'" THC, Perquimans 7 eekly Published every Friday at Hert ford, North Carolina. MAX! CAMPBELL Editor Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at Post Office at Hertford, aorta. Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION BATES In ' Perquimans,' Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, $1.50. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Chowan' and Pasquotank Counties, per year, $2.00. Advertising rates lumsnea oy request, v. - ... FRIDAYAPRIL 20, 1951 President of the American Horticul tural Council. He says (that will hap-i pen unless "immediate and heroic measures are taken to save our re naming crop land and thus guaran- Goc'ney lan 'i, on i i ly the lanJs of H, C. Goi . ; v l e west by the - lands of C . ! . ? !anore, formerly T. R. Earns 1 tud on the south by Deep Ceek, same containiij Be Sure To Vote fee continuing- food supply for our j six acres more or less, anj being the growing population. - , - jsame lands conveyed to J. T. Godfrey Calling attention to Ithe loss of 100,-by deed from 'JR. C. Lowery and his 000,000 acres to erosion and misuse, wife, Polly, 1 recorded In Deed Bo A the doctor says that another 100,000,- 000 acres of the 560,000,000 acres ac quired iby our early settlers will be in tiie discard by 1960. ' In the meantime, of 16, page 492 office of Register Deeds of Perquqimans County, : Tract No. 2 JLocated In New Hope TownlaHfn. PemiliVinllB Cnim'hr V. f! . Jie' population is rising at the rate offceginning at northeast corner of (Monday is election day for residents of the Town of Hertford, and with nine candidates seeking the five of fices to be filled by the election, it be hooves each eligible voter to cast t ballot for the candidates of his choice. The town's government, is every body's business, so everybody should be sufficiently interested to vote Mon day and have a hand dn electing the official town board for ths next four vears. .- , . .The polling place will be opened from 6.-30 IA. IM., until 6:30 T, Jtt., fording every voter an opportunity to take a few minutes during the day to cast his ballot The Mess Is Muddled The first public reaction to the fir ing of General Douglas MacArthur has subsided but the public can rest assured that the (press and radio wul be filled with choice tidbits concern insr the involuntary retirement for some days to come. In fact, we are of the opinion that etrenuous efforts will be anade to keep this situation boiling so long as there remains an ounce of political bickering to be had from the mess which now has become muddled. The firing of MaclArrthur, simply i boiled down, was the1 action of boss firing a hired hand, who no longer worked as the boss ordered. That m itself, is an every day occurrence hap pening in both business and govern merit. : President Truman, in his nation wide radio address of last week, at tempted to'clearify the Anierican posi tion as it concerns the war in Korea, giving 'the American people an inside look at what part of the Government's foreign policy is working toward. The speech, in itself, left much to be explained, it is very possible, and the 'American people should realize the situation, our Government attempt ing to be the bulwark of the world against Communism can not and will not reveal all of its plans to either allies or enemies. 2200,000 a year. Nutritionists estimate that it takes two and a half acres of crop. land to provide a properly balanced diet for a single person find, therefore, the doctor says that the United States will arrive at A critical point in the next fifteen or twenty years. The world at large, of course, is in a worse eondi- aition than the United Elates but this is no consolation for .tile problem that, we face. The average American, including those who live in the rural sections, rarely stops to realize that the civili sation of the. world depends upon the top six inches of soil that lenable man kind to raise crops. To stand idly by while this precious land is washed into the rivers and ocean by our disregard ed rainfalls is carelessness of the worst type. Because of the latent dan ger, the Government has very wisely taken steps to encourage landowners to practice soil conservation and in telligent agriculturalists are more in terested than ever in saving their soil Cale White's land on the old stage road running through