PAGE Tlf y .j. vo-v .1 .son, v..o . st i r ci ICO, niU ' -s J ata in C -"-Ty, 1ZZ2. Thomas Un'-tt, ITzrj. 1 Perry and ITae Tfinslo are freanen. AH except Mae Window graduated from iPerquimana High School. Che received her diploma at X Grange jKish School The record of all the . ' .' . !iPerqmman students are very out- The chief aim of the Farmers Hdme Btandiiijr. . Ainiwiratlon in Ffcrcjuimans Coun-J Gene Proctor, a forestry major, ty ia to hc families farm better eoplans to transfer to N. C State to uney can uve Better, inc ageiK su- f J pervised credit program assists those who cannot- get adequate assistance In addition, the farm housing roram ia intended to - help improve rural hoi"- conditions where needed, ,'E. L. llorjran; supervisor stated today. ' (Farm operating loans are made to v enable farmers to buy seed, feed, fer : tiliier, livestock, equipment; of other necessities for production. Farm Ownership loans are made to eligible applicants to buy, enlarge or - develop family-type farms.- j; J - Both farm ownership and farm operating loans are accompanied by guidance in good farm practices. Housing loans are the newest type credit available at the County Of- fice here. -Repayable In 6 to S3 yean, vthey help farm owners construct, im prove, - repair, ' remodel or, - replace firrfsurer of the Student Government houses, or other buildings necessary ... to farm operations. - ., Although Perquimans County bor rowers, lacked enough security for bank credit, they have generally made good with Farmers Home supervised credit. Most repay their loans prompt ly, with interest, , and many pay out months or years in advance. ' Thousands of dollars in increased buying power are represented in the greater net wortn i jvha iamuies. This means not only better business for local merchants but more tax money to support schools, roads, and other public projects. Still more im portant, it means better food,' clothing, health, more comfortable homes, and more educational advantages for the children. AH this is reflected in the families' greater participation in , neighborhood affairs and their leader ' t.i.w 'j.tsvnW VkiiWhea orul farm BUl . vuhv nnrnnizationfl. ' .' ' ' ' ' ' " The Supervisor is aided greatly in his work by numerous Individuals and groups Jiyic, farm, and service or ganizations,' persons in other branch- pa or me suite uiiu icucmi oa wi church, school and community leaders, county officials, and others. -: He feels especially fortunate to have thehelp of the three prominent, suc cessful . farmers who compose his County Committee. ' These Committee men approve applications for Joans, certify as to' the value of farms, and perform ' numerous other ' important continue his studies. Gene has par ticipated in social activities while at tending Chowan. He is vice-chairman of the Men's Judiciary, treasure of the B. S. U. and Lucalian Society. He is also manager of the Student Soda Shop.- i 1 - Ann Onley ia majoring in English and plans to attend Women's Col lege next year. Ann was elected the "most studious" girl of the Sophomore Class. .She has been editor of the college paper, Chowanian, reporter for the B. S. V., and secretary of the Lucalian Society. Colon Jackson, Jr., a pro-ministerial student, was elected "best-all-round-boy" of the Sophomore Class. He is president of the B. S. U., chairman of the Wen's Judiciary, vice-president of the Lucalian Society, assistant sports editor of the Chowanian, and Jean Lonr and PLilo rhlHi were ho. '.s loJE Thursday eveiirj to the Hertford Junior Uuaic Club at the Community (Building at Bethel. ' jfr At a short business - session, over which Patricia Riggers' presided, the following officers were elected for the ensuing years - , ' , f' President Jean YongV 1 f Vice President Charlie Johnson. Treasurer Sondra Hutchison. ; Secretary Patricia Bigger. ' i Corresponding Secretary -Mrs. R. M. Riddick; ' ;,v- The club closed its year with over 800 rating points, of which members are Justly proud. The topic of the program" for the evening was "The Opera." AU the musical selections, most of them en semble, were taken from various Op eras. . This follows up the school pro gram in public school music, w, W.8.CB. MET MONDAY i The W. S. C S. of the Hertford Methodist Church-held its monthly meeting last Monday night, with Mrs. W. H. Pitt presiding, Mrs. D. F. Reed read the minutes and reports were given by the various committee chairman. Final plans were completed for the district zone -meeting, held in Hertford the next day. Mrs. Pitt, out going president, expressed her thanks and appreciation to members for hav ing made her term of office a suc cess. The Rev. A. L. Chaplin, respond ed on tthalf of the members and com mendea her for her work. Mrs. 