I 1 -ZZCONAL ITwI3 IDob Lay den of Louiaburg College Trom LouL'irj IDob Lay den spent the week-end witSr tfarenta, .Mr. and Mia, Sidney Layaen, Sr. , ; At Watts Hospital ' ' 'Mrs. Dan fReed was taken to Watts Hospital, (Durham, last week for ob servation and treatment. Frost Franklin ; Mrs. IT. Henderson Dail of Frank lin, VaL, is tf guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. end Bins. XL C. Sullivan. ' At Eoef'.tal Miaa Mae Wood Winstar, who un derwent minor operation at the Cho wan Hospital iiast week, ta along nicely. From INewpcri-NewB - Mr. and 2-s.' Cor-Iar-r ' children of Newport-iJewi, getting the' week-end with Hr. and C Raper. - . Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. H. C. O'Sullivan of Norfolk. Va., spent the week-end with! Mrs. E, Sir. and Mrs. H, C Sullivan. , Week-end In Norfolk 'Miss iPegtgy HarreH spent the week end with relatives in Norfolk, Va. Returned Home Mm. Dill Gray has returned to iher home at 'Alexandria, Va., aflter attend ing the funeral of her mother, Mrs. C. M. HarreH, Br. Returned iHome IMdss Dorothy Howard of "Richmond, Va., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mm. J. O. flPalton. -, Returned Home - 'Mrs. C. H. Howard returned to her home last IFxdday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Howard in Norfolk, : Va. '::-,:--;;i'.-:.;vv Week-end At WiUiamston , Miss Louise Hines spent the week end with her parents at WiUiam ston. , . Week-end Here-' Miss Arlean 'Poster of Elizabeth City spent the week-nd with Mr. and Mrs. V. IN. Darden. Sunday Guests ' " u Major and Mrs. 'A. IB. Dedhl of Nor folk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Darden. Returned Home (Miss Sue Eason returned to her ' home in Tarboro after spending sev-l eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Bob White. i (From Washington Mr. and Mrs. Kennit Cowan of, ' Washington, ID. C, spent the week- ' end with Mr. and Mrs. I. A. White. From New Bern Mr. and (Mrs. Richard SI ohn and son of New Bern spent tine week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 'E. C. Woodard. Week-end In Portsmouth ' Mr. and Mrs. McClelland Wade and family spent .the week-end in Ports mouth, Va. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. W. T. HoQowell and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wilson and son of Norfolk, Va., and Mm. H. T. Hobbs of Edenton were Sunday guests of A. 'Byrum. . f;-.. .,r -t t." Sunday Guests " Mrs .Carrte Harnlin and Mr. and Mrs. iphB' mhomas of Beaufort spent, Sunday Guests Returned From Hospital Mrs. Harry Hol'loweU has returned home after spending Beveral days last week at the, Chowan Hospital. From Norfolk" Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moone and chil dren of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with Mrs. S. T. Sutton. . From Newport-News v. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brinn end daughter, Claudia, of Newport-News, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Rosser Brinn. Visiting At Jonesboro ? ' Mrs. Ceorge Fields, Sr., left Sun day for Jonesboro, Ark., where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Jim'G. W.Pitts. . From Littleton Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thrower of Littleton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 'J. S. Vick. From Chocowinlty Mrs. (Laura Kavannaugh and Miss (Bessie Jones of Chocowimty spent the week-end with her sister and oroth-an- law, Mrs. W. F. iEdwards and Mr. Ed wards. VV. -iv:; y 'i '; Week-end In Kenly Mr. and Mrs. Richard David and daughter spent the week-end in Kenly. Week-end In Durham v Mrs.5 J. H. Towe and Miss Susanne Towe spent the week-end in Durham as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Twiddy. Week-end Here Cecil Edward Winslow of ECTC, Greenville spent the week-end wilth his parenjp, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wins-low..