3 MMAMS.WEEECLY . . . 1 - i Volume XVIIL No. 4. "hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 26, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy r X 't C4 Ycc J C:c!ict In fciakfs Court Mc3a!sryKoncag Sentences Invoked For FaHureJTo Pay Court Costs A total of 13 cases, eight of which charged the defendants with speeding, was disposed in Perquimans Record er's Court in,' session here Tuesday . tnonang. - ., , , . , , . , -fCapiaa ; were ordered against two defendants, James Jordan and Hersey Lee Phillips, both of whom had fail ed to comply with couilt orders on previous convictions. Road sentences were ordered invoked for failure to pay court costs. ' ' ' Five defendants, all of whom enter ed pleas of guilty to charges of speed- ing, were ordered to pay the costs of court. These defendants were Stan ley Morris, Louis Gioiele, Robert Leo nard, Joel Levme arid F. J. Planter. (Fines of (10 and costs of court were! assessed against Morton Roberts, Charles Schulman and James Hodes, ,.. each of whom entered a plea of guil ty to charges of Speeding. Lloyd Moor, Negro entered a plea of guilty to charges of driving with' out a Kcense. He was given a 60 day sentence, suspended Upon payment -of a fane of $5Q and costs. E. J. Tarkingiton was taxed with a fine of $25 and costs after plead ing guilty to driving without, a ii cense. ' waiter Jartwrigmt submitted to a charge of driving with an improper muffler and paid the costs of court.;' Thomas Foreman, Negro, was or dered to pay a fine of flO and costs after pleading guilty to a charge of driving truck with Illegal license; J. A.i Winstow, Negro, entered a plea of; guilty to mistreating two horses, and was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs, arter'informinar 'the Court a shelter had been provided ft animals. , George Whiftehurst, Negro, on' a charge of assault' and a hearing on the matter was set for next Tuesday. Urd Scents To lloldCcirtoftor On Frijsy Kight Charles Skihper, Jr., Hertford Scout master, reported today plans have been completed for holding- a Scoot Court of Honor for"Trobp 155 .at the Hertford -Grammar School Friday night, January 26, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. . . 'Seventeen members of the local troop will receive Scout awards at this Court of Jlonor, however, Mr, Skinner - pointed out, that In order for- a Scout to receive his award, some member of his family mum be present to make the presentation. ; ' This regulation has been adopted by tiie local 'Scout Committee as a method of building - up ' interest in Scouting among the adults and par ents of Scouts. . . . 1 . . . .,, ... ; Mr. Skinner stated that the pubUc is cordially invited and urged to alt tend the Guam of Honor. . ., " Scouts who have completed require ments for awards, and who will receive them are; First Glass Atward: How ard Fejton; Second Qas Awards : Bob by Matlthews,; Bdbby Brawn, Corbin Cherry,v Chttle Whedbee, - Herbert Nixon, "Jr., Charles Johnson, Bobby Fisher, Floyd Barnes, Eugene Myers, Carlton Sutton. Tenderfoot Awards: Tommy I'"Jhews,; Douglas Coleman, William, Divers, Junior Wheeler, Ed gar Fields, Jr. The Court of Honor will, be con. ducted by members at the Hertford Scout Committee. IID tCcunty Council To Meet Saturday The Perquimans County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs will meet on Saturday, January 27, at i 2:30 P. M. in the auditorium of the Agri cultural Building. Urs. Fred Mat thema, president (of. the County Coun cil, will preside t, the1"meettn.'i; Jv";;'J An important, feature of .tiie pro gram will be a report on the distinct oij.'icew' ttaSnirtg school held in Elisa beth City on January 16. This report IJ te given by Mrs. Fred Matthews. A Lj&i-r.'$cm m goals for 1951 and ways of r -2drx these goals will be discussed- Undor ithe .' direction , of ' .3. Carl Yaw, Belvidere Music Ap ' --iation "Lew der, a group of 4-H , I j ft- 1 T M'ore will render spe . m '- ' ."l mergers are Airbed to attend.- EilCFCIISCiL'raTOCLOSE 111 mm:m NEXT OTIESDAKEIT Solicitors 'Requested to Complete Work and Make Reports The annual March of Dimes cam paign in Perquimans will came to an official close next Wednesday evening, January 31, it was reported today by Mrs. Alice M. Towe, chairman of the fund raising-drive. ' Only a few reports have been made to date by county soliciltors, Mrs. Towe stated, and collections up to Wednes day amounted to slightly more than $200. With a majority of ithe solici tors yet to report, the local commit tee believes the county quote of. $1,940 will be met by Ithe close of the campaign next week. Mrs. Towe requests all solicitors to complete 'the canvass "of their terri tory in