to and from school. ' ' The present law now stops a bus one mile from a student's home. The pro gram Jso provides the State to pur- rhn H Afhnnl huapH ftserf hV coun- tiees. Presently5 the counties must f purchase toe ftus nrsi men k is re- placed, when worn out, by State funds. The program recommends a change in the law to provide that all school per , sonnel be included in any .pay in crease voted from surplus funds. The - NEA program also calls for the State , to erect signs on highways warning motorists" of Enforcement of state V laws regarding the stopping of cars for school buses, while buses load 1 - ' " .and unload children. . . ! A committee composed of Julian A. White, Mrs. Mary Brjnn, DeDwin Eure and Mr. Biggers was named to . confer with J.: W. Grififin, architect, t . regarding drawing of plans for the t five ' classrooms, wing, and - heating , plant for the Hertford Negro School. - A motion was .passed that this project be ' started and completed as soon as Dosslble. - ' 1 A ronnlntinn wan Tuuued eommend - (i f ing all perons who worked in the in- terest of the passage of the -school bond election held last Saturday. Central PTA fTo Meet Nc::t Monday Night r "Nrent-Teacher Association of Pd ; '8 Central Grammar School v".l n t ITonday , everting, January 1", at .7:S0 In the school auditorrum. main apeaker.for the eveniwr will ; L: ar WhSte, County Welfare t r. Special music will also be "9 of the program, -nd interested people are t, j ' lend. Firemen (Answer Two County Calls I Hertford's Volunteer Fire Depart ment answered two calls to rural areas of the county Monday night, the first call was to the Four Mile Desert road in .Parkville Township, where a 1946 DeSoto sedan owned bv Meadow Harrell was afire. The fire men arrived too late to extinguish the blaze and the car. was a total loss. Later during the night the firemen were called to the home of George Caddy on Route three to fight a fire which destroyed an 6utbuilding. This blaze had gained such headway the firemen were unable to save the build ing but did keep th6 flames from spreading to nearby buildings. Perquimans County's annual March of Dimes campaign will get underway here next" Monday, January 15, it was announced today by Mrs. Alice Towe, chairman for the drive.' Solicitors named by the chairman will make a house to house canvass for funds to fight polio, and the pub lic is urged to cooperate wholeheart edly. The quota for this year's cam paign will be about the same as last year, but individuals are urged to con tribute generously to help replenish the polio fund which was depleted during the epidemic which raged throughout parts of the nation last summer. Solicitors who will conduct the cam paign are: ? ' :-' . Front Street, Mrs. S. M. Wnedbee and Mrs.' T."P. Brinn; Church, Mrs. J. E. Niewtojr,Urs. J. Wilson Dillon and Mws Jllaitf,; Divers.: GruHh." Mi-a. -T ri. "SabchwehMrs, T. B. (Sitterson, Mts. U. K. Tucker and Miss Hulda Wood; Market Street, Mrs. Willis Jessup and Mrs. D. M. Jackson; Dobb Street, Mrs. Robert L. Hollowell and ' Mrs. Edgar Fields; Covent Garden, Mrs. C. T. Eley; East and West Aca I demy, Mrs. R. Ben Thach; Edenton Road Street, Mrs. William Tarken- ton; Pennsylvania Avenue, Mrs, J. R, Webb; Myrtle Avenue, Mrs. Charles M. Harrell, Jr.; Woodland Circle, Mrs. J. A. Leete and Mrs. A. B, Bonner. Collectors of Business Establish ments (white): W. H. Hardcastle, East and South side of downtown sec tion; W. W. White,,-West and North side of downtown section, and H. C. Sullivan, all scattered business houses, County Collections (iwhite), Mrs. J. E, (Nina) ; White, Home Agent, through the Home Demonstration Clubs. Colored: H. E. Brown, West side of Perquimans River; R. L. Kings bury, east side of Perquimans River; W. N. Douglas, Town, of Hertford; Minnie B. Taylor, Home Agent, through the Home Demonstration Clubs. All schools, Superintendent J. T. Biggers, chairman. . THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES - Americans were given a picture of the State of the Nation on Tuesday of this week when President Truman addressed the ; 82nd Congress. The President outlined a program for the U. S. in the nronjths ahead, pointed toward ' stopping Communism. He pointed out that the program will call for' more' men in the armed forces, higher taxes and more controls at home. ' He told, the Congress that Russia is out to over-run the world and in order to protect our liberty we must build up our defenses here, at home and at the same time help other nations throughout the world. ; ' l Tn Rnleiirli CnvArnor Karr M hi), dressed the General Assembly giving an outline on the State budget for the next two years. Governor Scott re quested a $38 million increase in funds for use of the 'State, to carry out a five-point program; however, he did not request tax increases. There is, however, some talk of possibe changes td be made in the sales tax law, to provide part of these; increased funds. