i 'V- A ) Yj ). J" PJTMX THE PERQUIMANS WSSSLT. ETr.TTCrj). N.ClAYJITai2,J9gL THE Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday at Hert ford, North Carolina. MAX CAMPBELL Editor Entered aa econd class matter November 15;. 1934, at Post Office it Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1878. north Carolina vA. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, 11.50. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, $2.00.. . . Advertising rates luriisned by request. FRIDAY MARCH 2, 1951 ' ... '.i j ....... . 1 j- ' n 1 ? P.a CVvnnlnnri T?Af iwa rt m en t. n reading win aa raj jniwiruy 7 " 7 r 1 iPerauimans County to be more, were served M the close of the meet- thmio-htful and considerate of young .mg. people. Ii may also prove worcnwnue if parents use it to demonstrate to ithMr oriiMreh the error of mistaken fun at the expense of an unfortunate victim., ''.',"'!; ;" Tourney Scores r Price Guaranty For Farmers Justified 'Farmer of the United States, of ten warned against a "step toward Socialism," do not object to the Social ism involved in the governmental guarantee of parity prices. The farmers of Perquimans County, along with the other agricultural workers in the United States, should not overlook the incessant propaganda that is being directed against the parity program in industrial centers. Labor leaders, we must admit, have developed a better understanding of the community of interests between farmers and laborers and are not as vociferous in their criticism of food prices as are the people who dwell in the metropolitan areas. Parity, as agriculturists understand, is an attempt to give to the agri cultural nortion of our population a fair part of the nation's income. With food for American families being a hnmp rwveBsitv. the safety of the na tion would be endangered if there happened to be, at any time, insuf ficient food for the millions of fami- : lies in the United States. ' Recognizing; this fact, the Govern- ' mpnt has afctwmnbed to set uP a ratio to give to fanners a fair share of the nation's income. It was recognized that the growers of food, feed and fiber were unorganized and that they often the, victim of speculators. ' The growing' "if perishable crops -is a ; venture in Itself ana we weii-oeing oi ! farmers' families should not depend ; upon the vagaries of a speculative 1 market. ' When World War II began, the Government of the United States urg ed the farmers of this country to pro- ! duce in abundance and guaranteed certain prices for certain products. 1 The sruarantee was made effective for period to last until alter tne war ended. Thus, the farmers of the na- tion were put on their mettle to pro r duce i abundance, with the guaran l tee that if they gave to the nation " a surplus of food, they would not suf fer from a" glut on the market. It was a fair proposition and no more than what the Government gave to the in-- dustrialists who manufactured the necessities of warfare. The reader, should not overlook fthe fact that the manufacturers of i this country respond to the emergency of war solely because the Government buys their products at a profit. It lis well known that industrialists make abnormal Iprof its during an emergency connected with 'war. To f suggest that it is improper, under , these circumstances, for the Govern i ment to assure farmers that they will not be penalized for producing abund- antly, is somewhat far-fetched. 4 Interest In Children RBanlta of the nreliminary arames in fha Alhpmarln Conference basket ball tournament played here last week end revealed several close contests with Columbia and Williamston girls winning opening games to play in tne semiwfinals while the Ahoskie and Per quimans boys defeated Scotland Neck and Columbia. ' Box scores of the games were: Girls' Game Columbia 11 13 23 7 54 Scot. Neck 3 8 10 11 32 iPaf Everton was higher scorer for Columbia with 27; Davis for Scotland Neck with If. Williamston 9 8 7 4 28 lAhoskie 8 7 8 4 27 lOoltrain was hisrh scorer for Wil liamston with 12 and Hill for Ahoskie with 12. Boys' Gaines Ahoskie 6 8 11 7 Rcot. Neck 6 2 8 13 29 Legal Notice NOTICE OIF ADMINISTRATION Havinsr Qualified as Administratrix of the estate of George F. DaiL de ceased, late of Perquimans. County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned a,t 28 Railroad Ave. Hertford- N. C. on or before Mio oath Hnv of February. 1952 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoverv. All persons indented to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. ' . ' ' ':'"':. ' ' '' Thia 20th dav of February. 