ruL",' -i ercry r.ilxy at E ford, North Carcla. - 1IAX CA12C: .Editor: : Entered s cond class matter November 15, 1334 at Post Office tt Hertford, .North Carolina, wi der the Act of Larch, 1879 ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES In Perquimans, Gates, Ckmru and Pasquotank Counties, per fear, $1010. , Outside Perquimans, Gates, Ghewan and Pasquotank Counties, per Tear, $2.00. Advertising rates fumished by request. " FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1951. Most Farm Homes Have Electricity, One of the neatest social and eco nomic advances made in this country during the past fifteen years has been the rapid electrification of rural America. It is now estimated that 'more than ninety-five per cent of the country is covered by rural lines which carry electricity to 4,900,000 of the 6,200,000 occupied farms of the nation. This is a tremendous stride from 1923 when the first experimental electric line project was built by the Northern States (Power Company, in cooperation with the Farm 'Bureau Federation and the University of Min '-nesota The line covered only six miles, connecting only eighteen farms. . Progress was rather slow for many years but the widespread introduc tion of alternating current, making possible long-distance transmission, and the development of the steam tur bine, reducing the cost of manufactur ing electricity, were important factors in the trend upward farm electrifica- : tion. , - - The real advance, however, began in 1935 when an executive order is sued by (President Franklin D. Roose velt set up the Rural Electrification - Administration to finance, through, a program of government loans, the ex tension of electric Service to the rural areas. At that time less than 750,000 American farms were receiving cen tral station service. ' - : ;.: ' The following, year the agency iwas made permanent and since that time has advanced more than a billion dol lars to borrowers to energize nearly a million miles of power lines. About half of the farm families now getting electric service -are supplied by REA- finance facilities. .The IKEA points out that there are a number of ... unserved farms and thousands of unelectrified rural non farm dwellings, cross-roads, business es, schools, churches and other rural establishments. Most of them are in "thinner" areas where sparse popu lation, typography or economic con ditions constitute obstacles to immedi- ate and profitable service. ! We do not have the figures for the fiscal year that ended last June but, as of June 80, 1949, the borrowers from the REA has paid back $203, 000,000, with $19,000,000 being paid back ahead of time and there was out standing only $976,000 in overdue pay- ments. t The extension service to rural areas has had important effects upon farm life and activity. Not only do rural families enjoy the advantages and con veniences of electric appliances but farm work has been facilitated by the use of power which conserves man power and makes possible greater and more economical productivity. It should be apparent that the in troduction of electricity to more than 4,000,000 iarm homes, not counting the other activities served to the rural a rears, means a tremendous market for the manufacturers of electrical devices and appliances. This, in turn, means business for wholesalers and re tailers, as well as those who serve the electrical needs of farm customers. Here's How Farmers Are "Overpaid" "Rather than being over-paid, farm ers are earning less for their labor, less for their in vestment,' and less for . their management ability, than any other segments of pur economy. - These- are the words of Charles F. Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture, who takes the position that it would be unfair to freeze farm prices below the parity level or to take the parity provisions from the Defense Produc tion Act. -si The Secretary, submitting figures .to the House Agricultural Committte, ' showed that the , farmer last year ; got an average of sixty-nine cents an hour for his labor, five per cent of his interest and. nothing for manage , ment , He pointed out that sixty-nine cents was leas than the minimum wage for most types of non-farm Jabor, that the five, per cent, Interest on Invest- MAmf urns liia aa 4-lt4wJ 1V.h Aa VOD W1CM1 VUO-UUIU, U1Q received by corporations on capita in cJvti ty luLit. i fl-i i -s l,o rex resent one of C i LV-.t . $ li groups in the country. . Further supporting ids statement, Mr Brannan presented figures to the Committee showing that the. pay of farm workers declined annually from ninety-four cents an hour in 1947 "to aixtv-mne cents last year. In the same time the pay of manufacturing workers rose from . one dollar ana twenty-four cents to one dollar and forty-six with comparable