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. John E. Betby of Beaufort announce the birth of a son, John E. MeSby III, born Wednesday December 27. , Mrs. Melby, , before her marriage, was Kiss Martha Lee Til ley. . County Committee To Open March Of Dimes DriveMonday tens Cage Teams To Play Columbia Here Friday Night Local Netters Divide Contests Played Dur ing Past Week Perquimans High School's basketball teams will play the boys and girls of coiumibia nere Friday night in con ference contests, it was stated today by Coach Ellie Fearing. The first game of the double header will get started at 7:30 o'clock. The local teams divided two con tests played during the past week, the Indians and Squaws winning victories over the Gatesville boys and irls but losing both games played at William ston Tuesday night. Marvina White, Mary Winslow and Mary Saunders led the local girls to a one-sided victory Qjer the Gates ville girls, with the final score being 40 to six. The Squaws showed su perior talent throughout the contest and held a' 16-4 advantage at half time. At Williianvston, Tuesday night, the local girls were unalble to cope with the shooting of the Williamston girls and lost a 38-26 decision. The Perquimans Indians clipped a 33-game winning streak of the Gates ville five, 41-38 in the final con test last Friday night. Led by Tilley and Sumner, who scored 13 and nine points for the Indians, Perquimans out-ran the Gatesville boys to main tain a lead throughout the game. Half time score was Perquimans 21, Gates ville 16. Excellent defense work on the boards by Thatch, Towe and Sum ner gave Perquimans possession of the ball most of the time but the sharp shooting of Green, for the .visitors, kept the Indians from making it a run away game. ' A hard fought contest was lost to the Williamston boys by a one-point margin of 25-24 on Tuesday night. This was the first conference game of, the season. Cannon, anl Towe led Perquimans jn scoring with six points each. , The Indians held a slight lead at the end of the first and second periods, but faltered in the third canto td give Williamston a two-point' lead at the start of the final period. The Indians outscored Williamston in the final period 8 to 7 but lacked the one point needed for a tie to Torce the game into an overtime. ' Towe and A. L. Lane were outstanding for Per quimans on defense in this contest Tax Listing of property for 1951 taxes, started in Perquimans County last week, irot off to a slow start, accord ing to reports from the various town ship tax listers. A schedule beinir observed bv the list takers is Published in this issue of The Weekly, and property owners are requested to take note of this schedule and list nronertv early in or der to avoid the usual last minute rush.-. . -'a ' A farm census is also beinir taken bv the list takers and farm owners arid operators are urged to cooperate in this census taking by taking fig ures to the list taker. January 31 is the final date for list ing property for 195 taxes and all property owners are liable unless they comply with the law by this deadline date. A penalty of one dollar is charged for late listing. Senator Winslow Heads & D Committee Senator J. Emmett Winslow, of Hertford, has been named to head the important Conservation and Develop ment Committee of the General As- srnMy, it was . announced in Raleigh last Saturday. ! The appointment was made by U, Governor rat rayioij president of the Senate.. ' . Other committees on wmcn tur. Window will serve as member are: Agriculture, Appropriations, Educa tion, Election Laws, Manufacturers, Labor and Commerce, Propositions and Grievances, Rules and , University Trustees. (County Representative Carroll R. Holmes, serving his first term in the General Assembly, was also named to serve on a number of important committees of the lower house., Mr. Holmes was, named as a member of the following committees: Appropriations, Judiciary No. h Agriculture, Educs tiori, Bank and Banking,' Wildlife Resources, Courts and Judiciary Dis tricts and Constitution Amendments. MASONS MEET. TUESDAY ' Perntrimans' Lodsre'. No. 10. A.. -V. ft A. M., will meet Tuesday night' . ListingOff to Startln tally Twenty One Cases HandledTuesdayBy Recorder's Court Traffic Violations Make Up Most Of Tuesday's Court Docket A total of 21 cases, most of which consisted of traffic violations, was disposed of in Perquimans Recorder's Court here Tuesday. Two cass were continued until the next term of court. Fines of $10 and costs were assess ed against Edwin ProMber and James Digney, who entered pleas of guilty to charges, of speeding. Charged with speeding, Joseph Kas sor, Jr., Thomas Winstead, Charles Rothouse, Matthew Stella, Wallace Taylor, Reg Hummell and Disegni Marshall each entered a plea df guilty and paid the costs of court. Willie Winslow, Negro, was found guilty of driving with improper lights. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail, sentence to be suspended upon pay ment of a fine of $25 and costs and that the defendant fix the lights of his track. For failing to appear to answer charges of speeding and carrying a concealed weapon, Sanky Banks had his bond forfeited and the Court or dered the weapon destroyed. Louise Burke, Negro, was taxed with the costs of court in the case of Garfield Perry, Negro, whom she had charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Costs of court were taxed against Billy Jones and Albert Burke on charges of reckless driving. Henry Bolden, Negro, was ordered to pay the costs of court and $20 on a charge- of obtaining monsy on a promise to work. The $20 was order ed paid to Joe P. Ward. Willie Williams, Negro, charged with possession of non-tax paid li quor, was given a 60 day sentence, to is e suspended upon payment of . a, fine ;$50 and costs. Rufus Neigh, Negro, submitted to a charge of being drunk and paid the costs of court. Johnny Skinner, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of assault ing Willard Hurdle. He was fined $25 and costs. Hurdle was found not guilty of assault on Skinner. J. T. Bass was found guilty on a charge of failing to walk on the left side of the highway. He was given a 30-day suspended sentence, ordered to i pay- the costs of court and placed on good behavior for three months. William Billups, Negro, was found guilty of assault with a shot gun. He was fined $10 and costs of court and the Court ordered the gun destroyed. Board Of Health Elects Members The District Board of Health met at the Health office, Edenton, on Jan uarv 3. for" the purpose of electing four public members of the Board. The ex-officio members present were W.1 W. Byrum. chairman of Chowan County Commissioners; V. N. Darden, Mayor of Hertford; C. C. Meiggs, chairman Camden County Commis sioners, and J. H. Moore, superinten dent of Pasquotank County schools. V. N. Darden moved that ur. A. is. Rnnner. dentist of Hertford, be elect ed for a period of four years. Sec onded by Moore. All voted "aye." J. H Moore moved that the fol lowing be elected for designated peri nda: S. G. Etheridsre. pharfnacis of Elisabeth City, for a period of three years; Dr. J. F. Weeks, physician ot PiinhHtti Ci,tv. for two years, and J. B. Flora, Elizabeth City, a public spirited citien, for one year. Mr. Meiggs seconded the motion and all voted "aye." There beiiwr no further business, tne meeting adjourned. VFW Auxiliary Installs Officers NpwIv Wtei officers of the Auxili ary of the Garland H. Onley Post of the VIEW were installed at a meeting held Kundav. January 7. at Elizabeth City, by Mrs. Mary Alice Moody, De partment president. . ' 1 Installed as officers of the local auxiliary were Mrs. George E. Fields, Jr., president, Mrs. Jesse Lee liar, ris, vice-president, Mrs. Otis White, junior vice-president, Mrs. Charles E. White, Jr, secretary, Mrs, Eim.ry White, treasurer, Mrs. Edward BarVr, chaplain, ''and Mrs-Jack Kanoy, con ductress.'. ' ' The next meeting of the group will be held Friday night at eight o'clock ?t the VFW Post in Hertford LICENSE TAX ON COUNTY AUTOMOBILES Legion Commander Presses Membership Commander J. P. Snipes said today that he expected the Perquimans Coun ty Post of the American Legion ' to make a good showing, in membership rating, at the district legion meeting, to be held in Edenton on January 19. Following discussions at the Janu ary meeting of the post, of the mem bership situation, and steps to be tak en to raise it high as possible before the district meeting, Snipes urges ev ery veteran in Perquimans County it take the opportunity of becoming a member of the American Legion Guest speaker for the Edenton meet ing will be State Commander Husfh Alexander, of Hickory Town Board Grants To Build Scout Hut Members of the Hertford Town Board, meeting in regular session here Monday night granted permission to the Hertford Troop of Boy Scouts to construct a Scout Hut on the Town lot, located on Grubb Street. The hut, according to information furnish the board, will 'be constructed by form er members of the troop, and will be removal in the event the Town finds need for the space at any future date. The Board authoried Town Attor ney Charles E. Johnson to write of ficials of the Norfolk-ISouthern Rail road and request that a blinker light be installed, by the Railroad, at the crossing on Market Street. The Board, also, voted to install stop signs at the intersection of Market and Covent Garden streets. On motion ordered Mayor V. N. Darden was authorized to enforce an ordinance which prohibits sparking on the north side of Grubb Street be tween Church and Front streets. Town Clerk W. G. Newby reported to the Board that finay payment for the parking n.eters, purchased by the Town 39 months ago had been made and henceforth all income from the meters will be placed in the town's general fund. Half of the proceeds from the meters during the 39 months passed have been used for payment of the meters. Mayor Darden reported to .the Board that the traffic light, placed at the intersection of Church and Grubb streets, on a trial basis, ap parently is meeting with approval of the residents of the community and will be considered a permanent fix ture for traffic safety. The Board elected V. N. Darden, as Fire Chief to the post . as trustee of the Hertford Fire Department for a period of two years. The Depart ment members will also elect a trustee at a meeting of the Department to be held Thursday night. Cotton Production To Be Discussed At Meet Here Jan. 17 W. E. White, secretary, Perquimans