r mu;: 003 mam mi m oi:3niuinci0Fa ""?f " ,ir;i.t ftr i rji School's baser" J-itactf th t - 3r in the Ctate il. -o-a - fcy troi-'- Isiuue in games ply-ia e k:t niJLy -1 ronay. Gates- ,a I - V i tie I alIr wjr de 1 1: ; a r j earUer Ja the cattC ' . - v - f-i i It of their victories over the Indians will advance in tie State play-offs " by meeting the V7est Edgecombe nine in a two best oat of three series. The tot same of this series was played at Hertford o Thursday night of this week. The second game.! scheduled to be play ed at West Edgecombe ;on-..Saturday j.vemooa. t : 'Vernon White pitched the Indians' Friday, allowing nine hits and four mm. -while his teammates collected ,flve runs and seven hits off Harreil, vGatesville's star hurler. Led ty Hun ter, who had three hits, the Indians took a 8-0 lead in the fourth inning and got single runs , in (he -fifth and I sixth innings . This victory tied Per quimans ana uatesvine lor ne dis trict One championship and the play off game was staged Monday night 'Coach Elh'e Fearing . used Earl IRogerasn on the mound for (Ferquim. ane, and Earl -turned in an excellent Job of. homing the hard lutung' visi tors in check.. Me gave i up six hits and walked only one man, thus aveng ing the defeat he suffered at Gatee ville. The Indiana collected five hits. The final score was 7-4 for Perquim ans. JGatesville took an early 2-0 " lead in the game but the Indians came back, scoring four runs and were never headed after this point, in the contesti . -V " , ?'' The Indiana as district winners In the Aiuarle-C;rence"wKl fclay r Williamston t or & Conference cham- nWtfihin. . s , " ,w1r rJ JiATt The f-rt - f if Series was played at , V."rM,'" Vecaesday, and the two teai.i tangle here in Hertford next Monday night at eHit o'clock. ...'.? fPerquimans has won-the Albemarle Conference championship for the past five years, and will be aiming for its feixth flag when the Indians meet Wil liamston. A Li Ilc Hertford's outgoing Board of Com-1 missioners met for the last time hereifollowed by the minutes of the first Monday night and voted funds to en tertain the firemen of this district at a meeting, to be staged in Hertford on July 10. ' The funds voted by the Board wilt go for partial payment of ; the meal to be served the visiting firemen. The remainder of the costs ; will be paid by he Hertford Fire Department.' ' , ' : The Board also named TrancU Nix' on and Charles Skinner to represent the town of Hertford at the firemen's school to f conducted at Charlotte next v leave Cel of fee cent i r-1 r two your j men will y r t ( meeting. t. , ori for i tw hi -1- nu . 9 V lr i v.-ere f,sven f c" bens 'i re 1 Le nittv-j r wis Ci6 li- x,r Coia i ' ' rs II. J. G-sory and B. C. 1 v,' "'" v- t. (v- 1 on the r v ' j '.; . ' an t. 7 .-lie. Lr. v. jry served ss a comn ' ioner for 12 ysirs while Mr. ' f-r t'it yanr. - ' j tr- ' : a h'ja : 1 It t" j 1 i u 'l IHutwu.vl .At X"AJ The new Student Council officers for the 1951-1352 school year were in stalled last Friday in a brief cere mony at Perquimans County High School- - ' ' - These officers are elected by the vote of the whole school. They are: president, l'rvina. White; vice-preai-dor-t, Clily X. -;;'.!; secretary, Sus anna Towe";i.ref Pauline -Bur-bage, and sergeanWt-tarms, Joe Towe. The new committee chairmen, who are chosen by the president, were also installed.. They are: "Finance, fiuth Dawson; House and Grounds, Margue rite Butler; Publicity, Mabel M. Whed bee, Margaret A. Banks; Traffic, Frits. Wulf; Standards, John Morris; Citizenship, Tommy Sumner; Social, Amy Van 'Roach; Elections, Clyde Lane,- and Calendar, Wilma Goodwin.. Msficrscry The spring gone meeting of Cho- wanJPerquimans W9CS was held last Tuesday in the Hertford Methodist Church with Mrs. Cr T. Skinner pre siding. The event marked "the 25th anniversary of .' the organization of the Hertford iaocietiea and was at tended by all charter members except Mrs. George Hawkins, first president and organizer of this zone. ' " The service opened with the sing ing f "LighU-of . iths World" and i prayer by thanfiev. A. L. Chaplin. Visitors werethen recognized and greetings were-extended by Mrs. H. Pitt and the response by Mrs. Ed die HaTrelL Reports from the vari-. our auxiliaries were then handed to the president. i " frst ft. S. Monda, In Mrs Kern Ormond of Ahoskie, Mrs. " George Jackson and Mrs.