mm f ' i FEE WEEICLY .Ji O Volume XVIII. No. 10. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, E'riday, March 9, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy 4 4 Cc:1yGeinniiss:3n:rsPl2CDOrfcrFor Firo Truclt Following r'G3ti"ng On Monday Delivery of Equipment Expected In (About Six Months 1 Perquimans County's Board of Com missioners, meeting in regular session here last Monday, voted funds t to purchase a fire truck to be used in fighting fires in rural areas of the ' county. ' An order for the truck was placed with a Roanoke Virginia firm, and delivery of the truck is expected "in about six months. The truck ordered by the Board will . hi equipped with a water tank of gallon capacity, and ail necessary equipment needed to fight fires. A committee, composed of A. T. Lane, Chairman of the Board, and V. N. Dar den, Mayor of Hertford, and members of the Hertford Fire Department, who -will operate the truck, have been in snectinsr and investigating trucks and equipment for the past month,- and they recommended the truck purchas ed by the Commissioners. Cost of the truck and equipment will be amroroximately 9,000. 1A chas sis for, the. truck is to be purchased . . m H L3tJ " iocauy ana tne Koanoxe nrm wui duuu the fire fighting equipment onto" the chassis. A bid, for the equipment, of $7,033 was submitted by the Roanoke firm. Bids for the chassis were also submitted by HoiloweH Chevrolet Co., and Winslow-iBlanchard Motor Co. In the motion passed authorizing the purchase of the truck, the Com missioners voted to provide the nec essary funds by using part of a sur plus now on hand and financing the remainder through the issuance of bonds. The amount to be financed to be determined by the Commissioners. - Other business handled in the day lona- meeting- of the Board included the acceptanct of the resignation of Thad C. Chappell, as felhwjuent tax collector. --'VU- 1 :V--The Board voted to have the lobby and court room of :the Coprt House painted and authorized .Chairman Lane to complete arangements for this ' A renresentattaof the State Weir fara Department appeared before the Commissioners and. made a report on the condition of the county jail. He recommended several improvements to the jail,' and these were taken under advisement by the Commissioners. It was also 'announced that the Board will meet again on March 19, as a Board of Equalization and Re' view, at which 'time it will hear com- ulaints relative to property valuation. On motion passed, in compliance with bills, recently passed by Gen era! Assemsrly, the Board set the sal aries of the Judge of Recorder's Court and Solictor at $136 per month and the county treasurer's salary at $76 per month. EightCssesM ByC IccdtrJujge A total of 14 cases were listed on the docket of the Perquimans Re corder's Court in session here Tues day. Eight of these cases were dis til the aej term of court, posed of and six were continued un . A nol pros was taken in the case in which Joseph Gilliam, . Negro, was . charged iwith operating a ear with improper muffler. ' A fine of $25 and costs wm imlpos- ed on Sheldon Maine, who entered a plea of guilty to a charge of speed ing. - Fines of $10 and costs were taxed against Raymond Harris and Harm an Griffin, each of whom entered a plea of guilty to charges of speeding. A verdict of guilty was returned in the ease in which Maggie Forehand, Negro, was charged with simple as sault The defendant was sentenced to Jail for 80 days, sentence to be eua eended upon payment of court 'costs. Hayward Perry; entered plea of guilty to a charge driving with Im "proper lights and iwproper muffler. He paid a fine of $15 and cot'is. ' Joseph . Armatrong, charged with driving with improper lights, entered a plea of guilty ana psad a cne ox aiu and coats of Court. WiU rhilia. iNegro. w-s found guilty on a charge X -uK. -lie iwas sentenced to jail K r C5 days, sentence to be suspended upon pay-; '.went of a. fine of $50 and costs of court. . , . . - . jAVr23C-rrjciiAr.T-:3 " HeiL' 1 merca, """ supervl. c" I .with C i . J, Jf.. I -'it G wAer of Com ' 1 "t y?ar under t. . ,i City Jay- 11 I 9i CV8"""T . f v 17 i. "J -OOj CarAnd School Bus In Collision Wednesday A warrant charging Wendell P. Jones, Negro, with following too close ly behind a motor vehicle, was issued here Wednesdayfollowing . a collision between a car driven by Jones and a county school bus. According to i B. ft."