'J. O. Felton, newly elected president made a short talk. : . .. Mrs. Lawrence Towe had charge of a pledge service program, the topic of which was "I Too Shall Give." She was assisted by Mesdames J. C. Hutchinson, J. Elton Hurdle, George Fields, Jr., R. M. Riddick, W. . E. Colon also lettered in football this past season with the Uhowan squad, v Thomas Umphlett is a Business Ed ucational student Thomas is an as sistant of the library, member of the annual staff, and Lucalian Society. He is also on the Vesper Service Com mittee of he B. S. U. i Marjorie Perry is majoring in Re ligious Education. She is a member of the annual staff, of the Alathenian Society, and Y. W..A. Recently she was appointed devotional leader of the B. S. U. for next, year. . " Mae Winslow is a Business Edu cational student Mae was elected May Queen this year. She is a library assitant, member of the Alathenian Society, and Y,l W, A. She is also a member of the Student Government VirVifVVVVVVvvvvvyft duties. Vj County Making: Chowan Students Good At College Six Perquimans County residents are students at Chowan Junior Col lege. Two, Ann Onley and Gene Proctor are to receive their Associate SAIE ; i UpT50Off . W. M. DIVERS & SON Jewelers Hertford, N. C CUM ft mi; 1 protttllMi SUndard "tcrou Hit botrd" neniiMtttble. . Six month Mitonutle rtrwwl. ... Prompt friendly Mtlon-wtdt euJC torvlc. Ovor million drlvort Imurod. 4 ' v low, "Mltctad rlk" rate. . jS. ; WHY PAY MOM? Itfara yow buy or tnm-iM, omparl Phono, writ or drop hi today HERBERT N.NIXON Phone 8446 or 3196 Hertford Dr. Douglas McQueen CHIROPRACTOR will be located in bis offices above the Hertford 'Bank ing Company on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Office Hours 2 P. M. Until 5 P. M. r" mmmmm rff mmmm m m VMrVVWVWVVWUVAA(VXAAfWUWWVI M gAj RBAL'KIU tl U ' ilM- (it.tjv 'kite Drake,' H. C. Sullivan, R. S. Monds, Jr., and Miss Martha Barnett with Miss Kate Blanchard at the piano.. A social hour followed the meet ing with Mrs. Pitt assisted by her mother, Mrs. T. S. White, Sr.. serving punch, cup cakes and nuts from a prettily decorated table covered with lace doth..." - CLASS MEETS ' , -- The Young Married People's Class of Berea Church of Christ held its meeting Wednesday, May 2. The meeting opened by singing "Draw Me Nearer," after which Mrs. Garland Eure gave the devotional fol lowed by prayer by Joshua Sutton. Minutes were read and roll called by" the secretary, Mrs. Whit Cart wright A poem was read and a short business session held. ' , For closing the class sang "The Last Mile of the Way." The hostess served cakes, candy, salted peanuts and drinks which were enjoyed by everyone. SALE Up To 50 Off W. M. DIVERS & SON Jewelers Hertford, N. C. i f There b nothing Finer than to Live in North Carolina ?"srw TdlivVto North Carolina la Jufl, mM many thiags both wotk and play. It means statewide trout tUbing Mason is on through August 31 . . . It means tho Stats American Legion Convention la Asheville May 31-June 3. It means High SchooV College and University Graduation Exercises. It means the Indian Drama "Unto These Kills" start June 23 at Cherokee and the "Lost Colony" tarts June 30 at the oppo site end of the state n Manteo. Whenever you can lay aside your daily chores, there is always something to see or do in North Carolina; and for refreshing relaxation any time, most of us can enjoy a temperate glass of beer sold under our State A B C sys tem of legal control that is working so well. North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BREWERS, f OUNDAIiOU, INC. "j VAtp( - VAHISII STAIfl ns - V CHOICE! . 7 V A d u r a b I , cT ' - r VASI IA:LE ' wood finish for & ' J ' . A k floors, fornl- : Xy7?v - j " ; ,r::cn;.:::::-.TO. , r . 1 r 1 " " I. LZZ.uu ' " Continuation of itandard uqulpmnt and Mm fto IraM k rftpudwf m avmltobMty of matorhL) in these great truck features CIAT ElZXiZ. 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