THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. v HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAi' MARCH 16, 1961' PAGE SEVEN "WHITE HAT NEWS (Mr. and Mis. Blount Eure and sons spent Sunday with their ; COUNTY LIBRARY NEWS -, A number of new books have been received at the Perouimtfns County . .uv " lubrary ana are now ready for use o ... , . .v. patrons, was reponea toaay oy Eure at Elizabeth Oty., - . v .fflfrs. Silas ML Whedbee, librarian. In Mr. andMrs. Watt Eure and daugh-!-Wed amonir th new hooka, are: ter, Lucy Mae, visited Mrs. Eure's To Love and Honor. Lorina-i CandviMadl Wallace Baker, brother-in-law and sister," Mr. and; prtr Rww.fcf rrmr- rwvv Lane, Milton Dail, Sr., Cole Barcliff, Mrs. J. T. Biffffera,' Jar- vis D. Winslow, Charlie Dail,; Edwin S. White, W. N. White, John A. El liott, Elec Stallings, W; D. Landing, Calvin C. Mansfield, Jr., W. M. Div- dered to pay the following bills: Barrell Gas & Coal Co., $ 17.7'; C. 'C. Banks, $4.75; Eastern Office Equiip went Co., $9.09: Darden Bros., $51.- 49; Hertford Hardware & Supply Co., Mrs.T5. E. White in Portsmouth, Va., on Sunday. V; y-v ;'-:v -ti -Miss Mollis Lu Yeates spent Sun day with Miss Wilma Caddy. Mr. and Mrs. Uh-ic . Caddy and 3 . .. m. ' ' , I vaaugroers. misses vviima Anne ana Louvinia Caddy, Mr. and Mrs. Whit - Cartwright and Miss Mollie Lu Yeates! visited Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dail near Elizabeth City on Sunday afternoon. Miss Shirley Eure has been on the sick list for several days, but is im--p.- proving now. , Mr. and Mrs. , Freeman Umphlett went to Moyock on Thursday to see "Mr. Umphttt's brother and siater-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Luther 'Umphlett Albeit Eure, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delvin Eure, who . is stationed at Tyndale Air Force Base in Florida has been promoted to private first class. ' Mrs. J. D. Yealtea visited Mrs. Horace Miller on Thursday and both . Mm. Yeates and Mrs. Miller attend ed a music training school held in VfontfnrA ThnraAnv nfbftntnnn at the V Aarricuftur Building. IMr. -and Mrs. Thomas Thompson of Elizabeth City were Friday night visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Yeates. .'. . era, Jr., Wm. C. Barclift, Willie FJ $25.35, $1.40, $15.77, $16.05; Winslow jonn JNeison.uu v., $e.t, Winslow Oil Go., $7.07; Robert Ear- Sam Hourmozis, $71.50; Office Sup- Faulkner; Faith -of Mrs. Kelleen. Flannigan;- Murder ' Is the Pay-off, Ford; Silent Partner, Knight; Story of Andrea Fields, Seifert, and Long est Way Round, Marshall. ' . Weekly, $60.65; Robert A. $6.86; M. G. Owens, Sheriff, M. G. Owens, Sheriff, $5.31, M. G. Owens, Sheriff, $6.64; J. W. Ward, 25.0 J; Eastern Office Equipment Co., White, predated. $30.70,1 ' NELLE STALLINGS. CARD OF THANKS I 11 3 94- fw O nnn f! siJ3i.ii I ve wian io express our nearwei t c Mnr-T maws- 4iw,a'thanks to friends and neighbors for xr,io;foi a An An. r EMn-a- whits "the tinjn. ur.;oi tonnn- v. llowers sent kindnesses shown us, for the. and cars loaned during Commissioners' Proceedings March 5, 1951. At a regular meeting of the Board CHAPANOKE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Maryland Boyce had as their dinner guests Saturday, Pfc. Mather Hurdle and Miss Carol Ryman of Elizabeth Cfty, Junior oyce of Norfolk, Va., and Miss Christine Hess of Elizabeth Cfty. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce and chil dren and Mrs. Lula Bright visited Mrs. Everett? Bright Sunday night Mrf and Mrs. Tom Garrett , of Weeksville and Lloyd visited Mr. and Mrs. Billy Elliott Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Phillips and children of Edenton visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elliott Sunday afternoon. Mather Hurdle of Camp Polk, La., visited friends in Chapanoke Monday. Mrs. W. H. Elliott spent Friday with Mrs. Willey Paul of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mm. Clarence Byrum and children and Miss Mildred Byrum visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Smith Sunday afternoon. CLINIC DATE CHANGED ) The Albemarle Orthopedic Clinic of Uizabeth City: which is sponsored by the American. Legion of Seth. E. Per ry Post, Unit 84, and assisted; by the Auxiliary will be held at the Health , JCenter, Cedar and Harney Streets, Tuesday, March 20, instead of the last Tuesday of the month. ' All children in the age group, babies through two years of age will be seen jprior to 10:30 A. M. Registration of ew patients will be from 9 until 12 I o'clock noon only. v , ' Starting with the clinic held .thisj month a small fee will be required for all new . patients who are registered! and who are not indigent and are able to pay.. This will be for the first clinic visit plus any X-ray charges. . of County Commissioners of Perquim ans County, held at the Court House on the first Monday, the 6th day of March, 1951. Present and presiding, A. T. Lane, chairman, with Commis sioners ic a. vnappeii, js. b. uoiio- well, Wm. C. Chappell and E. A. Tur ner. Absent, none. rrhad "C. Chappell tendered his res ienation as delinquent tax collector for Perquimans County and on mo tion ft was accepted to take effect im mediately. ; ! On motion, ordered that A. T. Lane be appointed to have such painting done on the inside of the Court House as he deems necessary. On motion ordered that Judge off the ' Perquimans County Recorder's Court salary be paid at the minimum price of $126 a month in keeping with the law recently passed. On motion ordered that salary of the Solicitor of . the Perquimans County Recorder's Court be paid at the minimum of $126 a month. ' On motion ordered that the County Treasurer be paid the minimum sal ary of $76 as fixed by law. On motion "ordered that Perquim ans County nurchase a fire truck to be operated and manned by the Hert ford Fire Department for the purpose of fighting fires within Perquimans County. . ', The following good and lawful per- sms -were -drawn to serve as jurors at the April terms of the Superior Court for Perquimans County Mary Sumner, Mark J. Gregory, Earl Daughtrey, Job Stallings, Ab bott Hunter. Lawrence Towe, Carson Leigh Winslow, Mrs. Howard Hun ter, .C. L. Mansfield, Mrs. Guy Webb, W. E. Bagley, Jonas R. Futrell, Ern. est L. White, Riley Monds, Jr., Geo. F. Felton, Jesse Harrell," Calvin C. Godfrey, W. Elisha Winslow, Mrs. Ralph White, J. H. Tucker, Robert E-. Sutton, Corbin Dozier, Walter Nowell, Mr8, 'i,J- Ro5f8,M1' i5,1,0' Q Supply Store,iN. c. 'sanatorium, $85.0o'; Norfolk & tV118 d our iher Stallings, Murden Stokeley, Blount $2.67; J. W. Ward, $64.40; Eure, Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes, Wat-Gas & Coal Co., $88.75; Mitchell son'E, Russell, Ellia Winslow, Harold iPriniling Co., $75.20, Mitchell Printing H. Copeland, Mrs. Clarence C. Chap- Co., $11.08; Mrs. W. E. White, $13.17; pell, W. E. MathewS, Jr., J. Quinton N. C. Sanatorium, $15.80; Perquimans Riddick, Garland Stallings, (Leroy. Welfare Department $19.00; Shen-.-in Lamb, Carlton Nixon, D. L. Reed, Williar.'.s Co., $.'.",'5; Commercial Pilnt F. M. Copeland, Shelton Hobbs, W. L. wig Co., $5C05; Njrfolk &' Carolina Bagley; Delton Stallings, Sammie Tel. & Tel. Co., $10j2C; J. W. Ward. IMonds, Marion Lindsey Copeland, Al- $44.70; Darden Bros. $1.10; Edwards rah Madre, W. Edward Smith, Ray- & Broughton Co., $12.04, Edwards & mond Eure, Worth W. Dail. Broughton Co., $12.97; Tha Perquim- Km motion the Treasurer was or- ans Weekly, uaruiCarolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $30.62. There being no further business the Board adjourned. A. T. LANE, Chairman. Attest: J. W. WARD, Clerk. CORRECTION The district meeting of the Auxilia-I March 30, at New Holland, N.