.J ..Jl.l -. u Ilexes,' County creative, Talks 0:: A. Program "" Cept'mIMy. C.' R. Holmes "was! ,tha r t speaker at the meeting f the lit. "dead Rotary dub held Tues day ni. ftt at the Hotel Hertford. Mr. Holmes spoke on the accomplishments of the ,1351-General (Assembly. SUtHUIUF 1UB XUIIUUUUft IWHUU -uuv QWW ment that it is easy for outsiders to stand by and critkare the Legisla- ture, it is hia belief the General As sembly "did a grand lob. . Pointing' out that a majority1 of the members of ,the 1951 (Legislature were committed to promisee to hold a line against" Increasing taxes, Mr.- Holmes told of the work of the (Appropna- tions Cpmin&tee, which sat for hoars each day for a period of eight weeks, listning .to (pleas' for even greater ap propriations than . requested by the Advisory - (Budget ' Cominittele. The '. report on estimated income eased the burden "of this work, he said, and per mits appropriations td he made to do a reasonable pob for the State without raisin (taxes. The greatest demands - made the committee,. Mr.,;, Holmes . reported, came from school teachers,' who de sired additional increases ever a pay program favored by the General As- . The IReDrenen-bitivn Mtated he had no apologies to make for taking the stand of holding the line on appropri .ations in order to halt the trend to ward higher tax levies. the Legislature passed upon bills which provided all requests for State mental institutions, hut did cut down on funds for construction of perm an ent mprovementjtin 'State Buildings. (He than reported on the discussions and work conducted in connection with several vtafewide ' t " which 'drew much attention d:v ' the Legisla tive session, -and t v included 'Hie f amot?a flying !wmn "which was Powell bin and a measure which limits weight loads on, secondary roads. Superior Cat Adjc jn:d fti jay The (April term of Superior Court, in Bftaaion Rem Oturt to-AoV. mm Ad journed on (Friday after completion of the case in which IS. E. Elmore was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, iniiictang serious wound to , Jack KeeS. . , Judge Chester Morris had planned vt sojourned, itne court (term Thurs day night but the .trial of - Elmore dav. V.? ,i'..v;"-''. c:':i:-:Mr- ' Elmorewas found guilty by a jury of a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. , uoage iMorra sewtenied m more to iaaLfor a natfod cit 12 n 1K months, sentence to ha YnmMfeA htmd payment of a fine of f 500 and costs oi court Tfle W0 to be paid to Jack on probation for a period of three years. - i ' In the cass of ni!henf. V.nt Jr charged with driving drunk, the jury retarnea a vewect or not guilty and ue aexencant was released. , - - A jury found iPaul ttlowis,. Jr. guZ!y as cl; e& of driving drunk an j ..jrrj was cned soo and costs N (five djvorce actions were heard by . tr.e luouiit on Thursdav and ii!nwna gr'"-" i in each of the ac"n. : C--" r V7alteii C continued live cc j urJul the nen t -n cf coni. ' is a Tr"rirj, ja t I z aJ- Jol in c u ' i Vrrtia or-, I-i-Ji. 'mT 'ton vs. T. D. ; J ori't' f court e jrj ; .r lr:onthe r j tLct .' - . t had f:ied to cc;f,!y v. xtnv real fr--n a Jus tice er. reaw v... ., ri r 'i t d,"-ndant oiEiSt coirily -tfe:.t of the lower couIt., , v a. : 9 EfCOpsJ VL " T' "t. Reverend .Tho d. z., i; op of r r C?ru r - - ' ? vl. J. at i it" ' i i '3 ;c." - tlon of f se i H. XvV ' t rT. .on. Every --Ve.'' c -s s i x Legion To Tzzsr Gzrzz Saturday Night j - Something new In the way of sports will be presented at ithe Perquimans Hush i School Memorial 'jaerd- Satur day night. April 28, ':at eight o'clock when the Wm. Paul. Stalling vm of the American Legion will, sponsor a donkey basketball game. " . j (Donkey baseball has been witnessed here on several occasions but playing the game of basketball from the back of a donkey is sometring different and sports fans desmng the hilanou?, can expect plenty of .action and laughs from thifl contest. .; i (Francis Nixon, chairman of the com mittee in "charge-of the game, stated the contest will 3e played with the1 Legion (Five battling the Perquimans All-Stars. - - i The Legion . Invites everybody to come out and en joy the fun. . THIS lS miB 1 'An expected Communist attack ex ploded, on the Korean war front this week, when ak estimated half million Chinese and North Koreans struck at UN positions" at three points on the front V Numerical Buperiortty of the Communists chopped holes In the UN defenses and iRed gains were reported up to 18 miles. Censored reports from' the battle