'OICTEBD CHZiMSITtft GEE OY IHY CI SUPO & : April Term of Court Ad- ' journed' Thursday By Judge Morris . The Awil Item of Perouimana Su- perior Court convened here Monday, witih" Judge Chester Morns of Curri tuck presiding. A total of 21 cams , wer listed on the criminal. . docket, and there was little hope- of any cases, other than a few divorce a tic-ns, being disposed of on. tithe ciyijl calendar. :. 1A nol proa was taken "by the State in the cases in which Booker T. Har- roll, Negro, was charged with driv ing drunk, and Sleeker Alexander was charged with being drunk and difKirrierlv. v;. ;v:v I In iHie""TtrsE"' case " tried, that of wife Ons fire to woodlands, a -J dered by Judge Morris, A verdict of not guilty was re turned by the jury in the case of Jo seph Armstrong, Negro, charged with driving drunk. ."":' -'UA: The case of Trannte SpeEman, Ne gro, charged with manslaughter, in connection with a log truck-echool bus - accident, which resulted in the death of Jrene Foreman, in February, 1960, was started late Monday afternoon. The case went to the jury about 11 A. M. Wednesday morning and a ver dict of not guilty was returned by the jury, some 40 minutes later. Spellman was released by the , Court. On Tuesday Solicitor Walter Co- hoon took a nol pros in the cases in which Roosevelt Smith, Negro, was ehorvpa -with -"' itwwrwutsiTw and Ta.iv ceny; Maurice Saunders was charged with reckless driving and James Langston, was charged with driving drunk. The case of Posie Moore, charged with driving drunk, was continued un til .the next term of Superior Court. The Grand Jury returned no true bilk in the cases in which John Grant was charged with breaking and enter ing; and Myrtle Harrell was charged with being an. accessory after the tact "Not true fWu was also re turned in the case in which Jack Keel was charged with assault. Two more eases; those tljMJfMor ris. Jr.. and GfA-VwiriM charged with driving drunk, ; were heard Wednesday afternoon. The jury deliberating the Morris case 'reported at five o'clock St -was" unable to reach a verdict and Judge Morris ordered, the. members ito return Thursday to . continue deliberations. The lEure case was expected to reach the jury sometime Thursday .morning. This left six criminal cases on the docket at the recess of the court Wednesday night. Near the close of the Wednesday afternoon sessions Judge Morris or dered T. -J; Baas to be placed in jail because Bass had entered the court room in a drunken condition. Tc iflpn April 23 ' The Perquimans Business and Pro fessional woman 3 viut wiii sponsor its second annual bicycle and safety contest during the week of April 23 ' to 28, it was announced here .today. .'' ,-Plans' for: the contest were com pleted at a business Meeting of .tflie x Club members, held last Friday night the home of Mrs, Viola Nachman. C t The contest will be divided into five j categories, with a large number of, , prizes to be awarded winning entrants. The categories, any or all of which , school children may enter, are Bicycle V Scrapbooks, Safety Posters, Logans, Bicycle Parade and Sale Riders. The , first three of these contests 'will be carried out though the' schools in the1 1 county, and childnen erttering'are ad- vised that all scrapbooks, (posters, and - slogans must be turned in to teachers 4 by Thursday! April .26. i , A mammoth bicycle parade 'will' cM , v max the safety campaign, and will , be held in (Hertford on Saturday April " 28, weather ipermitting. The parade will be under the supervision i of the Hertford Junior Chamber of . wuuuvivvt .... -.. - All 'contests; conducted in connec tion with the safety campaign, will be -divided into classes, ' it was ' an- nounced. Children in grades one 4 uirougu naive, wm De in group I; - children in grades four through seven will be in group 2, and students in irrades eight through .02 will be in 4.1. .V il .. . . -T. I . ' group three. " Complete instructions regarding the rules !ox the contest may be' obtain ed by any child, desiring to enter, irom this teacner, and the prizes will! ,be awardsd a certain number to: each) K'vuj ouu om unuviuuai Eomegc - DNWsSecond Annud Safety Drive The grand jury,' alt the April term of Perquimans Superior Court, made its report Ito the Court at IZ:45 V, M. Wednesday -after having passed on all bills sent by the court and complet ed inspections c county offices . and properties. ;v;;V;'- -';:.f ""''"i' Inspection of county offices led the grand Jury to report all were in good, clean condition and all records and Ales in order the grand .jury report ed minor repairs needed at three school buildings, and a thorough cleaning of the Court House attic. The jury reported the