time 4o make full reports to her by Wednesday. Several organizations have spon sored card parties for the benelt of the campaign and (the VJFW Post will hold a dance on Saturday night at the VFW ball, with the ticket proceeds going, to the March of Dimes fund. , All of these contributions (will (be reported with those turned in by solicitors malt ing a house to house canvass. Collections at Ithe 'State Theatre, which is also cooperating with the drive, have been reported as good. ' Individuals who have not been con tacted by solicitors and who desire to eontribobte to (this fund are asked to see . their :, neighborhood solicitor or send the contribution direct to Mrs. Towe ait MajorJL6omis Company. Pointing out (the great need for) funds this year to replenish the polio j foundation treasury, which has been depleted due to serious epidemics in the nation during the past two years, the local cammjlttee urges everybody to take part in the drive this year by contributing as generously as pos sible. : - y A great part of funds contributed here remains in the county to be used bv Ihe local committee for gotta cases - ' tS-.i... jt ' -r ; ur nun i-uuirty. ronvuiuiieiy rerquim- ans has had few cases but the com mittee stands ready-to render assist ance at all times and your contribu tions make' this possible. If you have not contributed Ito 'the March of Dimes, do so today. , THIS VEOCS The U. S. Senate on Tuesday voted 91-0 to ask the United Nations to brand Communist China as an ag gressor in Korea. This action follows a similar request made in the UN by the U. S. delegate, Warren Austin. The UN proposed a delay in the ac tion following a report Red China will agree to a cease fire order in Ko rea. In its action the senate also op posed Red China's admission as a UN member. - .' Meanwhile, in Korea, UN forces led by U. S. troops .have continued to score sma gains in territory against the Reds. Reports from Korea indi cate IWtle heavy fighting during the past week. General MacArthur is re ported as saying the UN forces can maintain the defense, of South Korea. With Senate approval of the' ap pointment of - -Eric Johnston as eco nomic stabilizer, public . :' announce ment of .price controls may be forth coming late this week, according: to rports from Washington. One report stated prices iwill be rolled back to January 1, when the controls are an nounced. .Wage controls may also be announced but ithese are not expected 'mmediaKjely. , - v --:.:-z.T,i Congress is still considering de fense program plans, one of which is the drafting of 18 year olds into the armed forces. Top military officials have testified before the . Congres- sional Committee in favor of this move. Washington reports also state the plan for universal military tfain- Lions Brcom Sale' Very Sacccssful Here I iA broom isle, eondudted here laat Saturday by the Hertford Lions Club for the benefit of the Boy Scout Troop was termed a successful event by the Lions Committee" in charge of the pro ject. , 1 ,,i : One.hundred and thirty-Vive brooms and mats were sold, nettirifr the club in excess of $60. One half of this amount VP turned over to the local troao a I t.e remalnlar was aJJSed to IC.e Comity's quota df tie Tide water until -Budget for Boy Scouts. HEADLir:ES I Holmes Offers Two a Bills In Legislature Two measures, pertaining to Per quimans County, were introduced in the Legislature last week by Carroll R. Holmes, County Representative. The first of the measures would make public drunkeness in : : Perquimans County punishable by Up to 30 days In jail and a fine up to $5j). This bill is pointed toward includ ing Perquimans County into a state wide' statute which makes public drunkeness a misdemeanor. " A second Holmes bill would set dates for . both civil and criminal terms of Superior Count in Perquim ans, adding at least one additional term to the two court sessions now ap proved. Topic At Meeting Of Local miM Mrs. Alice M. Towe District Of ficer of the Business and Professional Women's Club, and B. R. Inscoe, of the North Carolina State ffiehway Patrol, were the principal speakers at the dinner meeting of the local club at the Hotel Hertiford Tuesday night. Mrs. Towe, who is Health and Saf ety chairman of the Eighth District, spoke on safety, and gave an interest ing outline of ithe diversified pro grams which have been sponsored or promoted , 'through the State by the numerous dubs. "As your district chairman," Mrs. Towe said in clos ing, "let me urge that we try to build a healthier, safer and happier state." Mr. Inscoe, who spoke on the sub jert "The Automobile as a Deadly Weapon," gave some shocking figures comparing the - number of casualties of