EKLY Volume XVIII. No. 14. Hertford. Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, April 6, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy WE County DoT(l Of Education fleorguiized At Meeting May; Moms Hew Chairman 4' New School Committees Appointed; Supcrin , tendent Re-elected Rotary Speaker 1 (Perquimans "County's Board of Education was reorganizfed on Monday when four new members of the Board took oaths of office, rollowing completion of business by the old Board. ; Assuming office for new four year ' terms were Mrs, T. IP. iBrinn, Mrs. A. R. iCook, "Edgar Morris and Clarence Chappell. Edgar Morris, -who suc ceeded Julian A. White, retiring chairman, was elected as chairman of the new Board. IS. M. Long was elected as vice chairman. John T. Biggers, sijperinitendent of schools, and secretary Ito the. Board, was re-elected to the position, as sup-, erintendent for a period of two years, beginning July 1, 11951. v , j; - iDuring the meeting the superinten dent outlined progress made on the county ' school construction program, and advised the Board members that bids for construction of an addition to the Hertford Negro school should 4m received in about two weeks. On motion passed the (Board adopt ed a rule requiring members of the various county school committees to be parents of children attending school. Following adoption of this rule, the (Board appointed as mem-1 m 4.1. i .i 4HMiMimHA - !- & i ( i V 1 M A 1 v 141 I, , ' ' i iXiJ luge Crowd Attends: Annual Meeting Of LA. A. T. Lane Re-elected as Chairman of Board of Directors judge Morris To Preside At Term Of Superior Court Heavy Docket Listed By Clerk; Court to Con vene April 16 BOARD APPROVES IMMEDIATE SALE OF Deadline Draws Near For Town Candidates With the primary election of the Town of Hertford scheduled for Mon day, April 23, Town Clerk W. G. Newby stated Wednesday morning that as yet no individuals had filed as Judge Chester 'Morris, of Curri-caniiaates for offices to be filled tuck, resident Superior Court Judgeine flectin- . ' " foi this district, is scheduled to pre-' Th. last Vjor ntoJ m side over the April term of Perquim- nd,tef3 18 .Frlday' ff"!1 . tn an Superior Court which convene thi balloting to come 10 days later, hero nn 'MnnHv Anvil i u ...... Saturday, April 14, is the last day ported today by'w. ;H. Pitt, clerk of ! . votei-s, no already registered, to court. A heavv criminal flnrltdf nf 9A Cases. alreaHv raliuifinrPfl in ovnonM '. "ar, jeffwilson Highway safefjy as practiced by truck drivers, and motor carriers association was the topic of the program given at a meeting of the Hertford (Rotary Oub Tues day night. .The guest speaker was Jeff Wilson of Raleigh, Su pervisor for the ISafeOy Council of the N. C Motor Carries' As One of the largest attendance eve? registered at lihe annual meeting of the Albemarle Electric Membershipj Corporation gathered ait the Pert 'nuimana 'Hiffh School auditorium last Saturday for the election of direct tors of the REA Co-op, and to attend the home talent show sponsored by th4 A nnvnvimqta ir 1 I If If 1 ' hiiiaA(i a nr. t r, J r .1, - . : J u ...r' .-uri-cu lur me iiicrcLiug aim iif u ' ; PI 1 'i.u it uJiunuiii uveriiuweu wiiun .lie cruwuj ..pat naa gaxnerea for .tme event, ine unlikely any civil actions, other than amateur contest, which was conduct; I a few divorce cases, will toe disposed cesssd by the REA, met with muck' 0f at this term ofsuperior court, success. Some 15 ientries were listed, jn making up the calendar for the on the .program and masters of cere.' court term Mr. Pitt listed 10 civil ac mony Charlie Skinner and, Billy White tions for hearings, these to be heard uiu a sum juu in iiawuniig iut. 'ireif at me convenience or tnie court or formers. ' iFirst prize winners ' were Duncan, Patricia Bunch and Anna Spruill' of Edenton, second .priz went to Sandra Morgan and third prize winners were Jo Pat Stokes and Marjorie Brinn. Ba'lots cast in Uhe election for the Commissioners Senators to Request Kill Bill For Clerks Pay Action was taken by the Board of County Commissioners, meeting in regular session here last Monday, paved the way for immediate sale of $ 0,000 worth of county school bonds authorized by the special election held last January. A motion was passed by the Board authorizing the sale of these bonds, amounting to a total of $175,000, as needed by the Board of register and be eligible to vote in the Education for completion of the school election. !Mrs. IB. IG. Koonce, Kegis-'construction program. will be located in ithe Court Sale of the bonds will be handled to consume 4he entire week allotted Housa tomol'row and 'Saturday, April .