jail in good condition inside and out, and the in terior exceptionally clean. . . reported it ocfc vOn examination of .the County Home condition and recommended ' the entire interior ibe painted, screens installed and new furnishings installed in each bedroom. Also recommended was re- pairs to ' the , porches, heating and lighting systems' and periodical in spection by County Commissioners and Health Department. M. J. Gregory signed the report as chairman of the Grand Jury. SercorM Clubbers Miss -Perquimans County of 1961 will be picked joy out-of -county judges on the Senior 4-IH Club's program Thursday, April 26,' at .'8 o'clock in the"lPerquimans High ''School audi torium. The program, which was worked up by the "Senior 4-H Club members with ' 4-H Clubber (Bobby Smith as chairman, is the result of senior" 4-H Club members' determina tion to have a record player and mi crophone for 'recreation purposes. ' All money from the sale of tickets, which can ibe ' bought rrom any 4-H Club member, will go toward .the purchase of a combination 'record player and micophone. 44H'er Bobby Smith stated that any club or organization that wishes to help with the sale of tickets and making the program a successwould have the privilege of using the machine in thear organiza tion. . . ' The program will consist of & short play by eighth graders Virgil Cope land, IBilly v Baker, Barbara Edwards, Phyllis Trueblood, Carolyn Eure and Joanna Williford. Also other high school organizations will contribute to the program. The winner of the beauty contest will be selected and Crowned that night and will 'be presented a cup' with her name and IMias 'Perquimans County of 1951 engraved upon it. Those n- itcrinsr the contest are as follows Irene Hunter, Bettae Ann Matthews, Janice Sumner, Earlene Chappell, Frances Sutton, Janice Yagel, Barbara Lee Sawyer, Suzanne Towe, Marion Elliott, Eva Russell, Emily Ann Sum. ner, Nellie Cartwright, Margaret But ler, Shirley Copeland, Nonie Lou Lane, Barbara Butt, Mary. IDunsmoor, Mary Beth , Perry, (Louise Jordan, Katherine Hurdle, Kaye Stanton, Sal ly. Overton, Marion Elliott, Elizabeth Proctor, Doris Jf aye Allien and Vir ginia Gay. Rites May For l."rs. Joyce Ifcrre'l Mrs. Joyce Brattain Harrell, 69, widow of the late Charles M. Harrell' Sr died last Saturday morning at 7 80 o'clock eit the Aibemarte Hospital after a long iUnefia.: : ?v k. She was a native of Davidson, the daughter of John 'Eli and Mary Honey- curo OBrattain.: '-1 -'"' Survivors are-' a son,1 Charles M. Harnell, Jr., a daughter, (Hans. Joyce Gray, of Alexandria, Vs., three sis Anrs, Mrs.' Cyrus Codvin of (Davidson, Mrs. Sumpter Templeton of Moores cille, Mrs. George Smith of Cornelia, and a brother, W. A. OBrattain of Charr Jotte. , ( IFuneral services were conducted Monday morning at H o'clock at Ithe graveside in Cedarwood Cemetery by the iRev. A. L. Chaplain paator of the Hertford Methodist Church. Pallbear er were John Wileon, Walter and i'asre Brattain, T. S. Mitchiell and T. J. Harrell. ' ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. 'Wendell & Benton announce' the birth of a daughter. 'wenay uuae, on Avril 10.- To Conduct Beauty Contest April 26 til!.,. II!Im4'm Sc: J domination For Tovn Office Large Vote Expected to Be Cast In Primary On April 30 Nine candidates are seeking thfe nomination to represent the Town of Hertford as Mayor and Cpmmissiiners at Ithe primary election ito be held on Monday, April 30, it was reported to day by W. G. Newby, Town Clerk, with, whom the candidates had filed for office. ,u . , : The list for candidates include all members of the present board. Mayor V. N. Darden is seeking re-election and he is opposed by T. E. Baper, who filed as a candidate for the office last Thursday. Seeking posts as Town Commis sioners are incumbents B. C. Berry, M. J. Gregory, W. H. Hardcastle, Henry Clay Sullivan, and three resi dents seeking the office for the first time, W. Kay White, (Robert L. Hoi lowell and Edison Harris. Interest in the election has been on the upswing for Ithe past few days and a representative vote is expected to be cast in the primary on April 30. (Registration books for the pri mary close this Saturday and Mrs. B. G. Koonce, registrar, stated several new names were added to the books. Challenge day for the election will be observed next coming Saturday. Only one polling place will be open ed for the town election, this is in accordance with past procedure, and this voting precinct will be located in the Court House. The polls will be open from :30 A. M., until 6:30 P.M. . There are no individual contests in the Town election concerning the of fices as Commissioners, that is no one candidate is