- 'J. H.- Brown of Hobbsville delighted Khe audience with interesting talks.' Mrs. 'Skinner gav a brief history of the organization of. this zone; Invitation to lunch was then extended by Mrs. -Oscar Felton and the morning session posed with prayer by -the Sev. Mr. ChapBn. Dunng the afternoon aession the courtesy committee expressed "appre- lejtion for the luncheon and program that contributed to a delightful meet ing. ; Mrs. Tim Brinn was recognized for a perfect attendance record for-25 years. The zone leaders and record- inor secretary were then recosndzed. meeting, read by Mrs. Ben Thach, Flowers were given in memory of the organizer of the zone, Mrs. Hawk ins, and silent prayer was asked for all members having ' died since the zone was organized,'' Closing meditation was led by Mrs. X L. Delaney and Mrs. Chaffih then sang a solo. The meeting closed with a group song. Cancer Crusade To Qoso Saturday f ; Perquimans County's annual Can cer Crusade being directed this year by the Business and Professional, vb men's Club will come to a close Sat urday of this' week, it was reportdd heri today.- I&porta from solicitors indictte tve local drive for funds is meeting with success aril oCxn of the 3SFW Club are hopef si t' e county's craota wlH be' obtained Approximately 200 has been collected thus far, with a num bsr f reports yet to be turned in to t!.e chtLnnan.- , i - , , vAll solictors are requested to t pkte the canvass of their ten-:, r; an c' ? l -"s to the ETV7 CI b ,k. ' - . Tt, C 1 9 o'clock at Lis I . i iT 1 rjr HertTorJ i' ;: l'' 1- r . " X V w as removed to tl.e Lj f Home pending faneral t v T- .. . H T 1 k-. r cf Ce I..f L ( - V .1Z. -rt r.re ir, t t I: 11 ; : : ! -J'V.jl r 'l. Bend Forfeited By !T feiidant Charged Wpi -Spcedinar Perquimans (Recorder's Court3 fo session here, last Tuesday,, after a.- cess of ' on week, disposed . of-'l eases listed oa ftcourt docket. ivur cases were continued until th next term of court, and a capias was tssued for Elnor Eugene White. - Nefro, charged with speeding, who failetf to appear to answer the charges. White's bond was ordered forfeited. . "."5'- ' Entering pleass of guilty to charges of speeding, were .William Pawing, Richard Thatch and Robert Elliott, each of whom paid the costs of court. ' Osborn Phillips, charged with speed ing 75- miles per hour, entered a pjea of guilty and paid a fine of 25 and costs. , Charlie . Elliott, paid the costs of court, after entering a plea of guSty to a charge'of driving on the left aide of the roadr - - ' J. T. Bass was found guilty ej a charge of being drunk - in a - public place. ; He was fined 110. and costs of couitt. . , - ; . l iDaniel White,' Negro, entered a plea of guilty to charges of assault He was sentenced to three weeks in Jail, and released, having served this time, prior to the hearing. George Whitehurst, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to driving without a license. . He was sentenced to Jail for 30 days, sentence to be suspended upon payment of a fine of 25 and costs. s Roosevelt JHarvey, Negro, charg'fed on two counts of assault, entered pleas of guilty .to both counts and paid the costs of court, Harvey was also fined $2 and costs- charge of being drunk. on thejrtveets of Hertford, . T Charlie Foreman, Negro, entered plea of guilty , to a charge of assault ing Randolph Dempsey, Negro. JH was taxed with a fine of 1 10 and cast of. court, and th4octorV biU foi treatment of Deaipsey. .-. , '. ' ' - Kcjiard Reed, Wegro, 'waV'fined. 2 and costs of court on a charge of be ing drunk art the streets of Hertford. " Dennis Welch, Negro, was ordered to serve 60 days on the roads for fail ure to comply with a court order that he pay (20 per month for the sup port of his children.' " i:rtfcrilli:rTo EnfcrtG V.rss CnFriit The Hertford lions Club will hold its annual Ladies' Night party Friday night, May 18, at Perquimans High School it was announced today by John T. Biggers, . chairman of the Lions committee on arrangements. . - An interesting program has been arranged for the event, which will start at 6:45 o'clock and the guest speaker for the occasion will be W. C Morse, Jr., of ' Elizabeth City. : The. party ..will