increases for construction and retail trade work ers. Closing Exercises v For Training School rVmnmATuwmMit. exercises for Per- suimana Training School at WinfaH have been announcecd as loiiowa oy R. (L. Kingsbury,' principal of the school. The exercises started May 10 with an operetta presented by the first and second trades. Other classes will present operettas In connection with the commencement. i - iRev E. Everett Lewis, pastor of the Holv Trinity Church of Elizabeth City will deliver the baccalaureate ser mon on Sunday afternoon at 3 o clock, May 27. On Wednesday night, May an. at. fliirht o'clock the graduation exercises will be conducted by the members of the graduating class who arranged and prepared the program. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. H. A. Whitley was hostess to her bridge club Thursday night at her home on Church Street Those playing were Mesdames W H. Pitt, Trim Wilson, & IP. Jessup, W. H. Hardcastle, J. H. Newboio, . u. a. Davenport Jack Brinn, and the host ess. The high score prize went to Mrs. Brinn. A sweet course wis served. ; ... i i ' IlertTv-r !, L'. C, . s day ct 1 cr , be plea. J in I t All persons fcu ' 1 will please tnsLa i .This 7th day of J ELLS I v Executrix of I mayll,18,2T;iuntllJ 3 -s.:u i 't-very. 1 estate ' , ent. i (.rehand NOTICC c? a: jn Having quallTI 1 t j ' Ltrator of the estate of ZliX HJ.. 9 Tynch, eceased,. late of ITer: "-liners County, NorUh CaroKna, Cia Is to notify all persona having claims --' st the estate of said deceased ev it them ;re, N. C, t April, "2d in ,rs in to the uiktersUped st C v ! on or tcfore the ZA : 1952 or it-is notice U ' ) 1 bar of their recovery. 1 1 debted to said est '.a wi.l y. immediate payment. This 3rd day of April, &C31. ' c f. ty::h, - Administrator of 'Krs. Olattie Tynch apr6J1307nay41 f ntue Classified end Legds FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE modern, unfinished attic, in desirable location. Lot 90 x 156 feet See W. Ii Sumner, Hertford, N. C, or phone 4006 after 5:30 P. M. may25 FOR AILE-7H 'AJCORiBS OF 5LAND. One and a quarter miles south 4f Hertford on Edertton Highway. Can ' give clear title. Mrs. A. B. Keen, 7611 Gloucester Ave. Norfolk 5, Va.J . Phone 84349 . apiSO-mayllpd, NOTICE! OF ADiUNI-l-lATION Having qualified as iAiminktrato nf ihtt Atttate of Mrs. Joyce IB. HarreH, rWiuuwd. lata of Perauimans County, North Carolina, this is o notify ell persons having claims against the Ant jiita of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. W on or before the at& oay ox Apm, 1952. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of 'their recovery. . All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment . ; ( This 18th day of April, 1951. CM.HARTvnLL.ffR., , Administrator of Mrs. Joyce B. HsjrrelL apr27ay44a,18,254unei FOR RENT ROOM WITH BOARD Apply Mrs. J. C. Moore, Hertford, iN. C, phone 8356. ; may4.ll M1ALE HELP WANTED TWO im mediate openings for reliable men to call on armers. Wonderful op portunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience required. Permanent. : Write today, McNeas Company, De partment C, Candler OBldg., Balti more 2, Md. mayl8,25p NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ... Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Mathew Henry El liott, deceased, late-of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home on or before the 30th day of April, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , This 24th day of April, 1951. , CATHERINE W.' ELLIOTT Administratrix of Mathew Henry - , . Elliott mayl8,25,junel,8,152 - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Ephriam Forehand, de ceased late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons.! having claims against the NOTICE OF BALE ; Under end by virtue of iui;order of the iSimerior . Court of Perquimans County, made in the special proceed inir entitled J. F. Hollowell et als asainst T. L. Dessup et als, the under signed eontmiesioner will on the 26th day of May, 1951. at 11:30 A. M., at (the Court House door in Hertford Perauimans County, iN. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder lor casn that certain tract of land lying and toe ins: in Parkville Township, Perquimans County, N. C, and more particularly described as follows: i . : Beta in Parkville Township, and be ginning at the 'Thos. Jones (nowC. J. Umphlett line) in the own of Winfall on the road running from WinfaH to Hertford. Umphlett's southeast corner and running north 85 4 degrees west 3?4 chains to s Stake m the IN. 01 es. RK. right-of-way, thence along said right-of-way south "20 degrees west 1 chain, thenSe south 83 chains east L: at - . ..i'l . v try Ir 1 s Coir ty, N. C A ca-h t - t as rer-ured ty I will be requ".;i of the ejxzzzti der. - Dated and r li this ZZJh day C April, 1S51. CIIA3. E. ON, ' , ' Con. nL loner, t. may4,1148,p5 - C f ' , ' ' " L k k kji . -- - -' - yr. iL sdivitj & son Jewelers Hertford, N. d zz;cuk rncDUCTs GOODYEAR and ' U.S. ROYAL :TLTJCS&nd TUDES . "Let Us Service Your Car Today." '-- -'' $w-- tf Fcr 11:3 C: ;t Li.. . O g.s - c:l O GREAC2 . O TIRES ';,0 BATTERERS O, WASHING Q G DI'S 'EI RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 8S01 SALE . ? Up To 50 Off - W. M. DIVERS & SON Jewelers Hertford, N. C G:yS!:vi-Du.