lines eay the iReds are pay ing heavily, in tilled and wounded, as compared , with UN losses. General Bidgeway, UN Commander, reported the battle had been joined and that the outcome could be decisive. - The Off ice of 'Price Stabilization, on Wednesday, announced ail order to some 75,000 manufacturers to reprice a vast range of products. . The net result of the order is expected: to mean a reduction in the general level of manufacturers' prices. The order covers products ranging from re frigerators and TV sets to breakfast cereals and soup; mixes. The pro ducers ordered to roH back prices; it is estimated, do about 70 billion dollars worth of business, a year. , , ' line ibemate crime investigation com mittee will continue Its work of search- ing out crime in the US at least until September, and maybe longer, accord ing to a report issued Wednesday from Washington which stated Senator Her bert O'Connor of Maryland wMI suc ceed Senator Kefauver as chairman of Governor W. Kerr Scott, 'this, week, started a boom for the re-ielection of Harry S. Truman as President. On a trip to Washington Governor Scott urged the National Democratic Com mittee to open its national campaign around Labor Day of next year in North Carolina. IA committee accom panying Scott to the Capitol, Suggest ed tiie opening rally be held at Scott's Haw River. Home. Later, when ques tioned by reporters Governor Scott stated when the MacArtihur business settles down Truman will be stronger than ever. - CattsyCdsFor: Lccd Craft Do'rd ; Perquimans County youths , will have a holiday from (Selective Service during the month of May, according! yt -announcement -made Monday byi Mrs. Blanche Caropen, clerk to the local Draft Board. ; She stated that the Board had been notified there will be no calls for selectees during the. next month, either for pre-induction examinations or induction. . - ; - 'ITrs. Campen also reported thai a nuir.lcr of co!l4e students, who are re:Mmr.ts wih Co local board, had made injuiries concerning the exami nation to be given ly Selects Service to f? tewfne ftare da JT-'jons. ' L coi.ection with fc-mh the loc&I cleik stated Nationsl 11--.1 quarters for Selective Service is now ur' - j ail students, regardless of 3s air ..c standings, to take t!-e t : 'i. he ter'js will be given on t"y 1 ij r 1 tJ. ana eri .-a...on c. . f i'st j r-y ta obtained af se lective service o'klea. Re- ted To r.I: 3 r.:c Office -aotrme..t was made at the - 7 of if nd heli on 4 uds7 and . ' v l;y of Isst v ock A C3:r 1 r::i cf tie re-T rr- - -' ji of , Cecil C. Vinslow of Hertford, to1 t 9 p-"t as E: net Drpi-y Crand sr c! the Z.I jtJi for 1. .a Tit I- "riut ' . ' - T -. 1 'sb of tlje Pei:i""r.s Lr-n i.'j. i:j,ia. 'F. a a. :r, "i f - t ' 3 1 ' " v- i t .1 C. " !'. r. r !V..--.nf ji t, Ut .J Rr",. 7 Game With Plymouth to Be Played Here Eri- day Afternoon Coach l Elie IFtearingV high-flying! Perquimans .High School baseball! team will meet another Albemarle! Conference foe in a contest to be played in Hertford on (Memorial field Friday Z afternoon, beginning at 1:30 o'clock. The Indiana' opponent will be the Plymouth High nine, The game today will be number eight in the season for the Indians and they will be after their eightii victory of " the season. In contests played last ' Wednesday and Friday Perquimans chalked up victories num ber five ami six at the expense of Chowan and Columbia. Perquimans trounced Chowan in a return game by a score of 11-1 be hind the strong pitching of Vernon White, who allowed four hits, struck out IB batters and gave no walks. The Indians collected 15 hits, Scored 11 runs and committed two errors. Vance Bright with two bingles for three trips to the plate, was the leading hitter for the 'Indians. :v "L -t''"! On Friday 'Perquimans tangled with Columbia in -a seven inning :. contest i with Perquimans winning by a 12--1 margin. ' Winslow and Wulf did the pitching for , the Indians, giving up only one hit while . their teammates collected 13 hits, scored 12 runs and committed two errors. Clyde Lane was the leading hitter for the Indians in this game, collecting four safeties in four times at bat. On Tuesday of this week the In-! dians traveled to Windsor to play' a return game with the Windsor club;! which was counted in- the State, play off series, in which Perquimans Is competing tins year. . (Alter a slow start, which . saw Windsor take a 2-0 lead, iihe Indians had a field day in the sixth and col lected eight runs, to feature the 10-3 victory for Perquimans. Hunter with three hits and Vance Bright with two wese - the- leading, hitters for, the In dians who had 14 nits for the game, lian 'JKogerson . went the route on the mound for Perquimans, giving up nine hits. '.. ;.