" FAGB EIGHT THE Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday at Hert ford, North Carolina. MAX CAMPBELL Editor - Entered as second class matter November 15. 1934. at Post Office t .Hertford, North Carolina, un der. the Act of March, 1879. vHorih Carolina felt JMijAMOClAItOJ SUBaCRlPTION RATES In Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, S1.50. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Couatiea, per year, $2.00. Advertising rates furnished by request . ; FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1961 necessary to prevent a, notice will be pleaded in bar of their ed at the office of Soil Observation J7 the ' inflationary orgy"063?- AU peraona indebted to said. Service. 204 Kramer Building, Eliza- esiave win piease moKe immediate pay ment ' . ' '.'V This 20th day of February, 1951 . V MRS. SARAH B. DAVENPORT Administratrix of George F. DaiL feb23,mar2,9,16,23,30 v , 'ever steps are ! repetition of 'which developed in xhe United States after the first World War. The rem edy may seem to be harsh now, but it will be easy if it enables the nation to avoid a disastrous depression after the defense effort is unnecessary, Highway Accidents The hot sua makes' men mad in the daytime and the romantic moon makes them foolish at night. . When the average American shouts for unity, he means that other people should fall in une with has views. Nearly every human' being likes to think about the day when he will have plenty of money and lie able to help all worthy causes. ; Human nature, through the ages, has responded very slowly to what re. formers call the uplift and little prog ress is made by applying the pressure too fast A Valuable Possession The people of Orangeburg have dif ferent religious beliefs'" and worship according to their conscience without interference from the government and its officials. Freedom of religious worship is one of the rights guaranteed by our form of government Those who enjoy the blessinz that it afferds should be scrupulous in respecting the beliefs of those with whom they do not agree. There is no other way to uphold and maintain religious freedom. Religion in the United States, how ever, suffers no threat of dictatorship. Its worst enemy, so far as we can see, is the failure of individuals to put into (practice the principles of the religion that they profess. It is idle to prate about religious convictions that are not expressed in personality as it mingles with human beings in daily activities. Frankly, the editor of this news paper never worries about the religion that other eople prefer, We trust ithat'no one worries about our .beliefs, The .common task that confronts all men.,and women, of every religious persuasion in life so as to Serve other people. Instead of , disputing about non essentials, we might follow the ex ample of the great teacher who went about doing good. Life presents many pitfalls into which human beings plunsre and it is up to all of us to avoid them as best we can. When unfortunately some brother or sister stumbles, there is an opportunity for all of us to be helpful if we are so minded..- ' The good Samaritan, in this year 1951, will find much to do. Inflation Can Hurt Everybody The people of the United States are beginning to wonder whether the ex penditures necessitated by the 'defense program will result in inflationary prices and thus carry us, to another pinnacle from which we will inevi tably descend into another depression. ' It . may be said at the beginning that the first requisite for another de pression is a period of inflation. (Con sequently, responsible economic ex perts, in and out of the government, are agreed that steps should be taken to inrevent advancing prices which will culminate in a wild orgy of buy ing. -'.;f;' With the increased tempo of de fense, spending, the people of the United States will have more money to spend. It is also certain that, as industrial plants turn from normal production into the production of de fense materials the shortage of goods may ,become pronounced. : l Given more money and fewer goods, it is certain that prices will go up a prospective buyers bid against each other for decreasing supplies. This will be the ease in any free economy. Consequently, the Government is al most compelled to take steps to limit the buying power of the public. As we understand it, and we admit that we do not know too much about it. this can be done in several ways. Ona is to set a price upon goods and commodities. Another is to provide heavy5 