-,1'' 'rfV '. "'l : '. iFrom Norfolk ' Mr. and (Mrs. Tom Bunch of Nor folk, Va.', . spent th week-end with J. P. Perry, Sr. Improved Mark Hathaway, tyho baa been quite sick, is much improved this past week. Improved Mrs. C St. Holmes, who was confin ed to her home because of sickness, for several days, returned to bet teaching duties Tuesday and is much better. Returned Home Mrs. UV S. Vick returned to her home Saturday 'after spending two weeks with relatives and friends at Green ville, Morehead City and Kirtston. In Washington - (Mrs. D. S. Darden left Wednesday to visit her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. E. C. (Burleson, in Wash ington, D. C. From Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sumner of (Baltimore. Md., 'spent a recent week end with Miss Mary Sumner and Miss Matilda Newbold. KOOK CLUB MEETS Mrs. H. C Cullivan wi ?2uc" " hostess at a bridge party: r : Jay t ' at her home on Frot i.;rect . guests of honor were Urn. Guy 1 ' y, Jr.. of 'Charleston, W, Va.r and Kirn, iRoy Reed -of XJovington, Va. Dier guests present were Ulesdames-r. lu. Stephenson of Indiana, CPa., JEIanry C. Stokes, Jr., Wilson (Dillon, AI Hen- ton, 'Francis Nixon, w. I Jessup, Charles (Payne, K. S. luonds, Jr. Charles Murray, T. P.. Brinn, W. K Drake, Walter Edwards, S. P. Jeasup, J. E. Newby and Miss Helene Nixon. The high score prise went to Mrs. Stephenson and second high went to 3frs. Kenton. ' A sweet course was served. " ..-.,.; BRIDGE CLUB MEETS " i Mm. Wilson Dillon entertained her bridtre club Thursday night-at her home on Church Street . Those play ing were Mesdames F. B. Stephenson, Robert Hollowell, Al Kenton, Charles Murray,' Vivian Mathews, Henry C. Stokes, Jr., Francu Nixon, Edison Harris, , J IL; Harris, D. F. (Reed, Jr., W. E. Drake and Miss (Ruth Elliott. The" high score (Prize went to Mrs. Edison Harris... A sweet course was served. byAV-&".?r l z i . s . - - j r it her ... j i' were- E " ins L- ywocj C; Wj Ti-'Jz-ton, l C. T'r B. J. I.l'eman, Jr., Z"." .1 T CLl-md' r-'iZs, Cf : - J. A. Letts, Arur V.1J:-, 1. :y Stal- BRIDGE (CLUB MEET Mrs. J. H. Newbold was hostess to her bridge club Thursday night at her home on Front Street. Those playing were Mesdames K. S. Monds, Jr., T. 5 1. vc . . tL:.. 1 1 v . 1 by , A tax err: it is a man who can out-: figure if e rverrnr ..t. ' ' In oni. M trA-j.A-. n ia trn Bi-mi,. ' . 1, .i l . omul, wrw uvnwi V. . JLaVCIt- Skinner was hostess ,toi . m J ; ... port., xnm niiMui, m. a. nuiucjr, u. Mrs. C T. her rook club Thursday night of last week at her home on Dobb Street Those praying were Mesdames J.? H. Towe, J. E. Morris, Julian White, CraCton Mathews, GR. Tucker,, D. F. Reed, Sr., Archie Lane, Carlton Can non, Walter Dail, IMias Ruby) -White,! Miss Theuina Elliott and Miss Mildred Reed. The high score prize went to Mrs. Mathews and floating prise to Mm. Tucker. A sweet course was ser ved. ' ' P. Jessup and W. H. Hardcastle. The high score prize went to Mrs. Monds. A sweet course was served.: , ' 1 : Sunday; with White.' Mr. and Mrs. I. A. In Newport-News 'Mrs. R. S.' Monds, Sr., is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. W. E.; Colonna of NewportMNews, Va. From Columbia iMr. and Mis. S. F. Pollard and son.1 Bill, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. D. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. John (Pearson of Eliiabeia City and Mr. and Mrs. C. Y., Parrish of Edenton visited Mr., and Mrs. Joe Caravello Sunday. Thursday In Norfolk . Mrs. Jack Burbaire . and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello spent last Thurs day in Norfolk, Va. Announcoin:nl!; I am a candidate' for re election to the office of Com missioner for the Town .of Hertford, subject to the Prim ary Election, !April 30. '.. YOUR VOTE AND 1 a SUPPORT WILL BE Greatly appreciated Ibnry Clay Sulfa An tenncomont 1 take this opportunity to an nniinra mv "anHularv fnr r. election to the office of mayor of Hertford, subject to the pri mary to be held April 30. It has been my aim and pur pose during my tenure of office to serve the people and if se lected again I shall endeavor to' meet the wishes of all the peo ple for the betterment of our town. . Your vote and help will be appreciated. f ' V. fJ. ffiSOEN S A- L-2 Of Children's Venr s- - . : ,NOT ALL $12233 values ...$10.95 $15.95 values j.. $11.95 $17.95 values. .$13.95 Don't Miss These Bargains - Toddler's Costs Gii Ccr.n jts iSixes 1 to 2 ' $9!95 values I $7.95 Girfs'OrcssGS !Ooys'7ahSi!ils Not AH Sixes SUghUy Soiled Values to $2.98 and $3.98 Now $1.98 $4.98 values ...$2.98 1 $5.98 values... $3.98 1 Sizes 2 to 6 . . Slightly. Soiled $2.98 values ..'.$1.89 $3.98 and $4.98 Values v ' Now $2.89 : REU.1ED conG;i siv ws; t Sizes 1 to 1Q. $1.98 to $2.29 values; ::r.$l;49 ' ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES JONES KIDDIE StlQPPE SECOND FLOOR GREGORY'S HERTFORD, N. C. ' - . i i i . i gvy .-fy.-.-ywvnnnni'Ln.itjutjry Elliott, Sr. Mr.- and Mrs. W. B. Yearns and son, Bill, of Wake Forest, spent the Meek- end with Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Ward. Week-end Here Reggie Tucker, from the University of North Carolina, spent the 'week-end Visiting Here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Mr. and (Mrs. John Beers are the Tucker. guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winslow 4 Today: Friday Matinee S P. M. Night 7-9 RONALD REGAN ' DIANNA .LYNN Saturdays Show Opens 1 P. M. , GENE AUTRY . "Bedtime For Bonzo" "Indian Territory" -James Brothers of Missouri' No. 1 Sunday Shows: 2:15 4:15 and 9:15 P.M. . , JOSEPH COTTON and VALU Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. . RAY MILLAND and HEDY LAMARR ' ' "copPEiHnYon" Wednesday- Matinee S P.M. Night 7-9 P. H. U : DOUBLE FEATURE .. First Feature '. t. Second Feature PAT O'BRIEN " . jWAYNE MORRIS ANN GWYNNE TONI NEAL "Call of the Klondike" "Johnny OneEye" iSuitEventat; 1 1 ' SPAING , STYLES Priced Low Here they are. The newest, lighter weights and lighter, color suits of 'SI.' " " !pome in, take advantagejrj of our manv stvlesand w fabrics. : Summer Weight Tropicals , Spring Weight Suits , OUR STOCK OF. . JEW TIES Is . the largest we have ever bad. Made by three famous makers :1 Superba, Van Husen and Wrinkle I proof, Botany. Priced at $1X3 to $Z0 It's Easy To Buy ; 0 N M 0 RG A N ' S " Pay - Away : Plan (llilV ri firm welLh6ld any UIIJJ J.U LJtill REFRIGERATOR r.::?jTQ r.J Model KMX-9 LET US SUIT kmiuii i, : 1 . " ft ; Till () . . Vil 1 1 1 1 I fill 1 ? A - j if ' ssf i "i t fi tin '4fSr I ... : lilt, 1 l I t I I II 1 1.. ; r. . tBi.M I ij .;'!: I ! ' . I mm- J . I 41 I - YOU TODAY! ; - J : rrcss.fa. , - raiU Lml f."l7 lOC0 .;;.G:;."r:c doom Two doors and they S(al magnetlcaltyl You've got to see hi " . , r: -.1 tzzd r::i:2 ' t"t freezes food and stores cp to S3 Ibtl . ' . ' .... y - , , - wlA ploaty of room for everythlngl ; . that save work and save foodl k " -i Thnrsday and Friday; Matinee 9 P. M Night 7-9 P. M. - ' DORIS DAY and GENE NELSON V )? n V i Li L ii ;i ' -' r- ; t. i v., i. .v . . J -.v. ..... - i, I . . .. ..:,. ........ f ; , - .