--.v The victory was the second of the season for the Indians over' Windsor, and ithe eighth straight for-the 1951 i season, lionsuDects F. A. McGoogan, Supervisor of the Soil Conservation District was elected to serve as president of the Hertford Lions Club for the year 1951-52 at a meeting of the club held at the Hotel Hertford 'last Friday night McGoogan will succeed Clinton Eley as club president. Other officers elected at the meeting were: T. P. Byrum, first vice-presi dent! I. C. YageL second vice-presi dent; A. T. Lane, third vice-president; Sidney , Blanchard, secretary; J. T. Lane, tail twister; Thurman White, Lion Tamer, and Bill Oox and A. H. Edwards, directors, The members discussed plans for their annual ladies' night party, and the date of May 18, was set for this event j Godwin Rites Held Monday Afternoon Sunday morning at 6:16 o'clock at (the home of his daughter, Mrs. Durwood Barber in Winfall fter an illness of 1 five ccys. r',;' 5 ZK-':;.,' (Funeral services .were; conducted Monday afternoon' at 8 o'clock at the Lynch Funeral Home by the Rev. J. S. Gr&Tit pastor of .the iWonfaH Metho dist CI iu Ji. Burial followed in Cedar- wood Cornet jry. ' . ,. .-" In, adi,lion to Mrs. Barber, sur- vivox4 include bis wife. Mrs. Nancy Hams' S, "Godwin; a stepson, Claude ; .3-7 on, of Hertford : two , other JLters, Mrs. (Harold Hurdle, and urs. George IBoaoh, both of Hertford, Route Two; a brother, lArchie God win of Hertford; a sister, Mrs. W. M. Miller of Charlotte and nine grand- children. - 1 (He was the son of the late James Combs and Mrs. IBeuna Meekina God win. ' Pallbearers were J. L. Nixon; Clyde! layden, George Caddy, J. M. Lane, Ben Pike and W. D. Kogerson. ' ' EHITII ANNOUNCEMENT il'r. and Mrs. iRabert Louis Steven-s-n of Howte Two, announce the birth or a json, Gary KkLa -l, feorn at Albe- mar'a Hospital on Tuesday, April McGgogoiAsPrexy i.btCjiCasssIn recorder's Court UterVCcMccGSS Majority, of Hearings (Center Around Traf- fic Violations (Perquimans Recorder's Court con veoed here Tuesday after a week's recess due to the Superior Court term lat week, with 19 cases listed on the oocKet. Twelve 01 tnese cases were cited to court for violation of the traf fic; laws. : - . - A fine of $25 and costs were taxed against Allan Smith, who entered a plea of guilty to a charge of speeding 75'. miles per hour. VAmanda Eega and James Roulac, charged with speeding, entered pleas of guilty and paid fines of $10 and costs. Costs of court were taxed against George Wedmore, D. S. Myers and John Hunter on charges of speeding. Each of the defendants entered pleas of guilty. . Victor Eckburg entered a plea of i guilty to a charge of entering a state! highway without stopping, causing property damage. He was fined $15 arid costs. -''k;'; .' ''"'I ' , A fine of $25 and costs were assess ed against Hiobert Turner who entered a plea of guilty to charges of driving: without alieense. : ;- -' j Herbert Winslow, Negro, was fined' $10 and costs on a charge of driving with insufficient brakes. 4 William Halsey submitted to a charge of passing a vehicle on a curve. He paid a fine of $10 and costs. William Hoffler, Negro, submitted to a charge of driving without a li cense and .paid the costs of court 4 Bonnie Taylor. Nesrro. charged with being drunk, entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs of court. I 'Charlie Williams, Negro, was fined $2 'and costs on a charge of being dfunk on the streets of Hertford, ilsaac Jones ' and Ella Wilson, Neg roes, were taxed .with the costs of. C(jurt on charges of mutual assault. i'JHienry Gordon, Negro, was found1 girilty on charges of driving after Ms license had been revoked and carry-1 ing a concealed weapon. He was given a 90 day jail sentence, suspended upon payment of a fine of f250. ,J Richard Nixon, 'Negro, entered a plea of guilty of being drunk on the, highway. H was sentenced to four days in jail. The State took a nol ipros in the fol-l lowing -cases: George Long and Wil liam Owens, charged with reckless driving, and Bill Parker, charged with destroying property. Highway Accident fe'iesUfeOf Child Marvin Hugh Caddy, 4-year-old son of Marvin and Willie Hurdle Caddy, 01 Mew mope, was killed Tuesday night at about 8 o'clock when he was struck by a car driven by Eugene White, Negro. The