taxation in order to drain off excess purchasing power. - This end can also be accomplished if the peo ple of the country invest in Govern ment sbonds for defense financing. We hope the people of the United States will be smart enough to en courage the Government to take what- Soar To $64,GC,GG0 In State Last Year Highway accidents cost North Caro linians approximately 164,000,000 last year, the Department of (Motor Ve hicles has reported as it, released its 1950 accident summary. The figure is based on a National Safety Council formula for working out economic loss as the result of highway accidents. The State chalked up its sixth high. est fatality figure of the past 20 years during the year ana set new records for accidents and injuries. A total of 989 persons were report-' ed killed in traffic accidents during the year, an increase of 17 per cent over 1949 when 843 persons were killed. Only the years 1935 with 1,- 095 deaths, 1936 with 1,026, 1937 with 1,123, 1941 with 1,286 and 1946 with 1,028 were higher than I960., Injuries mounted to 12,352 with 4, 484 listed as severe and 7,868 as slight. The previous high was 1949 when 9,721 persons were reported in jured, with 3,595 severely hurt and 6,126 slightly hurt. The 7950 figure represented a 27 per cent increase ov er 1949. Accidents in 1950 reached the all- ime high of 28,251, of which 837 were fatal, 7,657 involved injuries and 19,757 property damage. The prev ious record, set in 1949, iwas ZLva accidents with 723 fatal, 6,060 in volving injuries and 14,419 property damage. The Low-Down Educator "Children need and should have encouragement A slap on the back goes a long way with a child" . Parent "Yes, and if the slap on the back is low enough and hard enough, that helps, too." ' ' INVITATION FOR BIDS - Sealed bids, will be received until 2:00 P. M., April 10, 1951, and then publicly opened for furnishing all la bor, equipment and materials for per forming all work for clearing rights-of-way ,and excavating and cleaning out Perquimans County Drainage Dia trict No. 4 (Burnt Mill Creek), located in Perquimans and ChtoWan Counties, N. C. Canals to be improved and con structed have an estimated total length of 33,400 feet an work proposed will involve an estimated 33.6 acres of clearing and an estimated 30,726 cubic yards of earth excavation. Bid Forms, Specifications and other contract requirements may be obtain- Classif ied and Legals PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FLOW ers with Mrs. Julian White, phone Hertford 2571, representing Mil dred's Florist of Elizabeth City. A complete floral service. mar23 DEPENDABILITY MALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE man wanted to call on farmers in Perquimans County. Wonderful op portunity. $15 to $20 in a day. . No experience or capital required. Per m anient. ' Write today. McNess Company, Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. marl623p EARLY-BEARING APPLE TREES Two 2-year 4 to 6ft. Size Early Yellow Transparent, and Red De licious Special Offer No. 15-0 $3.50, postpaid. Write for Free Copy 56page Planting Guide in color, offering complete assortment iFruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plans, Grape Vines, and Ornamen tal Plant Material. Salespeople wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF HOLLOWELL BROS., A PARTNERSHIP , Notice is hereby given that the part nership of J. F. Hollowell and W. G. Hollowell, as partners conducting- the business of buying and selling farm products, fertilizer, operating a ware house, and stock yard, and trucking under the firm name and style of Hollowell Bros." was dissolved by mutual consent February 1, 1951. J. F.-Hollowell will collect all debts owing to the firm and pay all debts due by the firm. This the 1st day of March, 1951. W. G. Hollowell and J. F. Hollo well, formerly doing business as "Hollowell Bros." By Thelma M. Hollowell, Exrx. W. G. Hollowell state. mar9,16,2330 PROVIDING., cool. ...erysUl ctear water on the most sultry day, the old stone ,wel has figured in the vers and (one; of a generation Refrething the weary traveller, it was. a true emblem of dependability.' Each ceremony we conduct is a true emblem of our depend ability. Our staff k qualified to adjust ell details, and re lieve the family of all to.s and responsibilities. Ask about us. '' B-- lfhsfAiT Ylsaaal ' T BdiW beth City, N. C. Right to reject any and all bids re served. Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, marked and addressed as fol lows: ' ' :: Bid for Construction of Perquimans County Drainage District No. 4, to be opened 2:00 P. M. April 10, 1951. ' WALTER G. EDWAjRDS, . ". - Attorney-at-Law, Mar9-16 -' Hertford, N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of he estate of O. C. Long, Sr., de leeased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 507 W. Colonial Ave., Elizabeth City, N. C., on or be fore the 7th day of February, 1952 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment . This 7th day of February, 1951. RALEIGH W. LONG, Administrator of O. C. Long: Sr. febl63,march246,23 ? ; I We Sell SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and ' U. S. RdYAL TIRES and TUBES - "Let Us Service Your Car Today." s , ATYOUR SERVICE For the Best In... O GAS - OIL . O GREASE O TIRES 9 BATTERIES O WASHING JOE & DILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86oi Kuori nn-rUEDiki r H1'. I f J.TfSITLf H,S I If THOTOLOJ OtO JUN MY EYE! I MlMO IF 1 HELP YOU WORCY? " I 5THBB,N WOfiWEO Hl WIFe fttfTflcAfc ) JUHK p! HB TOOK rr TP 10 SURE HATE TO?' IR IF TTNjSN! ( C UOOOASHEWAMOAS TTT .JET NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of George F. Dail, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 28 Railroad Ave., Hertford, N. C, on or before the 20th day of February, 1952 or this ayCrfiig Rcstlssis tjgtils ' When kidney function dow. down, manv folks oomplaio of nagginf backaclM, heQ achM, dixzineai find losa of pep and enernr. Don't auffer rastleaa night, with then dia eomtorta if reduced kidney function ia get ting you down due to aucb common cause, as stress and strain, over-exertion or ex porare to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up night or frequent passages.- Don't negloet your kidneys if these condi -tions bather yon. Try Doan's Pills a mild diuretic. Used succeufuliy by millions for over 60 yean. While often otherwise caused, It's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts help the 15 mUes of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Oat Doaa'a fills today! , Dofit 0 rt-"- Mil I O 0.1 TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. ; Week Day Shows Continuous From 3:80 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sflnday 2:154:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday, March 15,16 Joseph Cotton and -Joan (Fontaine in "SEPTEMBER AFFAIR" Saturday, March 17 Roy Rogers and Trigger in "NORTH OF THE GREAT DIVIDE" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March 18-19-28 . , Susan Hayward and ' William Lundigan in "ID CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN" Coming Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, March 21-22-23 Betty Grable and . Dan Dailey in "CALL ME MISTER" EDEIL THEATRE EDENTON, Nv C Thursday, March 15 t - James ralg and Lola Lane in - -"ZANZIBAR" , r 1 6 Friday and Saturday, March 16-17 i MacDonald Carey and Marta Toren in v "MYSTERY SUBMARINE" Sunday and Monday, March 18-19 - Ann Sheridan and Dennis O'Keefe in ; " "WOMAN ON THE RUN" Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20-21 Double (Feature . ' Bob Steele in v j "TRUSTED OUTLAW" - - - Maria Montes in -'BRAIDERS OF THE DESERT" i i r I I I , --0 - BBBJ on aim rtliraelo AtiThRUSTOxoxmaA Blondod Into Power-Packed Sinclair Gasolines Today ordinary gasoline has become old-fashioned. 'Today your Sinclair Dealer offers you POWER PACKED Gasolines with an amazing EXTRA VALUE a new chemical ingredient that solves the problem of rust and corrosion in your gasoline , tank and fuel system. It's RD-119, a product of Sinclair Research. -?. RD-119 Stops Damaging Rust and Corrosion ) In Your Gasoline Tank and Fudl System A80LINE HfanBBBBBf Bkasaesi aaBsasalAsasfet sVa mmm Jasi St m my cw' imlln Immk mm gajajA jigsgJ aMSasaaaiaaai Sftuakaaiaaaaaa aMsValaa, - awfw wwaiwaai VvfasjsBaaj TPVawsy laasyjlsss wkssi ym ass sdlawy .'1.WS ... I L l mmmm . jJ P CWSWUIM ft J .Mat ;j c RD-119 coats the inside of your gasoline tank and fuel system with an inviV ible, water-proof film. It stops rust and corrosion that damage your gasoline tank, fuel pump carburetor clog strainers and carburetor jets cost you. : money mwastedgasoline and repairs. Get POWER-PACKED Performance PLUS ANTI-RUST Protection at no extra cost. Use new Anti-Rust Sinclair H-Cor Sinclair Ethyl Gasoline regularly.. f ( World's First fX LmDj Antt-Rust Gasolines f r ,)) XJ CONTAIN D-llt I Hi TOWS PHONE 3641 SUPPLIER OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS . .. ; - v rizr.Trorj), n. c.

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