running against another, but the commissioners will be nomi nated by voters casting ballots for four of the candidates, and the four candidates receiving the highest num. ber of votes will be declared.the nomi nees." ' . ' . . ', " Likewise there are no 1 zones or wards connected with Ifchft election Thus-Tioiera when casting1 itheir-bal- lots, 'mrsy vote for any four of the seven candidates listed 'for these posts. . ' ' ;,' Bethel Ruritans To Give Program iFriday night is the time, and the auditorium . of (Pertjuimans High School is the place for the Woman- less Wedding sponsored by the Bethel Ruritan Club. ' ' The Bethel Ruritans have prepared a hilarious program of entertainment with a cast of characters including well known community ingures elab orately costumed to fit the parts they will take. , Taking the spotlight as the blush ing bride, Rosebud Delicatessen High tower, will be tall and lanky F. A. McGoogan, with (Perquimans County Farm Agent, I. C. Yagel, as the lucky bridegroom, Archibald Hercules Haystack, Bernard iF, Proctor will officiate at the nuptial event, , in .the role of the Reverend Hogwash Hackensack Stoop nagle. ''.;';':-1 ''"'.''..':,'."'.''; Completing the cast will be best man, Julian Long; maid of honor, Earl Topping; matron of honor, Em mett Long; mother of -the bride, Warner Madre; mother of the bride groom, T. K. Kirby; 'father of the' bride," Elliott Layden: father of the groom,' Edgar Long; grandmother of 1 the bride, J. JDPhilhps; disappointed suitor, A. Houston Edwards; brides maids,' Flijtemah. Lijing, Boy S. Chap- peii ijsnnw . CRhillips, Charles Ward; flower girl, I. C. Long; ushers, Billy White and Charles Skinner, Jr. '' Special musk for the occasion will be rendered by Jamie P.' Snipes, with piano' accompaniment. !.';!' (No small part of the (entertainment will be, provided by the costumes worn by the characters, and me commen tary on the ' event by (Ruritan J. T. Riggers, Perquimians County School Superintendent, ' ! ffProceeds derived from the Woman less 'Wedding will be used by tite Ru ritans for their building fund. 1 They I have just recently completed the Bethel Community Building. ; ? " 'f-ri.U'l''' . w. '- ':. i :. .- .y . . ',' EASTERN STAR TOMEET . The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will hold fa rpcnrtm.r mating 1 next Mondav nieht at the 'odoe rooms.. 'All members are unred OnFridayNight County f.ta Idled Accidsntelly By j Discherged Shotgun Funeral Held Monday ;For Henry ElUott Ofi Woodville Mather Henry Elliott, 3d, promi nent Perquimans County farmer, of near Woodville, died instantly at about 11;30 o'clock last Saturday morning, at his home, when an automatic shot gun was discharged accidentally, blow ing away the top part of his head. A short time before the accident! Elliott, who lived near the Woodville Airport, had asked his wife for Sonne rags with which to clean his gun. He then went to his work shop, adjacent to his home. His youngest son, Jo seph Elliott, six, was standing on the back porch of. the home and heard the blast. The boy went to the work Shop and discovered nis. father lying on the ground fatally injured. He returned to the house and reported the acci dent to his mother. Sheriff M. G. Owens and Coroner Dr. C. A. Davenport were called toj the 'scene and. conducted an investi gation. Later -.in the day Dr. Daven port conducted an inquest ait which a large number of witnesses testified. Sheriff Owens testified to the coron er's jury that he was familiar with the type of gun, owned by Mr. EHidtt, and that it was a Belgian-made automatic shotgun so constructed that when finsd normally or intentionally eject ed the shell from the gun. This did not occur, according to Sheriff Owens, when the gun discharged killing Mr. Elliott, thus showing an accidental firing of the gun. i'The coroner's jury, composed of R. Ci Murray, V. N. arden, Wayland Butler, C. W. White, L. B. Sitter- siin and E. L. Jennings returned a ver dict of death bv accident. IFuneral services for Mr. Elliott were conducted Monday afternoon at four o'clock at Elizabeth City. 