, , - ' .... ' , . -- .. ' ' t , ... - - , ' "-- 1 L. i ' i i j v. j V( .Vili. 10. 1 U::tfcrc. Krr-jr.: County, icrth Carolina, Friday, May 4, 1951. 5 Cents Per Copy, uv;oCacsi::jTl PcrqoLTslnHiLis Dardan, SuIIrei, White, Hardcastic And llcllowul Win DGtrd nominations r, rv py LCjxa la Ar.- (FWty-nia ' thiUren "we declared prise winn in the second annual safety eorr'',i-1n- Perquimans hurt week by 4i. L - Jaeaa and Professional VomenVCLJj. - tjucfa interest was ' .shown in tie event by the large num ber of children who entered slogans, ' postera'and scrap books in competing for the prises offered by the ohib. '"i The safety eamnaten came to a. cli max" n" Satwday afternoon wMh the Jaycees of Hertford directing a bicycle "parade. Winners, In the bike parade were as follows: white division cult-, est, Charles fowler; prettiest, linda Baas; moat original, Vim Johnson; 2nd cutest, Dean Britt; youngest, Bil ly Cherry; special eaention, Riley Wil- ' liams. Colored diviaion cutest, Mel vin Perkins: mettiest. Shirley Ann . ton;, youngest, Betty Bass; special " mention. -'Horace Keed and John Much . Moore. IFirst, second and third place win ners announced for idie slogan, potSer. and scrap book entries submitted we- senorted as follows: white division! slosans. 1st class, Uanie 'Stallings; Waldo Winslow. iLarry Stallings: 2nd class, David Butler, liable Keel, Ed-J want Madre: 3rd class, ILoia CopeJand, Julia Ann Stokes, Elmer Overton. Posters, 1st class, (Brenda White, Bren- da Smith. Emmatt Winslow: 2nd lass, Charlie Motttan UmpWett, David But ler, Janice 'Stallmgs; third class, Mary : Ines Powers, John 90, Nelson Nixon. Scrap hooks, .1st class, second grade, P0COS. Hubert Burden, Tommy Mor gan, 2nd class, Lucy Perry, Lynn; Chappell, Bertha Chappell; third class, Louise White. In the colored division, the winaersj were: - Slosrans.'". 1st class. ' Vernon Adams. Golria Beed. Shirley Williams: 2nd class, Linwood Onnond, (Gladys SimpV). Carlton Perry; third dass, 1Shirle' Eason, , -William Bnckhouse, s. Alvanie itt"'! i poMera, 1st class, MH ' liam' ' 'LWhttouiw ki&tef-. William rs,isrcjass,J(.uw Ham' ' Lighti Jjitthf WiUIams. - ' . - . ri Gloria" JReed(.12nd class, James Gris- Bragg; .2nd -class; Jarris Newby, Maryj "Whidbee, Oneida Felton; ithird class F5 Witehril. PL J.Hasell. and! tt. - . , tneir political projectors nave, reouueui Shirley Eason. , ., Issch huge , proportions at they angiadmgltheSsanjirsaiidlaten to undermine the American 'scrap books me. niBnes,were oiviaeai into three .classes, 1, those in grades ohe throusrlC three; t, those in 'grades, four through seven, and 8, those in grades eight chrougn twelve. ISilSJnor Relets AZ23J - ' Perquimans High School's honor roll, - - for the fifth grading period, which . closed iast week, was released today ' by E. C. Woodard, principal, revealing -a total of 70 students as winning - scholastic honors. . The. 8th Hgrade, wWi 35 of its members on 42ie roll, was the leading class. , Those winning honors for the grad- ing period, according to classes, were: , ' - ' Eighth Grade (Jseph Butt, "Charles 4 Smith. , (Barbara Edwards,- Carolyn Eura, Lois Jane Kirby, Emilie White, ' Joanna WilUford, Anne Burke-Chap-i DelL Ray Lane. Mary Frances Euro, . ' "' " Peggy Harrell, "Joan Madre, Evelyn -v i ' Ann Stanton; Julia Anri Stokes, Sue 4 : Perry White, iDaryl Allen, Billy El- r liott, John CJL Uoseph Layden, T '". 'itricia . !Bigers, , Billie Carol Divers; ' Alice Jean Jackson, lUrbara Sawyer, ' Ann Thatch, Colin White. , . Morris, CaOierine Ann Ward, M&y " Ninth Grade Tilson Chappell, John1 , Frances Winslow, Ruth Dawson, Erai- j; , lie Sumner. .i " . Tenth Grade OAable Martin Whed- bee, Nan .Ella V.Tiite, (Marilyn Baker, : Fava Butt Dorothy Winslow, 1 . f lEleverth Cri-JuHa Ann iBundyJ Nellie CarMrr '"-t, Alby Godfrey, wa ma Gooijrin, Irene Hunter,' Amy Van - Roach, r. e Canner, ttJaruia Thatcn, '. Louise Jorim,- Cllly Denton, Tommy v : , Sumner, Pauline ICurbae, Marguerite ; , -Cutler, Kathleen Hurdle, Kargare Sy- - - mens, xiarvina T,Tuite. 