1951 . MRS. SARAH B. DAVENPORT Administratrix of George F. DaiL feb23,mar2,9,16,23,80 a?i MmAtramr ... . TT At " ilMKlI aiAJicio nvv ------ kie, 13; Haynes, Scotland Neck, 13. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of he estate of O. C. Loner. Sr.. de- lioeased, lalte of Perquimans County, North Carolina, Ithis is to notizy au nersona havirur . claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 507 W. Colonial Ave.. Elizabeth City. N. C. on or foe- Jlfore the 7th day of February, 1952 or 32'n.t.'.. will Ike, -nlAfufojl in jhnr of All persons indebted will take notice that an action en titled above has been commenced be fore the undersigned Justice of the Peace for Perquimans County in which the plaintiff claims the sum of Eigh teen and 117100 Dollars, based on con tract, being for goods and merchandise isold to the said defendants by the plaintiffs, and payment therefor re fused. ' ' ' Said defendants will further take notice that in said adtion they are re quired to appear before the under- aiomerl Justice of the .Peace at nis OI- fice in said County on the 17th day of March, 1951, and answer or demur to the complaint, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded. Said defendants will further take notice that in said action a warrant of attachment against the property of said defendants has been issued and rtio following nronertv attached: One house and lot In Hertford Township, Perquimans Ooumy, N. C, located on east side of U. S. No. 17, and that said warrant of attachment to returnable before the undersigned. Justice of the Peace at his office in said County on the 17th day of March, 1961. ' T.E.RAPER, v . Justice of the Peace Febl2,23Mar2,9 Perquimans 8 5 13 12 38 Columbia 3 6 6 6 20 High scorers for Perquimans, Thach, 9; Columbia, Alexander, 8. Semi-final Games Girls' Games Permiimans 12 11 15 12 60 Columbia 10 11 13 High scorers, Perquimans, 25; Columbia, Cahoon, 21. Williamston 8 10 7 Plymouth 3 6 9 Hisrh scorers. Williamston. 17; Plymouth, Baynor, 11. Semi-final Games 'Boys' Games Williamston 7 9 10 11 37 Ahoskie 9 13 7 Hisrh scorers, Williamston, 15; Ahoskie, Vaughan, 14. Perquimans 8 8 12 14 Plymouth 11 12 13 6 High scorers, Perquimans, 12; Plymouth, Davis, 18. to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 7 th day ol r'ebruary, ioi. RALEIGH W. LONG, Administrator of 0. C. Long, Sr. febl6,23,march2,9,16,23 20 White, 7 32 8 26 Bailey, 2 31 Davis, 3 45 2 44 Thach, SOCIETY MEETS North Carolina, Perauimans County. Hertford Township. Darden Bros, vs. William Belch, Jr., and Hazel G. Belch. Before T. E. Raper v Justice of the Peace NOTICE -. William Belch, Jr., and Hazel G. Belch, the defendants above named, t a The Un-River Woman's Missionary Society met in February with Mrs. f (Robert Winslow, and Mrs. Eunice Win- slow as joint hostess. The meeting opened by singing "Throw Out The Life Line." (Mrs. Elizabeth wmte gave the devotional, and offered pray er The minutes were read and ap proved and the roll called with most of the 19 members present answering with a scripture verse containing the words "True or Truth." A letter was read from the president, Ina Stallings, and also one from Lutie Woody. A thanks offering was taken Eunice and Sobelia Winslow were appointed to write un resolutions of respect for Mrs. Delphina Winslow. There were several members volunteering to make sewing kits to be sent to the needy. . Mattie Lou Winslow very in terestingly gave the lesson from the 1st and 2nd chapters, from the book Rural Prospects Beyond the Color Line, from the blueprint that' was gjven by Mrs. Robert Winslow. Elizabeth White dismissed with pray er. The hostess served delicious caice and ice Cream. Kidney S!ov;-D:v:n May Bring Restless lights When kldny function llowi down, many folia complain of nagging backache, head ache, dizziness and loss of pep and energy. Don't suffer restless nights with these dis comforts if reduced kidney function is get ting you down duo to sueh common causes aa stress and strain, over-exertion or ex- Sosure to cold. Minor bladder irritations ue to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pillsa mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 yean. While often otherwise caused, it's amazing how many times Doan's give : happy relief from these discomforts Help the i5 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today! . Bonn's Pills m2m uvrntuvrnm-vmnnmrn We Sell- , SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES "Let Us Service Your Car Today." AT YOUR ' SERVICE J, ' - - For the Best In... O GAS-OIL O GREASE O TIRES 9 BATTERIES O WASHING JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86oi i mms? z I HEY! CAN YOUTSLIME llfW, JUSTKKPOM go.