'Survivors' include his wife, Mrs. Catherine Whitehurst Elliott; two daughters, Marion 16, and Alice Faye, 8; ' two sons, Carlton, 13 and Joseph (iiutty, tj; Ilia Marcuta, lui. euiu mia. Tnh Flliott: three sistersMrs. Tom White, of Winfall; Mrs. Weldon Hollo- well, Edenton, and Miss Minnie Belle, Elliott RFD Hertford, and two bro thers, L. B. Elliott and J. A. Elliott, both of RFD 3, Hertford. Perquimans Indians Win Two Games Over Mobbsvine Nine 'Perquimans High School's baseball team, shooting for its sixth straight championship in the Albemarle area, chalked up victories number three and four at the expense of Hobhsville High School last Friday and Monday afternoons. The Friday contest was played at Hobbsville with the Indians winning by an 8-2 count. Earl Roger son, star hurler for the Indians, pitch ed the first seven innings and was then relieved by Winslow. Rqgerson struck out nine batters and walked two, allowing two runs in the fourth inning. : Garland" Walker was the best hit ter for the Indians, getting two bingles for four trips to the plate. iPerquimans scored one run in the second, third and fifth innings and had a field day in the fourth when the Indians collected five runs. : The In dians got " eight runs on seven hits and committed one error while Hobbs ville got two runs on four hits and committed four errors. iRogerson was again the winning pitcher in the game Tuesday, when he did the hurling for nine innings, giv ing up three hits and striking out sev en batters. His control was excel lent and he gave no walks. : - Vance Bright was the big man with the stick for the Indians hitting safe ly five times in five tries at the bat Perquimans got two runs in the first inning, two in the fourth and four in the seventh in Tuesday's game' while Hobbsville, tallied its lone score in the second inning. (Perquimans had 8 runs on 10 hits and made three er rors while Hobbsville scored one run on three hits and committed no errors. On. Friday afternoon of this .week the Indians will play Columbia here in Hertford and will meet the Ply mouth nine here on Memorial Field next Friday, April 27; " . , , t IRECITALS PLANNED The Tnual recitals for music pu "iM of Mrs. 1R. M. iRdddick have been TiTinnTMd as follows: . high school rnU !M.v 15t grammar school pu- o,im.vw 9 A . "Ponenta and friends are iv Twid to attend the pro- BOARD OF EDUCATION TO RECEIVE DIDS FOR HERTFORD NEGRO SCHOOL ADDITION m Destroyed J District ATU and ABC officers cap tured a huge 200-gallon still, arrest- e done man, and poured out 30 gal lons of whiskey in a raid conducted last Saturday about three miles from Hertford. ATU agents Jack Gasldll and Felix O'Riley and ABC officers A. B. Baum and B. V. Halstead, who took part in the raid, found the upright copper still in a woods near Buzzards Fork about three miles west of Hertford, They destroyed the still and 460 gal lons of mash and .poured out the il legal whiskey. Arrested at the still was Lee Step ney, Negro, of Hertford. Two other men got away from the officers before they could be apprehended. Central PTA Names Officers For Year The Perquimans County Central Grammar 'School Parent-Teacher As sociation met Monday evening in the school auditorium with .the president, Carl Yow, presiding. 'America" was sung by th group. Mrs. J. C. Chaffin conducted the de votional and aflter Scripture and re marks sang "The Lord's Prayer," ac companied by Miss Dorothy Maynard at tho piano. The speaker for the evening was Don Helms, director of the Elizabeth City Boys' Club. He spoke on the subject "Recreation Is a Must,'' in which he pointed out results of the recreation program in his club and the effect it has on the lives of the boys and the community at large. A group of seventh grade boys sang "Shortinin' Bread." The treasurer's report w$s given, after which the president' message was read. , 7, MSL'X.. Mr. "Snipes spoke on results of the insurance plan used this year. . 'Room representative chairman, Mrs. Jack Benton, gave a report of what had been accomplished in .the various rooms by her group. j Reports were given of two study j group meetings held recently and the last one to be held was announced.'. It will be in the home of Mrs. Joel Hollowell with .the Winfall group. A motion was carried, to sponsor, the Girl . Scouts next year and that $50 be appropriated to these PCCG Girl (Scouts to be used in making awards and necessary supplies. Announcement was made that post ers were to be mads for next meeting to be judged as to art and safety. The nominating committee sub mitted the following officem, who were approved by the association: Presi dent, Mrs. W. H. Mathews1; vice president, Mrs. Tom Riddick; secre tary, Mrs. Delyiri Eure; assistant sec retary, Miss Johnnie White; treasur er, Mrs. Charlie IRogerson. Mrs. Edwin 'White's first and second grade won the attendance award. A picnic supper will be held at 6:30 prior to the regular May meeting. Peanut Allotment IncreasedSlighOy Perquimans Couuty has .been assign. ed a new peanut quota for 1951, ac cording to an announcement made this week by W. E. White, secretary of the IPMA Committee.' The new quota, almost identical with (that of 1950, was made in accordance with the higher acreage peanut bill recently, passed by Congress affecting Virginia and North