PAGE FIVE L It. : ' T;-r left Friiiy for , C!-, to jjin her hut&and, 3 is stationed Cere. - C . i i Irs. B. C Berry, St, spent sevvJ da tils week at Chapel Hill and Durham. . " . Saniay Cutis " , Ur. and lira." W. M. Byrom and daughter, Mrs. Jourida Byrom and children, Lois and Marjorie Ann, of Norfolk, Va, Mr. and Mrs. ' 'Edgar Howell - and. children,' Melvina and Jean, of Tyner, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Byrum, Sr and Mr. and Mrs. John Ward. ; . " ; RECITAL PLANNED ?r - Grammar school music pupils of lira. JR. M. Riddick wall presen re cital at the Hertford Grammar School next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The public is .invited to attend. ....tsf . SCOUTS ITOLD HA YRI3E Members' "of . thai Hertford Girl Scouts, Troop No. B.and their invited guests enjoyed a hayyride and picnic ' supper last Friday evening. The groups met in Hertford and traveled to Har vey Point by truck for the picnic Mrs. J. T. Siggers and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Williford Williford were chap eroned for the event. 1 1 l 1 i : , :cJ and read u 3t - HONORED AT DINNER - Mr. and Mrs; Nate Relfe entertain ed at a steak supper last Tuesday evening it the Hotel Hertford, honor ing Miss Ruth Elliott and Eldon. Win slow whose marriage will .fcka place next month. Those present, besides . the host and! hostess and .honored guests1 were Miss Thelma Elliott and Jarvis Ward.' Mr. and Mrs. Relfe pre sented .the couple with a gift of. sil ver. - J VV1' '! ' -i'5:;.1 Clsssif ied and Lezzte FOR KENT 3-EOOM APARTMENT -- No children. .. Apply Mrs.' W. T. ; 'Brown, J.06 Grubb Street, Hertford, .TOR SALE -"SEVERAL ITEMS OF household furnishings. See Uaith - er Hendrfat at the County Home. It IPOat RENT INI . NiEAiR , FUTU!RE one large 10-room .house,- suitable for large family, or boarding house, or rooms for rent.. The same is now " equipped- for" 2 " five-room apart ments, modernly equipped, and each with private. bath, Apply J. S. (McNiderf-for date available,- Hert - ford, N. CI . , , ; it .J T" "TTCiIJD ccix j LLT-.n:.,. -Ybchooil 'j will te x. :.'ed for the : conttructirn wc.k only. v j ar4 kx?iZ:z tior.3 and bidding i are on file at Ce office of j. T Ci'IIA, Jr., Architect, iviile, N. C, and ma be obtain ed fw.ii -him upon deposit of Twenty. Five dollars (125.00)i Bidders who submit a bona fide and reasonable bid will be refunded the full amount of the deposit upon return of came in good condition within five 5) days after letting date. - tkst of printing aud handling will be retained on an ooiers. AH Contractors are nereny notuiea that any and all pertinent provisions of ; the General r Statutes or worta Carolina governing the letting of pub' He building contracts, subsequent amendments and enactments pertain ing to the licensing,, registration and regulation of their respective profes sions and trades will be observed in the receipt of bids' and the award of the work. All bidders must be duly licensed as Contractors by the Sta of North Carolina at the time of sub mitting their bid and. as provided by G. S. 105-64, Subsection B, before un deiftaking to execute any contract. . A; bidders' certified check for of the bid must accompany each bid. (In lieu thereof a bidder may off er a certified check for 2 of the bid plus a bid bond of S of the bid). As required by law, all certified checks submitted with proposals shall be drawn on a Bank or Trust Company insured by the J Federal Deposit In surance Corporation. Said deposit to be retained by the Owner as liquidat ed damages in event of a failure ten days after the award or to give satis factory surety as reqquired by law. -A performance bond Is required in an amount equal , to 100 of the con tract price conditioned upon the faith ful performance of the contract and upon the payment of all (persons sup plying labor and furnishing materials for construction of the project , - u No informal bids will be received, the Owner, reserved the right to re ject any, or all bids, and to waive in formalities.;: Oiv -.: '.J::: ; The award of the'eontract vjll "be conditioned, upon funds being made available for construction and the Owner reserves the right to hold the bids for a period of 80 days after the date of the opening thereof. .