r3 r O. I 3AT IMAJm 9; 1851. r ! q V hb u- 1 The first comprehensive survey of Nor h Carolina e primary highway oeefs -fast porolefd' by the-State Hir Way Ciomn !" jon-ndicates ' it wou a take o'-er 5,000,000 to bring decencies oil, iJbout 4,000 miles of. road up to toieraoie iw sianuaim The voluminous study, begun last April and published today, shows that lov per cem; ' ok we Isavy--vehicles and Li;travel- m "Tittle im-mwemep mw 'jeen mat J? be or' l'J"5t -ihe" c --4 iu- a 1J " " . -J -J!. iuu uf -ion wun 1 ir? uuu ip main touay on a major percentage of a. T f" ! xrrf-.iienry.n. joroan, jtii-nway JUWMi wVl.w.4lowui statement commenting' on the quataior curaeot traffic demands and that the rati of deficiencies is grow- The Highway Commission ordered the $30,000 survey in, January, 1960. Statisticians and engineers who made it spent months Inspecting every mile on, ithe Commission's most heavily traveled highways. They measured sight distance, curvature, grade, width of bridges' and other factors that de termine highway utility. ' . ' TA ' At. a. : iVai allV AW WAV W1V All OV 'M1AMB UIHV 0 M survey: . . "The Information contained in this report has been, gathered and compiled as a result of a $30,000 survey au thorized' by the ' State Highway and Public .Work , ppminission twejve tyonths ago. piNpr WOODS fflSWS (Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Chartoeli 1 of state's (primary tognways are inaae-Cartarth spent last week-end with W. P. ChbppeU and Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Chappell. " Mr. "and Mis. Verne Mitchell and E. T. Chappell of Rich Square visited Mr. and Mrs. XL N. Chappell Sunday afternoon.' ' ; ' , : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bufct and children, Tommy and Phyllis, of Nor folk, Va., and Mr. an4 Mrs. I. C. Butt of New Hope were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper. Mr. and Mrs. C. J; Raper and P. E. study has been made on a state-wide jChaippell spent Friday in Elizabeth basij and results, printed in 60-page pity " visited Jfrs. R. D. Raper, resort, will serve as-a guide for fu ture; highway construction in North Carolina. tf - James S. Burch, Engineer of Sta tistics and Planning, who supervised and dimcted the survey, states in the report that "if currently available funds for all construction purposes wens concentrated on the 4,085 mike of road surveyed, it would take from 15 to 20 ; years to' fulfill present needs." ' " - The report contains, maps of. each highway . division showing those sec tions' labeled deficient It also lists each; deficiency county by county and estimates the cost of correcting them. In presenting the needs report,- the Highway Commission emphasized that 1 1 1 - i . J ,u uite j uie myur reosuJia ur ukicw ing deficiencies is the significant in crease in tralffic Volume over the past 20 years in North Carolina. North Carolina's major highways, largely built by standards of the 1920fs, have been unable Jto meet the demands of 1950 traffic! Engineer Burqi says: "We have about four time the travel, and well over double the number of mQtor vehicles now .that .we had in 1930. Our travel on main highways jumped about 13 per cent pver that in 19497? . ' 7 , The Statistics and Planning' Engi neer; also points out that the state highway system was 'initially laid out and paved before tne era of wide and heavy trucks and fast buses.! It was planned only for the low volume and low speed of automobile traffic and attention was given to the economical aspect rather than to the service of Sr. Miss Christine Thatch spent Thurs day with Miss Imogene Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chapptll and after daughters, Doris Fxy4rKBA UzZ6rZ2 Sirs. J. T, Chappell werfl-jjoppers in XAUsapero i,ny. jmraay. - , unr Ida wTOiite Jiaa returned home friends and relatives Ui J. . Chappell and jFaye "an4 rJsie, rs. v. J. Kiaper Sun , r-t .... M is on the sick Ust visitmar ar. na jars. faugMej visited Mr. Vy evani thin week. TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, If. C. - Week Day Shows Continuous ' - From 140 ' Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday 8:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and iFriday,, Match 8-9 " MacDonaM Carey and Wendell (Corey Playing as iFrank and Jesse Usmes In "THE REAMlSSflURI (RAID" Saturday, Mrch 10 " ' Barbara Brit ton and , 5 WiDard Parker in . 'THE -BANDIT QUEEN" Sunday and Monday, . v " v, f Marcft 1I-1Z-7 . t - ; , ' ; Jasaes IStewart and -' Josephine Hull in " ,.