be staged in the lunch' room at Perquimans High School with dinner being served by the Whiteston Home Demonstration Club. t , ' t" Visiting 'Lions, and their wives, from Elizabeth ! City, Edenton and other neighboring towns are expected to at tend the event. ... ifeetcenGirbln -Pctato Queen Contest Nineteen Perquimans County girls ace entered in the Potato Queen con test, being sponsored by the State Theatre," it was reported Monday- by 3. L. Grubs, manager of the theatre. The local contest is associated with uo Potato imestival to be staged in Elizabeth City later this month. The winner of the local contest, selected at the theatre Thursday night, will ari.!?atft in the "tiit contest in Llintbeth City on l!sy CL : i.rr?red in t:.e loc-1 contest are rieV.ie Crjtwrig!.t, Irene Hunter, Fran- c a'Satton, llary Ce!h Perry, Janice V-rcl, Cety Ann. -ITJhjews, Marfon I. dott, Eay rnton, Nona Lou Lane, i-rfraret Ar.i V i, Saanne Tot tTary Lt'i I ;.-crite IButl ir:"' 'i ' ",'mf, Lc"'e Jordan, IBar- laia u. t, "L ..Ine C&'rpell, Kath leen Luiule 1 Jnk Lamner. TO KZID rZ '21 ', COAST A wierT ro" 1 " i ( "ven by the - ' Saturday, i 4 home of 3s rarti ' ! t of ram t iv '' of - ' ', i i , i .1 ii bi::5roSe!:::i General Contract Bid Is Rejected at Meeting Held Tuesday Perquimans County Board of Edl oauon meeting m - apeoat session here last Tuesday afternoon, rejected all bids offered for the general con tract oft" the Hertford Negro school addition and advertised for new gen eral contract bids to be submitted by two o'clock Friday afternoon. May 25, 1951. -:,v,'.-:,? The action taken by the Board of Education followed series of couH Sultations with State School House Planning Commissioners, and Archi tect J. W. Griffin, who has charge of the plans for the new addition to the Hertford school. It was the opinion of those consulted that bids submitted last month for the project were exces sive and should be rejected. Bifls, however, for the electrical, plumbing and heating jobs were found accept able and contracts for this work will e let to the' low bidders in these fields, providing the new bids for the general construction are iri line with estimates set by the local board, fiv Laws governing construction of school buildings made it impossible for the Board of Education to com promise with the two low bidders on the project, and it was, therefore, ne cessary to reject tlje bids in order to proceed with plans - for . the various projects with the funds available for construction. , f .: , - The Board of Education has appro priated 65,000 for the construction pf this addition to the Hertford Ne gro school, which includes five new class rooms and a combination lunch room and library.':-, :,:;:,-! It was reported the Board of Edu cation plans, if the new bids are ftund to be excessive, to reject all bids for the addition, and call for bids for the construction of the addi- Son to the Negro school and the wo njrtr iaailj.fp4w--wMte graninwrljBw454g atrjctly a county. ancr schools to be constructed at the Sam tunc, uitui uuenii cuutraciora , u larger construction project than avail able under the present offering. The Board will meet again on Fri day, : May 25, at; which - time it will open and pass on bids submitted for the general construction on the Negro addition. -v Perils Entries Slue Honors In Fat Stock Show A brother and' sister from Per quimans County walked off with top honors in the annual Albemarle Fat Stock Show held in Elizabeth City Tuesday. ' ' 'Louise Chappell won first place with her grand champion Hereford, while her brother,. Clarence Chappell, Jr., took second place with his reserve champion Hereford. Wesley Onley of Pasquotank; won third place. In the swine division Bobby Walk er of Currituck won first place, while Clarence Chappell, Jr., took second place, honors with his reserve cham pion DoroC Third place in this divi sion went to, Jean Williams of Cam den. . In the judging contest, conducted during the afternoon, the Perquimans team, composed of Clarence Chappell, Jr., Pilson Chappell and Craige Lane, won second place with a total of 671 points. The Pasquotank tram won first place with 735 points. The Perquimans 4-H Club members are very proud of the record they made in the annual show and express much enthusiasm over