WEEICLY li.Jrjl!j-Lli Volume XVIII. No. 15. hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, April 13, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy VcrbtyflfCssss IlLJTujSdayln CccGrilcr's Court Bond. Forfeited When ., ueienaant rails ro "Answer Charge , A total of 15 cases, consisting of a variety of charges,v made up the doc ket "of the Perquimans Recorder's Court in. aassion here on Tuesday. Lengthy testimony in several cases forced the court into an afternoon ses- sion. Fines of $10 and costs were assess d against Hyman Singer, Selma Markowitz and Charlies Toland, Jr.,' each of whom entered pleas of guilty! to charges of speeding. : Anthony -, Frattone, charged with speeding, entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. Robert L. Roberts, charged on two counts of reckless driving and driv ing drunk, was found guilty. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail, sentence to be suspended upon payment of a fine of $175 and payment of $75 for a te'ephone pole, cut down by Roberts' car. Robert was involved in a wreck on Route 17, on the night of April 5. His car was demolished. . . iRosa Gibbs, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of passing a school bus white the bus was unload ing children. She paid a fine of $25 afhd costs. Costa of court were taxed against the prosecuting witness, Elmer White, Negro, in the case charging Thaddeus "Elliott, Negro with assault A nol pros was taken by the State m ithe case int which Emmett Lan w as charged with reckless driving. , Esau Winslow, Negro, paid a fine of $15 and costs of court, after plead ing guilty to charges of driving with out a license iand driving with insuf- Jesse Ormond, Negro, was fined $10 1 m - xrZliLZ y , . 0 I - W1!. ' 1 xi u loogaiif iti?f&ivf ?ui.:vcvi (Continued on 'rage-five) TovnDoErdActs To Curb Traffic lere Traffic violation within the Town of Hertford was ithe main topic on the agenda at a meeting of the Hertford, Town Board, held last Monday night iln a letter written to the Mayor and Town (Board, Ithe "Hertford Junior, Chamber of Commerce voiced a com. plaint, charging numerous violations of the speeding and reckless drivingi laws, and requested action be taken 1by the authorities to curb these viola : tions. The (Board acted upon the request by ordering Town (Police to patrol the streets of Hertford an search of vio latora, and also to make a careful check of conditions in the downtown area. On motions ordered the IMayor was authorized to install, on trial basis traffic lights at ithe corners o Church and IDobb streets and Dobbrl and Hyde Park Streets. . ; Orders were also issued for the in stallation of a number of 20 mile pe hour Aens. to be ' installed at inter sections throughout ithe rtibwn. Under -State law, the speed limit of 20 miles: per hour can be designated in town at intersections where deemed neces sary iyt the governing body. In the suggestion of Ithe Junio Chamiber of Commerce, the 'Board in vite a committee of the Jaycees to attend the next meeting of the Board imd further discuss p ithe matter of, &9 v g. troops following traffic . violations wiifcin Hertford. the deaia talker, will The (Board adopted, ajresolution ex-j succeed MacArthur as Su- pressinr ittthanksnd mem ca, fog tf w. tjuwv - "" liam Copeland for heird and assist- ance in (the passage 'fH Lowell Bin ty .me iuegiature. ine om u IOT xunos vo vo piu n w. Hertford for the upkeep, of streets within tm Town. ,-, , Legion Auxiliary Meets Friday Night The Hertford Unit" of the American . Trofan Amriliarv wtftl hold its Anril meeting 'Friday night, 'April 13, at the home of HIr. Roulac Webtv it was an nounced today by Mrs. B. C. Berry, : ttresldent of the Unit. A program on Pan iAimerican win.water caused osg or damage. Te giwn unaer vm airecuon 01 mm T. G. (Skips??. Member are urged to attend .this; meeting as a presi- dent for W.ZZ2 will be elected at this) time ' and other impct.. Jt business) matters will fce dLscueJ. pUGOF-WAR GAME IN KOREA The 7th Marine Regiment put on It, typical Fourth of July sports program in early January when they Preached a rest camn after the December campaign in