( THE QUICKEST WAY TO J STAHIHN6 IN TH6 RULARUY TO VOO CAN 60- GET TO JHB HOSPITAL ? M0Dt6 OP THE f 11. , g. f TUR r nnrftnt.fl ff Per Jijuimans County is taking a more intelligent interest in the development : of their children is one of the hopeful : aio-ns of the nresent era. But. how of- ten do adults fail to appreciate the sensitive natures of inexpenenceu childhood and fail to make their al '. lowanceg for the viewpoints of unde veloped minds. The tragedies in real life that af- f lict a child are often passed over carelessly. The depth of feeling of which a small child is capable is sel dom" appreciated and the following ."storv illustrates this. i Tn a Ure-e citv. a lS-vear-old zirl i o - - j I pretended sickness rather than attend ; classes and face the daily persecution f more fortunate' classmates, who . nndi lif almost unendurable by their taunts and jibes at tattered clothing , and worn-out shoes. Rather xnan suo 'mit to e inevitable humiliation, this i young girl crept into the bathroom of V or home, locked the door and nut the ' end of a gas tube into her mouth and f tntiAiMl the dealv fumes. 1 Bar father; temporarily unemployed, ! smelted the escaping gas and rescued '. his unconscious daughter. A passing hmtmlmnn nnicklv aummoned an ambu -. lance but knelt .beside the body of the i,girl and revived her before, the doctor I arrived. The next day, the policeman visited her at the hospital, carrying i her a pair of shoes. " The instance is worth telling if Jta YOUTH IFBLLOWiSHIP MEETS The Perquimans-Chowan Sub-district of Methodist Youth Fellowship met in Edenton on February 19, at 8:00 P. M. The meeting was opened with a call to worship which was fol lowed by a solo "Above the Hills of Time." fcv , Norman Leonard. The guest speaker for the evening was George Thompson, coach of the Eden ton High School. ' Following the program the business meeting was conducted by the vice president. Y After the roll call and the minutes, olans for a talent show were discussed as a means of raisins: money for the sub-district treasury. Full plans have not been made yet. , The next meeting will be held in Evans Church.. Delicious refreshments of sandwiches and drinks were served by the host. " " ' :' ' Thursday and Friday, March 1-2 Humphrey Bogart and . Zero Mostel in "THE ENIFORICER" W. (S. C. IS. (OFEPWORTH CHURCH The W. S. C. S. of Enworth Church held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesdav nieht. February 13. at the home of Mrs. J. W. Nowell, Sr. The society was host to the Wesleyan Ser vice Guild. " 'After a short business meetinar Mrs. E. 6. Hollowell gave the first" half of the Study Book. "The Near isast," which was very interesting. Mrs. J. L. DeXaney gave-the devotional. Tne meeting was dismissed with prayer. The hostess served delicious ice cream and cake, carrying out . tne Valentine scheme. GIRL SCOUTS MEET ' Th Gin Scout from of Perauimans Central Grammar School met at the New Hope Community House on Feb ruary' 22. in observance of thinking day. During the meeting the girls were given oral testa by weir; leaders j and this followed with a general dis- VUHHVH VU krWWMl5 AfU TT wsw r lowed by number of games enjoyed by all. , A" door prize was. awards TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. Week Day Shows Continuous From 8:30 ' Saturday Continuous From 1.30 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and : Saturday, March 3 Charles fStarrett and Smiley Burnett in 'ACROSS THE JBADLANDtS" Sunday and Monday, March 4-5 Steve Cochran and ..... Virginia Grey in "HIGHWAY 301" Tuesday and Wednesday, March 6-7 Barry Sullivan in Loretts Young and "CAUSE (FOR ALARM" EDEN THEATRE EDENTON, N. C Thursday, March 1 Alexis (Smith and Scot Brady in "UNDERCOVER GIRL" Friday, and Saturday, March 2-3 . Maria JMontes and . Jon Hall in rsUDAN" Sunday and Monday, -March 4-5 ' Gary Cooper and . Jane Wyatt in . "TASK IFOBCE' V Tuesday and . IWednesday, - 'P March 0-7 ' - - Whip Wilson in" - "ABLLENE TRAIL" . i ' Saba fa , . "END OSF THE RIVER" i ' Wo clean r Wo clean J war I windshield I window and wiper A and license ; ) blades plate ' (n -r For the w - We check l--v yfPI tires and ) , r r)U tire pressure I JLP a Ot ii ii ana cnacit i headlights and check t y radiator V . ; :XJ Vo check r oil bvel, ) bsKery end ) : II " PHONE x6ax ' , It : UyJ i.YsdO your Sinclair Dealer All these courtesies you can expect FREE and with a smile -when you drive in at the fwniliar Sinclair H-C $1U And, Of course, you get the finest in powepacked gasoline, motor oil, and lubrication iervketoo. , . ' i SUiPPUER OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS ft K.

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