- "HtRyEY?, , v 'I ;. or ' March 13-14' 5 " . Glenn Ford and . " Rhonda Fktninr in ! " "T HE iREDHKAD AND TEE I COWBOY" 1 ThHrsday, March 8- I Howard r 7 and ' . ' Marta (t n in . -4 Friday and Saturday, - Mareft-lO " John IWk and Laraine I -y in ' "TTCCC-J Sunday and Mraday, KaKhll-1 ' m . V-llf .11 M Toes." 7 1 i.'iL&l&t ', SUret13-lJ M nils ."IT 1 fiWm Vim BTAIJLINGS Wm. Earl Stallimm. mnnMii.) of Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Bryant Stallings, died Monday morninir at' 8 tclock at their home in Belvidere. Surviving besides the parents are one sister, Ruby Mae, the paternal grandmother, Mrs. J. N. Stallinmt. th maternal grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Venn of Oorapeake. - ' ' runerar services wer fniiitiirfwl Tuesday 'aJfternoon "at" four oVfoct'ai ithe graveside, in the family cemetery ay we jtev. m. M. Uraveless. .WHITE HAT NEWS " Mr. and Mrs. Etwood Lonir of Rich mond, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Cong, Sr., Mrs. awucio, v. viarKe 01 iaansKin was a dinner guest of Mr, and Mrs. ' Long ounaay evening. Mr. and Mrs. EWood Lonor and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Long, Sr., visited rela tives at Roper last Sunday afternoon. CLASS MEETS The Young Married People's class of Bearea Church of Christ met with lr. and Mrs, WM - nrhW.l- Anl gmesoay, v&vmg W. - ' ; The -tweeting penef-with tfwtfngf ing of ""Savior Like a" Shenhenl Tad J fa". .The scripture reading was read . y the .vice-preside!. Arvin HudtAnl ter which Joshua Sutton led in! frayer. " ' - ' v After a short business session ' the class sang "Power In the Blood,'! and 'ptit Cartiwright gave the benediction. The hostess served ice cream, cake. peanuts and candy. SOCIETY MEETS The -Wiliinir Workers Missionary ISociety of IPiney ' Woods Friends IChurch held its regular monthly meet ing Saturday, February 24. at the jlBelvidere Community House. The meeting was called to order by the president, Ann White. The secretary. Judith Winslow. read the minutes of Ithe (previous meeting and called the roil, fourteen members and 1 visitor were present. The lesson was pre sented by the leader, Mrs. Oliver Win Icw, from the home study book. "The Busy Berry", followed by a playlet given by Lois Winslow, Judith Wins low, Avis Winslow, Sylvia Wfae Cope land and Annu White, which Was un der the direction of Mrs. Purvis Chan- ilpell. For devotion the 23rd psalm and the Lord's Prayer were used. Dur- iing the business session Janet Chap- pen was appointed program leader for March and plans were made for an Easter esur-hunt. The members sanir Jesus Loves the Children of the ilWorld. Mrs. Winslow dismissed the meeting with prayer. BUBGJESS CLUB MEETS The Burgess Home Demonstration Club and their husbands were charm ingy enronainea :ontay mght at a cmmwul Atali innii IVa Law.. m 7?''-f1lVWMr.4 Mrs. Howard Mathews. The living room and dindncr room were tastefully deoorated in ' sPrinir flowers and lighted by tall yellow tapers carrying out the club colors. The meeting opened by ell sinxinirl America. Mrs. Mna a. white gave an interesting demonstration on .Soften- jing Bard -f, t i showed slides on "Garden. Pesta" aiwl- talked on how lo destroy these pests. Three 441 CMi eirls. Annie "Inth ' iLane, Joan 'jjaies r4. (AiOteltf Proctor sang si' number of 'Donufar songs for the club. Games and contests were enjoyed- with Mrsi L CL Yagel and Mrs. J. B. iPerry, Mrs. Nina B. . White and Mr. Josiah Proctor winning nrizes. The club members presenlted the Hostess a gift of appreciation. I Announcement Having assumed active managership of Nelson's Cleaners, I sincerely solicit your dry cleaning and pressing business. ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 2976 FOR PROMPT SERVICE We Will Offer One Day Service If Desired i Mrs. Zack Roberson h i-JoxettYondriyeL V 1 YouTlll drive xhe most basicalkr nmv nar in 97 ware f -J ,,.r I . . ' I VY Hi 100 HORSEPOWER ill ) r I 7V7 .J7 a.. CT t.. V v .... Hera you M the central secret of FirePower'i unmatched ability ... the new Chrysler 'Hemispherical Combus tion Chamber, heart of the finest motor car engine built today. In this dome topped, clean-walled area, you tee fhe only ideal combustion chamber in a motor car engine to day . . . the only way to develop full com-' bustion, full compres sion, full work and value from, every drop of fuel! . HraFewer saedficetienM ISO hp 4000 rem; Sera ad Stfelte, S-1SH S-JS; Phtaa Dhface. mtat, 1SI.I en. bi. Cea rraiM latte, 7Ji le I. ; hether you can own one this year or not . . . you owe yourself a turn at tle whpel of a new Chrysler for 1951. Here is basic progress sp deep and so great you will feel its impact for years to pome. Here is FirePower... Chrysler's revolutionary new powerplant which at one and the same time gives you 180 horsepower . . . and the. most efficient use of gasoline ever developed in a motor car. With FirePower, you can outperform any car on ithe road. Yet with Fire Power you will have less carbon deposit, longer engine life, less need for care and attention, than with any engine you ever owned. Here, on all new Chryslers, is the comfort marvel of Onflow, an exclusive new shock absorber with over rwice the shock-absorbing power of any other car's. Here, optional at extra cost, is the amazing new steering ease of Hydraguide power steering, the new Chrysler "first" that removes four-fifths of the human effort from steering. Here, with over 70 various changes this year and with deep-down Chrysler goodness clear through is the most basically new car you ever drove For the thriU ol a Vffitime ... come drive a Chrysler roar fines! engine ever built in an automobile Hertford, N. G ssfc

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