Hamming. HERTFORD flOTARIAflS TOLD LITTLE HOPE IS SEEN FOR VORiUG PACT WITH REDS Native of Hungary Is Guest Speaker at Club Meeting "I see no hope of aVorking agree ment with Russia," Dr. Udvarnoki, pastor of the Gatesville Baptist Church, and former president of the Baptist Theological Seminary in Buda pest, Hungary, told members of the Hertford 'Rotary Club at their weekly meeting held Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. Dr. Udvarnoki, a native of Hung ary, who studied in the U. S. during his youth, and iteturned to America in 1947, spoke to the Rotarians on life behind the Jfofr Curtain. He stated there is really Iwo. iron curtains, one separating the Russian satellite na tions from the Western World and the second separating the satellites from the Russian' themselves, - S peaking of the arrests of numer- Dr. Udvarnoki said, Witt was merely a planned program 1by Russians 1 in nhiit. nff trifta And nMifltjuuv. from America, thus lending a hand to the Communist propaganda that only! Russia was interested in the welfare nf nemlft of h world. With the1 arrests of the churchmen the word got around that others receiving assist- ance from America would be arrested and tried for (treason. Thus America. was asked to stop sending money a:ii gifts and ithe Russians plan became successful. Another step in the Russian propa ganda scheme,' Dr. Udvarnoki said was the constant theme the Commun ists used on the radio and press that only Russia was a free and cultured nation, interested in advancing socia conditions for the people. "Communists use hatred as the core of their propaganda," Dr. Udvarnoki continued, 'attampting ito instill into the roeoiple a violent dislike of every thing pertaining to the way of life in the western world, and consider in dividuals only as an easily replaced part of a vast machine which is th State." A unified front of all the people of thA fnA world is needed if Commun ism is to he stopped and' freedom is to continue, the speaker' seated. . Tins WEsrs HEADLINES Announcement was made from Washington early (Wednesday morn ing that General Douglas MacArthurj had been relieved as Supreme Com' mander of the United Nations troops in Korea. The report said that Gen General MadArthur Is expected to set off prolan?ed debates in Washington, ReaCtim to report throughout the country mixed. Meanwhile on the war front in Ko rea,' United iNations troops were inching . ahead in the battle against Communists. -The heaviest fighting was reported around Hwachon Reser voir, where Communists were putting up strong resistance to keep the UN soldiers from capturing the reser voir. OSarly in the week the Com munists had opened the flood gates of the reservoir, flooding the imme diate area with high water, but UN troops gained high ground before the ASSOaATlONAL MEETING - The associations! (WISU meeting will be held at IShlloh 'Baptist XSiurcn at 10 A.' M., oil April 20. mm Dtpt. of Dtftu Phett OPS f.iEETiuG Hertford merchants are invited to attend a meeting of the OPS to be held in Elizabeth City Friday. Two meetings will be held one at 4 o'clock and another at 8 o'clock, both of which will be in the Agri- cultural Building. At these meetings information will be given regarding' OPS, when G. C. Meads and Thompson Green wood, executive secretary of the North Carolina Merchants Associ ation will speak. ' Bethiitluritans To Stage Vomanless VEpgAs:ril2fl ' - ' Hilarious entertainment is in store for residents of Perquimami County when the Bethel Ruritan XJlub stages its Womanless Wedding on April 20, at the Hiirh School auditorium. 