ihcKoj-ean Vatf with those occur-' ring oh the - highways,? stating that "a'Pter all, ithe Korean war is a small thing compared" .wilh automobiles." The patrolman touched briefly on pro posed legislation directed at drunken driving and speeding, and spoke of the difficulty of getting jury convic tions for drunken driving in some counties. This, he said, had not been true of Perquimans. There have, he said, been five fataWbies in Perquim ans since the fall of 1948, ithree of those from .traffic violations and two from drunken driving. Inviting questions from the group, some interesting facts were brought out, among which was that .teen agers are hot the greatest traffic offenders, but the age group from 25 to 30 and a little older, . Mrs. Roxanna Jackson presided and gave the ' welcomdng: address, res ponded ito by J. Diggers. Special guests' recognized were: Mr. .and Mrs. J. T. . Biggers, Mayor and Mas. V. N. (Darden, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snipes, Patrolman B. K. inscoe, Patrolman Rosens. Mrs. R. M. Rid- dick, m, E. C Woodard and Mrs. W. E. White. . . ' ' Five Days left For Listing Prc;3rty iPerauimans County tax listers are eroeotinz - a rush of business today and tomorrow- as the deadline for list. ing property for 19M taxes draws to a close next Wednesaay, Keports in dicalU that ttie ma-iofflity of property owners in the county 1 have . already listed, but there remains a sufficient number- to keep the listers busy dur ing the last five days of the listyng period. ?'rs:'. The law requires that all property owners list their property for . taxes and that all males between the ages of- 21 and 65 Bat their polls. The law does not allow for an extension of time for the listing and persons failing to liflt by next Wednesday will he eharsed a oenatty as tate listers. Persona who have not Hated their taxes; as yet, are urged to see the Hat es today or tomorrow in. order to avoid the rush of the final three days, :,$ (Since the list itakers have no; au thority to change valuations, or handle Romblaints concerning valluatton, jir. dividuata are advised that Ithe Board of County Commissioners will meet in March as a Board of Equalization and Review to, handle matters concerning valuation. ' All complaints on, this matter should be presented at this meefing of , the Countx Board. : , -J -' EASTL..N iSTAil TO MEET... ', .The Hertford Chapter of the Order of LW-oJli E&rlrsa meet next Mon day night at the lodge room sit 8 o'clock, :-y-c; rr'- 7rt" 1 Highway Safety Is Perquimans Cagers Win Double Header Local Teams Host To 'Teams Williamston On Friday Night Perquimans High School's basket ball teams, playing before one of the largest crowds of the season, trampled the boys and jrirls from Plymouth Ifigh, in a double header played here last Friday night. Coach Elide Fearing's boys, playinar flawless basketball, outran, outishot, and ouflplayed the Plymouth boys, to ring up a conference victory by a score of 54 to 38. Tommy Sumner, high point man for the Indians with 15 points, sparked the Indians attack in the first period which closed with Perquimans leading 20-11. The sharp shooting of the Indians demoralized the Plymouth boys in the opening canto but the visitors came back in the second period scoring 11 points while Perquimans counted for seve. Half time score was 27 to 22. ' Sumner, Cannon and Walker were outstanding on offensive play while Towe, TiHey and Sumner controlled Plymouth defensively. The third period was a nip and tuck affair with 'Plymouth striving to overcome ithe Indians' lead but two quick shots by Sumner and Morris, who relieved Walker, smarted the Indians on an other drive which gave ..them a 42.31 advantage alt the real point. .The Indians coasted to victory in the final period with Coach Fearing using his entire string of reserves, all of whom gave a fine account of them selves. Leading scorers for the Indians were Sumner, TOiley, Morris and Walker. . Davenport, with 11 poi:a, was. high scorer for Plymouth. In 6he preliminary contest the In dian Squaws won over the Plymouth srfrls by a 311-20 count. Marvina White, with 12 points and Margarelt Symons, who, hi; for. eight points, were !hh i scorers &fpi jPfirq,uimans. ,: - The Squaws had a 6-2 lead at the end of the first quarter -nM moved up to a 15-7 advantage ait the half. The Plymouth girls got the basket range in the second half and led by Smith, closed the gap to within three points of the Squaws, but Perquimans rallied and finished strong to win the Victory. The Indians will play host to the Williamiston cagers in a double header to be played here Friday night. Wil liamston defeated the Indians earlier this season and