4 v ' Twvlth Grade-oria IFaye Allen, . t , . . Norma . E ZZxry T-ue Cook, Vir- ' giria Ciy, , N:a wean ,Coodwln, .f"a.Jorin CanA-riiL. Ccsolvm Harrell. CLrL;:.'e Tli, klv'j BuK.t, ?Goy, '--.Tl. illarold O1 -on. Lewis aw- , son, George Euro, iLI.enod Fulghum, Billy Melvin iLamb, Horace till N . ', Jer and Percy -Rogerson. AMnriCAN LEGION AUXILIARY . TO MZTT 1AY NJGST X ' . .t . . . -.... r .. Th l" ieriean 3"i Auxiliary will meet -. At i i 3. ui. I I 7. ni " ' r 4, at 8 P. M. 1 , . u:llng. '" ILI?s. ' v 11 r. ' a a tIi on Poppy. 1 i r-i - to End. Ki3Prjr Cats' j)ead of ;jirei wait will be honored by the Memorial poppies which, will be worn here on Poppy Day,' May 26, Hn. J. B. Webb Poppy Chairman or William Paal. Stalling .Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary, said tod day, as the Auxiliary continued its preparation for the annual observance daft OririnaUy the memorial flower of the World War I dead who gave their HveT in jtihe poppy-atudden fields of France and Belgium, the poppy hag eome to aymboEze memory of those who have died for America anywnere in the world. It is now the. memorial flower of the dead of World Waf -II and for those who have died in the Korean conflict. , A lanre corps of volunteers will dis tribute poppies here on Poppy Day. ji, nM. -t.w .tjimuvh out the day, pinning poppies to lapels and receivinar contributions for Ameri can Lesrion and Auxiliary aid to dis abled veterans and needy children of veterans. THIS VMS HEKES An all-out counter attack by UN farces in Korea has stemmed the Communist spring- offensive, accord ing to reports from the war front. UN Commander Kidgeway, using ground troops, artillery, planes and Navy guns battered the Communist lines advancing toward Seoul, in an effort' to hali the capture of the Ko rean capital. On Wednesday Navyf planes bombed the Hwachon reservoir, in an attempt to further stem the IRed drive on' Seoul. The Reds had closed the reservoir gates ito lower the river i levels, of the Pukham and Ban Biveisj T rm.l.wt t innaHhinr ton ttiia week htr. the Senate Crime Kinrfi rri-imol investigators, charging' cipnuu l "'""f"1 tTZTTZ way Of hie. Ifte (investigators .point-. sg linger ait wuiiam OT)wyer,rformer mayor of New Tork City, declaring he had permitted crime to flourish in that city.whH he was mayor... f - - - ""The C-fflce of,1- Price" Stabilization1 annouunced last Sunday , regulations Which are expected to cause a, 10 per cent drop in l the," .price, of beef by. next October., TheiOPS placed ceil ings oh livestock of the beef rvarietyj to (become effective in two installa tions in June and October. ." "' - 'Housewives " In-Marshal,''. Texas, have rebelled against filing returns on domestic help to the Social Security Board, and collecting the social secur ity taxes, according to a report from that city this week. -The women, ac-l coiwhg Fo Unreport, wrote Secretary of the treasury,-John 'W. Snyder, ex-; plaining why thy;;t?used,to collect or pay social security: taxes for. their. aomiBsxic neip.. .ey,t4:iatmeu' -wie tax. get up .violates; the ixmstituuon,- $is:C3i j In Fire V '"y AtWinfsII Garage- -' A fire of undetermined origin, dis covered at about 6.-80 Tuesday levea- in. completely ; destroyed 4 garage owned and operated at Winfall by, Carlton Nixon, . ; fine Hertford Fire Department was called to the scene but the blaze had, gained such headway w firemen wwe unable to save the builUng. They did contain the blaae and kept the flames from spread! to 'the jaearby homes; A 1941 Ford, which was being re paired at the garage also burned. ' ; i Total loss caused by the fire was estimated between 12,500 and $3,000. Rock and Bream fVy Released In Rivers ; 1 k awasaaMswi '.The Wildlife ttlesources Commission, last weekV released 50,000 tuck fry in the . j Perquimans Hirer; and , 2Q.00O bream fry -In the Yeopim- River, Iti was reported by Eldon Winslow, Coun ty Game Protector. .