- Inscoe, State patrolman, who investigated the acci- dent, school bus No. 3, driven" by Elizabeth Proctor, was stopped, at a residence about 600 feet north of Wade Jordan's service station on 600-Route 17, with signal lights burning, when Jones, approaching the bus from the rear, crashed into the bade of the bus. ' Jones, who was driving a 1950 Buick, told Patrolman Inscoe he saw the parked bus and applied brakes about 150 feet from the vehicle but his car slid into the back of the bus. Damages to the Buick was estimated at $400 and to the school bus at $10. No inuries occurred in the collision. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Deputy Foreign Ministers of the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia are conducting a meeting in Paris this week in an effort to work out a solution to world tension. Rep resentatives of the West opened the meeting by telling the Russian minis ter there could be no reduction of Eu ropean tension until -Russia and her satellites reduced their huge armies. A report from Paris Wednesday -stated Russia has brought up items for dis cussion which may block any progress in, the meeting. These points were re- fported as the same' old arguments used by Russia in previous meetings between the Big Four. v Mearfvvhile'm Korea United Nations troops are continuing their limited offensive against Communist forces, and slight territorial gains are noted on the central and western fronts, while in the East, Red soldiers have launched a strong attack against Am erican and , South Korean troops. Am erican troops crossed the Han-River, east of 'Seoul on Tuesday in face" of light resistance and were reported advancing toward the Korean capital, In Raleigh this week the Legisla ture killed a movement to revive a biil calling for a State-wide referen dum on liquor. This means the issue will not be brought up again before 1953. The General Assembly started on its third month of the. current ses sion with little hope for early adjourn ment. ' , The Veterans Administration an nounced this week another dividend will be issued this year to veterans of the last two world wars. Payment of the dividends is expected to get under way within the next month of two- Sbdteen million dollars wiH be paid to veterans of World .War 1, while 681 million will be divided among the in surance policy holders of World War II. Tractor Schools To ' Be field Here March 15 Two tractor maintenance schools will be held in Perquimans County on March 15, according to an an nouncement made by I. C. Yagei, County , Agent, who stated that the, schools will be held at S. T. Perry's store in New Hope at 9 A. M., and at the Perquimans High. School at 2 P. M. The demonstration will include every step la proper maintenance of . trac tors, and every tracto operator should take advantage of this opportunity to learn proper care for hie machine. The schools will be open to boih white and colored who actually operate tractors, and as Mr. Yagel potato out a good program of daily maintenance by the operator can add months to the life of a tractor and can apbstantially reduce operating costs and frequent expensive repair bills. -1 Draft CcrJ Clerk Rcc::.J Position IMrs.- Edna Window, clerk of the Pcrquhnans . County DraSt : Board, since its reinactivation last year, ten dered her resignation of tile po&Xion effective Venesiay of this week, it was anni . J today by Cecil C. Win ;.ow, c' .i.nan of the board. v. cnr elated that the local :s will be closed until next . ;.f ; c. i!iiy Celebrated Fifth Officers Nominated For New" Year ; District Speaker Here; The Auxiliary of the Wm. Paul Stallihgs Post of the American Legion celebrated its fifth birthday at the regular meeting of the unit, held last Friday night at the Agriculture build ing, and honored its past presidents, Mrs. T. P. Brinn, Mrs. Ralph White and Mrs. Kelly White. Present for the occasion, besides a large number of members, were Mrs. Paul Holloman, First District Committee woman, Mrs. Oscar Elliott, Mrs. J. L. Chestnut, of Edenton and Mrs. J. S. Chaffin of WinfaU. (During the business session, which was presided over by Mrs. B. C. Berry, president, who introduced the honored guests, Mrs. Charles Skinner report ed Mrs. J. H. Towe had completed ar rangements for the conducting of the unit's Americanism Essay contest through the high school. Mrs. Martin Towe and Mrs. Roulac Webb reported the annual Poppy Sale will be held on May 26: Mrs, J. R. Futrell announced that the unit will send two girls to Girl State, to be held at WCUNC in Greensboro, June 10-15, and that the unit will pay all expenses except transportation. . Mrs. Berry called to the members' attention the District meeting to Joe beld March 30 at Newland, with the Englehard unit as hostess to a dutch treat luncheon, and she urged all mem bers of the local unit .to attend. (Mrs. Holloman, who was the guest speaker for the meeting, told the mem ben of the need for more funds, for the increasing number of veterans now in hospitals. It was voted by the local unit to double its contributions to the central fund and substantially increase donations to all other obligations to the N. C Department Legion Aux Anniversary Friday . ui-. wwCTlXn wie sou TO avoid unjury mi wits dunng the coming year were: presi dent,Mrs. B. C- perry; vice-presiaenit, Mrs. C. F. Sumner; secretary, Mrs. ILessie White; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Tommy Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Roulac Webb; , chaplain, Mrs. Tom Perry: sergeant at arms, Mrs. W. G. Hollowell: historian. Mrs. James Snipes. .''