'At a recent meeting of the Bethel 1 Ruritans parts were assigned and first1 rehearsal will be held soon. ,,, nar' nf AKmnrt, anA blushing bride, Rosebud Delicatessen Hightower, will be !F. A. McGoogan, height well over six feet, The big bruiser selected to play the part of bridegroom, Archibald Hercu les Haystack, is Perquimans County Agent I. C. Yagel, who weighs in a 140 pounds. Uniting the couple, in marital con fusion will be the Reverend Hogwash Hackensack Stoopnagle, with Bernard F. IProctor taking ithe role. Best man will be Julian (Long; maid of honor, Earl i Topping; matron o honor. Emmett ILong; mother of the bride, Warner Madre; mother of ithe bride, Elliott Layden; father of the brideeroom. Edgar long; jilted lover A. Houston ; Edwards; bridesmaids, Freeman Lonjr. Roy S. Chappell, En nb Phillips.; Charles Ward; grand-! mother of the bride, J. J. Phillips; flower airl. I. C. Long: ring bearer Dick Long; ushers, Billy White and Charles 'Skinner, Jr. J. P. Snipes will be special soloist and Jiesse Curtis, pianist. Special commentator for the occa sion will be Perquimans (School Sup erintendent J. T. SBiggers. The Womanless Wedding, proceeds of which will be used for the founding fund of the Bethel Ruritan Club, will begin at 8 o'clock on March 20. Hobbs Rites Held Monday Afternoon Funeral services for James Carlton Hobbs, i89, of Durants 'Neck, who died Sunday at Albemarle Hospital, were conducted (Monday afternoon at four. o'clock at Elizabeth City, by the Rev. J. C. Chaff in, patetor of the New Hope (Methodist. Church. Pallbearers ? were Carson Banks Robert Sutton, Ervin Turner, Lucian Butt, Carson IStallings and Guy Webb,! Jr. Burial was in the rhurch ceme tery. . , , : Library Circulation . Reported At 2,406 : Circulation figures for ithe Per quintans County library were- report ed for the months of (February and (March, at a meeting of the 'Library! Board on Tuesday morning. ; :- A total of 2,331 feooks were circu lated during Pebruary and the total! reached 2,406 during March, (Mrs. Silas M. Whedbee, Ubrarian. report - ed. (She also announced that 84 new adult books and 47 juvenile books had been added to toe library volumes. i 1 . Qualification Test Rules For College Students Announced Information on Tests Available at Local Draft Office Information about the qualification test for possible draft deferment of: college students is available at the wioxeiuiinansvounity Lfraiil; """"h vctii u. lYvjiissiow, vnuirman 01 the Board stated today. National Se Icctive Service Headquarters recent- Byeas, $358.44 Mrs. J. n.fMkZT!Z I ZZ f qUf fied st"de"t8 Tld Hertfrd area' ?377-33! selection and seven had enteS Z tlu W , ' r defe!Ms' aSfd on H. Towe, business and professional, race for the pasts as Town Commit nZ n S"UC rS contributions, $399; J. H. Tucker, col- s.oners. Seeking re-election as me made on the qualification test. ored division $18530. Lers of BJyA incuXnts R Applications for the tests should Mr. White again thanked his soli- C. IBerry, M. J. 'Gregory, W. H. Hard he made to local draft boards. The citors for a splendid job well doni castle and Henry IClay Sullivan. The W , f'ven on three date?, aild tte public for its fine C00perajnw candidates who have filed are May 26, June 16 and June 30, at ex-i tion in ,the ,Red CroSa drive in helping! Robert IL. IHollowell, W. Ray White "" 'T ' . tu ."'a bulletin of information iNearest points w xiei uuru wnere iuie ess miy a taken are at BCTC, Greenville; AOC, Wilson; Wake Fortest College; UNC, hapel Hill; Fayettevilte iState Teachers cflege; and State College at Raleigh among others. It was announced that high schoo graduates and others who are candi dates for admission to their first year of college will not be eligible to lake the test until (they have entered upon their first year of college. The wplicant need not he in a four-year college, but his course of study must be' satisfactory for transfer of credits to a degree-granting institution. A summary of regulations govern ing the tests follows: Who may apply: Any college stu- dent who is a registrant under the selective service act ana nas not. 1 t ached his 126th (birthday. ( How to apply: Get application post any selective servio? local board. Mail thi appliration as soon as possible. -The test: A three-hour written ex amination. . - (Purpose: To determine whether or not a registrant may be considered for deferment from military service as a student. I Results: Will he sent to local board. Legionnaires Name Berry fls Commander For Coming Year 'B. C. Berry was elected as com mander of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion,- for the coming year, at a meeting of the post held April '6, at the Agriculture Build ing in Hertford. , Other officers elected y the post were C. IF. ISumner, firat vice-com- mander; Shelton G. IChappell, second vice-comntander; Vivian C. IDale, third vice-commander; Thumian White, I Adjutant; V. N. Darden, iFinance Of ficer; C. C. Banks, Service Officer; Joe Nowell, Athletic Officer; Tommy Miller, Sergeant-At-Arms; W. T. Willoughby, Chaplain; Carroll Ward, Guardianship Officer; W. IF. Ainsley, Historian; Ralph White, iMiembership Officer; George Roach, (Boys State; L. 