- Mr. Winslow; also announced .thati Muddy -Creek will , be closed Ito pro vide a epawnlng area from May 1 to June 80, and fishermen jare asked to take notice f this action. . . -1' - I., - m in..' lii i Vi v,u i ' MASONS TO MEET A i; The Perquimans Lodge,' No. 106, A. F. & A. M., will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the lodge hall. Defendants ' Are Cited For Traffic Violations V Twelve cases were disposcdT of to Perquimans County Recorder's Court, in session here Tuesday with Judge" Chasv. Johnson pwakhnc. Eight no the defendants were charged with vio- laanir traffic laws. ; The Case of Etoor White, charged with, speeding and reckless driving, was .'continued until tile next term of court. 1 . Abraham Goldberg entered, i plea of guiity of a charge of speeding and paid the costs of court. Lester Hurdle, Negro, charged with' beinjr drunk on the streets of Hert ford, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine of 2 and costs of oourt.X ' Charged with speeding os, the streets of Hertford, Albert Whife and Zack Harris entered pleas of .guilty and paid the costs of court.: A fine of $100 and costs of .court were taxed against Roney Msrzille, Who entered a plea of guiltyvto a' chanre of driving drunk. Stanley ' Wilson, INegro wasxtned flO and costs of court on a charge of reckless driving. Wilson ientered a plea of guilty. Harriet Simmons, charged, with passing a school bus while it was un loadinir children, entered a . plea ofi iruuty and paid the costs of court Lyman Wood was taxed "with the costs of court on a charge of driving! a .truck - which exceeded the legal height limit. He entered a plea of guilty. -Solomon Hurdle, Negro, entered a plea vof guilty to a charge of assault; and paid the costs of court. waleigh Harrison, charged wfl be- in drunk on the highway, eubntftted and paid a fine of $2 and costs" of court, William "Carter, Negroj chained with assault, entered a plea of guilty .1,4 tsv Dcrd Tuesday ms. Ileactivation of the official, board ,,ll, v:io nf Winfall Am in the! . nWno.. -.uh r full net-of candidates eek. office m thj, ,town efecWwork of the State Senate, at their, to be held next Tuesday, May 8, Candidates for the various offices on the Winfall "board are. Nathan Mathews for Mayor; F; S. Winslowi and Durwood L. Barber for Commis- isioners; Uharue umpniett ior i-on stable.' -"' . - Harry Baiber has been named to serve as Registrar for the Winfall ejection ' and it - is reported that no new registration will take place. Win fall voters, already listed on the regis tration" books need , not rejrister, but. voters who have moved into Winfall since: the last-leftion must register by Saturday in order o participate in the' election. : 'r ' :. ii Tom Jessups store has been desig nated as the, voting precinct for the electkm, Jandi; the .polls' will be open from 6:30 A M.. to 6.-80 P. M.t for! the balloting. . , , According to reports, much interest is being shown in the coming election for "Winfall and the reactivation of the qfficial board. The town failed to hold an election; four years ,ago, but ac cording to Attorney General Harry McMullan the officers elected the last time continue to hold their positions until their successors are chosen next week. . . : , 1 New Hope. Ruritans Form Scout Troop v . . '. - - - Anouier .troop, oi utoy sscouw nas been organized, in tPerquitnans, it was reported here this week. ' Members of the New Hope IRuiiitan Club are spon soring ft troop recently formed for-thej youths residing in the 'New Hope area. Fifteen boys have signed for member ship in the troop and much interest is being manifested in 'the organization by the residents' of New Hope. Bill. Saunders baa been named as Scoutmaster