-J- ;'. . :; At the conclusion of the program Mrs. James Snipes, as hostess, pre sented a beautifully decorated birth day cake with five lighted candles which Was cut and served with iced drinks... ;'r;,U;'; Members of the Board of County Commissioners, meeting here Monday in regular session, drew the names of 62 residents for service on the jury at the April term of Superior Courts The Jurors drawn for service were MissMary Sumner, Walter Newell, Mrs. Henry C. Stokes, M. J. Gregory, Watson RusseH, Mrs. J. T. Biggers, FJlis Winslow, Job Stalhngs, Jarvis Window, Harold H. Copeland, Al bert Hunter, Charlie Bail, Mrs. Cla rence C. Chappell, Lawrence Towe, Edwin S. White, W. E. Mathews, Jr., Carson Winslow,. W- N. White, J. Quinton Riddick, Mrs. Howard Hunt er, John A. Elliott, Garland Stallings, C. L. Mansfield, Alex Stalling, Laroy Lamb, Mrs.. Guy Webb, W. D. Land ing, Carlton Nixon, W. E. Bagley, Calvin Mansfield, Jr., D. L. Reed, J. R. . Futrell, W. M.- Divers, Jr., F. M. Copetarid, Ernest L. White, Wm. C. Barclilft. Shelton Hobbs, R. S. Monde, Jr., W. F. Madre, W. L. Bagley; Wal lace Baker,' DeltoJn Sailings, Jesse. Harrell, John N. Lane, Sammy Monds, Calvin Godfrey, Milton Sail, Sr., Mar ion Copeland W. E Winslow. Robert Harrell, Aivah Madre, Mrs. R. R. White, Mrs W D. Rogerson, Edward Smith, Roy Stallings, Raymond Eure, Robert E. SuttonJMurden -Stokely, Worth Dail, Corbin Dozier and Blount Eure. , t Parking Meter Uill ' Before Legislature C.-R. Hohnes, Perquimans" Repre sentative in the General Assembly, has introduced a bill before the Leg islature relating to the applcation of proceeds of parking meters of the Town of Hertford. The bill directs that surplus park ing meter : revenues remaining after application to resrulation and eontrol of vehicular tratbc: and parking shall ForJuryService be, used for expenses of general taw Outlook For Bigger Cotton Crop Here AppezrsOrjht Farmery Advised Com mittee Is Working on Labor Situation Present indications point toward an increase in acreage planting for cot ton in Perquimans during 19S1, it was reported this week by County Agent I. C. Yagel. IPerqudmans farmers are being urg ed to plant an additional 1,000 acres in cotton in 1951, as compared to 1950, to help raise the national production to meet the needs of the United States and its allies. The present supply of cotton is short due to short produc tion last year and the unpredicted de mands at home and abroad. To help gain the additional acreage a county cotton committee has been set up and is now working to assist farmers to produce a bigger cotton crop this year. The question in most minds concerning the planting of more cotton revolves around the problem of labor needed for cultivation and pick ing. The committee, it has been re ported, has discussed this problem with a number of authorities and at least two solutions are offered to re lieve this condition. .The first is se curing of migfant labor, and the sec ond is for schools to cooperate by running on half day schedules during the harvest season. In connection with an appeal to farmers to. plant , more cotton, Mr. Yagel issued the following statement: "It is believed that producers who follow the recommended practices and plant goodeeed will realize a good re turn for their money invested. The coker 100 , wilt variety is recommend ed. Farmers are advised to plant 25 to 30 pounds to the acre and to use mechanically treated seed which have S germinating test of 80 per cent K "Fertilizer should be placed on one lor both sides, about two inches Ibelow 'i!he seed level and mixed thoroughly j- it. . 