(by the Local Government Commission, for the court term, and it appeared 14 to register voters for Ae election.lat Raleigh and the order authorizing unlikely anv civil actions, other thaJSllturday' APnl 21 wl" ,be challenge the sale of bonds sets out the plan bers of the high school committee, Henry day Stokes, Edwin S. White, IMrs. 'Frank Bray, Warner Madre, Carson. Spivey, Dr. T. IP. iBrinn; members of tlh grammar school com mittee appointed were E. Q. White, Julian Mathews, Howard Williams, IRoy Chappell, Chester Butt, Hoy Winslow and Mrs. Henry Clay Sul livan. . : Senator J. pEmmett Winslow me. with the IBoard and discussed legis lation affecln'ng the schools. Oaths of office of the new mem bers were administered by., Clerk of Court W. H. iritt. . k Hertford Rotarians Hear Discussion On Highway Safety Jeff Wilson, Supervisor for the Council of Safety for the Motor Car riers' Association of 'Raleigh, was the guest speaker at a - meeting of the A special mtm' the Board' was "Hertford Rotary Club held Tuesday v.a led . for ,. Monday. APrilf. at h.iS"x " """'- o'clock when . tha srroup will Wt in ' , m ii ur Jmsi' M ..it;-', - ifhA Mm, jrkr .i Biubf WHWBmimflniij, t.t 1 echoola, - l.i i.1 1 n jn ' i i , , ,! ie ciose oi vne cnminai aocKet, 11 Betsy that is reached befor the end of the week. 'Listed for hearings were the follow ing civil actions: J. E. Winslow, et als vs. J. J. Alex ander, et als. Clifton R. Hardv vs. Mildred IS. Board of Directors for Jhe Corpora-1 Hardy. tion favored, the flection of John N. james E. Skinner vs. Rena Turner Bunch and Joe Wiggins of Chowan, I Skinner. A. T. Lane, Charles E. White andi Addie N. Jones vs. Doward A Floyd Mathews of Perquimans, Walter j0nes. IiOwery ancHTommls 'lempie oi ras- Thomas W. Coleman vs. Lula iMae quotank and James WOntehurst and .Coleman. THIS ivfflrs HEADLINES Pointing out that the Association's WAgan "Safety Is lyq JAccMent," Mr. Wilson told the, Rotarians has organi zation Is vitally interested in highway safaty and is working constantly with truck' drivers to help (promote greater highway safety. . The need for a trucking industry in North Carolina is very great, Mr. Wil son stated, adding that 1800 communi ties, including five couniHes in the State depend solely upon motor car riers for transportation of necessities to and from the communities. He told the club members the trucking industry in the state was small prior to "World War II, but grew with the demands : until today it is rather a I. W. Hastings of Camden. ( FoHiwing he eleCSon of the direc tors this body melt and elected A. T. Lane as chairman of the board for the coming year. Named as vice-cn air man was Joe Wiggins, secretary, Floyd Mathews, and treasurer, Chas. E. White. . ' , ; The by-laws Of the Co-op Calls for "iwo members from each of the four counties, comprising .he 'REA, to serve as director, and a ninth member is elected at large. John (Costen, manager for the Cor- WWtoiw-T;Meh..fl . Pi3 i.H?'!S!peland, Albert gram for' the jheeting expressed hi appreciation to individuals and mer chants who assisted in helping to make the meeting one of the best ever held. : Teachers and other IState employees failed to win cost of living pay in creases, sought from the General7 As sembly, in the appropriation bill-passed by the House this week. The House passed, the half billion dollar biennial 1&rj,e ibusjneg The safety program carried out by the Association, said Mr. Wilson, is supported by the 700 members of the appropriation ' measure Tuesday after va day long debate over the employees' jpay increases. A report from Raleigh stated many key" personnel in State agencies may resign as a result of the . failure to get pay increases. ,.; v United (Nations troops in Korea con tinue to make small, territorial gains, and crossings of the 38th Parallel, meeting little resistance from Com munist forces. On Tuesday UN sold iers advanced 10 miles across the di ividing line of North and South Ko rea, in. force, with IGaneral MacAr thur. reporting the 'UN strategy re mained unchanged, the strategy1 be ing one of maneuver . and jnot based on positional warfare. . ... J( (From, Washington this, week Secre-i- tair of the Treasurer Snyder reported tax payments to the iFederal govem ' mient had 'reached such a high mark , that t6A billions of dollars had been " . pared jfrom tiie requirements for he fiscal frear. 