Carolina growers. Instructions for applying the in creased acreage were given PMA of ficials at a meeting held last Thurs day at Tarboro. )PMA offices are using the average peanut acreage for 1948, 1949 and 1950. and applying a factor of .2004 to this average to get the increase for the county. . Mr. White reported that ' very shortly every peanutl producer in the county will receive notice of his re vised allotment, and this will be his acreage for 1951. He added that in figuring these revised allotments, there will be changes in each form, and some farmers will have higher acre age allotments, as compared with Ithe three year average and some will be lower. . ' At Meeting Monday For Perquimans May 3 Set As Date For Proposals To Be Opened Here Sealed bids for the construction of an addition to the Hertford Negro School, will be received and opened by the Perquimans Board of Educa tion on Thursday, May 3, it was re ported today by John T. Biggers, County Superintendent of Schools. IPlans for .the addition, which con sists of five classrooms, a combina tion library and lunchroom, and a heating plant, have been completed by the architect, J. W. Griffin, and are in the hands of a number of contrac tors expecting to bid on the construc tion. iPmliminary estimates as to the cost of the project have been set at $65,000, the funds to be made avail able through the sale of bonds, author ized at the special bond election last January. The addition, according to the plans, is to be constructed adjoining the pres ent school structure and will enable the Board of 'Education .to complete the consolidation program for all county schools. This project is the third in a series of five to be constructed under the program adopted by the Board of Edu cation some two years ago when funds were made available by the State for sclmolhouse construction. The second project, the Union School for Negroes at Winfall, is rapidly nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy by the students at the opening of the new school term next September. It is the desire and hope of thi members of the Board of Edu cation that the Hertford project can be finished in time for use by the school students before the end of the next school term. Projects number four and five, of the program calls for construction of a lunchroom at the Hertford and Cen tral Grammar .Schools, and action on these propects is expected to be start ed just as soon as contracts are let for the addition to the Hertford Negro School. Start Operations . First of May iArtmciai oreeaing 01 cauie in rer quimans will become a reality soon. At a meeting of the directors of the Association held in Elizabeth City Thursday evening, May 1 was set as the date to start operations. , IFrank Skinner, Route 3, Hertford, Chairman of the board of directors, presented the charter for the organi zation, the name of which is the Al bemarle Breeding Cooperative, Inc. Skinner then introduced J. F. Brown Extension Specialist from State Col lege, who had been invited to attend this meeting to guide the directors in planning the work of the cooperative. Frank Jessup of Hertford was em ployed by the directors as technician. Jessup reported that a refrigerator and insemination kit had been pur chased and 'that temporary office space had been provided in the Agri cultural Building at Hertford. Other equipment such as filing case, micro scope, and sterilizer are to be pur chased later. Edgar White of Hert ford offered his serivces as secretary and treasurer of the cooperative and was accepted by the board. He was instructed to notify the manager of the stud at Asheville of the date this cooperative plans to begin operations in order that a mailing schedule may be worked out by that time. Approximately isixty members have been signed up in Perquimans County. Chowan and Pasquotank reported la smaller number, while Currituck and Camden did not report any. Rotarians Plan Ladies' Night Party Hertford Rotarians at their weekly meeting held Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford made plans for hold ing their annual Ladies' Night party on Tuesday, May 16, at Harvey Point. Herbert Mxen, president of the club, named Jack Kanoy, Charles Henc, Robert Hollowell and Dr. C. A. Dav enport as a committee to arrange the pogram. W. F. Ainsley, Dr. A. B. Bonner, the Rev. Charles Wulf , and Henry C. Sullivan were named as committee to handle decorations and secure (favors. It was announced that Mr. Nixon aim mr. itanoy wiM represent ttie IOV cal (Rotary Club at the District Rotary Convention to be . held in-(Rocky Mount the first part of next week. . BreWgw-OpTo

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