1 A . !J ? i A. - X. a hay or on potash delfioient soils 400 to 600 pounds of 5-1040 should be used If following legumes for seed or - turned, or on high organic soils 400 to 600 pounds of 3-9-9 should be used. , ."Cotton should be sidedressed im mediately after thinning the amount depends upon fertilization at planting and natural fertility of soil. Usually from 100 to 200 pounds of nitrate of soda or its equal will be sufficient. "Successful production depends up on complete insect control and this means that dusting should begin be fore the squares form." tievOfficersNamed New officers for the year 1951-52 were. elected for the Garland H. Onley Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at a regular meeting of the Post held last Monday night Named as new commander of the local VFW Post was Jarvis Ward, senior vice commander will be Vernon Lee Perry and junior vice-commander, Edward Barber; Emory- White was elected as quartermaster, Shelton Chappell, chaplain and W. F. Ainsley, Post trustee. - J. W. Dillon was appointed by the commander-elect .to serve as post ad jutant. : Other committee chairmen will be named by Mr. Ward when he assumes office in April. v John Danchesi was welcomed into the Post as a new member. Insect Control To Be Discussed Wed. -George D. Jones, Entomologist from liState College, will conduct a discus sion here on the control of insects, it was announced today by I. C Yagel, County Agent Mr. Jones will con duct the meeting at the Agriculture 'Building In Hertford on Wednesday, (March 14, beginning at 2 P, M. ' He is expected to discuss various insecticides as well as machinery and method of appfication. He will talk, especially, on control of insects which attack cotton and all cotton farmers are urged to attend this meeting. MMHplMMnMWaMMMM " - .X., Student breaks Arm Practicing- Football Lawrence Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs.- George Sutton, a junior at Per quimans High School, fractured both bones of his left arm while practicing fooSbaH at the school on Tuesday. He iwas taken to the Albemarle Hospital By Local VFV Post ALBEMARLE REA TO MOVE OFFICES INTO HOLLOWELL BUILDING ON EDENTON ROAD Board Of Education In Routine Meeting Members of ttie Perquimans Board of Education nwt in regular session here last Monday and heard reports corning the county .school building program. Superintendent of Schools J. T. Biggers advised the Board $167,- 000 of State funds had been expended toward construction of the union school at Wintfall, and county funds will be required to help meet costs by May 1. County Representative C. R. Holmes appeared before the Board and told the group of the progress of legisla tion concerning schools now under consideration in the General As semlbly. A request by the Hertford PTA for the Board to investigate absenteeism in schools was considered and the superintendent was authorized to survey this situation and report to the Board concerning the problem at its next meeting. Perquimans High ScBool rang down the curtain on its current basketball season by winning a double header from the boys and girls from Sun bury High School. The contests were played here last Tuesday night. The high-flying Perquimans girls had little trouble in chalking up their final victory 35 to 16. Margaret Sy mons led the local girls in scoring, racking up 16 points. Marvina White, Mary Saunders, Marorie Winslow and Janice Yagel all had a hand in scor ing the Squaw victory. Stokely Skin ner and DaWson were best on defense for the local girls. Perquimans jump ed into a 10-8 lead at the first. period rest and moved to a four point lead at half time. Excellent defensive play by the Indan Squaws held Sunbury to four points during the second hall, whilethe Perquimans team scored a total of 19. In the . boys' contest the Indians playing raggedly, had a see-saiw bat tle on their hands which was not de cided until the last 30 seconds of the game. Thach with 14 points led the Indians in scoring, followed by Walk er and Sumner, who had seven points each. HoUbs with 10 points and Ward with 11 were high scorers for Sunbury. Perquimans held a 7-6 lead at the close of the first period and the score at half time was 18-17. In the third period Sunbury hit for 11 points while Perquimans got nine and the visitors led at this point 28-27. Sunbury held its slim lead throughout most of the fourth quarter, being three poinlts ahead with two minutes to go. Quick baskets by .the Indians pushed Per quimans ahead 40 to 39 as the horn sounded ending the game. Club Hears Talk On Civilian Defense Silas M. Whedbee, chairman of Civ ilian Defense for Perquimans County, wfta mu& nnpfnker fit a meelttnir of the Hertford Rotary Club held Tuesday evening at the Hotel Hertlora. Mr. Whedbee briefly outlined the ne cessity for civilian defense .programs and related progress being made in seHfting up an efficient organization in this county. He told the Rotarians the chief ob stacle in organizing for civilian de fense was the American attitude to ward advance planning for emergency situations. Edenton Joins Virginia (League Edenton will be a member of the Virginia professional