'L. Winslow, (Child's Welfare; James Snipes, School Awards; iGeorge Wins low, Graves and Registration Offi oer; P. T. Johnson, Oratorical Officer; F. B. (Nixon, (Americanism; Billy White; (Boy Scout Officer"; Quincy Riddick, Sons of Lehion; Charles Skinner, Jr., Public Relations Officer. Following the election of officers, delegates to the State Legion Con' vention, to 'be held in Asheville, June 1-2, were named as follows: B. C, Perry, Shelton G. Chappell and C. F, Sumner. Any other member of the. post desiring to attend this conven tion is requested to contact the Post Commander or Adjutant regarding arrangements. The Post has plans being completed for a eountv-widA acran drive to helm the war effort. Commander 'Snipes urges all members of the local post to cooperate in this drive by donat ing scrap metal, delivery of same to points to be designated at a later date. May 3, has been bet as the date for the next regular meeting of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post, and all members are urged to be present for this meet ing. An Interesting program has been planned. - FIREMEN ANSWER CALL tr Li 1 TV r 4...- ...il: led to the Savoy, located on Marke .Street last iFnday. to extinguish a blaze which started in an overstuffed chair. Only damage resulting from the fire was the chair. ' " TOWN POLITICAL ACTIVITY INCREASES AS EIGHT CANDIDATES SEEK LOCAL OFFICES Meets Quota W. W. .White, Perquimans Red Cross iFund Drive chairman, report ed Tuesday that the county's 1951 Red Cross quota has been oversub scribed with still a few reports to be made by some solicitors. .Contributions reported by Mr. Whits tolaIed ?1320.07 and were turned in by the co-chairmen as fol- I -nra I (VI on Minn U AUin Mln to put this county over the quota of, i ,017 Indians Trounce II GameOnTuesday Perquimans feigh School's ba3ebal new and voting day on April 23. team won its second game of the sea- Six o'clock Friday, April 13, is the son on Tuesday by trouncing the deadline for candidates to file for of highly rated Windsor High School toy fice and the election is scheduled to an 8 to 1 score. Coach Ellie Fear follow 10 days later, on Monday, ing's diamondeers gained a 3-0 edge, April 23. in the first inning on one hit and sev- oval errors committed hv the visXtuur piayere .then added additional runs I, fha .cAnind tty4 aivtli arA iv I eiith innings. I Lefty Earl Rogerson, Indian pitch r.g ace, held the Windsor batters in check, giving up only two hits in eight innings. Rogerson struck out ninjjWindsor batters. Vance White! relieved Rogerson in the ninth inning i and retired the side by striking ou tWO. :' Huntei1, ILane, IStallings, Towe, Mor ris and Walker all connected for hits of! the Windsor pitcher, Costelloe, who, a 1' owed seven hits during the eight innings he pitched. The contest played Tuesday was the' first of a series of games the Indians. will play in .the State elimination: play-offs. On Pnday the Indians will ! play the second of this series by meet-, ing Hobbsville on the Hobbsville Oia- mond. . . .. Local fans will have the opportu- nity of witnessing the Indians play- ing m nome TOiree omw nwi The trames are scheduled to be played on Memorial Pield on Monday, Wed- day's contest will be against Hobbs ville; Wednesday the Indians will play Chowan, and on Friday they will play Columbia. The line score of the Windsor game was: Windsor Perquimans - R H 000 002 0002 .310 102 lOx 8 7 OPS Reports Must Be Rled ByApril30th A round-up of basic OPS require-l mienta affecting thousands of Eastern North Carolina manufacturers, retail ers and wholesalers has been released by the District Office of Price Stabili zation '.