T. , j ;.ek-end With Belati.cs , ONAL J I faflr I tx; s and : te W..-4 "-Javid and daughter spent ane wees-raw wiu i.ativaa at oreenvil.e .and Aaoskie. ' , ?feif Come , . . 1 North Carolina, and has beenjaf tl.e' ;?cle att- ' 1, i i i ciV dr iaa mrs. Joe uaravfeio moved evven a caan awara lor i.ne woii noncr v.ts presen. i a I y rii. 1 1 . I fj i . it i n LL AlU 1 i t. t k ' uieir new aorae on itmwa xvoaa jdoui ciinureu uihi tiareuia jutvo oi- i. week. . Shelby r Mrs. Mary Lou Surtton of Shelby IUOi '. W ivw"i - - i i,T J i-l - r i A ,M:.a ntr utA ,Witt. a. . T.0rtlrlU ffrr wraw-cin wiuu w. uiu aim I WV3"VIIU WJiUi MAU90 ffww riM7- U HUT . ilUilKJ WV KW,imwmv -p p T J -W 0 fp Onii BJWIlUlUg govciat u; t Week-end Gnests Mr and Mrs. !P. E. Winalow of 1 Rocky Mount and Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Keturned Home , . Wilcox of: Norfolk, Va., spent the Mrs. B. J.-Hollemai., Sr., returned low and Mrs. Will Hudson. (From Norfolk i Mr. and Mrs. James Howard of Norfolk, iVa., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. iPeMon and Mia. C. H. Howard. iFrom Indiana ' . Mrs. F. OB. 'Stephenson and children of Indiana, Pa., are itihe gneflta of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. flollowelL Mr. Step henson spent the week-end but has returned home. - t i . From Henderson ., ' 1 Mrs. Norflae KjRgtiner Hender : son spent the waek-en4 with her moth er, Mrs. 1 WJfJormaa. Week-end Here ( ' Richard 'Futrell ,and a jfriend from .UNC, Chapel HOI, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Futrell. Sunday In Norfolk ' . Misa EHzabeth Wood, Miss Hulda Wood, Mrs. Baker Wood and Mrs. Bill Boyce spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., where they poured the lAzalea Gar dens.. iReturned ' Ray Jordan, from the University of Michigan, haa returned after spend ing fcha spring holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jordan. iFrom Norfolk : Mrs. Mollis 'Standing of Norfolk, Va., is the guest of Mrs. 6. T. Sutton. Mrs. iB. J. Holleman, Jr. Wnalr.onil Tn Raltimore Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Grunewald and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar lone spent ithe week-end in Baltimore, Md. iFrnm Richmond - ' Miss Katherine White of Richmond,! Va., spent 'the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Rose, Jr. Week-end Here ; IX and Mrs. IGordon Walker and, dausrhter SDent the week-end with Mrs. R. I Knowles enroute toJack sonville, 'Fla., where Lt. Walker will be stationed. She was accompanied home by Mrs, J. T. 'Britt, who has been visiting here and Mm. Charles White, Sr., who will visit relatives' in Shelby. Monday Guests Mr. and Mrs.. Skinner Chalk ' of Morehead City spent . Monday with Mrs. Annie Chalk. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey 'Ange and daughter of Williaimston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello. Sunday At Washington Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eley and chil drsn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. T, Daniels at Washington. Improved Miss Dorothy Maynard returned to her-teaching duties Monday after be ing confined to her home because of sickness for several days. Week-end Here Week-end At Durham Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Daughtery and children spent the week-end in Dur ham, yi; ' !if y WT.J'r Sunday Guests - . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ullett r and daughter of Elizabeth City spent Sun day wWi Mr. and Mrs, C, 'F. Sumner. Returned Home .. v Mrs. Alexander. C. Leete has re tumed to Columbus, Ohio, after spend ' ing some time - here with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leete. , In Raleigh Mrs. T. IS. White, Mrs. K. T. White, Mrs. IR. L. Knowles and Mrs. J. R. JarvJs left Monday to spend this week with Mr. and Mrs. IShelton White in Raleigh. club a success, and to nush their rat-: l. .' .... . :.. ing up to -738 points, which: will climb' Jf. -ZfTT i . . 