-.-n syCr;::3 vu Resiles liighte. When lddnay tonetton dam down, many folks complain ol nagging backache, haadr ebea, dizzineai and loaa of pep and anorffy. Don't auffer rettleia nights with then oi . eomforta if reduced kidney function i get- ting you down due to auch common eauees ' as ctroa and atrain. over-exertion or e- poaur to cold. Minor bladder irrltationa - dae to eold, dampoeaa or wrong diet may. eauae getting up nights or frequent passage, - Don't neglect your kidneya if these eondW . tiona bother you. Try Doan'a Pills a mild diuretic. Uaed suceenfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, it's amazing how many times Doan'a giro happy, relief from these discomforts help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and Alters flush out waste. Get Doan'a Fills today! Domrs Pillo SALE OF VJLIOE 1211 ESTATE Pursuant to an ordet of resale oi real estate for division enter ed in the Special Proceeding Mrs. JT. (Mary Russell) Godfrey x ,, et als. vs. George Godfrey et als., May 5th, 1951, by Hob. W.H. " Pftt, Clerk Superior Court, the undersigned commissioner will on Saturday, May 26th,, 1951, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court i House door in- Hertford, offer for sale at public auction, to the ' highest bidder for cash, the following described tracts of land lymg'and'befag.m'New state, to" wit: 1 ' l ' Tract No.: Located in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, bounded on the North by H. C. Godfrey lands, East bthe lands of H. C. Godfrey, West by lands of Chas. Creekmore formerly T. R. Harris, and on the South by Deep Creek, same containing six acres more or less, and ' being" the same land conveyed to 'J. T. Godfrey by R. C. Lowry and wife recorded in Deed Book 16 page 492 Perquimans County Registry. , . ' ' VALUABLE BUILDING SITES .'. .. ..-. .. Tract No. 2: Located in-New Hope Township said county and state 'BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Cale White's land on the old stage road running through Wooiville, and running along the said Old -'Stage Road N. 41 degrees, E. 219 fet to the edge of the New Hope Road, thence along the New Hope Road S. 24 degrees, 30 feet, E. 572 feet to ; a small ditch, thence along this ditch in a souleasterly direction 1-1 -feet to a stake, thence at ritrht angles to said small ditch 10 feet more or less to the line of Cale Whit, thence along the said Cale White l ie to th? olace of iBEGINNING, containirr 2 acres more or less, beu t ' Tract No. 1, of th Alonza Godfr'y Tf s ; ition, and being the same If" J conveved to John T. Godfrey by V. li. Oakey, Jp, and Chas. E. J0...1- ". 'son, Commissioners, by deed recorded in 'Cook 31 page 406, Perquimans County Registry. -. 'A deposit of ten per cent of the amount bid will be required of tl.e - successful bidder immediately folio- 'ig the sale, , :. (Dated and poSrted this May 6lh, l.l. ; ' j ATr . 3 rccT Grri. p EOW rJ L IT IN ON3 EOUr If Not i " your 40c bac fr n anv ru-' T-4-tL f really tr )! for WxA CONCBNllATlON. I u I . AiisiTiisn aimriAi rvnoa , iininsi r ' -u - -- . uimvu taiwj.Mi . aiwv q'w - t i 1 1 r-igirsirirv yi rambTifATiiu power, jruais BEDDED germs on contact Now at S & II. - aav Try a Perquimans Weekly Classified Ad V;' 1".. '-.-'.:: ' .." . :.. : . '' '..-..,'. . r ; . . tt -tt . . . . . , 1 .. - . . ' j ' COWS TO THE WRON3 KINOOFA POCTOB, I TireKWX I'M f . V VETEBIMARIAN. &0 TO WORX OM Mcj OOC, I WAS THE SON OF A . .1PKMPT FnOTUIKIIdlKIA I COUL.P DRIVE A5 PIZZj AS I WW. t :L.tcVBfna1F-KOMNOWO ANYCA1? I HA" hS &W STO t 5 S 'VICPO fa&ULAil!f by t . tc vr;:-3 QUAKAKrtc3T-UiM05T l If i"ssimissMsss-- " 1 " . -1 v , , r f , v.. Ve !ocn windshield end wiper - blcdos njVVVlAnfirVVVVWVVsWfVV sssssssfcs 7o deen iter window end 1iccn:o plata Vo chock lircs end tiro pressure spcrp v . ( 1 I U: Wo clean end chec!: IswMs.asssV cr.a czz-i 7- W , n n urn fr r .I 2V1!. Lr.'-zr cr.d c!; L.:zr.i7 For tho Ml. r T..500 your, Sinclair Doalor All these courtesies yan cgn expect ' -v ' -, - . : ' JREE aod'with smile when you , . drive ia tt tie faailiat Siicbit H-C $!o. And,f cour:?, you r;ct tie.finest " , is power-pactsd ,"tllzz, motor ell, ind kbricden sztvkz, too. A ' . . i . ZV77L C 1 I t n vestments; and the zero for manage Ctimmiaoioner. ment compared with the salaries re- mayl8,25