accident which claimed the child's life occurred in front of the church at New Hope. Patrolman B, R. Inscoe, who investigated the acci dent, reported the child was struck by the right front fender and bumper of I the . car. The body was removed to the Lynch Funeral! Home in Hertford pending iuneral arrangements. Survivors, besides the parents, in clude one brother. Marshal Irvin Caddy; his maternal ; grandmother, Mrs. W. C. Hurdle and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Caddy.' Pre-School Clinics Underway In County - Pre-echool clinics for Perquimans County children were (started this week by the District Health Depart ment, which reminds , parents that State law (requires (children to be im munized against diphtheria, whoooinr cougfl and Smallpox before entering school. Clinics were held this week at sev eral points in the county, and will be conducted Monday at Winfall, May znd at Hertford Grammar School, May 9th at Hertford colored school, May 1 at WinfaJl VlBay Branch and Ni- eanor colored schools, and in Hertford. on Tfturadaye tram 1 to 5 P. M. Opens Offices In Hertford vr. uougias (McQueen, uniropracTor, an assciate of Dr. 'A H. Thorson, of. IW.. ir t. ik -.. .1. Elizabeth City, has opened offices In weraora, m trie Jlertlord 'Banking Company. Building. He will observe this amount decreasing as repayment ofrice hours here, for h present, OB'of the debt' is made on an annual Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. School Committees Re-elect Teachers For Coming Year Perquimans County school commit tees, in . meetings - held during th week, re-elected principato and teach ers for the white schools for the term opening next Septembr. Miss Thlma Elliott was re-elected to "the position as principal of Hert ford Grammar School and James P. Snipes was re-elected principal at Central Grammar 'School. The resignation of Ounice S. Rid dick, sixth grade teacher at Central Grammar School, was accepted. Members of " the faculty at both grammar schools and at the high school were re-elected, subject to ac tion by the (Board of Education. NatiotdllDCCIul) National Home Demonstration Club Week is here again! Perquimans County Home Demonstration Club women will observe the week of April 30-May 5. The activities will begin with a radio broadcast on Monday, April 30 from 10:45 to 10:55. Six of the Perquim ans County Home Demonstration Club women will take part on this pro gram. ; On Tuesday, May 1, Chowan County is having a House 'Furnishings Clinic in Edefcton. Perquimans County Home Demonstration Club women are invit ed to attend. Miss Pauline Gordon, specialist in Home Management and! House Furnishings from State College will conduct the clinic. Miss Gordon will meet with the Club members in the Court House at 2:30 P. M., and fcom there she will take them to a furniture store and demonstrate the selection and arrangement of furni ture. , The Spring Federation Meeting will be held on Friday, May 4, at 2:30 P. M.. at the 'Perquimans County Central Grammar School. The speaker will be C. R. Holmes, County Representative. There will be a tea following the pro- trvnm . - . The activities wall end with the an nual luncheon for the county commis si oners on Monday, May 7. Bethel Club Will be hostess for this luncheon. . Home Demonstration Club women are urged to listen to the broadcast and attend the meetings in obser vance of National Home Demonstra tion Club Week; 1 Belvidere Scene Of Good Neighbor Event Members of the Belvidere Home Demonstration Club were hostesses at a good neighbor supper served at the Belvidere Community House last iinursday evening, rne supper was sponsored by .the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce and invitations were extended to friends and neigh bors throughout the Belvidere section, including the county farm and home agents, I. C. Yagel and Mrs. Nina B. White. One hundred and thirty-eight guests were present and enjoyed .the old fashioned country dinner. L. W, Midgett presided and the Rev. Carl Yow gave the invocation, S", A. Twiford, Mayor of Elizabeth City, extended greetings to the guests and the response was given by Wil liam C. Chappell. r W Walter P. Sumner, chairman of the Good Neighbor Committee, then in troduced the speaker for the event, N. Elton lAydletVwho spoke with humor and wisdom. ' A word ; of appreciation for the supper was given by Mr. Midgett and G. C. Meads and a response of this. incMsafco was riven oy mra. uerome Hurdle, president of the Belvidere Club. County Bonds