'Snyoer statea, nowever, that 'tye goVernment will need the ' 10 billion, dollars Bequested by Presi dent Truman to carry on the nation's i, defense program. '-, ,Ti f ' General Dwight (Bisenhower offi. cially began his new duties as Su- .lanti Treaty mflitiry forces in Park this week on issuing the general or- der aotivsjbins; tte ; command, i ,The Genera4'raff L is still being formed, ' there being several vacancies in field - commander positions. Members ibf the Notith lAtlanltic pact aie now ais- signing: troops to be placed trader the - direction of GeneraS Eisenhower. , , I.THVA IMRIiyr !H!!MJ Y ' . The Hertford Lions Club will meet ' Friday nigh at :4S o'docHc' at he ' Hotel Hertford. ' President (Clfiit Eley ' nrgas all members to be present. Association. These members being in dividuals owning from one to several trucks. Safety, based upon engineer ing, enforcement and education, is a chief function of the Association. The organization carries out its own policy of enforcement and recently adopted a private policing policy that has been copied by every motor carriers' as sociation in ithe country. A school for training truck drivers, located at State College, is also op erated by the Association , with lihe cooperation of allied industries, and the organization strives at this school to train the drivers to be alert at all times to highway hazards and to help maintain a high standard of highway safety. , 4-H Judging Team Wins Show Honors :. CPewjuimans County 4-H Club live stock judging team, directed by E. IL, Topping, 'Assistant County1 Agent, carried off top honors at the. Eastern Fat Stock Show held Wednesday at Rocky Mount . The team compewed of Clarence Chelppell, Jr.. who tied for third place individual scoring honors. Bobby Smith, Tilson Chapuell, John Hill and Craig tLane, the latter two as alternates, outscored other 4-H dub teamf competing in the show. J. ' t-ii The local 4-H team members at tended a banquet given Wednesday night in connection with the show, end were awarded trophies signifying their accomplishment in winning ton honors in una niogrng oi uvesvocK. vWi;; BTU Elimination Meeting Schedule Here On April 8th One of the high lights of the train ing program in the Baptist Church es of the Chowan Baptist Association will be observed Sunday afternoon, April 8, at 2:30 o'clock, in the Hert ford Baptist Church. At this time' ithe candidates from the local churches of the Association will assemble and make an effort to be successful, through this elimination meeting, and represent the Chowan Association in the five outstanding B. T. U. 'Projects at the Regional Training Union Convention in Ahos kie, April 13-14. The five projects are r Junior Memory Work Drill; In termediate Sword Drill; Young Peo ple's Better Speakers' Contest; Adult Bible"; Readers' Tournament;" Hymn Festival. " : . After a brief praise and worship period the five department leaders will conduct the elimination procedure and determine who will represent the association at the regional convention in each of the five projects. AH train ing union members, pastors, leaders, church members, and those interested, are cordially invited to attend this very ing. Lycurtis Harrell vs. Ruth Branch Harrell. Kyree Copeland vs. Catherine Cope-land. Josephine P. White vs. Willie A. Whi-oe. W. O. Hunter vs. D. F. Hopkins. T. J. Bass vs. L. T. Keel. Jurors drawn to serve 'on the jury at this term of court were: (Miss IMary Sumner, Walter Nowell, Mrs Henry) C. Stokes, iM. J. Gregory, Watson IRussell, IMrs. J. T. Biggers, Ellis Winslow, Job Stallings, Jarvis Hunter, Charlie Dail, iMrs. Clarence C. Chappell, Lawrence Towe, Edwin S. White, W. E. Matthews Jr., Carson Winslow, W. N. White, J. Quinton Riddick, Mrs. Howard Hunter, John A. Elliott, Garland Stallings, C. L. Mansfield, Alex Sjtallings, Leroy Lamb, Mrs. Guy Webb, W. D. Land ing, Carlton Nixon, W. T. Bagley, Cal vin Mansfield, Jr., ID. L. Reed, J. R. Fu- trell, W. M. Divers, Jr., IF. M. Cope land, Ernest L. White, Wni. C. Bar cli'ft, 'Shelton Hobbs, R. S. Monds, Jr., W. F. Madre, W. L. Bagley, Wallace Baker, Dielton StaHings, Jesse Harrell, John N. Lane, Sammy Monds, Calvin Godfrey, Milton Dail, 'Sr., Marion Copeland, W. E. Winslow, Robert