-.C.,' in stead of Newland as published in the Auxiliary story in last week's issue Kof this newspaper. -Reservations must! " be made by March 28th. . ' s FLOWERS. FOR EASTER CALL Mrs. J. H. Satchel! Phone. 4246 HERTFORD, N. C. .Special Representative For Edenton Flower Shop with FE.CGAnit During theM warm, dry dtys is a perfect time to seal and cover wMthtx-beaua porches, decks, eta Dm NEW Flomuun!, gttady im proved by wartime rearciu It penetrates erery Uttle crack, and sticks to floors so bard, wstet and repeated winnings does not aar itt tuster Flornme( jis extra-good tea Inside toonioa any Coor, wood, linoleum, liMsmant. t1 and plaster walls. Fanutora aa be dona with Flore namei ttractivalyi CetsoaMtodayi - "7 .-"' " MRRIS .GIIUBB STREET HERTFORD, N. C. Evart McMullan Newby. THE FAMILY A CAIO OF THANKS I T.'sh to l':.--:k my neighbors ai d d'fferent church organ- during izatioES for the fruit, cards and visits mother during my recent illness. I want them Winslow. $90.10, The Perquimans all to know they were all greatly ap- CARD OF THANKlS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for, their words of sympathy, beautiful flowers and many friends, for every deed of kindness show the illness and death of our and grandmother, Delphina THE FAMILY iH;-A 1 rl J'i Ooaiyara tntmg wbtrc nvlnca nanr Meat . . . m f TOTAL fowl bill, u Jnit tew Itemit When r aM tosatbtr ALL t the Item m Jt ihctelag lilt t food, lor whale week of testy, weU-bml-Muee) leeli jnH fini that TeiAL WTtni are frestett kt Colonial What's more, jroa don't have U flemprentlM the krandi you refer, the faallty yea ask in crier to aare money by (hopping at Colonial ... all the BMet-waatee k ranee an ton, aU prleea tlghtt That's beeaoae thronrhost aU G 8 stores emallty Is kept ki(h, prices kept tow. tin fttt I I O-v TemycMgfan-'mdy LUTER'S TRAY PACKED GWALTNEYS PURE SMALL SIZED UCESEl IPIIGEIIKSS RICH IN IRON SLICED ECONOMICAL PLATE OR BRlSKETf 65c 59c 39c 43c SUESll PHODUCE ITr, Green Stress 2 29c Lb. Lb Lbs. 29c CTBB PUEBTO RICAN SWEET W -n. i2 '"""OW WHITE squash 2u,23c VKGINIA TORR COOKING LAB317 MA... REEN PASCAL m I celehy 2 25c JWCT FLORIDA ' "Serve Thrifty Porh! First Cut OBAAJGES Lbs 39c Grapefruit 3 for 27c Turnip Salad 2 Ih 9s 4?4kM Special Low Price Whitehouse ea 3-17-51 No. 303 Cans Special Low Price Betteryet LainS Puifs 2 23 PASS Easter Dyes, pkg.. . . 25c Croocas h $M9 Pcss Egg Dye 25c C!so l- 3Zc Lex Soc? 3 Rt. 27c Cxca 32c Cpls Cs Spca ic 26c Cxzzl i- 32c Lcra Seep 2.ceke. 2ic Cczzisy Cccp 2 27c Ivcry Ccrp 3 19c XIz!:c3 Ls.. 3Zc Ccrp 2 31c Zrciy Srcry SPECIAL LOW PRICE OLD VIRGINIA (Ann GRAND FOR THE KIDDIES-OLD VIRGINIA PRESERVES DUKE'S FINE FOR SALADS r.aTrrjrjnsE SERYE WITH RITZ CRACKERS RED MILL . PEZiEini DnjEm ECONOMICAL EBERWINE EJHI? (3DEEPJS 2 SCRAMBLE WITH EGGS EHEcnnrjo mS)E 12-Oz. Jar 14-Oz. Jars 16-Oz. Jar 8-Oz. Jar No. 2 Cans 8-Oz. Can 33 27 2E MADOLENE SLICED CHIPS PEGEIILES- 16-Ox. Jar PLANTER'S COCKTAIL ace jblV 8-Ox. Can The sorest, simplest way lor yea to see exactly how ami where yoi ean save money en teeel bills is to eempare TOTAL oasts. TOTAL sarinsm, A savins of a penny or two ea eae InorrMaal Item has little effect on year bill for a month or even a week. Bat Colonial's poller of keeping prices low oa ALL Items ALL of the time menu that yam tot MORS acoaatalateel saTtmf en each weekly bill, thai area ter saetnn week la ami week oat. - ' 1 - '"7 v .. h .rw eaaanweBwaKmBifi&awJBWawaaewjBW

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