for, the -troop and Bobby Jordan, as assistant Scoutmaster. A number of activities, including swim ming ' classes and camping trips are bemg planned for the troop. American Legion Meeting Thursday The Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion held its regular May meeting on Thursday night in the Ag riculture Building ; in Hertford with Commander James Snipes presiding over the-busine3 session. -Plans were discussed for installation of new officers for the Post at the meeting to be held In June. Perfect Game Played By Local Team Last Fn . day Afternoon Perquimans High 'School suffered its first loss of the curent baseball aeason last Tuesday afternoon when the Indians dropped a VI decision to the strong Gatesville nine, at Gates- viUe, Coach Ellie Fearing's charges had a bad day1, after winning eight straight victories this year. They were un able to cope with the pitching of the Gatesville hurler, who allowed the Perquimans boys only seven scatter ed hits. Rogerson started on the mound for Perquimans but was re lieved in the sixth inning by White. Walks and errors up to this time had permitted IGatesville to score six runs. Vance Bright scored the only tally for! the Indians, The Indians will have the opportun-j ity to avenge this loss when Gatesville' plays in Hertford on May 11. The Indians will play at Plymouth on Fri day and in Elizabeth City next Mon day. In chalking up their , eighth victory last Friday afternoon, the Indians played a perfect game against Ply mouth, walking off with a 14-0 win in a seven inning contest. iVernon White and Fritz Wulf com bined to pitch a perfect no-hit, no-run game. White pitched the first six innings without allowing a hit or walk and! Wulf came in to deliver the last three outs in succession. The Indians play ed errorless 'ball behind the two pitch ers. Billy Benton, with three hits, and Joe Towe, Clyde Stallings and Clyde Lane, each with two hits, led the bat' ting attack for the Indians. The victory over iPly mouth was counted in the Albemarle Conference standing and placed Perquimans at the top of the conference. It was the 22nd victory for the Indians in the last 23 games played. State Senate Topic AtRotery Meeting j-Memberw of the Hertford Rotarv luh were, told of the activities andL meeting, held Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford, when Senator J. Em mett Winslow .was the guest speaker on the program. "Senator Winslow told of the organi zation of the Senate in the opening stages of the General Assembly, stat ng that the body meet on the first day to receive committer appointments by the Senate President, i " Speaking of the bills introduced be fore the General Assembly Mr. Wins low said the various committees did the greatest . amount of work in con nection with these bills, 'and that many bills were killed in committee hearing before reaching the floor, of the Assembly. , .The Senate's two most important committees are those of finance and appropriations, the 'Senator continued, and all bills calling for expenditure of funds passed through these two groups. - : i He told of the. work of the Con servation and Development committee, of which he served as chairman, in con nection with the adoption of an anti stream : pollution law ' which in his opinion will be effective in solving the stream .pollution problems in years to come. ; Senator Winslow closed his talk with remarks on the strong feeling of fel lowship which exists among the mem bers of the State Senate. Mill Fire Monday , Causes' $1,400 loss. - Fire of -undetermined origin, on Monday, destroyed a dry kiln at the Ellis Miller saw mill in Parkville Township. Mr. Milfer reported loss from the fire was approximately $1, 400. No insurance was carried on the property. , The kiln recently completed, was filled with timber at the time of the fire, and this burned along with the building. Scout Hut Being