Harrell, Alvah Madre, Mrs. R. R. White, Mrs. W. D. IRogerson, Edward Smith, Roy Stallings, Raymond Eure, Robert E. ' Sutton, Murden Stokely, Worth Dail, Corbin Dozier and Blount Eure. clay. Fifteen Selectees Left Wednesday For Army Induction Fifteen IPerquimans County youths left Hertford on Wednesday for in duction into the Armed Forces, through 'Selective Service, it was re ported ;oday by Mrs. Charley Cam pen, IClerk of the local Draft Board. The registrants selected for induc tion were William Samuel Riddick, Edgar Ray Mansfield, Emmett Lane, Walter J. Thompson, George Rogers Jennings, John Richard Welch, Eu gene Burke, James IBanks, Henry Gor don, Daly Rountree, Charlie Downing, George Godfrey, George Jennette, Johnnie 'Copeland and ILinwood Sut ton. Mrs. ICampen also announced 'Jiat 19 registrants left on Tuesday for Ra- le;ieh to undergo pre-induction ex aminations. Selective Service officials are now preparing to hold tests for students during the next two mombs, as or dered by President Truman early this week, to: determine further deferment for students passing the examinations to be conducted under this new order. Complete information regarding .these examinations may be secured at the local draft Office, incases where reg istrants are in doubt concerning the regulation. Historic Trophy Given Rotarians i . .. fateresting . and inspiring meet-in,gBt Members of the Hertford Rotary Club are the proud possessors of an historic trophy presented to the lo cal civic club this week by Congress man Herbert C Bonner. The trophy is a gavel, made from wood taken from the White House in Washington. Congressman iBonner secured the wood from timber taken from the White House, which is now undergoing extensive repairs. He had the wood made into the gavel and sent it to W. F. Ainsley, secretary of the club. Ainsley presented the trophy to Club President Herbert Nixon at the meeting of ithe club Tuesday Slaughterers Must Register With OPS .'-'.it. : ,. . Perquimans County slaughterers of Edwards Reappointed County Accountant W. IP. C v Edwards, County Accountant, was re-appointed to hss position for a term of flwo years, Eleven Gases In Court On Tuesday tor repayment, the bonds, as sold, will be numbered serially, and in de nominations of $1,000. Repayment of each series of bonds will be spread over a period of years running from 1953 through 1976. $8,000 will be re paid annually from 1954 through 1962; $6,000 annually in 1963 and 1964; $4, 000 annually between 1955 and 1968; $5,000 in 11969 and -10,000 annually from 1970 through 11976. Other matters handled by the Board during this meeting included the adoption of a resolution to be 9ent to Senators J. Emmett Winslow and William Copeland, requesting that a bill introduced in the House by Rep resentative Carroll H. Holmes, set ting a pay scale for the office or tne Clerk of Superior Court be rejected by the 'Senate. Petitions for improvement of two highways in the county wer pre sented to the board by Mrs. Joiin hy mens of Chapanoke an! W. I. Wins low of Belvilere Township. Both of these petitions were approved by the Commissioners and forwarded to the Highway Commission for its Consid eration. iFrank Skinner and (Frank ffessup appeared before the Board to request office space in the Agriculture . Build ing for the Artificial Breeding Asso ciation, recently organized in the Al bemarle counties. The Board " was notified the" office of ths District Soil Conservation of ficials will shordly be moved into the Agriculture Building. Ruring the noon recess members of the Board and J. W. Ward, Wi iF. C. Edwards, Clarence Chappell, Max Campbell. Charles E. Johnson and Mrs. W. E. White were guests of Commissioner William C. Chappell at a dinner at the Hertford Cafej P. T. A, TO MEET 4' ; fTbe Parent-Teacheiis 'Association of the ' Hertford (Grammar Fkrvwil will CC7JM3CTION I hold its monthly meeting Thursdav ;TTr VbtI plated (Peroulmans slamrh- ' The dance recital, o be presemeOj evening, A'pnl Vj, at 8 HVK., at the iters, genially, fall Into class two, and Fridav n!;ht !hv . ithe Hertford Dancrl school.' Crsw-Tom Madre will 'be in for comolete information negnrding y ICtas for the iendQt of the Hert-jrharfre of a very interesting irorraTnv smrhMTig regulfltio'ns, individuals idTroocfT" lrvs wi!J be given ;Ti.e cf e progMm w;:l Ia ii il.lzii to Willa X. Cttr 'of i tU ITt-'." 