County PMA, has been instructed to call a meeting of representatives of farm organizations, local agricultural agencies, ginners, cotton buyers, bankers, fertilizer dealers, insecticide vendors, equipment dealers and all others interested in "the cotton pro duction program for 1951. The meet ing will be held Wednesday night, January 17, at 7:30 o'clock at the Ag ricultural Building. During this meeting the group will arrange to put into immediate effect a program that will (1) inform farm ers as to Hhe need for planting the acreage of cotton required to produce a 16 million bale crop, (2) the out look for materials and facilities need ed in connection with the 1951 crop of cotton, 3) instruct farmers rela tive to cotton production problems such as recommended rates and appli cation of fertilizer, proper use" of in secticides, boll weevil control mea sures and other recommended prac tices, (4) obtain the probable acreage to be devoted to cotton in 1951 in the county. The assistance of . all groups and individuals is needed to help in the production for 1951, Mr. White stated. V; : ivfJi" ' K BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Winslow of Belvidere announce the birth of a son, Jamns Cvril. Jr., on Monday, January 1, at Albemarle Hospital Proposal Must Pass Leg islature; Funds For Debt Payment Members of the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners met here last Monday in regular session and handled a number of proposals placed before the Board for action. Included in the action taken by the Commissioners was a vote of approval on a motion to request the County's representatives in the General As sembly to sponsor a bill to permit Perquimans County to levy a license tax on automobiles. The tax income from this source, if the bill is passed by the Legislature will be used to meet payment of bond indebtedness to be incurred through the issuance of bonds to complete the school building pro jects. Although these bonds are as yet unissued the Board voted to have the auto tax bill presented as a ways and means to provide funds for the pay ment of the debt on the bonds when they fall due. The Board voted approval of a pe tition, presented by a number of resi dents of the Whiteston Community, for the construction of .8 of a mile of hard surface road. The petition is to be forwarded to the State High way Commission for consideration by that Board. After much discussion as to the present manner in which "the Court House is being maintained, the Boad voted to increase the salary of the janitor to $60 per month and set forth duties to be carried out by th-; janitor in order to keep the Court House in a clean and order. y condi--tion. A request made by Sheriff M. G. Owens that the County provide him with a full time deputy, to be paid by the County, was disapproved ; how ever, the Board voted authority to the Sheriff to employ a deputy during Superior Court week; this deputy to be paid by the county at a rate of six dollars per day. . ; .- - Reports on activities of the Wel fare Department and the County Farm Extension work wer made bv the agents in charge of these depart ments. Appointment of a collector of de linquent 1949 taxes was postponed un til the February meeting of the Board. Livestock School Here Next Thursday To Be Conducted County Agent I. C. Yagel, has an nounced that a livestock school for all farmers and others interested in livestock improvement will be held on January 18, at the Agricultural Build ing, beginning at 10:00 A. M. Mr. Yagel says that farmers in Per quimans County are turning more and more to keeping livestock as a means of supplementing their incomes and maintaining soil fertility through the beef cattle, hogs and sheep along with use of manure. This one day school is scheduled to give farmers more infor mation on practical management of information on the outlook for pro fitable returns in livestock fawning, and the control of diseases and para sites. The program will include a review of the Perquimans County livestock situation by Mr. Yagel, Outlook Infor mation by Paul Fletcher of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Practical Feeding and Managment of Beef Cattle, Swine and Sheet) by A. V. Allen, Jack Kelley and gam Bu chanan of the State Extension Service. Control of Diseases and Parasites of Livestock by Dr. J. Clark Osborne of N. C. State College, Mr. Yagel urges all farmers who can to attend. HDC Training School Scheduled Tuesday, . An Officers Training School for Home Demonstration Clubs will be held in Elizabeth City in the audi torium of the Agricultural Building on Tuesday, January 16, it was an nounced today by Mrs. Emory White, County Home Agent. The meeting will begin at 10 A. M., and will end at 3:30 P. M. Miss Verna Stanton, Assistant State Home Agent will be in charge of the meeting. All club presidents, County Council officers and District Officers from this ounty are urged by Mrs. White to attend this meeting. , BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Reed of Char lotte announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Norman, born Saturday, , De cember 30. , 1