Constructed -Here , Hertford Troop 155, of the Boy Scouts will shortly have its own hut and recreational building. A scout hut is now being constructed for the boys, on the town . lot on Gnibb Street For mer acouta and interested men are doing the construction work in spare time and the building is expected to be finished about June 1. . " Recount Held A recount of the voting in the Hertford election, requested by M. J. SELTSTSr office Xt SS-H --! E2f-! rt i: J-. - M .1 . MJ' . M mmissioner was held Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock under the supervision of the Board of Canvass- .M MM 'H I- KmuiM aryri It I Pritchard. The results of the recount made no changes in the nominations for town1 offices but did show some changes in totals received by some of the can didates. Vote totals, as shown by the re. count were as follows. Henry Clay Sullivan, 289; (Ray White, 268; Robert L. Hollowell, 207; W. H. Hardcastle, 240; M. J. Gregory, 198; B. C. Berry, 197; Edison Harris, 178. Gene Perry Writes Of Navy Rest Camps In Japanese Areas Something of the rest activity pro vided by the Navy for its sailors and fliers in the Pacific is told by Genei Perry in a letter to his father, J. P. Perry, of Hertford. The letter, written i April 20, was received by Mr. Perry a few days ago and states: "We are heading in toward Yokuska, Japan, for the first chance at liberty that we've had since leaving Pearl Harbor. That's over a month now. I have been aboard this ship, without leaving it since- we left San Diego. That's over a month and a half. Pretty long time to spend in a space as small as this. Yet there is everything here aboard that you could find in a town, almost. At afiy rate it will feel good to get ashore for a little while and feel normal again if that's possible over here in Japan. Even ashore there are a great deal of restrictions that we are subjected to in our actions and where we go, wherewe-nay eat' and our attitude and actions toward the There are areas and places designated as rest camps where we may go for a three-day period. These places have everything from swim ming to horseback riding and good food like you find in the States. You niQ .. as possible and voure tXst about oi on your own as far. as what you want to do. "It will be good not to have to work so hard every day. We will probably stay in port for ten days. Makes a nice vacation for us. Mail hasn' come aboard ship for a long time. Guess when we get in port we will get quite a bit of it." Bethel Ruritans Met Last Friday A member of the Bethel Ruritan Club has been awarded membership in tka inn PllcVil YVim Woman' Madre received his certificate from Londucted' ,on ,May 29' aJd ad m," C. Yagel, Perquimans County Farm J popular Secretary of State, will club last Friday. E. J. Proctor, special guest at the meeting, gave an informative' talk on the cotton situation in 'North Caro lina Over a period of recent years, aa compared to the .past, and explained the good results obtained in this and other sections from dusting. Other guests ' present were Seth Long, J. P. Snipes and . John Elmer Wood, Jr. Discussion was held on the Woman less Wedding recently presented at the Perquimans County High School, for which a repeat performance else where is being considered. An electric heater "was presented to the club by Ruritan I. C. Yagel, who registered in the name- of the club at a drawing of gifts atthe recent KEA meeting in Perquimans,'' and drew a lucky number. , - Other matters discussed were in the line of routine business. New Stock Series Offered ByB&L The Hertford Building and Loan Association will offer for sale its 62nd series of saving stock, beginning Saturday, May 5, and continuing throughout the month, it was announc ed today by Max Campbell, secretary of the association. " No limit is placed on the number of shares an individual may purchase. The stock is sold