-, J, T. BUGGERS, Superintendent BOARD OF EDUOAfriON OF PERQUIMANS COUNT?, ;f Hertford, North Carolina, v JAMES W. GRIFFITH, JR. , " Architect . " Greenville, North Carolinar, ;7t i i , i 4- i. i mayi,8 . Y, - J 1 1. .J k i .a cf Vih cnvrri to L C. : ty S. F. Gregory as J sy H. Crcory by died recorded in x-jc,i 7, yaje . ana anoKuer ana looser portion conveyed by B. IF. Greg ory and Koah Hoggett. - Dated and posted this the 12th day of May, 1951. -; - ,. G. v. TO WB , ' Trustee. - SALB of valuable lands North Carolina, , ' Perquimans County. ' i By virtue of two certain mortgages executed to the undersigned, as fol . lows: iBy Soney Riddick and his wife, Mary Riddick, on the 'Wh day of June, J.940, and duly of record in the Regis j try in the above county and state in - Mortgage Book No. 22, page 588 and ' by Soney (Riddick in a second Mort ; gage On the 6th day of October, 1949, : and duly of record in aid r?istry in said -county and state. ,ta ITortgage V xook z2, page fr7,aeiauit having been made in the payment of the. Notes theWby.secured; I shall, in accordance , with the .terms of aid mortgages, of vfer for ecl for cash to the highest bidder at the -Court House door in said day of June, W51, the prepef.y con veyed in said mortgages,- described substantially as follows:.-" First Tract: All my ?4ght, titte and interest in, and to that' certain, tract , containing 21 acres, more or less, it once being the. home place of my mother, Elizabeth Riddick, and the place whereas she, was living' at the , v - - www.. aujWAAUil uic lands of William -Riddick and others and the county road, leading from the "Up River Bridge," the Same descend ing to said Riddick as heir at law and , by pnrdusatyj;, JSecond Tract : Containing one .acre, " the place where I. now live, and ,ad . joining the lands of Odel Hurdle, Man ' Frierson and others and the county road, usually designated "the Low Ground Road". Tor other and more definite description reference isihere i by made to the Registry of said Coun ty Mortgage Book No. 14, page 68J in mortgage to W. C. Chappell and Mortgage Book No. 16, page 409 in tnortf8re to B. G. Hount.Tw ' 1i.iri.T.t: Containing '10 acres, ; more or 1 1 '-3 all and the entire L t i J. .1 or contracted to pur-chr-e from te estate of J. I. Per0 tl.e s .?i tract a-'.' ining the lands of tlJ " 3 nn I !an 'Frierson, the 1 '3 cT '.' 2 named J. I. Perry f iite, i, 1 and bounded by the "Low GrounJ u.d" lean,r ' from ' ' ory Cross" to the ' Cross 1 . . . j .'(,'' ..,.'....... r' , 1 .-J and potfted'this T'y j. is. 1 - , IT. C, 17 AY.MAY 1 V I. ous Armstrong and his wife,- Corse line, on the 31st day of August, 1948, the same being duly recorded in the. office of the Register of Deeds in Per quimans County, North Carolina, in Mortgage Book No. 22, page 662, de fault having been made in the obliga tions therein set out, I shall at the request of: the holder of the Note thereby secured, according to the terms of said Deed of Trust, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in said County on the 18th day of June, 1951, at 12 o'clock, noon, the property conveyed in said Deed of, NOTICE LAND iFOR SALE By virtue of a certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned by Luci- 'Myww,,ll''M 1 n n-nnnru'L iiuwuL.uu.qnaaaiLn- Trust -follows: -.--. that certain tract of land generally known as the "Good Man Stalling Tract," containing 68 acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of the Nina P. Cox estate and others and bounded on the North and West by the "Lilly Tract," Northeast by the Walter Stallings seate; Southwest by the county road leading from the "Up River Bridge" to "Sandy Cross" and the J. B. Lane tract. x w . eing all and the same land con veyed to the said Lucious Armstrong and his wife by David Lane on or about the 31st day of "August, 1948, this Deed of Trust being executed to beenre the balance of the. purchase price-Xor same. Dated and posted this the 12th day of May, 1951. - ? 'J. S. McNIDER " " , -, , Trustee. m8yl8,25junel,8 - SALE Up To 50 Off W. M. DIVERS ft SON Jewelers Hertford, N. C. tV.S-19-51 . 