(OPS). All grocers, wholesale and retail, independent and chain, must report to the Raleigh OPS office by April 80 the trade group which classifies his busi ness. The four grocery trade groups established Iby OPS daw are described in Ceiling Price Regulations 14, 15 and 16. Department, jewelry, furniture, mu sic and sporting goods stores must submit pricing charts to the Raleigh OPS office before April 30 under CPR 7. 'A recent Um 7 amenamen brought jewelry, crockery, sports goods, musical instouments and pawn smir ii?hib uiiuci iwie , Pood cost per dollar of (sale reports are due now from all restaurants (in eluding concessions, stands and soda, fountains) and every four months hereafter under CPR 11. - AU manufacturers, wholesalers and, retailers still must maintain records of costs and prices for the GCFIK "base period," December 119, 1950, to January 25, 19Si'. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT fifr. and IMrs. Felix Zarosa of Pa tuxent River, Md., announce the birth of a daughter, 'Ann Perry, born March 13th at the MAS Hospital. Mrs. Za- rosa before her marriage was Miss, Lillian Rae Perry. Seven In Race For Posts As City Commission ers; Mayor Seeks Re-Election 'Political activity over ithe coming election for the Town of Hertford was on the upswing this week as eight candidates entered the race for posts on the Town Board. W. G. Newby, Town Clerk, with whom individuals must file notice of ri-hsv,'.. j 1 1 1 and Edison iHarris. Mr. Hollowell was the must candi date to file for Tit having paid his filing fee last Thursday. The incum bent members all filed shortly after wards and Mr. White and Mr. Harris filed as candidates on Tuesday of this week, Interest in the town election has in creased somewhat since the candi dates have appeared in the field and no doubt there will be considerable I discussion of th election between Saturday is the final day for reg- istration for the election and residents of Hertford who are not already list ed on the registration books must register in order to be eligible to cast votes in the election. IMrs. . B. G. Koonce, (Registrar, will be located in the Court House for the purpose of registering voters. InMeetingVitli School Committees Members of the Perquimans Coun- w W , . R. o(.J. ,. D., rf discussing and Kg I ulations with members of the vari- com,m.itteeSi Dr T IR Brinn wag elected Pair r,ii, e1,i nnym;hha A . retary S This commit- tee then re-elected E. C. Woodard as principal of Perquimans High School and set the date of April 23 as time for a meeting of the committee to select teachers for the next year. The grammar school committee named E. Q. Whiite as its chairman and IMrs. Henry Clay Sullivan as sec retary. This committee voted to meet on April 18, at which time it will elect principals for the Hertford and Central Grammar Schools. ' The IBoard of Education voted to meet with the county chapter of the N1CEA for the chapter's annual meet ing, at which time all past and pres ent members of the Board of Educa tion will (be honored for their ser vices to the county school system. Central PTA Meet Scheduled Monday The Parent-Teachers Association of Perquimans Central Grammar School will meet Monday evening, April '16, at 8 P. M., in the school auditorium. "Recreation, A Must" is the topic for discussion under leadership of the White Halt Community. (Don Helms, director of the Elizabeth City Boys' Club, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Chaff in will give the devotional. Miss Dorothy Maynard will sing, as well as members of the seventh grade. All parents are "urged to attend. , AttendinST State Meeting Of NCEA Three Perquimans County teachers are attending the (North (Carolina Edu- cation Association meeting being held this week at Asheville. The local rep- Msentativea are J. T. Biggers, Super- . iotendent of (Schools, E. C. Woodard, principal of Perquimans High School and Miss Johnnie White, member of the faculty at Central Grammar School. . BERTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe fallings of Elizabeth City and formerly of Win fall announce the birth of a da ugh - ter, Laura Margaret, born Tuesday, ..ihu v. m iw.i nwik..v ..vu pivui. ,