Woodville, and running ' thence along the said old Stage Road N. 4T degrees, E. 219 feet to the edge of the , New Hope Road; thence , along the New Hope Road S. 24 degrees, 30 feet, E. 672 feet to a small ditch; thence along this ditch in a southeasterly direction 251. feet to a stake; thence at right angles to ; said small ditch ; 10 feet more or less to the line of Cale White; thence alongfthe said Cale White line to' the place of beginning, containing ZVt acres more, or less, and being Tracj; No. 1, of the Alonzo Godfrey partition, , and being the same land conveyed to John T. Godfrey by deed from W. H. Oakey, Jt., and Chas. Johnson, Commissioners, recorded in Deed Book 31," page 466 office of Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C. : ' " A deposit of ten per cent of the bid price VilA l,j r. ...-liiiJ of the pur chaser or puid rs immediately af ter the sale., .- :, Dated and posted this March 19th, 1951. ' ' ' . C.R.KOLT,H3S,r . . ' Commissioner. Apr20 " ' : When kidney function alowi down, many folk complain o narinc backache, loot o( -pep and enerfry, heauachea and dlxameea. Don't Buffer lonter with theae diacomforta It reduced kidney (unction la settinf you down due to auch common cauaea aa atma and etrain, over-exertion or eipoeure te cold. Minor bladder irritationadue to cold, -dampnaea or wronf diet may cause getting up nlghta or frequent paaaagea.. Don't negleet your kidneya if these Condi- 1 tlona bother you. Try Doan'a Pilla a mild diuretic. Uaed ueceaafuliy by miiiiona for over 60 yeara. While often otherwise caused, it'a amazing how many tJ-ee Doan'a give happy relief from theea o eomforta help' tha IS milea of kidney tubea and Altera Suah out jraate. Oat Doan'a FUla today! Donn'o Pills w ) I J ' We Sell ; SINCLAIR PRODUCTS' , . GOODYEAR and . " , U.S. ROYALi TIRES and TUBES "Let Us Service Your Car ' Today." for the Best In ; . . q gas - Oil , O GREASE '. O TIRES 3 BATTERIES1 " O WASHING JOE & DILL'S SERVICE STATIOil RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86cr You cant beat (this ibromide: , "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Classified and Legals ajaaaaaj aj a a a a a ami a, a,,-MM,-tnj-u-(AJ MALE HELP IWIANTED iDUE TO expansion ; we need two more men to call on farmers. ' Experience not necessary. Home every night. - Ref erence required. Write Mr. McVey, vandier IBuildang, Baltimore 2, Md. ap20,27 COTTON SEED CHE APEST IN N. C. to be coker 100 wilt resistant one year from "Breeder. Cleaned, de- linted, treated and certined in four bushel bags. $2.90 per bushel. H. B. Spruill, Windsor, N. C ; Aprl30, lMay5 USE T-4-L flOR ATHLETE'S (FOOT BECAUSE ' It has greater PENETRATING Power. With 90 .undiluted alcohol base, it carries the active medication DEEPLY, .to kill the Mm on contort. Get happy relief IN ONE HOUR or your 40c back at anv drusr store. To- aayat;siM. - -i adv. FOR SALE I NtfSSS-Hfct. .;f: . ... J.l llll l-f FOR SALE WELL (ROOTED CA mellia and Azalea. 6 Camellia Jap onica and 5 Azaleas mixed, 10 for 1.00 delivered to you. (Send $1.00 bill. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ford's Nursery, Magnolia, Miss. 'L Box 609. ; i - aprlSO Not A Good Sign i 1 t ... . (Preliminary figures from the Cen sus Bureau indicate that the number of farms in the United 'States is grow ing smaller, which da not the sign of the prosperous agriculture necessary to the national well-being. Let nobody be fooled about these figures. They mean that the smaller farmers are being ground ' to pieces in the - battle of mechanization and high prices. It is not a good sign for the social welfare of the nation or North Carolina. There is a growing tendency in this day and generation to forget the fun damental importance of the farmer in the welfare of the nation. It is to be expected that metropolitan residents, unfamiliar with the conditions that! exist, get the idea that Ithe government ' is coddling American fanners but it is somewhat, tragic that some people, in places like Hertford, have develop ed the same opinion: . With soil, erosion cutting down the: number of fertile acres in this country, it is vitally important that we main tain a strong and properous agnoul- ture. It cannot be done if the people who grow our feeds, food and fibre are rto be relegated to an inferior eco nomic status. Moreover, one should not overlook the fact that