1 ARM OUR Take your shopping list In one hand and your total cash register receipt In the other . . and compare. Your total food bill Is CON . 8I8TENTLY less at Colonial 8torea. That's because Colonial tags a low price en every Item, every brand throughout the entire store plus several deep-cut "WEEK-LONG specials" effeclve Thursday thru the following Wednesday. Colonial's Store-wide Low Price policy saves you money where savings really count ... on your TOTAL food bill for the weekl ITR R. RGADYTOBAT ( O lb. M J C2 NOTICE LAND IFOR SALE Cy virtue of a certain mortgage executed to the undersigned on the 31st day of August, 1937, by Joseph Worn White and his wife, Mary' Eliza beth White, the same being duly re-, corded in the public Registry of Per- quimans County, North Carolina, in 1 Mortgage Book No. 19, page 343, de fault having been made'in the payment -of the Note secured thereby, I shall in accordance with the terms of. said Mortgage offer for sale at the Court House in said County, at public auc tion, for cash, to the highest, bidder on the 18th day of June, : 1951,'-at -11:30 o'clock,1 A. M, the property in said mortgage,: described as. follows; IA11 that tract or town lot situate in the town of Winfall and situate on the west side of the county road lead ing from the town, of Winfall to Bel videre, at H. A. White's corner, thence . South 16H" East, 115 feet along "Bel- . videre Street"; Thence South 64", West 420 feet; Thence North lOH", ' West to Daniel Jones or H. A. White's line ;thence along the line of the said Jones and White to the first station, containing 1 ; and ' one-tenth . acres, more or less, being all and the same land conveyed to Joseph Worn White y by J. R. Edwards by deed recorded in Deed Book No. 16, page 400, for fur ther reference. - Dated and .posted this the 12th of 2 May, 1951. - J.S. McNIDER ' ' . , ' Mortgagee.'. mayl8,25,junel,8 - DRESSED AND DRAWN F ANCY FOWL 4-8Lb. Average Weight Per Lb. 63 : COLD CUTS FOR SUMMERTIME MEALS TASTY SPICED Lunchon Meats lb. 69c :; - .v.J. . . , . .- i FLAiVOBJFUL SLICED ' -"Pop GideBologna lb. 59c ECONOMICAL SEAFOOD GREEN SHRIMP lb. 59' HADDOCK FILLETS, lb. PERCH FILLETS, lb - . H&G WHITING, lb... . 39c .43c -23c o ooo oooooooooo oo ooo ooo ooo 46-Oz. Can OOO o o o o o dcx? cn CZGUUIXX 1-Lb. Bag N.OTICE By virtue of a certain deed of Trust executed to the undersigned G. D. Towe on - the 25th day;of April, 1927,-by R. C Jacocks" and his wife, Addie, Rachel J. 'Besa and her hus band,, Leonard Bess, James II. Jacocks and his wife, Cora iacscks, D. O. Ja: cocks and his wife, Ludy, Lovinia Med ly, Ellen Jacocks, I. W. Jacocks, Jesse Jacocks and Laura Jacocks, the same being duly registered in the office of the Register of EisJs of Perquimans County in Mortjas Deed Book No, 18, page 307, default- having been made in the payment of tha Note se cured thereby, I shall, at the rquest of the hok'r of said Note, in'accord a;,. e v ','Jh the terms of tle said D. ed of TiUijt, offer for sc!e at pul.lic auc. tien t the Court House Door in Ilert ', .'V-'--ans Counl', N. C fane t! 3 i h, 1C51, at 12 o'clock. E.e pr-; . '.y conveyed in said Deed of Tru ,t, v'vr:!.e(J as follows: - '" , Ian1- n.. r '-s COOL REFRESHING SUMMER DRDIK-HI-C GOOD TO THE LAST DROP MAXWELL HOUSE , LESS THAN 9c PER CAN REDGATE NO BETTER MARGARINE AT ANY PRICE ! NU-TREAT I I PACKED IN OILMAINE RICH IN FLAVOR AND NUTRITION ' fAPI FOB BABIES ITCHY soap 2.. 31c V WASHES CLOTHES WBTTM lif'S 1VOBT MILD ,:'-:." 19c v MAKCS DISHB8 SHINS APS FOB COLO SS " MJwI'Jrts Z 32c BAST ON TBS BANDS ' VC:G CC"? 3e.25c soap 2'SSS. 27c wnrr "t olbanseb ! 27c " OUT r 8S VARTEB ":-f. ACL2Sf 21s w aiafc..'nriilS - .CAN . T 1 1 ik - - ma it . CAN AlVO ' f it' s s ,'j.narvh uorn ' .. ' 4- u j - --3 ou1" SMkS o -t or o O CRISP HARD HEAD ojTiBI CADDAK O FANCY GREEN TOPPED j?pectM.J 3 lbs. 10c 2 bchs. 19c O Fancy .Yellow Or White 6 nnnnn . V BlkJI BW Imm v 2 25c o o . all snots nntrr hobida -ot. 39 U. S. NO. 1 FLORIDA WW WHITE , 5 lbs. .25c 7 no. t " If CAN " fj l.vr,t c.t'JV. StlNKIBT 4 OUIN STBINGLBSB M n . 2 ( O, . M r n

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