on the installment basis, at 25 cents per share for a period of 956 weeks. Each share matures at 100 dollars. ' Total assets of the Hertford Build ing and Loan Association, which is now operating in its 6th year, is in excess of 85 thousand dollars. Large Vote Cast In .Town Primary Here Last Monday A total of 441 votes were cast in , ,, .V .t Z.'VZV' WM ilalVMl, mMA nf votem fr town elections in the past 10 years. a V. N. Darden was successful in win ning nomination for re-election to the office of mayor. He received a total of 334 votes while his opponent T. E. Raper received 98 votes. Henry Clay Sullivan, W. 'Ray White, Robert L. Hollowell and W. H. Hard castel were the winning candidates seeking the nomination to posts as Town Commissioners. In the ballot ing for these posts, Sullivan received 288 votes, White 268, Hollowell 206, Hardcastle 202. M. J. Gregory, seek ing re-election received a total of 198 votes and B. 'C. Berry, also seeking re-election received 197 votes. Edison Harris another candidate for the office of commissioner received 177 votes. The balloting for the nomination of the commissioners was exceedingly close between the last five candidates, only 29 votes separating the third place winner and the last. It has been estimated that approxi mately two-thirds of the town's eligi ble voters participated in the primary this week. As the result of the primary Mon day, two of the present board mem bers, M. J. Gregory and B. C. Berry are replaced by ;Ray White and Robert L. Hollowell, as future board members. Election of the official board will take place next Tuesday, May 8, when town residents will again cast votes for the Democratic candidates; the tic ket being composed of V. N. Darden for Mayor, Sullivan, White, Hollowell and-Hardcastle for Commissioners. f iRegistration books for the election to be held next Tuesday are now open and residents who failed to register for the primary, and who desire to cast their votes in the election Tuesday, are advised to register at once with the registrar, Mrs. B. G. Koonce. The polls will Ibe " pen for the' election until 6:30 p r Speakers Secured For Commencement Plans for commencement activities at Perquimans High School, marking the graduation of the senior class and the closing of school for the present term, are now being formulated by the school's commencement committee, it was announced today by E. C. Wood ard, principal. The exercises will get underway on Sunday, May 27. with the bacculaur eate services, to be conducted by the Rev. Charles Wulf, rector of Holy Trinity Church. Commencement exercises will be The Senior Class will hold its class night program on Monday, May 28, County Boards To Meet On Monday The Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Education will bold their regular May meetings on next Monday, beginning at 10 A. M., it Was announced here today. Tentative budgets for the County Welfare Department and the 'Agricul ture service are expected to be pre sented to the Commissioners at their meeting, as well as the usual routine business matters. The 'Board of Education is expected to complete arrangements for the con struction of an addition to the Hert ford Negro school, bids for this con struction have been received and open ed last Thursday. Methodist Zone Meeting: Tuesday The Perquimans-Chowan Zone Meet ing of the W.-S. C. S. of the Metho dist Church will meet " in Hertford Tuesday, May 8th, at the church in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the organization of the zone. .Mrs. C. T. Skinner, chairman,, urges a good attendance. The meeting starts at 10 A. M., and the speakers will be Mrs. Kern Ormond of Ahoskie and Mrs. J. H. Brown of Hobbsville. VFW TO HOLD DANCE The Garland H. Onley Post of the VFW will sponsor a dance at the VFW ' hall in Hertford on Saturday night, -beginning at nine o'clock, it was an nounced here today. - '