future partici pation. The 4-H Club members are assisted with their projects by Coun ty Agents I. C. Yagel and E. L. Top ping. , . ' tv M- Perquimans BPW Club Elected Officers Friday Sliss Hulda Wood -was re-elected president of the Business and Profes slonat Women's Clubs, at the business meeting on Friday night held at fbe home of zsiss Wood. i Other officers elected were ; Mrs. D. M. Jacfessit, . vice presidentj Mrs. C. F. Sumner, recordlnar ' secretary; Mrs. U. II. EiJ 'Bck, : . cprrerponding Secretary, end tlrs. : Jack Burbage, dl. Uict director -at the district meet- in? of. the EFW held in Elizabeth City In April, will represent her home c' t s a fjp:at to the State "Con v i to Is I, !i in Ahevllle on the : , i tl lC.hof June. - Final Payment Made , On Town Street Bonds Final payment on 75,000 worth of street bonds issued, by the Town of Hertford in the early 1920's, was made this week, accordiiur to W. Gl Newbv. town ' clerk, who reported the final payment on the street bonds totaled 1,000. V The bonds were issued to raise funds for paving of the town's streets, and repayment of the funds has been made over a period of the past 30 years.- . ;; . ;: Mr. Newby also reported that the present outstanding bonded indebted ness of the Town of Hertford amount ed to 75,000, which is money due for improvements to the town plant and electrical system, installed years ago. Commissioners Veto Appropriation A savings of approximately 1,400 in the budget for the Town of Hert ford for the next fiscal year was seen in action taken by the new Town Board in session here last Monday night. The Board vetoed a request for an appropriation of this amount for the use of the District Health De partment Since its organization, in 1942, the Health Department has been support ed by funds contributed by both Per quimans County and the. Town of Hertford. The county paying 75 per cent of ' Perquimans' budget quota while the town paid 25 per cent. ; The town's continued support of the Health Department has been a subject of discussion, at town board meetings for the past several years, and the action ' taken Monday was Wed npoM.the ouinion that the Health tion and. Us, unds- should come en tirely f romycounty tax levies. It was pointed out to the Town Commissioners that Hertford is the only city or town contributing to the operation of the department, isasmuch as Elizabeth City and Edenton, both, last year withdrew payment toward the department's operation. It was also reported to the Board, insofar as the State Board of Health regula tions, the Town of Hertford, is not recognized as a sustaining member of the District Health Department, that this recognition goes only to the four counties comprising the district. What effect this action, by the Town Commissioners, will have on fu ture operation "of the District Health j Department remains to be seen; how- ever, it is believed iixeiy the oiii-i cials of the Department will call upon Perquimans County to make up the difference' previously paid by the town. . . ' County Legionnaires Invited To Edenton Members of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary have received an in vitation to attend a meeting to be held in Edenton on Tuesday, May 22, at which time an address will be giv en by Wm. B. Umtead, former U. S. Senator. Preceding the address, a barbecue dinner will be served at 7 P.' M. at the Edenton armory. ; The dinner will be a dutch treaj affair, and any member of the Legion or, Auxiliary who wishes to attend the retlng is asked to contact Mrs. B. Berry before Saturday, May 19. Rotary Ladies Night Party Held Tuesday Members of the Hertford Rotary Club observed their annual Ladies' Night last Tuesday with a dinner dance held at the Officers dub sit Har vey Point. ' 'Dinner was served to the iRotariane and their guests by the Bethel' Home Demonstration Club. ' 'Following the dinner, a number of door prises were awarded, and games were ptayd.'rv''''?'y'.'"V"'"'';:i'i':'";: -The party closed with the dance, with musk furnished by an Edenton orchestra. j:f:x:---'-'v';-. ' Central PTA To Hold ; Picnic Next Monday !A picnic supper will be enjoyed by the ' Parent-Teacher; Association - at Perquimans Central Grammar School prior to the regular meeting Monday eveningMay 21. The picnic