local fans can count on a fine ball game as Perquimans will be out "to gain revenge for the loss ait, Williamston. Rotsrians Hear Talk On Mexico Jes3e Parker Perry, Administrative Assistant of the Rockefeller Founda tion in Mexico City, was guest speak ef alt a meeting of the Hertford Ro tary Club held Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. Mr. Perry gave an interesting ac count of the work being carried out in agriculture in Mexico by the Rocke feller Foundation. The Foundation, at the request of the government of Mexico, started research there in 1945, and have developed a number of solutions for the increase in produc tion of corn, beans and wheat 'the principal crops of Mexien. Pointing out that the nation de pends largely oh corn as a food crop, Mr.; Perry stated hat through the ef forts of the Foundation, Mexican far mers have, been able to increase pro duction by about 35 per cent. Much progress has been made also with beans and wheat. Chief problem' of -the. Mexican far mer, Mr. Perry said, .was the lack ofj waiter for 5 crops, and. me terrain, which is very hilly.' Rain falls around Mexico City only during June, July and August and early September, with no rain tit all during the re maining eight months... Herbert 1 Nixon, president of the club, - announced that arrangements have been made for the Rotarians to hold afl meetings at the Hotel Hert ford and the dub will meet there each Tuesday at 6.15 P. M. Mrs; Hollowell Named ... pACfmnefpr ACIing rOSimaSier (Mrs. Willie G. Hollowell has been appointed as Acting Postmaster for the WinTall Post Office, according to an. -announcement made here this week. The appointment was made by the Postmaster General, Washington, D. C, to fill the vacancy caused by the recent deaMi of WilMe G. Hollowell, who had served as Wmfal) Postmas ter for a number jf years. ., From Plymouth High CIVILIAN DEFENSE DIRECTOR NAMES CHAIRiuOf OF SIX COUNTY IUTTEES Firemen Answer Two Rural Calls Two rural fire calls were answered Sunday night by the Hertford Fire Department, the first alram was sounded about 8 P. M., when the fire men went to the Nixon farm on Route three to extinguish a blaze in a ten ant house located on that farm. Dam age from the fire wias estimated be tween $50 and $100. At about 12:30 the firemen were called south of Hertford on U. S. 17. This fire was a burning 1947 Pontiac sedan owned by Kermit Mizelle. The blaze, believed starting from defective wiring had gained such headway the firemen were unable to save the car from being destroyed by the flames. Hertford Jaycees To Present Home .2 An old-fashioned blackface minstrel show will be presented at the Per quimans High School auditorium next Friday night, February 2, by the Hertiford Junior Chamber of Com merce. George Fields, Jaycee Publicity manager for the show stated today the cast,' composed of all local talent, under home direction, has been prac ticing for some time to provide an evening of good entertainment for the people of this area. He stated "if you want an evening of plain old good time and plenty of laughs, you must come' out and see the show." The Jaycees have organized this show and it is being directed by Mrs. B. G. Koonce. No outside organiza tion is connected with the minstrel in any way aid all proceeds from the show will be used locally by the Jay cees for Comintunity betterment. Francis Nixon will play the part of Interlocuter with Charles Skinner, Jr., Billy White, Emmiett Landing and Georere Fields as End men. Miss Dorothy Maynard is pianist. A number of specialty acts have been included in ithe show and these include songs by Ruth Tucker, Peggy Felton Stephenson, Vernon and- Geor gie Perry, Wayne Lambkin, Talmadge Rose, James Snipes, Nona Lou Lane and Bonita Hutchinson. Song and dance, acts will be .given by Bobby Jordan and Mary Dunsmoor; Edgar White and Mrs. Polly Hollo well. Other special acts will be rendered by Town IClerk W. G. Newby, Mrs. C. F. Sumner and Mrs. William Cher ry. A feature of the show will be a musical presented by a mixed chorus of 20 voices. Tickets for the minstrel are now on sale and may be purchased from any member of 'the Hertford Jaycees and school children. Admission tickets will also be sold at the door on the night of the performance. Wednesday Is Deadline For Auto Licenses The deadline for purchase and dis nlay of 1951 license plates for motor vehicles is next Wednesday, according to an announcement made by Stalte Li cense Bureau officiate today who re minded all motorists who have as yet to purchase new tags that it is a violation of the law bo operate a ve. hide after midnight Wednesday with out 1951 tags. Many cars and trucks are to be seen