agriculture today is an enterprise that requires capital and that it is no longer possi ble for anybody to make a living oufc of .the soil without intelligent train . ing and adequate equipment. ; v : It might take a few years of semi famine' to make the people of this NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrators of the estate of W. H. (Stallingg, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, ixoron Carolina, this is to notify aD persons having claims against the es taite of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere, N. C. on or before the 26th day, of March, 152 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' ' This 26th day of March, 1951' ' JETHRO STAIMNGS and HORACE (L. tSTAULENGS, Administrators of W. H. Btallings. -aprl&S207rfMay44148 "THE KING OF SWINE" PIGS BOARS GILTS Member OIC Swine (Breeders Association 35 i ears' ; v Selby R. Minton MERRY HILL, N. C NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ; Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Hattie Trach. deceased, 'late of Perquimans County, aorua Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at IBelvidere, N. O, on or before the 3rd day of April, 1982 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment - This 3rd day of lApril, 11951. : "- ' ' C. 'F. TYNCH, Administrator of Mrs. Hattie Tynch apr6J13i207nay4Al Having qualified as Administrators of the estate of W. H. Staffinjrs, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere, N. C, on or before the 26th day of Marchj 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All nersons in debted to .said estate will please make immediate payment. ' This 26th day of March, 1961. i JETHRO STAIiLIlNGIS and HORACE L. STAULENGS, ; Administrators of W. H. Stalling. mar30Apr8;i320l27May4 PUBSLBC SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR DIVISION Pursuant to the terms of an order of sale of real estate for partition and in exercise of the authority by said order conferred, entered, in the n, nnj.i .. w imTw. I Special Proceeding entitled Mrs. J. T. . .,u la dfo. Af (Mary Rusiell) Godfrey et als. vs. it aeonle. We hone. George Godfrey et als, the 19th day .that no such tragedy looms ahead but, just because we have had .bumper crops for years, there is. no certainty that the same good fortune wall con tinue indefinitely. , 'f " . . Soil Conservation MaySavethsU.lS. - "Amer?" disacfrc'" years," C. . . 'on V'l rf'cli a of March, 1951,. bjr Hon. W. H. Pitt, Clerk Superior Court, the undersigned Commissioner will on Saturday,! April 21st, 1991 at 11:30 o'clock in the fore noon, at the Court House door In Hert ford, N. C offer for sale at pC-lic outcry to the highest bidder for ces'v the following described tracts or par cels of land lying and beinj in Fer-quimt-4 County, N. C, viz.: Ti- t i-a- i i r r r TAYLOU THEATRE EDENTON, N. C ' Week Day Shows Contfaraons From Saturday Conttanoos From 1:30 Snnday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 111 ' , 111 ! (ii O f SAIHEPETMBONl.V I J" .JK SrV?lfii.a, 0ST0MliRft AUrUWSft RETUi2Mli9l V 'WDfMeYMAKe MONEY ill Ipj -- wiri inn MannnHitTI winnnvwHi "wnui ho thcMbELvcS AUu i' III II A-J WJZ7i V-Ar-Vrn W!X22S2& W III III T XV iCaKI LTfP I' IWAfartA .HKk. 1 Art PTN ; ' . v ' Thursday and -Friday, -April 19-20 . . '. V IFred lAstaire and Jane Powell in ' "ROYAL WEDDING" Saturday, April 21 . , j; 'Forrest Tucker and v.u Adele Mara in '. "CALIFORNIA PASSAGE" Sunday and Monday,' ' April 22-23 ' Walter Pidgeon and l . Stewart Granger in-'-t 1SOLflIERS THREE", Tuesday and Wednesday, April 24-25 Joan Caulfield and ' . : Robert Cnmmings in "THE PETTY GIRL" EDEN THEATRE ' EDENTON, N. C ' iFriday and Saturday , April 20-21 Jon Hall and Maria Montex in "ARABIAN NIGHTS" Hi-Way 17 Drive-in Theatre ; Two Shows Each Night " ,5' In-Car Speakers v Modern Rest Rooms. Snack Bar Admission 40c - 1 Children Under 12 Free In Cars . o .I i - , .- Friday and Saturday, April 20-21 ' . .' Alan Ladd and v Wanda Hendrix in : CAPTAIN CAREY USA" Sunday, April 22 . June Haver and ? . ; v William Lundigan in . ' 1 .."I'LL GET BY" ' Monday and Tuesday. April 23-24 - Yvonne De Carlo and v Howard Duff in , - "CALASUTY JANE AND SAM BASS" , . Wednesday and Thursday, : ." rril 25-23 ' r ' and U 3n u o ' 1 "n i . aa" t li 1 J . x ' r V -

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