will be spread aft 6:30, after which open house be open to -visitors. - 1 will be held and each class room will For Heath Dent Commissioners Post pone .Appointments at First Meeting Hertford's new town board, compos ed of Mayor V. N. Darden and Com missioners W. H. HardcasUe, Henry C. Sullivan, (Robert L. Hollowell and Ray White, elected to office on May 8th, assumed their new duties here Monday night, after being sworn into office by Clerk of Court W. H. Pitt The first meeting of the new board followed immediately after a meeting of the outgoing board. Acting on appointments, the Board named Mayor Darden as City Mana ger, but postponed action regarding appointment of a town clerk and town attorney. W. G. Newby, who has ser ved as clerk for the town for a period of years, was temporarily named to fill the position until the next meet ing. Charles E. Johnson was appoint ed, o1ii.il the next meeting, to serve as .town attorney. The Board post poned action of appointments to gain more time to familiarize itself with the various functions of the town gov ernment. On motion passed the Board au thorized the advertisement of all 1050 delinquent - property taxes due the town, and instructed Mr. Newby to ad vertise these tax liens for sale on June 8 and to Sell same on July 9th. The Board voted approval to a plan, already started by the former board, to construct a municipal building on the town lot, located on Grubb Street. The Commissioners, by motion, au thorized the Town to proceed with plans to borrow 11,000, to be added to funds on band, for this construc tion. According to the plana for this v building, the construction and repay ment of the borrowed funds will come from rentals received on the Harvey" Point base. It was reported that the town received in excess of 2,800 per year rental from this property. 'The proposed building;;, will house town offices, and will contain space " far inublic lunhAotia, trntetin 9. and : A tentative estimate as to the cost of the construction has been made at between 25,000 and 30,000. No date has been set for construc tion of this building, however, an ar chitect is to be employed to draw plans and supervise construction if and when total funds become avail able: ' .. Hunter-Eason Vows The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Sus an Eason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, W- Eason, of Tarboro, and John Graham Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hunter, of Hertford, took place at the Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church of Tarboro, Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, with Dr. J. C. Farlee of ficiating. The church 'was decorated with white gladiola and. snapdragons, in terspersed with ferns and lighted can dles..: . . A program of nuptial music was rendered, with Charles Hussey as so loist .-. fl!he bride, who was given in marri age by her father, wore a wedding gown of white lace and illusion over taffeta, fashioned with a fitted bodice with a yoke of illusion and high neck line, and long fitted sleeves ending in wedding peaks over the hands, and a full gathered skirt. Her finger-tip length veil was of bridal illusion, ar ranged with a fitted cap, edged with seed .pearls. Her bridal bouquet was of white gardenias. Miss Stella Eason,, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Hey gown was of pink net over taffeta, with which she wore a matching head dress and mitts. She carried a bouquet of mixed flowers. Misses Jo Hunter, of Hertford, Ann Johnson and 'Pat Sutdern, were brides maids. Their dresses, made identi cally to that of the maid of honor, were of blue net over taffeta, with which they wore matching head-dress and mitts. They carried bouquets of mixed flowers. . Colon Butler, of Hertford, was best man and the ushers were Dan Berry, of Hertford, Kingsley Wood, of Wash ington, N. C., and William Eason, bro ther of tile bride, of Tarboro.: The mother of the. bride wore a dress of , navy crepe with lace trim, with navy' accessories. Her corsage was of orchids. - - i The mother of the bridegroom wore a navy crepe dress with white Irim, with wwhich she wore navy accesso ries. Her corsage also, was of or chids. - ' . ' Mrs. W. D. Whitley, of Woodville, was mistress of ceremonies. Spoken At Tarboro