still usine old tags and motorists wiH avoid long waiting lines by making immediate purchase of new licenses. Vehicle owners residing within the Town of Hertford must also purchase and display town tags by the same date, according to W, G. Newby, Town Clerk, who this waek announced a penalty will be taxed against mo torists who purchase the itegs after the deadline. SLIGHT IFIRE DAMAGE 'Hertford Fire' Department was call ed to the Hertford Furniture Store at 12:45 IP. M., Tuesday to extinguish a fire in a trash pile at the rear of the store. Cause of the fire was not determined and damage was estimated as Blight. . CLUB SPONSORS SUPPER - An oyster supper wiH be served at the Bethel Community House Thurs day, February 1, it was announced today. Tickets may be secured at C. T. Phillips, Wade Jordan and Hert ford Cleaners. Proceeds win "be used by the Bethel club to pay for a piano. J Survey For Needs To Be Conducted; Next Meeting February 15 Perquimans County's Civilian De fense program moved a step nearer orgamzaltion at a meeting held last Thursday night, during which Silas M. Whedbee, County Director, named local residents as chairmen of a num ber of committees which will function under the program. A large number of local civic organi zations naa representatives an the meeftfing last week and all pledged full cooperation with the program. Repre sented at the meeting were the Coun ty and Town governments, the Fire, Water and Police departments, Health Department, REA, American Legion, VFW, Medical Profession, Schools, Rotary, Lions, Ruritan, Junior Cham ber of Commerce. Mr. Whedbee named A. T. Lane, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, V. N. Darden, May or, to serve with him as co-chairmen of the County Committee. Chairmen of various units of the County Committe were then named as follows: Hospital and Medical Resources, Dr. T. P. Brinn, Miss Audrey Umph lett, Robert Hollowell and J. T. Big ger. Fire fighting committee: C. F. Sumner and B. C. Berry. Light and power resources: Fenton Britt, J. D. Costen, W. F. Ainsley and Clinton Ely. Warning and Police Committee: J. P. Snipes and Broughton Dail. Evacuation Committee: C. P. Mor ris and A. W. Hefren. Publicity Committee: Max Camp bell and Mrs. W. E. White. A discussion of the various needs of each committee was conducted and each group was authorized to select other citizens to complete. the member ship of each committee. Full reports on the needs and membership of these . comnitBe-aiie to-be -made at a mee , nrr rf fliA nnnfifv ffivmn nn Thnrfr- ...g v. j r day, February 15. Chowan County Man Degree Burglary John Grant. 50. Chowan County white man, is in Perquimans County jail, charged with first degree burg lary, and Mrs. Myrtle Lane Harrell, 45, is free on a $1,000 bond, charged with being an accessory after the f&tit as a result of an alleged break in of the Pine Park Service Station, located on U. S. 17, five miles south of Hert ford, last Sunday morning at about A. M. KWitff M. G. Owens, who investi gated the incident and placed the man and woman under arrest, statea ine caso was reDorted to him early Sunday morning and he immediately started his investigation. Elsberry uoone, 19-vwar old Nesrro. told Sheriff Owens he was asleep in Ms room ait the sta tion, when he heard a noise as though somebody was breaking into tne place. Rnnn fcnM Sheriff Owens he trot a rifle and fired once at a white man, then told him to halt. Boone stated Vi remurnized Grant and ordered hm to leave the station, which Grant did, going out the front door and taien walking toward Jiertixxro. icsVier-jflf (Wptis stated his investi gation revealed that the Harrell wo man had aided Gram in leaving uie mm and after securing: a warrant for her, he placed the woman in jail. She was freed on Bona ruesaay. ifimnt left, the county, according to Sheriff Owens, whose investigation re vealed Grant had gone to Virginia Beach. Owens went there Monday af tARuwm and located Grant in a cafe, where he was placed under arrest. Grant was returned to tieruora ana nlaced in a local jail, charged with the capital crime. A preliminary hearing wiu oe giv en btotfh delrendants in Record-r's Court next Tuesday. Veterans To Hold Joint Meeting Feb. 1 Members of the Wm. Paul Stalling Post of ithe American Legion and the Garland H. Ontey Poet of the VFW will hold a Joint meeting alt the Agriculture Building ! in Hertiford on Thursday night, February 1, at 7:30 oYAock for formulation of Civilian De fense plans, it was announced today. All members of the two groups are urged to be present for this important meeting. - -. " . .- v- - Charged Vlfirst

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