Sold At Low Interest Rate Perquimans County's 1175,000 worth of school bonds, authorized at a special election held last January,1 were void htis week to the R. S. Dick son Company of Raleigh, at the low average irtberest rate of 12.7653 per cent .per annum, it was reported Wed nesday by Charles E. Johnson, County Attorney. The sale, of the bonds was conduct ed by the Institute of Government, and the consummation of the sale now makes available, the 1 funds for the comnletion nf th cniin&v flrihnnl Ihii.iM- ing program. - - ' Interest mawments. nfc ftJw s.nntwri mate 2 per cent rate,, will cost thel county anDroxbnatelv 'S4.R00 mv rear. Bicycle Pcii&On Saturday Concludes BPVSafetyDrive Program on Citizenship Given at Club Meeting Tuesday Hundreds of Perquimans County school children have ' been working feverishly this week completing scrap books, posters and slogans to be enter ed in the second annual Safety Cam paign being sponsored b ythe Perquim ans (Business and Professional Wo man's Club. The campaign comes to a close Saturday afternoon, when two mammoth bicycle parades will be staged through downtown streets. The first parade for white children will start at two o'clock while the parade for Negro children will begin at .3 P. M. Some 62 prises will be awarded by the BPW Club for the 'best scrap books, posters 'and slogans. These items were turned in on Thursday night and are now being graded. A number of prizes will also be awarded to winners in the bicycle parade. The parades, expected to draw hun dreds of spectators, will be under the direction of the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce. Final plans for the climax of the Safety Campaign were made at the dinner meeting of the BPW Club held Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. Honored guests at .this meeting were members of the Hertford Girl Scout troop who had completed the first aid classes given by the Club under the su pervision of Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenwald. Julia Ann Stokes responded to the welcoming remarks and presented Mrs. Gruenwald with a gift, given by the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Charles E. Johnson, soloist, rendered a number of musical selec tions. Mrs. Nina B. White, public affairs committee chairman, had charge of the program, which included a craiz on the names ;of county officials. The win ner of this contest was Mrs. D. M. Jackson. ' '" Mrs. White then talked briefly on the topic of "Take Time To Be A Good Citizen." She fr!gMiteh!tyier .talk with suggestions for action at home, in school, in cities, state and the na- Town Election Set For Monday Nominations of candidates for the offices of Mayor and 'Commissioners for the Town of Hertford will be de termined in the primary election next Monday, April 3d, it was reported to day by W. G. Newby, Town Clerk. Two candidates; Mayor V. N. Dar aen and T. E. Raper, are seeking the nomination for the post as mayor, while seven candidates are entered in the race for .the four posts as com missioners. These candidates are B. C. Berry, M. J. Gregory, W. H. Hard castle, Robert L. Hollowell, Edison Harris, Henry Clay Sullivan and W. Ray White. Election officials named, to conduct the election are Mia. B. G. Koonce, Registrar, D. J. Prftchard and Mrs. J. H. Satch well, judges. There will be one voting .precinct for the balloting, and this will be located in the Court House. The polls will be open from 6:30 A. M., until 6:30 P. M. Mrs. J. R. Webb Named Auxiliary President The Auxiliary of -the(Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Lesion held its 'April meeting last Friday night at the home of Mrs. IT. R. Webb. Mrs. Tom Skipsey had charge of the program, which was presented .on Pan America. : : . During the business session, Mrs. Webb was elected president of the Auxiliary for the coming year. Mrs. James Snipes was appointed as program chairman for the May meeting. , MUSIC (FESTIVAL ' ' The Hertford Grammar School .will hold its annual Music Festival in the auditorium of the school on Friday night, April 27, beginning at 8 o clock, it was announced by Miss Thelma El liott, principal. The public is invited to attend. A eilvei' offering will be taken. ' ? , . BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT -, Mr. and Mrs. OUndsey Bunch an nounce the birth of a eon, born Sun day, April 22nd, at Chowan Hospital. Mrs. Bunch before her marriage was Miss Norma Winslow. . - , .

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