7"!. higher beforethe d .of the fchool Wle nJ fl year. Patricia Biggers is xhe presi-,"""' Z - dent of the Club, and Mrs. R. M. Rid-I J- faHllt!y Tllm$f11' dick is Counselor. . ?tkd " 85,4 HONORED AT BUFFET SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark of Wdl. Miss Inabelle Coleman ft Durham son and Mrs. Pensie Drake of Mullins; and a former missionary to Chinfti'S. C., were dinner guests' of Mr. and who as guest speaker at the Hent- Uttrs. J.JB. 'jBasnignt on Sunday. ford Baptist Church Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. AM. Copeland and was tne nonorea guest s a ounei.iamwy spens ssunuay wm. jar, ajiu supper given at the home of Mrs. V. Mrs. Kidney Copeland. N. Darden .' Monday ' evening by the Inabelle Coleman -Missdonary Circle of the church. The home was beauti fully decorated with cut flowers. Af ter the supper tc wnica no members . and 1 y of l.or- l t 1 f f a, 'llr. -and C'rs. ,Ci EL Fletcher of WaslJs?2ton, D. 'Cr vioited llr.; and Mrs. J. IB. IBasnitrht Tuesdav. ' : i, i . STATIONED IN COI.CHADO William Ray Lamb,- USAF, son' of Mr. ' and Mrs. Willie ILamb, is now stationed at Denver, Colorado. JH is in school taking a course in Arma ment Electronic fundamentals. . ' Recipe for Communism: JLet the rich' get richer and the poorer 'get wit. ana uars, irvm wneanee naa as poorer. j 1 1. - Returned Home ' Mrs. R. D. 'Elliott, . Br., returned home Monday from Ayden, where she Mrs. G. E.i Newby, who has been' ywiung vr wm-uww sou at iRocky Mount for several monfts.l daughter, Dr. and MrsG. G.DaOn. snent he week-end with Mrs. ,T. &i She was accompanied home hy Mrs. White at her home on Market Street. Week-end Here , Miss Frances Newby of Belhaven spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newby. House Guests Mrs. W. G. Newby, Jr., and son of Charleston, W. iVa., and -Mrs. Roy Reed and children of Kvinsrton, Va- are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sunday At Williamsburg , " Newby Sr., at their home on Froi: ' Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winslow spen Street. I Sunday at Williamsburg, Va, Dixon, who spent Monday and Tues day. - .V I I 1 m J No other lawn 1 y 1 if J mower offers so I I " m if many t'me and I ; tv! !M""M I ff money-saving fc- 1 In ' ture' Natural-grip fc ' I " ' ' " llAr steel handle... fin- X: "' '. ,V '. t2yufctt'49 adjustment... ' pr-, f automatic self sharp- j? I ener n(' "''W more. ' . ' 0 ' I Properly balanced , jf ff I weiiht, precise curdng ' f V 1 I action and durable,, ' . , I .1 construction assure I a years of perfect mow- ' 1 w ' ::' tog performance. . MODEL I 3 16' and 18' cut Hertford Hatee & Supply Company "Trade Here and Bank the 'Difference". PHONE 3461 HERTFORD. N. C. 1 ' ' . ,f.r .... Todayt Friday , Matinee S P. H. Night 74 i SUSAN HA YWARD WILLIAM LUNDIGAN j Saturday: Show Opens 1 P. M. - STEVEN McNALLY . "FdOimbThe 1 "Wyoming Mail" Highest Mountain' G-Men Never IForget No. 12 Sunday Shows: 2:15 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. ' V v " EDMUND O'BRIEN and JOANNE DRU -in- '711 OCEAN DM" - Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M BARBARA STANWYCK and CLARK GABLE "TO PIEASH 1jlY". Wednesday: Matinee 3 PM. Night 7-9 P. M. " DOUBLE FEATURE First Feature , J , , Second Feature . . JAMES ELLISON J.. HOWARD OUIFF VIRGINIA HERRXCK ' J,;' ' PEGGY DOW "I Killed Geronimo" Shakedown' Thursday and Friday Matinee 9 p. ILNight 7-9 P. M- - I-'' RONALD REAGAN and DIANNA LYNN Week-end In Washington Mr. and1 Mrs. Glenn Mathews; Mrs. Matt Mathews and eon 'Paul spent the week-end in Washington, D. C, as, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan McKaye. Returned Home . ' i . Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregory, Mrs. I. N. Thomas and Frank Ainsley have returned home after spending several days last week at Williamsburg, Yorktown and IJamestown, Va. On their route hoirte they stopped off at Norfolk to see .the azalea gardens. An AnnGunccment I take this opportunity, to an nounce my candidacy for re election to the office of mayor, subject to the primary' to be held April 30. , (: ; v .; 'f0Xyi''- It has been my aim and pur pose during my tenure of office to serve the people and if se lected again I shall endeavor to meet the wishes of , all the peo ple for the betterment of our town.'. Your vot and help will be ap preciated. v RESPECTFULLY V.N.DAHDEH IROOK IHLIIB MKFrrs . ' 1 I Mrs. J. IH. Towe was hostess to her rook club Friday evening at her home on Church 'Street. Those, playing were Mesdames Crafton Mathews. lAr- cnie uane, V. l. planner, j. a. mot- ris,K Julian White, D. F. ; Reed, Sr., Carlton Cannon, G. IB. Tucker, Harry HoHowell, Walter Dail, Miss Mary Sumner and Miss Thebna (Elliott The high score prize and floating prize went to Mrs. 'Mathews and low was awarded Mrs. (Lane. A sweet course j was served. ;. ; v -'. " ' " " '-;'M BRIDGE CLUB MEETS " ' Mrs. W. G. Wright entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening at herj Home on Church street. Those enjoy, ing the evening were Mesdames iB. G, Koonce, T. B. Sumner, IV.. N. Darden, Charles Henc,: J. O. Felton, Charles Whedbee, Miss Thielma Elliott and Miss Kate Blanchard. The high score prize went .to Miss Elliott and low was awarded Mrs. Koonce. A sweet course was served. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Miss Mary Sumner was hostess to hear bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were Mes dames J. JT. OMggers, C. M. Williford, H. C ISfokes, T. I Jessup, C.-E. John son, Miss Ruth Elliott, Miss Ruby White and the. hostess. The hirh score prize went .to Miss White. Re freshments were served. : JUNIOR MUSIC CLUiB NOTES 'At;.the Music dubs Convention at High Point last week, it was an nounced, that the Hertford Junior Mus ic Club has for the second time made the highest rating of any junior musk CLEARANCE SALE1 1 STARTS Thursday, April 19th For 10 Days DRESSES TOPPERS s . " Sizes o to 44 '-.v' T All New Merchandise REDUCED , VTo Cost Prices V THEY MUST BE SOLD V000tf.:3D DRESS SHOP Announcement! I hereby announce my can didacy for the Hertford Town Board in the coming Primary, April 30. If elected by you, to this office, I. will "exert my greatest ' energies toward the operation oi an unbiased, et 11- anu : prugicssivc cient Board! Town YOUR VOTE AND , fl , SUPPORT WILL ME .APPRECIATED .. Robert L ' (Dob) HcW nit ALE - 1 f At Simon 's All Of Our.Spring Topers cd Suits j Topper's Values to $22.50 $10.9? $12J55 and $16.S5 . " - ., .' ',. . SlIITS Values td $22.50 m $14.75 Slf OF IADIES' SPO HATS i: Large Selectioh of fST7 TT ! : , Seasbn'sNewfest " lf ff ' -)) ' H Styles ", - i SHOP EARLY AND SAVE AT THIS SALE I S: I M O M ' ' '., ":,:'v:.-;1!, .f! ' MMMMMUMM,: J6nwa plhhr and iwoy or lUngi of Hw pail whwi yon own a '51 Ford. Thofi bacout Ford's imw Auo- : MAC Rid tontrtx wrt-aaum 10 oh rypu gr roadt for maximum imoottwu. Hi a look AbMd" Ford fMlm. .r ' , .. . . :czjl:z Forycan erhcod, Pord'i bganei of s .(to: "Color-lteyod" Foraft F Control Fonol and now "CJol' CWtoMoMwd 0 Ford! oftiior c far '51 Ford "loob Ahoad" to bring yon Mm FwdcmiQtit Driv ... If iwwf st, nootho, mort f!- " ' AutemaHe . troraffll!on ovmI Tbo groat turn FordomiinC nww lag i gtvM yoa triggor-qukk gotaway nd oay "roddng" m . (now or mud. . .. OpomIm V4 amA ': !! roadl , . y-Glow" : j or. a i t '3.

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