baseball league the coming season, according to an an nouncement made Tuesday by Dave HoMon, president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, who stated ar rangements had been made whereby EdenKxm will take over the league franchise surrendered by Hopewell. Holton stated that the town has of ficially taken over the franchise and is now looking for players to make up the roster for the season.: Edenton will receive seven players, formerly With Hopewell and will sign a sum clent number of players to fill the roster. -.. : - MASONS TO MEET. The . Perquimans Lodge,, No. 106, A. F. A A. Of., will meet Tuesday night at eight o clock. IAH members PerquimansCloses uage reason wiiii Wins OverSunbury Plans Progressing For Annual Meeting Sat- lirHav. HTflrrli 31 'Announcement was made here today by John Costen, manager of the Al bemarle Electric Membership Corpor ation, of the leasing 6t the Hollowell building on the Hertford-Edenton highway, as a site for offices and warehouse for the local REA. The building, until recently, had been leased by E. N. Miller and Son. Mr. Costen sitated that plans for construction of a new building here by REA have been shelved for the time being due to the uncertain con ditions surrounding construction, and the securing of necessary building ma terials. With the postponement of plans for the new building directors of the REA completed negotiations for leas ing the Hollowell building, which is expected to provide ideal quarters for the REA. Mr. Costen stalted the REA offices will be moved to the new site sometime between March 16 and March 30. Meanwhile the REA manager and Board of Directors are proceeding with plans for holding the annual meeting of the Membership Corpora tion here in Hertford on , Saturday, March 31, at which time directors for the organization will be selected for the year 1951-52. A feature of the annual meeting this year will be the staging of a local talent show, with Charles Skin ner, Jr., and Billy White acting as masters of ceremony. More than 20 entries for the show have been re ceived already and many are expect ed from members of the corporation throughout the four counties com prising the REA unit Selection of the directors will be made by the REA members and nom inated for the posts are the following: Perquimans County, Charles L. White, Floyd Mathews, A. T. Lane, Wade Jordan, Crafton Wiuow; Cam den County,. J. W. Hastings, J. A. Wlutj&ST-flt: 'Chowan. ountv. J. A. Wiggins, John N. Bunch, Henry Jor dan, W. J. Goodwin; Pasquotank County, W. R. Lowry, Tommie Tem ple, R. C. Hewitt, Joseph Harris and J. L. Sharber. Red Cross Campaign OffToGoodStart Incomplete reports made to W. W. White, County Red Cross Campaign chairman, revealed the annual Red Cross drive is off to a fine start here in Perquimans County. Mr. White stated Wednesday at noon that re ports from just three of the many so licitors in the area showed a total of $521.05 had been collected toward the county goal of $1,317. 'IWe have an excellent organization to conduct the campaign this year," Mr. White said, "and I believe we will be able to report our quota very shortly." AssistingMr. White in directing the Red Cross drive are Mrs. J. H. Bag ley, Mrs. Nina B. White J. H. Towe and J. H. Tucker, who is chairman of the colored division. Solicitors have been urged to com plete the canvass of their neighbor hoods as soon as possible, although the drive runs through the entire month of March, the local Chapter is hopeful it can complete the 1961 drive before that date. Reports by indivi dual solicitors should be made to their leader as soon as the canvass is com pleted and the public is urged to co operate with the solicitors by making contributions when called upon the first time, thus' saving the volunteer workers .time and effort by doing away with return trips to the same homes. Applications Being Taken For Insurance ' Applications for crop insurance in Perquimans County are now being taken at the local PMA Office, it Was reported today by W. E, White, sec retary of the P. M. A. Committee. In a statement to local farmers is sued this week, Mr. White urges each of them, to caH at the Agriculture Building for a correct picture of the program which offers low cost protec tion for the four basic crops, corn, cot ton, peanuts and soybeans. The PMA Ictfmmittee is prepared to advise each farmer of the approximate amount of coverage and costs of premium to bo paid." All applications for crop insurance must be made by March 31, Mr. White In Perquimans t i.2 I' 3 k:J rou?.lony. eruorcement In llertTom, . for treatment are surged to be present. - - reported. . -" -

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