3 "l C.'iool ac j- 'T ' i U W C!u V All f lem-lP-' it"WMntion, 7fD Tuc'-r freet. -urn 5-'' "T-i:r e ? - lJ.: - r "s r " T ' " . liveatock, who slaughter for resale of I at a meeting of fte Board of County meats,; must be registered with thejCommissionera. held ..last Monday. Office of 'Price Stabilization by April! (Mr. Edwards was first named to the S in ' order 'to do any slaughtering af- jpost when the office was set np on er th deadline date, H was reported1 the organisation of the local Govern- here today by I, C. Yagel, who re- nwm Institute early in 1930 and has reived such notificatiori from the OPS j been ' highly commended on perform fftejHvrr' '''M&M jane -of his duties by the officials of . Slaughters, "f; like merchairts,Arethe (Local Ctevermtnent Institute. , among those wno may, register .and i commly with govermn&nt prioe control iwvnTstions. ad An this case slaugh- (terers are divided into several cK. A total of 11 cases were disposed of in Perquimans Recorder's Court, in session here on Tuesday. Cotnts of court were assessed against Walter Blum and Nat Dvorin, each of whom entered pleas of guilty to charges of speeding. Richard Morris entered a plea of guilty to a charge of failure to dim vehicle lights and paid the costs of court. iFines of $10 and costs of court were taxed against John Gladson and Zack Robertson on charges of speed ing. Odell Jordan, Negro, charged with reckless driving, was found guilty. He was ordered to pay a fine of $25 and costs of court, and pay for re pairs to a telephone pole which he struck with his car. John Kenly, Negro, charged with driving without : a license, failed to appear to answer the charge and the warrant was ordered returned to the arresting officer for service. Wilston Bateman entered a plea of guilty to a charge of failing to have a 191151 license on his trailer. He paid the costs of count Donnie Taylor, Negro, was found guilty and charged for assault with a deadly weapon. (She was given a 80 day jail sentence, suspended upon payment of $10 and coosts of court. Pteranimans' """" 'iauu, iigiv, raoiew wim "i-Tjiassault, was found guilty. He was orderd to pay the costs of count. : 1 Percell Woodhouse, Negro, entered PHS Senior Class; To Present Play On April 13-17 ! The Seniors of Perquimans High School are hard at work rehearsing for their annual class play, which is to be presented in the school audi torium on. April 13 and 17. This year's production, "The Thread of Destiny," is a comedy-drama of the Civil War area with a Gone With the Wind fla vor. ; The cast,; hsaded by Marv : Duns moor, who plays the lead as Viriginia Montgomery. 'includes, Iouis. Dawson, Virginia Gay, Kelly Miller, Calvin Butt, Elizabeth (Proctor, Norm,a Jean Godwin, Harold Colson, Catherine Goodwin, Christine Thatch, Mfiry Sue Cook, Burwell Winslow, Annf Bray, Imogene Chappell, Ruth 'Foster, Doris Faye Allen, Carroll Curtis Eure Percy RogersonJ White and Carolyn Harrell. j Special songs used in the pliy are: Are You iFrom Dixie, Yankee fDoodle Dandy, iSweetheart of Sigma Of, Deep Xll ouy xirai tLJva-i . Costumes are under the direction of Mrs. Anne Nowell. lighting, "Icenery and properties are being handled by Tommy ifflasbon, isherroa Tiignm ana Roy lChappeH. Programs ra being prepared by Tommy Maston an Sher- rod 'Pulghum. ,. Sallie irercen wooonouse, Tsegro, eneerea g j . AffAn1 VTTW plea of guilty to a charge "of park-j olXty iVliena V J? Mi ,; ing on the highway. He was fined $10 and costs of court. f4inchroo?n Workers ' A county meeting of , school lunch- .room workers; teachers and PTA EASTERN STAR MEETING ' groups will be held at IPerauimans 'ins eiRxea meenng, or xne wernora ign sscnooi on, iraonaay, April , oe Chapter No. ,187, ordr of the ''Eastern 'ginning at 8:30 o'clock, it wii n- District Meeting: Rtsr will' !h" hed Clondav n'gU, April ! no- -.d today by J. IT. IC:r 9. tt. 8 IP. M.; In the h,nter room.V.tvL.;hool SwoerlntenJmt fi ; fJomTnittees and Plans Tor fhe com-ier of the lTtae CTard f C ing ver will be, announced and all, give ti ' ; i nembers are iwquetrtcd to be oresentjtri'.ion. to t'V n r-iv irarfr in-ti.e for vl ' '"" ' ' ' ' " " x , V. '. if : . ,1 More than 60 members of t a Viet trans of;IFoxeign,Wars, from I .teo, Eliabeth City, Heytiford, IPlymo ' ands Edenton ottenided the Didtricl jot-". ing of the W Sunday at L vey Pointy with the Garland H. On! - - -t as host. ' During the bur'w- -t

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